NA Digest Thursday, October 23, 2014 Volume 14 : Issue 37

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Carsten Burstedde [email protected]
Date: October 21, 2014
Subject: New software release, p4est 1.1

We are pleased to announce the release v1.1 of the p4est software.
p4est is a C library to manage a collection (a forest) of multiple
connected adaptive quadtrees or octrees in parallel. p4est offers
fast absolute-time and low-memory algorithms for a feature-complete
set of octree-based AMR operations. p4est has been shown to scale to
the full size of the Jaguar (2011) and Juqueen (2014) supercomputers
and is used in several production science applications. This version
is considered stable and includes all recent updates.

The software is freely available at where we also link
to a howto document, technical papers, and inline source

There is an archived mailing list for discussion of any p4est related
issues; please see Everybody is
free to subscribe. We are happy to help and respond to any issues
that may arise.

Enjoy! The p4est developers,
Carsten Burstedde
Lucas C. Wilcox
Tobin Isaac


From: Linda Thiel [email protected]
Date: October 23, 2014
Subject: Call for Proposals, Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2016

SIAM is calling for Letters of Intent proposing topics and organizers
for the 2016 Gene Golub SIAM Summer School (G2S3). Preference will be
given to a computational linear algebra theme, but Letters of Intent
in all areas of applied and computational mathematics will be

It is expected that the program will run two weeks for 40 to 50
graduate students in 2016. SIAM will contribute up to $95,000 towards
the running of the summer school.

Information about the G2S3 program, including the composition of the
G2S3 committee, can be found at

Information about the 2015 G2S3 can be found at and the archives of earlier G2S3s can be
found at The deadline
for Letters of Intent is January 31, 2015. For more information see


From: Daniel Ruprecht [email protected]
Date: October 23, 2014
Subject: Winter School on CFD, Switzerland, Nov 2014

The Institute of Computational Science (ICS) at the University of
Lugano (USI) is pleased to announce a winter school on ''Computational
Fluid Dynamics - Modeling, Simulation, Validation''
November 10 to November 14, 2014
Lugano, Switzerland

The winter school will cover the modeling of fluid flow, turbulence
and all major numerical discretization schemes, such as finite
differences, spectral methods, finite elements, and finite volumes.
Moreover, two surface flow and complex applications such as combustion
modeling and their validation will be treated.

For more information, please see below or visit

Speakers: Dominik Obrist (Uni Bern); Sven Groß (RWTH Aachen); Ioannis
Mantzaras (PSI Villingen); Patrick Jenny (ETH Zürich)

The course will start with an introduction to the Navier-Stokes
equations, i.e. the mathematical model for incompressible flow, and
with the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes
equation, including the direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow
using finite and compact differences and spectral methods.

Finite elements for fluid flow and free surface flow will be treated
next, followed by combustion modeling. Basic thermodynamic principles
as well as the validation of the numerically obtained results will be
discussed. In the last part of the course, finite volumes methods for
compressible flow will be considered.

The course is designed to give a comprehensive overview on
state-of-the art numerical techniques not only for laminar and
turbulent flow, but also for two surface flow and combustion. In
addition to numerical methods, also their application and validation
will be considered.


From: Martin Buecker [email protected]
Date: October 17, 2014
Subject: Automatic Differentiation, Germany, Dec 2014

Sixteenth European Workshop on Automatic Differentiation
Monday December 8 - Tuesday December 9, 2014
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Jena, Germany

This is the 16th in a series of European Workshops providing a forum
for the presentation of developments and applications of Automatic
Differentiation (AD) and adjoint methods. We also encourage
presentations in related, symbiotic areas including: source code
augmentation; ODE/PDE control/sensitivity; data assimilation; design
optimisation; interval analysis; computational finance; etc. This
workshop is informal, with no published proceedings, allowing for the
discussion of work in progress and presentations by those new to the


From: Dominik Meidner [email protected]
Date: October 21, 2014
Subject: OCIP2015, Germany, Mar 2015

Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems
(OCIP2015), 2015, March 09 - 11

This workshop is organized by Dominik Meidner, Michael Ulbrich,
Barbara Wohlmuth and Boris Vexler with support by the international
research training group IGDK 1754, see

The workshop will take place at Technische Universität München (TUM,
Garching b. Munich, Germany). The former workshops in this series
(OCIP2011-2014) were with about 70 participants very successful.

The registration for the workshop via the webpage is already open.
The deadline of the abstract submission is January 15, 2015.


From: Endre Suli [email protected]
Date: October 20, 2014
Subject: New Directions in Numerical Computation, UK, Aug 2015

New Directions in Numerical Computation,
University of Oxford, 25-28 August 2015:

In celebration of Nick Trefethen's 60th birthday

Nick Trefethen is well-known for his work in approximation theory,
pseudospectra, numerical linear algebra, and numerical complex
analysis. The meeting will be an opportunity to celebrate his
significant research contributions on his 60th birthday. The
conference has a broad theme of new developments in all areas of
numerical computation, with a special theme of algorithms for
numerical computation with functions.

Plenary speakers: Penny Anderson (Mathworks); Marsha Berger (New York
Univ); Jean-Paul Berrut (Fribourg Univ); Folkmar Bornemann (TU
Munich); Brian Davies (King's College London); Alan Edelman (MIT);
Mark Embree (Virginia Tech); Bengt Fornberg (Univ of
Colorado-Boulder); Anne Greenbaum (Univ of Washington); Leslie
Greengard (New York Univ); Des Higham (Univ of Strathclyde); Nick
Higham (Univ of Manchester); Randy LeVeque (Univ of Washington);
Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin); Michael Overton (New York Univ); Ian
Sloan (The Univ of New South Wales); Gil Strang (MIT); Andrew Stuart
(Warwick Univ); Andy Wathen (Univ of Oxford); Andre Weideman
(Stellenbosch Univ)

REGISTRATION for the conference is now open, from the webpage:

Important Dates:
20th January 2015: Registration deadline for contributed talks
25th-28th August 2015: Conference dates
27th August 2015: Banquet in Balliol College


From: Paulo Carvalho [email protected]
Date: October 22, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, EMAp/FGV, Brazil

The School of Applied Mathematics of Fundação Getulio Vargas –
FGV/EMAp seeks candidates for full-time faculty positions, at the
Assistant, Associate and Full Professor levels, which entail teaching
in its Undergraduate and Graduate programs and engaging in research.
Fluency in Portuguese is desired, but not essential at the
outstart. Initial monthly salaries range from R$ 12846 to R$ 20666
(US$ 5660 to US$ 9104), depending on the candidate´s qualifications.

Candidates from all areas of research in Applied Mathematics, Applied
Computing and Data Science are welcome to apply. Themes of interest
include (but are not confined to): Complex Systems, Stochastic
Modelling, Probability and Statistics, Optimal Control, Optimization,
Network Science, Epidemiology, Algorithmics, Artificial Intelligence,
Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Cryptography and
Computer Vision.

Applications should be sent to [email protected] by November 15,
2014 and should include:
- Detailed CV
- List of publications
- Research plan
- Two recommendation letters, to be sent directly to [email protected]
(The above documents may be written either in English or in
Portuguese.) Selected candidates will be interviewed either in person
or by teleconference. The final decision will be announced by December
13, 2014.

Please visit the websites at and or write to
[email protected] for details.


From: Cory Hauck [email protected]
Date: October 21, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Kinetic Theory, Univ of Tennesee

The Mathematics Department at the University of Tennessee is seeking a
Post-Doctoral Research Associate to conduct research in numerical
methods for kinetic equations. This is a two-year, full-time
assignment with benefits. Salary is based on experience and
qualifications. A Ph.D. in mathematics is required, with expertise in
numerical methods for partial differential equations. Experience with
kinetic equations for particle transport is desired. The position
will be filled upon identification of a qualified applicant, as early
as November 1, 2014. Please see the listing at for application information.


From: Melina Freitag [email protected]
Date: October 19, 2014
Subject: PhD Positions, Statistical Applied Mathematics, Univ of Bath

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: PhD positions in Statistical Applied
Mathematics at the University of Bath

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath has
established an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical
Applied Mathematics (SAMBa). We shall be awarding 10 or more
fully-funded, 4-year studentships, to start in September 2015. These
are for exceptionally qualified students to complete PhDs at the
interface between applied mathematics, statistics, and probability.

The four-year funding includes full tuition fees at the home rate, a
training support fee and standard, tax-free maintenance of
£13,863/annum (2014/2015 rate) for UK and EU students.

To find out more, please visit

Expressions of interest should be sent to the Centre Manager, Susie
Douglas, via email: [email protected] and should include:
- A short statement (250 words) explaining your motivation for
applying to SAMBa
- A 2-page CV which includes your academic and work experience and
your nationality and scans of your academic transcript(s)

All applications will be reviewed rapidly and promising applicants
will be invited to an interview.


From: Scott MacLachlan [email protected]
Date: October 23, 2014
Subject: MSc/PhD Positions, Memorial Univ of Newfoundland

The Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing group of the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Memorial University of
Newfoundland invites applications for multiple MSc and PhD positions
to begin in September, 2015. Particular areas of interest include
multigrid methods, adaptive methods for PDEs, numerical optimization,
and high- performance computing. Successful applicants will join a
growing group focused in interdisciplinary research in this field,
with strong collaborations in the sciences and engineering.

Applications are due by January 31, 2015, and details on our graduate
programs, including application procedures, are outlined at and .


From: Chi-Wang Shu [email protected]
Date: October 18, 2014
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 61 (3)

Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 61, Number 3, December 2014

A Comparison Between the Interpolated Bounce-Back Scheme and the
Immersed Boundary Method to Treat Solid Boundary Conditions for
Laminar Flows in the Lattice Boltzmann Framework, Alessandro De Rosis,
Stefano Ubertini and Francesco Ubertini, pp.477-489.

Edge Detection from Non-Uniform Fourier Data Using the Convolutional
Gridding Algorithm, Adam Martinez, Anne Gelb and Alexander Gutierrez,

A Semi-Lagrangian Method for 3-D Fokker Planck Equations for
Stochastic Dynamical Systems on the Sphere, A. Roth, A. Klar,
B. Simeon and E. Zharovsky, pp.513-532.

A Symmetric and Consistent Immersed Finite Element Method for
Interface Problems, Haifeng Ji, Jinru Chen and Zhilin Li, pp.533-557.

A Novel Symmetric Skew-Hamiltonian Isotropic Lanczos Algorithm for
Spectral Conformal Parameterizations, Wei-Qiang Huang, Xianfeng David
Gu, Wen-Wei Lin and Shing-Tung Yau, pp.558-583.

Fourier Spectral Methods for Degasperis-Procesi Equation with
Discontinuous Solutions, Yinhua Xia, pp.584-603.

A Stabilized Nitsche Fictitious Domain Method for the Stokes Problem,
Andre Massing, Mats G. Larson, Anders Logg and Marie E. Rognes,

Stability and Convergence of Modified Du Fort-Frankel Schemes for
Solving Time-Fractional Subdiffusion Equations, Hong-lin Liao, Ya-nan
Zhang, Ying Zhao and Han-sheng Shi, pp.629-648.

A New Level-Set Model for the Representation of Non-Smooth Geometries,
David P. Starinshak, Smadar Karni and Philip L. Roe, pp.649-672.

Spectral Element Method for Mixed Inhomogeneous Boundary Value
Problems of Fourth Order, Xu-Hong Yu and Ben-Yu Guo, pp.673-701.

End of Digest