NA Digest Sunday, February 01, 2015 Volume 15 : Issue 05

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: January 30, 2015
Subject: New Book, Arc Routing: Problems, Methods, and Applications

Arc Routing: Problems, Methods, and Applications, by Ángel
Corberán and Gilbert Laporte, Editors.

xxii + 401 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611973-66-2 / List Price
$104.00 / MOS-SIAM Member Price $72.80 / Order Code MO20

This book provides a thorough and up-to-date discussion of arc routing
by world-renowned researchers. Organized by problem type, the book
offers a rigorous treatment of complexity issues, models, algorithms,
and applications. It opens with a historical perspective of the field
and is followed by three sections that cover complexity and the
Chinese Postman and the Rural Postman problems; the Capacitated Arc
Routing Problem and routing problems with min-max and profit
maximization objectives; and important applications, including meter
reading, snow removal, and waste collection.

The book will be of interest to practitioners, researchers, and
graduate students in operations research, engineering, logistics,
mathematics, and business.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit


From: Walter Gander [email protected]
Date: January 31, 2015
Subject: Gene Golub Memorial Workshop, Hong Kong, Feb 2015

There will be a Gene Golub Memorial Workshop at Baptist University in
Hong Kong on February 7, 2015.

Information is available at

Participation is free of charge but you are required to register till
February 4, 2015 (Wed) 23:59


From: Katja Mombaur [email protected]
Date: January 29, 2015
Subject: Women in Optimization, Germany, Mar 2015

Workshop Women in Optimization
Academy of Sciences & Humanities, Heidelberg; March 2 – 4, 2015
Supported by HGS MathComp, MATCH and KoroiBot
Target group: female junior researchers, PhD students and students of
mathematics with a focus on optimization

The goal of the workshop is to provide advanced scientific training in
the field of optimization as well as an opportunity for networking in
the optimization community. By lectures of invited speakers working
in all areas of optimization in academia and industry we want to
present on the one hand a wide scientific spectrum of topics in
mathematical optimization as well as different possible career models
in this field. In addition to these lectures there will be ample
opportunities for discussions and an exchange of experiences.

More information:

Katja Mombaur, Heidelberg
Debora Clever, Heidelberg
Luise Blank, Regensburg
Andrea Walther, Paderborn
Sonja Steffensen, Aachen


From: Francisco ORTEGÓN GALLEGO [email protected]
Date: January 27, 2015
Subject: Diff Eq and Applications/Applied Mathematics, Spain, Jun 2015

The 24th Congress on Differential Equations and Applications/14th
Applied Mathematics Congress (CEDYA/CMA 2015) will be hosted at the
University of Cadiz (Spain), on June, 8-12, 2015, in the trimillenary
city of Cadiz.

The Congress on Differential Equations and Applications initiative
arose from a group of mathematicians, mainly from applied mathematics
and mathematical analysis, in order to promote research in
Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Mechanics, Control and
Optimization. The first edition was held in 1978. The congress will
feature the following plenary speakers: Henk Broer, Manuel Jesús
Castro Díaz, Dietmar Hömberg, Karl Kunisch, José Antonio Lozano
Alonso, Alfio Quarteroni, Tomas Sauer, María Elena Vázquez Cendón, and
Luis Vega González.

We invite scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and students
(graduate and predoctorate) in all areas of applied mathematics to
participate. There will be limited funding covering the inscription

Beside the invited plenary talks, there are two formats of
participation: special sessions and contributed talks. Please refer
to the congress website for more details:


From: andrew stuart [email protected]
Date: January 31, 2015
Subject: Short Course, Bayesian Methods for Inverse Problems, UK, Jun 2015

The University of Warwick will host a short course on Bayesian Methods
for Inverse Problems, delivered by Daniela Calvetti and Erkki
Somersalo, on June 1st--2nd 2015. For details follow the News link


From: Achim Schroll [email protected]
Date: January 29, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, Pure & Appl Math, SDU Odense, Denmark

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University
of Southern Denmark in Odense invites highly qualified applicants for
several faculty positions in pure and applied mathematics.

The successful applicant is expected to interact with and further
strengthen the already existing research groups in mathematics at the
department, including applied and numerical mathematics, discrete
mathematics and graph theory, geometry, probability theory and modern

Positions are available on the level of assistant-, associate- and
full professor.

For further information please contact either Associate Professor
Wojciech Szymanski, [email protected], or Head of Department
Martin Svensson, [email protected].

Application deadline


From: Emmanuil Georgoulis [email protected]
Date: January 29, 2015
Subject: HPC Fellow Position, Univ of Leicester, UK

Applications are invited for the appointment of a High Performance
Computing Fellow at the Department of Mathematics, University of

The post holder will be working in the development and incorporation
of modern numerical methods into (typically parallel) simulation
software of mathematical, physical, geological, chemical, biological,
and engineering processes, thereby enhancing the current simulation
capabilities in Mathematics and across the University.

The post holder is expected to offer consultancy/knowledge transfer
into computationally-intensive projects across the university in
modern numerical algorithms, help in HPC-related teaching and M.Sc.
project supervision and aid in preparation of grant applications both
from research councils and industry.

Informal enquiries are welcome and should be made to Professor Ruslan
Davidchack on [email protected] or 0116 252 3819. The closing date for
this post is midnight on 25 February 2015. Interviews will take place
on a date to be confirmed. Fixed term contract for 2 years (extension
subject to further funding). Salary at senior postdoctoral/junior
lecturer level (UK Grade 7). University of Leicester Job Ref: SEN00561


From: Konstantinos Kalimeris [email protected]
Date: January 29, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Computational and Appl Math, RICAM, Austria

A new PhD position is available at the Johann Radon Institute for
Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM within the Inverse Problems and
Mathematical Imaging group. The applicant will work with Dr.
Konstantinos Kalimeris in the framework of the FWF project
“Computation of large amplitude water waves”.

The PhD project focuses on new analytical methods and computational
algorithms for calculating large amplitude water waves. The PhD
position offers excellent opportunities to work in a lively research
environment and collaborate with international experts in the field of
applied and computational mathematics.

We are looking for a talented and motivated individual with a solid
background in partial differential equations and numerical
analysis. Knowledge in analysis and regularization theory is
desirable. An MSc degree in mathematics is mandatory.

The position is available from now on. It will be offered up to 3
years with a salary according to the FWF guidelines

Applicants should provide the following information: letter of
motivation, curriculum vitae, record of their university course work
and a PDF file of their master thesis. Interested candidates are
invited to send their application in a single PDF file directly to
[email protected] .


From: Suzanne Eves [email protected]
Date: January 28, 2015
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 35 (1)

Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 35(1)

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:

Sandpiles and superconductors: nonconforming linear finite element
approximations for mixed formulations of quasi- variational
inequalities, John W. Barrett and Leonid Prigozhin

A Petrov–Galerkin discretization with optimal test space of a
mild-weak formulation of convection–diffusion equations in mixed form,
Dirk Broersen and Rob P. Stevenson

Smoothed analysis of componentwise condition numbers for sparse
matrices, Dennis Cheung and Felipe Cucker

Explicit volume-preserving splitting methods for divergence- free ODEs
by tensor-product basis decompositions, Antonella Zanna

A structurally backward stable algorithm for solving the indefinite
least squares problem with equality constraints, Nicola Mastronardi
and Paul Van Dooren,

Fully discrete analysis of the heterogeneous multiscale method for
elliptic problems with multiple scales, Assyr Abdulle and Yun Bai

Analysis of exponential splitting methods for inhomogeneous parabolic
equations, Erwan Faou, Alexander Ostermann, and Katharina Schratz

A posteriori error analysis of the time-dependent Stokes equations
with mixed boundary conditions, Christine Bernardi and Toni Sayah

Interpolation with variably scaled kernels, Mira Bozzini, Licia
Lenarduzzi, Milvia Rossini, and Robert Schaback

Finite element methods for the Stokes system with interface pressure
discontinuities, Gustavo C. Buscaglia and Vitoriano Ruas

Local projection type stabilization applied to inf–sup stable
discretizations of the Oseen problem, Gunar Matthies and Lutz Tobiska

Performance enhancement of doubling algorithms for a class of complex
nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equations, Chun-Hua Guo, Changli Liu,
and Jungong Xue,

A randomized algorithm for testing nonsingularity of structured
matrices with an application to asserting nondefectivity of Segre
varieties, Nick Vannieuwenhoven, Raf Vandebril, and Karl Meerbergen

Correlation matrix nearness and completion under observation,
uncertainty, Carlos M. Alaíz, Francesco Dinuzzo, and Suvrit Sra

Ritz–Volterra reconstructions and a posteriori error analysis of
finite element method for parabolic integro-differential equations,
G. Murali Mohan Reddy and Rajen K. Sinha

Numerical solution of a variational–hemivariational inequality
modelling simplified adhesion of an elastic body, Jerzy Czepiel and
Piotr Kalita,

A splitting method for separable convex programming, Bingsheng He, Min
Tao, and Xiaoming Yuan

Low-order finite element method for the well-posed bidimensional
Stokes problem, Michel Salaün and Stéphanie Salmon Characteristic current
decomposition and radar cross-section analysis for perfectly
electrically conducting bodies Daniel Bouche, Francis Collino, Yoann
Morel, and Olivier Vacus

Shape-preserving interpolation of spatial data by Pythagorean-
hodograph quintic spline curves, Rida T. Farouki, Carla Manni, Maria
Lucia Sampoli, and Alessandra Sestini


From: Raimondas Ciegis [email protected]
Date: January 29, 2015
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 20 (1)

The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online, Electronical edition:

Raimondas Ciegis (Editor) Volume 20, Number 1, December2015


Maria Dobkevich and Felix Sadyrbaev, Types and Multiplicity of
Solutions to Sturm--Liouville Boundary Value Problem, 1-8

Franck Assous and Irina Raichik, Solving Numerically the Static
Maxwell Equations in an Axisymmetric Singular Geometry, 9-29

Aija Anisimova, Maruta Avotina and Inese Bula, Periodic and Chaotic
Orbits of a Neuron Model, 30-52

Khaled El-Ghaouti Boutarene, Approximate Transmission Conditions for
a~Poisson Problem at Mid-Diffusion, 53-75

Maryna A. Hliatsevich, Pavel M. Bulai, Taras N. Pitlik, Andrey A.
Denisov and Sergey N. Cherenkevich, Design of Deterministic Model of
Signal Transduction Between Neuronal Cells, 76-93

Petr N. Vabishchevich, A Priori Estimation of a Time Step for
Numerically Solving Parabolic Problems, 94-111

Ziheng Zhang and Rong Yuan, Two Almost Homoclinic Solutions for a
Class of~Perturbed Hamiltonian Systems Without Coercive Conditions,


From: Carlos Fonseca [email protected]
Date: January 28, 2015
Subject: Contents, Special Matrices, 2014

The 2014 volume of Special Matrices
( ) has been closed. The full list
of papers is:

Immanant conversion on symmetric matrices, M. Purificação Coelho,
M. Antónia Duffner, Alexander E. Guterman, Special Matrices 2 (2014),

Cayley-Hamilton theorem for left eigenvalues of 3 × 3 quaternionic
matrices, E. Macías-Virgós, M.J. Pereira-Sáez, Special Matrices 2
(2014), 11-18

Bounds for sine and cosine via eigenvalue estimation, Pentti
Haukkanen, Mika Mattila, Jorma K. Merikoski, Alexander Kovacec,
Special Matrices 2 (2014), 19-29

On the relationships between zero forcing numbers and certain graph
coverings, Fatemeh Alinaghipour Taklimi, Shaun Fallat, Karen Meagher,
Special Matrices 2 (2014), 30-45

Determinant representations of sequences: A survey A.R. Moghaddamfar,
S. Navid Salehy, S. Nima Salehy, Special Matrices 2 (2014), 46-60

On the separation of eigenvalues by the permutation group, Grega
Cigler, Marjan Jerman, Special Matrices 2 (2014), 61-67

The theory and applications of complex matrix scalings, Rajesh
Pereira, Joanna Boneng, Special Matrices 2 (2014), 68-77

Inverses and eigenvalues of diamond alternating sign matrices, Minerva
Catral, Minghua Lin, D. D. Olesky, P.van den Driessche, Special
Matrices 2 (2014), 78-88

A formula for all minors of the adjacency matrix and an application,
R. B. Bapat, A. K. Lal, S.Pati, Special Matrices 2 (2014), 89-98

Bilinear characterizations of companion matrices, Minghua Lin, Harald
K. Wimmer, Special Matrices 2 (2014), 99-105

Characterization and properties of (Pσ, Q) symmetric and co- symmetric
matrices, William F. Trench, Special Matrices 2 (2014), 106-119

Sylvester Hadamard matrices revisited, M.Mitrouli, Special Matrices 2
(2014), 120-124

A new characterization of generalized complementary basic matrices,
Miroslav Fiedler, Frank J. Hall, Special Matrices 2 (2014), 125-130

The Hahn-Exton q-Bessel function as the characteristic function of a
Jacobi matrix, F.Štampach, P. Šťovíček, Special Matrices 2 (2014),

Extensions of three matrix inequalities to semisimple Lie groups,
Xuhua Liu, Tin-Yau Tam, Special Matrices 2 (2014), 148-154

The 123 theorem of probability theory and copositive matrices,
Alexander Kovačec, Miguel M. R. Moreira, David P. Martins, Special
Matrices 2 (2014), 155-164

Singular M-matrices which may not have a nonnegative generalized
inverse, Agrawal N. Sushama, K. Premakumari, K.C. Sivakumar, Special
Matrices 2 (2014), 165-179

Consimilarity and quaternion matrix equations AX −^X B = C, X − A^X B
= C, Tatiana Klimchuk, Vladimir V. Sergeichuk, Special Matrices 2
(2014), 180-186

Determinant evaluations for binary circulant matrices, Christos
Kravvaritis, Special Matrices 2 (2014), 187-199

Patterns with several multiple eigenvalues, J. Dorsey, Charles
R. Johnson, Z. Wei, Special Matrices 2 (2014), 200-205

The full papers can be found here:
Carlos Fonseca

End of Digest