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Re: CD edition
I have WPO2000 and even with the WINE it is faster than Star Office. My
only gribe is they didn't include the SGML editing like they did in the
Windows version..
Joshua Drake
On 24 Apr 2000, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
<CITE>>>>>> "G" == Gregory Leblanc <[email protected]> writes:
<CITE> G> What's wdiff?
<CITE>It's one of those cool comp.unix.sources utilities no one should be
<CITE>without yet no one bundles it; it is almost lost to obscurity.
<CITE>wdiff is 'diff' but ignores whitespace. It is ideal for creating
<CITE>diffs of textfiles where an added CR or TABs swapped for space is
<CITE>meaningless. It was originally designed as a utility to work with
<CITE>LaTeX files.
<CITE>(sigh) I so miss comp.unix.sources :( Someone send me a shar file.
<CITE>BTW: WP2000 also handles MsWord revision marks, as does the new SO 5.2
<CITE>which was just released in public beta moments ago. Many of my
<CITE>friends rave about WP2000, but I'm sticking to SO and downloading the
<CITE>96Mb now.
<CITE>Gary Lawrence Murphy <[email protected]>: office voice/fax: 01 519 4222723
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