NA Digest Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Volume 15 : Issue 11

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Klaus Iglberger [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2015
Subject: Blaze 2.3 Released

Version 2.3 of the Blaze C++ math library has been released. This
version finally comes with the much requested feature of lower and
upper triangular matrices. And they come with full support within the
Blaze library: Specifically adapted and optimized compute kernels and
full support for parallelization via OpenMP, C++11 and Boost
threads. Also noteworthy: The implementation is thoroughly checked by
748 new test cases.

See the Blaze tutorial for how the new LowerMatrix and UpperMatrix
adaptors work:

Blaze 2.3 is now available for download at


From: Mathias J Krause [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2015
Subject: New Release, OpenLB Version 0.9

The OpenLB Project: New Release 0.9 Available. The OpenLB developer
team is very happy to announce that a new release of the open source
Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) code is available for download on the
project website Besides new examples, many
innovative and user-friendly interfaces have been added. Have a look
and be excited!

The new features and interfaces are:
- User-friendly build-in pre-processing
- Advanced parallelization for geometry handling as well as vtk-file
- Functor concept further developed, providing new features and
enabling a more user-friendly management of pre- and post-processing
- New turbulence models, such as Consistent Strain Smagorinsky.
- New parallel vtk-file output interface for functors.
- All examples updated with a newly developed generic structure
helping to set up user-defined examples more easily.
- New examples venturi3d, nozzle3d, phaseSeparationXd illustrating
important existing and new features.
- Compatibility tested on Mac, Windows Cygwin, Ubuntu with gcc 4.3.4,
4.7.3, 4.8.2, 4.9.1, 4.9.2 and intel 14.0.4

PS: Please consider to contribute code or join the developer team
yourself to strengthen the LB community by sharing your findings in an
open and easily reproducible way!


From: Peter Richtarik [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2015
Subject: Optimization & Big Data, UK, May 2015

Optimization & Big Data (Workshop, Trek & Colloquium)
Edinburgh, Scotland, May 6-8, 2015

1) Call for abstracts: A call for contributed presentations is
open. There is a Best Contribution Prize (certificate + 500 EUR),
sponsored by Amazon Berlin.

2) Dates:
April 18, 2015: Submission of abstracts + Early Bird registration
April 25, 2015: Submission deadline for deluxe posters

3) Confirmed invited speakers: Coralia Cartis (Oxford); Jonathan
Eckstein (Rutgers); Garud Iyengar (Columbia); Rodolphe Jenatton
(Amazon Berlin); Jakub Konecny (Edinburgh); Francois Glineur
(Louvain); Donald Goldfarb (Columbia); Robert Gower (Edinburgh);
Arkadi Nemirovski (Georgia Tech) - keynote speaker; Zheng Qu
(Edinburgh); Peter Richtarik (Edinburgh); Katya Scheinberg (Lehigh)

4) Programme: The first two days are devoted to the scientific
programme (invited and contributed talks & poster sessions). On the
last day we will have a trek to Arthur's Seat: a 350m years old
extinct volcano in the city centre. The workshop will end with a
talk by the keynote speaker and a reception.


From: Daniel Ruprecht [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2015
Subject: Parallel-in-Time Integration, Germany, May 2015

Deadlines for both registration and submission of abstracts have been
extended for the

4th Workshop on Parallel-in-Time Integration, Technische
Universitaet Dresden (Germany), May 27-29, 2015

Invited Speakers:
- Martin Arnold - MLU Halle-Wittemberg, Germany
- Martin J. Gander - Universite de Geneve, Switzerland
- Michael L. Minion - LBNL & Stanford University, US
- Hilary Weller - University of Reading, UK
- Beth Wingate - University of Exeter, UK

For registration and more information please visit

Abstract Submission Deadline (extended): April 5, 2015
Early Registration Deadline (extended): April 5, 2015
Registration Deadline: April 24, 2015


From: Michail D Todorov [email protected]
Date: March 15, 2015
Subject: AMiTaNS'15, Bulgaria, Jun-Jul 2015

This is the call for abstract submission and registration to the 7th
AMiTaNS'15 meeting. The event is traditionally organized by The Euro-
American Consortium for Promotion of the Application of Mathematics in
Technical and Natural Sciences and will be held in the 5-star Flamingo
Grand hotel in the Northern Bulgarian Black Sea resort of Albena,
AMiTaNS'15 is organized in cooperation with Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

The conference will be scheduled in plenary and keynote lectures
followed by special and contributed sessions. The accents of the
conference will be on Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport
Processes, Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Continuum
Mechanics, Applied Analysis, Applied Physics, Biomathematics, which
can be complemented by some specific topics in contributed special

Currently confirmed speakers include S.Yoshida (USA), A.Samsonov
(Russia), V.Shaydurov (Russia), P.Minev (Canada), N.Kolev (Germany),
V.Pukhnachev (Russia), P.Vabishchevich (Russia), P.Radeva (Spain),
J.Su (USA), N.Papanicolaou (Cyprus).

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Albena this June. The
website of the conference is at


From: Paola Boito [email protected]
Date: March 15, 2015
Subject: Structured Matrix Days, France, Jun 2015

Structured Matrix Days
XLIM, Universite de Limoges
June 4 - 5, 2015

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at XLIM,
Universite de Limoges, organizes a two-day workshop on
structured matrices and their applications.

Confirmed invited speakers:
- Michael Overton (Courant Institute, New York),
- Elias Tsigaridas (INRIA Rocquencourt),
- Konstantin Usevich (GIPSA Lab, Grenoble),
- Silviu Filip (ENS Lyon).

Deadline for registration and abstract submission:
May 12, 2015. For additional information, please
write to [email protected].


From: Eike Mueller [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2015
Subject: CliMathNet Conference, UK, Jul 2015

The 3rd CliMathNet Conference will be held at the University of Bath, from
6th to 10th July 2015; see for
further details and registration instructions (deadline 30 May 2015).

The conference will be based on the theme of numerical weather
prediction and data assimilation, and the sessions of the conference
will follow the life cycle of a weather forecast.

Keynote speakers: Mike Cullen, Met Office; Peter Dueben, University of
Oxford; David Ham, Imperial College; Peter Jan van Leeuwen, University
of Reading; Andrew Lorenc, Met Office; Marion Mittermaier, University
of Reading; David Stephenson, University of Exeter; Nils Wedi, ECMWF

Thanks to the generous support of CliMathNet registration is free of
charge for the first 80 CliMathNet members to register. Lunches and
the conference dinner are also free of charge. To become a CliMathNet
member you can register for free on

Participants are invited to submit abstracts for talks or posters
related to the conference themes. Abstracts for oral presentations
should be submitted by 30th April; abstracts for posters should be
submitted by 31st May, see webpage for instructions.


From: Paolo Bientinesi [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2015
Subject: Parallel & Distributed Computing for Undergrads, Austria, Aug 2015

1st European Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing
Education for Undergraduate Students (Euro-EDUPAR)
Vienna (Austria), August 24-28, 2015

The 1st European Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing
Education for Undergraduate Students (Euro-EDUPAR) invites unpublished
manuscripts from individuals or teams from academia, industry, and
other educational and research institutes on topics pertaining to the
teaching of PDC topics in the Computer Science and Engineering
curriculum as well as in Computational Science and with PDC and high
performance computing (HPC) concepts, with emphasis on European
undergraduate teaching, and the workshop especially seeks papers that
report on experiences incorporating PDC topics into undergraduate core
courses taken by the majority of students on a degree course. Methods,
pedagogical approaches, tools, and techniques that have potential for
adoption across the European teaching community are of interest.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Parallel and
Distributed Computing teaching in the European space; Pedagogical
issues in PDC, educational methods and learning mechanisms; Novel ways
of teaching PDC topics, including informal learning environments;
Curriculum design, models for incorporating PDC topics in core CS/CE
curriculum; Experience with incorporating PDC topics into core CS/CE
courses; Experience with incorporating PDC topics in the context of
other applications learning; Pedagogical tools, programming
environments, and languages for PDC; e-Learning, e-Laboratory, Massive
Open Online Courses (MOOC), Small Private Online Courses (SPOC); PDC
experiences at non-university levels; secondary school, postgraduate,
industry, diffusion of PDC

22 May 2015: Paper submission deadline
19 June 2015: Author notification
31 July 2015: Paper due, for informal workshop proceedings
2 October 2015: Camera-ready paper deadline


From: Wolfgang Bangerth [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2015
Subject: deal.II Users and Developers Workshop, USA, Aug 2015

The Fifth deal.II Users' and Developers' workshop will be held August
3-7, 2015 in College Station, TX. The intent of this workshop is to
discuss applications and tools using deal.II, as well as future
directions of the library itself.

We invite talks and plan discussions by users and existing developers
in the following areas:
- use cases and applications of the library
- what users think would be useful directions for the library to go
into, things that are missing, and possibly getting people together
who can help implement those parts
- newer parts of the library (e.g., cmake, large parallel
computations, etc.) and how these could help in your programs.

A significant part of the time will be set aside for "hackathon"- or
"code jam"-style sessions where people can ask questions, work on
their codes with others, and receive help from experienced users.

For workshop and registration information, see
Deadline for registration: April 15, 2015.

A limited amount of (domestic) travel support is available courtesy of
the National Science Foundation, and will be given on a first come
first serve basis, with preference to undergraduate and graduate
students. If you need support, please state so in your registration.


From: marco lapegna [email protected]
Date: March 15, 2015
Subject: Hybrid Parallelism in HPC Systems, Poland, Sep 2015

Date: September 6-9, 2015
Location: Krakow, Poland
Jointly with: 11th International Conference on Parallel Processing and
Applied Mathematics PPAM 2015
Submission deadline: April 20, 2015

You are cordially invited to participate in our upcoming workshop on
Models, Algorithms and Methodologies for Hybrid Parallelism in new HPC
Systems (MAMHIP15)

The workshop focuses on all aspects related to development of hybrid
and hierarchical algorithms, able to be aware of the underlying
architectures of modern HPC systems. These can be described by means
of a hierarchical and hybrid arhitectures, where multicore CPUs live
together with special purpose floating point accelerators or GPUs in
large clusters. These architecture levels have very different
features so that the development of efficient algorithms for these
systems is still a challanging problem.

The topics include, but are not limited, to: Hybrid and hierarchical
based parallel algorithms, Architecture-aware parallelisation on HPC
platforms, Auto tuning techniques for heterogeneous and parallel
environments, Computational kernels for scientific computing and
applications, Resources virtualization, Performance and scalability

The authors of selected papers of this Workshop will be invited to
submit an extended version of their work to a Special Issue of the
"International Journal of Parallel Programming"


From: Jim Nagy [email protected]
Date: March 10, 2015
Subject: SIAM Applied Linear Algebra, USA, Oct 2015

The deadline for minisymposia proposals for the SIAM Conference on
Applied Linear Algebra is March 30. For details, please see:

SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
October 26-30, 2015

Haim Avron, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Raymond Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Geir Dahl, University of Oslo, Norway
Zlatko Drmac, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Howard Elman, University of Maryland, USA
Maryam Fazel, University of Washington, USA
Melina Freitag, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Xiaoye Sherry Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Volker Mehrmann, TU Berlin, Germany
Michael Overton, New York University, USA
Haesun Park, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Eugene Tyrtyshnikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

March 30, 2015: Minisymposium proposals
April 27, 2015: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers
April 27, 2015: Contributed poster presentation abstracts
April 17, 2015: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early
Career Travel Award Applications

Twitter hashtag: #SIAMLA15

Contact SIAM Conference Department at [email protected] with any
questions about the conference.


From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2015
Subject: 4th IMA Maths in Defence, UK, Nov 2015

Thursday 26 November 2015, Satellite Applications Catapult,
Harwell Oxford, UK

This conference brings together a wide variety of mathematical methods
with defence and security applications. The programme will include
keynote speakers, contributed presentations and poster sessions as
well as refreshment breaks for informal discussions. It is intended
for mathematicians, scientists and engineers from industry and
academia, as well as government and military personnel who have an
interest in how mathematics can be applied to defence problems.

The conference will cover the following themes: Data analysis: data
and text mining, data fusion, information visualization,
multidimensional data analysis; Modelling and Estimation:
electromagnetic models, estimation theory, Markov models, non- linear
models, mathematical models, simulation; Operational Analysis: cost
benefit analysis, counter-terrorism, risk management, intelligence
analysis, behaviour analysis; Security: cryptography and coding,
security systems, secure communications; Signal Processing: adaptive
processing, computer vision, digital signal processing, distributed
sensor processing, emitter location, image processing, signal
enhancement, super-resolution, synthetic aperture radar, time series
analysis; Statistical Methods: Bayesian techniques, classification,
detection, identification, tracking, Monte Carlo methods, particle
filters, pattern recognition.

Contributed papers or posters are invited on all aspects of
mathematics in defence. Papers or posters will be accepted on the
basis of a 300-500 word abstract which should be submitted by 14 May
2015 by e-mail to [email protected]. Abstracts are expected to
conform to the following template in Times New Roman, size 10 font:

Contributing author(s) Surname, Initials
Affiliation(s) Department, organisation.


From: david cassell [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2015
Subject: Developer Position, Mathematical Optimization Software, NAG

NAG is seeking a developer of mathematical optimization software to
join its optimization development team.

We are looking for
-Substantial knowledge of mathematical programming / optimization
-Experience in developing software
-Advanced degree in numerical analysis or similar
-An aptitude for helping to solve difficult problems efficiently

Please read more details here


From: Shenna Marquez [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, ORIE, Cornell Univ

Faculty Positions (ORIE)

Cornell University's School of Operations Research and Information
Engineering (ORIE) seeks to fill multiple tenured/tenure-track faculty
positions for its Ithaca campus. Applicants with research interests in
all areas of operations research and information engineering will be
considered, but applicants in areas aligned with the School’s current
strategic plan will receive primary consideration: the plan seeks to
strengthen the School’s leading role in advancing the analytical,
methodological, and modeling tools of operations research together
with the potential of “Big Data” and the information revolution.

Requisite is a strong interest in the broad mission of the School,
exceptional potential for leadership in research and education, an
ability and willingness to teach at all levels of the program, and a
PhD in operations research, mathematics, statistics, or a related
field by the start of the appointment. Salary will be appropriate to
qualifications and engineering school norms.

Please apply online at
with a cover letter, CV, statements of teaching and research
interests, sample publications, at least three reference letters and,
for junior applicants, a doctoral transcript. Applications will be
accepted until the positions are filled. Diversity and inclusion have
been and continue to be a part of our heritage. Cornell University is
a recognized EEO/AA employer and educator.


From: Dr Jason Roberts [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2015
Subject: Lecturing Positions, Univ of Chester

The Mathematics Department at the University of Chester is currently
advertising two lecturing positions (one at Lecturer, one at Senior
Lecturer level).

The Department of Mathematics is seeking new appointments to teach on
both the undergraduate and postgraduate curricula, as well as
contribute to the Department’s research.

The Department is particularly interested in recruiting to the
following two areas:

The Department is particularly interested in candidates who can
contribute to problems related to stochastic functional differential
equations, stochastic modelling and/or problems with integral and
fractional-order operators.

In addition, the Department is also looking to expand its research
profile in Pure Mathematics through expansion of its expertise in
Algebra and its applications (such as Coding Theory).

Further details can be found at


From: Lewin Stein [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2015
Subject: Research Associate Position, CFD, Technical Univ of Berlin (TVL13)

The Department of Fluid Dynamics and Technical Acoustics /
Computational Fluid Dynamics at the Technische Universität Berlin
offers an open position:

Research Assistant – salary grade E13 TV-L
part-time employment may be possible

Reference number: V-92/15 (to be filled from 01.05.2015 until
30.04.2017 with an extension option / closing date for applications

Job description: The area of activity is a stable long-term simulation
of an adjungated, turbulent and compressible boundary layer. The aim
is a reliable calculation of sensitivities in fluids for optimization
tasks. Specific problems are the data management and the compression
of the forward calculation as well as the stability of the backwards

Requirements: As a successful candidate you should hold a university
degree (Master, Diplom or equivalent) in the area of numerical fluid
dynamics; excellent skills in mathematics, fluid dynamics / continuum
mechanics and numerical simulation. Experiences with turbulence,
adjoint-based methods for optimization and Unix / Fortran / Matlab are
an advantage. You have the possibility to attain a doctorate.

Please send us your application (post or email) w reference number and
the appropriate documents (cover letter, CV, publications). Detailed


From: Marco Donatelli [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Image Restoration, Insubria Univ, Como, Italy

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Fellow position regarding
numerical methods for image deblurring problems in the group of
Prof. Marco Donatelli at the University of Insubria, Como, Italy.

The appointee will be part of a team developing numerical methods for
image restoration problems with a particular emphasis on iterative
regularization methods.

The successful candidate should have a PhD (or equivalent) in Applied
Mathematics or other related areas and a strong knowledge of numerical
linear algebra and optimization.

The applications are due on March 31, 2015. The position will be for
a fixed-term of 1 year. The selected candidate should start working
on the project by May 1, 2015.

Additional information and application details can be found at

Interested candidates may contact Marco Donatelli
(marco.donatelli[at] for further information.


From: Miguel A. Fernández [email protected]
Date: March 18, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Scientific Computing, Inria Paris-Rocquencourt

REO team of Inria Paris-Rocquencourt (France) offers a 1-year post-
doctoral fellowship in scientific computing and numerical
analysis. The research activity will be devoted to the development of
mathematical models and numerical methods for the simulation of
micro-capsules suspended in a carrying fluid (including capsule
breakup). This work will be performed in the framework of a research
project with the Biomechanics & Bioengineering Laboratory of the
Université de Technologie de Compiègne (France).

Applications, including
- Cover letter;
- Current vitae with list of publications;
- Letters of recommendation;

must be submitted by email to [email protected]

Taking office: From June 2015 (as soon as possible)


From: Andrea Walther [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematics and its Applications, Univ Paderborn

A fully funded PhD studentship in applied mathematics within the
Initial Training Network (ITN) "IODA: Industrial Optimal Design using
Adjoint CFD" is available at the University Paderborn, Germany. The
project is concerned with the automatic differentiation of a
parameter-based CAD system. Subsequently, the differentiated CAD tool
will be included in a complete design chain for the optimization of
industrial devices in close cooperation with other PhD studends within

The project will be supervised by Prof. Andrea Walther. Additional
information is available at

End of Digest