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Re: QC volunteers? (Was: Re: General Positive Feedback re: revision of site (fwd))
On Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 08:17:23AM -0600, Vladimir Vuksan wrote:
> > > That sounds great but how do I pull my documents off LDP ?
> >
> > Do you want to remove your documents from the LDP ?
> Yes I would like to remove my documents from LDP.
Then please give us a list, we'll remove them and :
- try to find other volunteers to rewrite these documents from scratch
if you are the original author
- update from previous version if you are a maintainer
With this example, I think we really need a special clause to the
manifesto to leave some rights to the LDP if an author want to take his
document off :-(
Guylhem Aznar, Linux Documentation Project leader: http://www.linuxdoc.org
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