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Re: Announcements in cola and LWN
I can run web stats on linuxdoc... but it doesn't show referrers :(
On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Stein Gjoen wrote:
<CITE>Just to let you all know that the announcements that were discussed at
<CITE>lengths earlier have now been posted to news:comp.os.linux.announce and
<CITE>that the update now appears in this weeks issue of Linux Weekly News:
<CITE> http://lwn.net/2000/0413/devel.phtml
<CITE>I still cannot find any web hits statistics, we need this to evaluate
<CITE>how well our profiling works.
<CITE>I have mailed the NetHelp people at Netscape on the possibility of
<CITE>coopeartions and making tools with the aim of making NetHelp an
<CITE>optimal platform for browsing HOWTOs. No replies so far.
<CITE> Stein Gjoen
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