All artwork is © copyright 2007 the artists. Please send corrections to [email protected] and mention Switzerland 5.
Photos by Roger Le Marié. No republication allowed without permission. In Basel:
Bly 7 - 1995
Bly 7 - 1994
Bly 7 - 1994 (Oberwil)
Bly 7 - 1994 (Oberwil)
Bly 7 - 1994 (Oberwil)
Dest - 1990
Dest - 1988
Endo - 1987
RTO - 1988
Stain & Sing - 1987
Stain & Sing - 1988
Eatzee - 1994 (20m x 4.5m) (Muttenz)
Beast (Zaro) & Beam - 1986 (Therwil)