Art Crimes: Victoria 2

All artwork is © copyright 2003 the artists, in Victoria, Canada. Photographs by Lee Glasgow [email protected] .

Special thanks to Lee Glasgow for his important documentation of the Victoria scene. Efekt spent a lot of time doing his best to make sure proper credit was given on Victoria pages 2-19. (Any stupid mistakes were made by Susan when interpreting file names.) Please email us about missing or incorrect information (say which page it's on). If you have better images of some of the pieces, please feel free to send those as well.

RIP Ghost.

vic_adept_themx.jpg Adept, Theme vic_arokx.jpg Arok vic_askx.jpg Ask vic_ask_note_versex.jpg Ask, Note, Verse vic_awakex.jpg Awake vic_awake_2x.jpg Awake vic_unknown_13x.jpg Kenetic vic_unknown_14x.jpg Nine


City Walls

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