TFL-Legends of Rare Design...LORDS

Sorry it's been so long...things are going to change, slowly but surely. As for now, peep some of the new. You can still take a peek at the old site.


Some of the boys made a trek to Fresno..Lews&Topr Wesk Leks Mes Obses Pastym Posh Quake Spoze Leks&Use Styl Casm Jenks and our homie Werk GTL
Also a little work from our boys in Europe..Shue Shue Wien Prod 1 2 Mario Shue&Fader
Trains Mario&Shue&Defie Shue&Phekt Zyek Phekt
Freights Styl Wesk Styl&Wesk&Tuph Wesk&Styl Wesk&Styl Wesk&Styl
Truck by Sleep for Burning Man 1 2
More Walls Wesk Casm 1 2 Styl 1 2 Defie Quake Renos Pastyme Drane Fader&Mario Wesk (for Bizr86) Styl Wesk LORDS/UM Prod Mario Mario&Phekt Mario Obses Obses Obses&Casm Styl Lords Trailer Wesk Styl&Wesk Wesk&Styl Wesk 1 2 3


Page 1
Pastime, Aura, Natural, Drane, Klevr, Phekt, Poesia, Quake, Tech, Styl, Schu, Sace (with Year)

Page 2
Styl (with Phina and Wesk), Schu, Fekt, Schmoo, Posh, Tomas, Poesia

Page 3
Tech, Bzar, Rikoe, Zumbie, Victory (with NZ-One), Styl

Page 4
Defie, Dest, K2, Kasm, Leuse, Natural, Styl, Tyboe

Page 5
Obses, Natural, Schu, Styl

Page 6
Bizr, Adee, Apex, Rob1 (with Bleek), Anger (with Gas)

Page 7
Chez, Defie, Delt, Dest, Dingo

Page 8
Dest, Leks, Drane, Fade, Kokes

Page 9
Drane, Quake, Adee, Vendr, Styl, Poesia, Posa, Over, Tech, Topr, Renos, Sacer




Page 1
Cameo, Cosoe, Lews, Defie

Page 2
Cosoe, Quake, Defie

Page 3
Cosoe, Topr (w/ Dut), Styl, Renos, Dest, Kaput

Page 4
Cosoe, Dest

Page 5
Cosoe, Dest, Kokes, Jolts

Page 6
Dest, Leus, Kokes

Page 7
Natural, Quake, Leus

Page 8
Natural, Quake

Page 9
Styl, Natural, Quake

Page 10
Tyboe, Natural

Featured Writers

ROB1 Rest In Power (on Art Crimes)



Posh (on Art Crimes)

Graf Con
Flix of some of the Lords stuff and their homies from Graf Con in TJ...Quake's story coming up!
Quake Dest Chez Natural Styl Pashe Poesia Pastym Use Unoe Vows Wesk

Page 1
Ish, Vendr, Chero, Shed, Schu, Jolts

Black Book
You have to have one of these on a graf site, right?
[email protected]