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Re: Hello and a few questions.
On Apr 12, 11:00am, Robert Dubinski wrote:
> Subject: Hello and a few questions.
> [...]
> I have a few questions regarding to style:
> I know the push is on to move the whole of LDP to Docbook. How far
> along is it, and is it necessary at this point? My current source
> is written to the LinuxDoc DTD and I post-process things with
> sgml-tools 1.09, but I'd be willing to convert it to Docbook right
> away before formally contributing it to LDP if necessary.
Not necessary. We will continue to accept and support linuxdoc. I
don't see support for linuxdoc going away any time soon. Acceptance
of DocBook SGML is in addition to our current acceptance of linuxdoc.
> Second, is there a good guide describing exactly what is needed
> to move to DocBook? Sgmltools 2.x support Docbook, but the project
> is currently in limbo. Are there alternatives? What role do Jade
> and OpenJade play in this? Can they do the processing on their
> own without sgmltools?
> This is not clear to me from the web documentation I've read. In
> short, I'm looking for a mini-HOWTO describing the minimal set of
> tools I need to install to enable me to get writing with Docbook.
This is being worked on. We have a primilinary guide which can
be seen here :
"DocBook HOWTO"
by Jorge Godoy
Jorge is working on updating it to include more information
about tools.
Greg Ferguson - s/w engr / mtlhd | [email protected]
SGI Tech Pubs - http://techpubs.sgi.com |
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org |
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