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Re: Idea : common dir and tree (Rep:Re: Why not create packages?)
>>>>> "S" == Stein Gjoen <[email protected]> writes:
>> But your comment is very adequate, I suggest we use :
>> /usr/share/doc/ldp /usr/share/doc/ldp/HOWTO
>> /usr/share/doc/ldp/HOWTO/pdf (...)
S> Many would expect to find a /usr/share/doc/HOWTO from the old
S> days so we might make a link.
I concur with this: while the branding of the LDP may be better served
with the extra level, and while having a single root directory may be
more consistent with the way software populates /usr/doc, the
convention of having all our docs under directory names in CAPS makes
good sense as it places them at the top of a default directory
listing, and makes them instantly recognizable to anyone who stumbles
into /usr/share/doc.
S> Then again the /usr/share/HOWTO might contain non-LDP HOWTOs
S> such as those from OSWG in which case we shouldn't make links
S> that gives the impression LDP HOWTOs are the only ones.
Turf wars annoy me. There is no need to make the distinction since
the authorship/publisher information is irrelevent to the use of the
file. The purpose is to teach, not to acquire brand recognition.
Gary Lawrence Murphy <[email protected]>: office voice/fax: 01 519 4222723
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