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Re: SGMLTools

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Poet/Joshua Drake wrote:

> I installed the RH6 RPMS of SGMLTOOLS CVS Build August and have been
> testing it. Except for a very small error where I had to create a version
> file and place the number 4 in it. It seems to be working fine.

> I have converted the entire consultants howto (over a 600k doc) with no
> problems. 
> You can get these files from here.
> ftp://ftp.us.sgmltools.org/pub/SGMLtools/v2.0/RH6
> Please remember that RH6 uses glibc so you should have:
> RH5.2 (maybe)

That is too much wishfull thinking. (It tried to get a working version but
it didn't work that well.)

> I have not figured out if there is something as simple as make html

It should work with:
	sgmltools -b html yourdocument.sgml


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