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new_document: CUPS Printing HOWTO


I want to inform you, that I am cuurrently working on a "CUPS Printing
HOWTO" plus a "CUPS Printing FAQ"

I've assembled most of the material, but I'm still struggling with the
SGML- and DocBook-Tools.

The Documents will also be available in German.


 _  _         _   ___  __        __ _      Danka  Deutschland  GmbH
| |/ /  _ _ _| |_| _ \/ _|___(_)/ _| |___  System Products  Support
| ' < || | '_|  _|  _/  _/ -_) |  _| / -_) mailto:[email protected]
|_|\_\_,_|_|  \__|_| |_| \___|_|_| |_\___| phone: +49-711-4017-5677
------------------------------------------ fax:   +49-711-4017-2303

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