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QC volunteers? (Was: Re: General Positive Feedback re: revision of site (fwd))

On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 01:28:09PM -0600, Vladimir Vuksan wrote:
> I do usually look on the bright side but after you spend a lot of our
> updating, editing your documentations and after never receiving any
> response from the LDP maintainers and after waiting two months to have a
> HOWTO commited and had promises broken I think I have to right to
> be critical.

You have ; I'll try to explain how HOWTOs should be submitted now : 
any new HOWTO or updated HOWTO *must* be sent to ldp-submit ml.

On this list, many ppl receive them, therefore delivery problems are

If Tim receive no negative feedback by QC, he can include them ; if they
aren't processed say 1 week later, our webmasters will add a copy to the
'incoming' section of linuxdoc.org (Joshua, could you add a link on the
main page ?)

> Writing documentation is not easy and I certainly could find better uses
> for my time if I will be treated like dirt.

We are trying to treat authors the best we can, however the QC is
starting slowly : there's only 1 member in the QC team !!!!

People who would like to be part of the QC team should subscribe to
[email protected] (mail ldp-submit-request).

Submitted documents should be reread to look for mistakes, typos...

Guylhem Aznar, Linux Documentation Project leader: http://www.linuxdoc.org
               Clef PGP/PGP key:    http://oeil.qc.ca/~guylhem
               Chez moi/At home:    guylhem \@/ oeil.qc.ca
Save East Timor: http://altern.org/spoirier/timor.html http://www.pst-timor.org

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