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Re: If SGML is so great...
>>>>> "G" == Gregory Leblanc <[email protected]> writes:
G> SGML is not the assembly language of documentation, it's more
G> like the C of documentation. To follow your example, plain
G> text was the machine language of documentation, followed by
G> HTML being the assembly language.
No, proprietary formats like WPD are the machine language, and the
assembly language of documentation is WP "show codes" and I defy
anyone who writes seriously for a living to stand up and proclaim they
use WP or MsWord without _ever_ having to "show codes" --- if you
can read that split screen, SGML is a breeze.
DocBook is even better. If SGML is C/C++, DocBook is the GTK/QtLib.
Gary Lawrence Murphy <[email protected]>: office voice/fax: 01 519 4222723
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