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Re: Distribution HOWTO about to bite the dust.

On Aug 22, 11:20pm, David Lawyer wrote:
> Subject: Re: Distribution HOWTO about to bite the dust.
> On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 10:18:54PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> [...]
> Since it's still needed, I think it should go to "Unmaintained".
> >
> > 2) That the META-FAQ be updated to point to LWN's distribution page
> >    and the ports page).
> >
> > Of course, if anyone disagrees and wants to continue maintaining the
> > Distribution HOWTO, that person is welcome to do so.
> Let's look for a new maintainer.  And thanks to ESR for his work on
> it.  I found it useful.  Could someone add a link to LWN's
> distribution page to it so it would then be somewhat less obsolete?

I can add the link, but it's too date specific in it's
current form. Is there a way anyone knows of to link to
lwn in a non-specific manner (and have it re-direct)?

Currently, we have:


What I'd like to have/use as a reference (and have it re-direct):


something of that nature. Otherwise, I suppose we could point
to other distribution info sites, such as kernerlnotes.org,
linux.com, etc.


Greg Ferguson     - s/w engr / mtlhd         | [email protected]
SGI Tech Pubs     - http://techpubs.sgi.com  | 
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org  |

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