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RE: Manifesto Draft-2

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 11:58 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: Manifesto Draft-2
> On 31 Oct, Poet/Joshua Drake wrote:
> > <CITE>The Linux Documentation Project is working on 
> developing free, high
> > <CITE>quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system.
> > 				    ^^^^^^^^^
> > The only Linux distribution that claims to be GNU/Linux is Debian. I
> > believe that we should say something to the effect of:
> > 
> > high quality documentation for the Linux operating system and it's
> > derivatives??? or maybe just remove the GNU/Linux and say Linux.
> All Linux distributions are mostly GNU/Linux (there is some BSD
> software thrown in there, but I don't think anyone will argue that it
> amounts to much compared to GNU software).
> Debian just happen to be the only that acknowledge that. I think it
> should stay.

Debian says GNU/linux because they are CURRENTLY using the linux kernel.  If
you read their web site, it says that they are working on a version using
the GNU/Hurd kernel.  Debian uses only GNU tools, IIRC, and trys to position
itself as the "freest" of the popular linux distros.  In the interests of
accuracy, I believe that we either need to define this term, or to remove
the GNU/ in that sentence.  Just tossing in my $0.02 USD.  

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