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Re: Feedback about PDF/PS sizes
On Apr 15, 8:39am, Dan Scott wrote:
> Subject: Re: Feedback about PDF/PS sizes
> Greg:
> To deviate slightly from Ross's original request, I would suggest
> using the "universal" size option for future PS/PDF creation.
> This produces a size that is neither too wide for A4 paper (8.27"),
> nor too long for letter (11"). I've had a bit of experience
> distributing PDF's for a commercial organization, and you get
> bitterness if you choose one or the other size. Once you drop down
> to dimensions that work for both letter and A4, everyone's happy
> (that is to say, no-one notices).
> I doubt that the slight increase in margin space that results
> from the universal size would put many people off.
> Dan
This seems like a reasonable/good suggestion from Dan. Anyone else
care to comment?
If this sounds good (and if I don't hear anything to the contrary),
I can/will re-process the backlog of HOWTOs to produce PS/PDF in
the universal size; and in the future all in-coming submittals
will also conform to this specification.
best regards,
Greg Ferguson - s/w engr / mtlhd | [email protected]
SGI Tech Pubs - http://techpubs.sgi.com |
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org |
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