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On Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 08:37:15PM +0100, Guylhem Aznar wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 09:28:17AM -0500, Mark Komarinski wrote:
> > [email protected]
> > 
> > Is this correct?
> It is.
> Serek and Jorge, could you please submit to Mark CVS and DocBook
> information?

The 1st version of the HOWTO is at

I'm correcting some English errors (the translator was not a technical
one - patches are _very_ gladly accepted!) and adding some information
to release a 2nd version on the same address.

If who uses it has any doubts or needs something else, please drop me
a message so that I can make the document batter and try to help you
with your problem.

Godoy.	<[email protected]>               GPG Fingerprint
                                         851B B620 626D 2AD0 E783
"Ser poeta n�o � minha ambi��o,          E932 1330 BE6D A4A3 0625 
 � minha maneira de estar sozinho"
              - Fernando Pessoa.       Publica��es @ Conectiva S.A. 

Except where explicitly stated I speak on my own behalf.
Exceto onde explicitado as declara��es aqui feitas s�o apenas minhas.

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