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Hello world,
The schedule for OASIS meetings has finally been announced. The
DocBook technical committee will meet on Wednesday morning (9am-noon)
and Thursday (9am-5pm with a break for lunch) on 06/07 December in
Suite 8212 of the Park Tower hotel. This meeting is intentionally
colocated with XML 2000 in Washington D.C.
Anyone who would like to participate is cordially invited to do so.
(The TC process allows only TC members to vote, but I won't turn away
anyone that wants to participate in the discussions :-)
I'll also put together an informal meeting on Tuesday or Thursday
evening, if there's interest (RSVP ASAP, please, so I can reserve the
Norman Walsh <[email protected]> | Convictions are more dangerous
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | enemies of truth than
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | lies.--Nietzsche
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