H O T F I X 1 F O R A M U 2 . 4 0 K Installationprerequisite : AMU 2.40K Related ticket : ET0000042941 Contents of the fix : arcsqle.dll 205.417 07.03.00 arcsqle.bnd 59.255 07.03.00 arcsqlen.bnd 2.352 07.03.00 budsql.bnd 9.705 07.03.00 Installation : - End AMU Software - Save the existing original file(s) - Open a OS/2 Window - Change to the C:\AMU\DLL directory - Rename the original file(s) Example: [C:\amu\dll] rename arcsqle.dll arcsqle.org - Change to the C:\AMU directory - Rename the original file(s) Example: [C:\amu] rename arcsqle.bnd arcsqle.org [C:\amu] rename arcsqlen.bnd arcsqlen.org [C:\amu] rename budsql.bnd budsql.org - Install the Fix - Extract the hotfix file into a temporary directory. Example: C:\amu\temp - Copy c:\amu\temp\arcsqle.dll to c:\amu\dll - Copy c:\amu\temp\arcsqle.bnd to c:\amu - Copy c:\amu\temp\arcsqlen.bnd to c:\amu - Copy c:\amu\temp\budsql.bnd to c:\amu - Change to c:\amu directory and call arcbndit.cmd Description -arcsqle.dll : Corrected database queries from OS/2 DAS Server (Query volser range) Changes : -- ADIC-Grau Storage Systems, 07.03.2000