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LDP search capability
Search functionality has been implemented for the LDP. This utilizes
the freeWAIS-sf-2.2.10 search toolkit (wrapped with some of my own
code), and provides for searching *all* HTML documents on the LDP
site (web pages, guides, howtos, linux gazette, mailing list archives,
etc) - 8479 documents total, to be exact.
Some details follow, for those interested:
Stemming during indexing is performed. I've also implemented
a title-only search. One thing that is missing is the document
summary info, which I'll work on in the future. Currently, I
report the document's title, filename (relative to the LDP root),
score (based on the wais ranking algorithm), file modified date
and size. Boolean constructs are allowed during the search (and/or).
If you are coming from a mirrored site, the search is performed
on www.linuxdoc.org, but the individual results (URLs) will point
you *back* to the mirrored site from which you came. I understand
that doing that may be somewhat problematic if the mirrored site
is out of sync with the master LDP site on metalab, but I also felt
that the benefits of performance (retrieving the actual docs from
the mirrored site you are accessing) outweighed any potential
negatives. Correct me if I'm wrong in my assumption.
Please provide comments/feedback to me. We need to add a link to
the search page from the home page, but until then, you can access
it via : http://www.linuxdoc.org/search.html
best regards,
Greg Ferguson - s/w engr / mtlhd | [email protected]
SGI Tech Pubs - http://techpubs.sgi.com | 410-785-2334
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org |
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