
python3-tracer - Common files for tracer

Website: http://tracer-package.com/
License: GPL-2.0-or-later
Vendor: Rocky
Tracer determines which applications use outdated files and prints them. For
special kind of applications such as services or daemons, it suggests a standard
command to restart it. Detecting whether file is outdated or not is based on a
simple idea. If application has loaded in memory any version of a file
which is provided by any package updated since system was booted up, tracer
consider this application as outdated.

Python 3 version.


python3-tracer-1.1-1.el8.noarch [127 KiB] Changelog by Jakub Kadlcik (2023-10-05):
- Fix parameters for specifying the target user ([email protected])

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-16.el8.sme