From: Arieh Iserles [email protected]
Date: July 16, 2015
Subject: MJD Powell's offprints
Clearing the office of Mike Powell, who sadly passed away in April, we
came across a treasure throve of his preprints and offprints, some
going back to the dawn of modern optimization. While some have been
digitised and are available elsewhere, others are not. Mike Powell's
guiding principle was to share his research with others and we intend
to continue in this spirit.
The list of all these offprints resides at
http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/na/MJDP_Offprints.html . If you are
interested in any of them, please email Virginia Mullins
([email protected]): they will be distributed on a first-come,
first-served basis.
From: Mike Sussman [email protected]
Date: July 09, 2015
Subject: MATLAB inv() much less stable in new releases than old
Does anyone know why the folks at the Mathworks have chosen to change
the matrix algorithm for the inv function so that it is much less
stable than before? Between MATLAB releases R2012a and R2014a the
following sequence of instructions produces drastically different
Using release R2012a, this produces 2.9743e-4, somewhat better than
would be expected from the condition number of 1.6025e+13. If,
instead, Ainv is computed as Ainv=A\eye(10), the result is 0.0051,
larger than with inv(A) but still consistent with the condition
number. In contrast, using release R2014a (and more recent versions)
one gets 1.4290e+5, substantially larger than one would expect from
the condition number.
If I recall correctly, this change occurred in or before R2013a, but I
can no longer verify that. In any case I have been unable to find any
mention of a change in the release notes or on the internet.
Can anyone help me understand why such a change was made? Is the new
algorithm better in some way for some class of problem?
From: Fred Krogh [email protected]
Date: July 14, 2015
Subject: MATH77/mathc90 Libraries Available at netlib
Caltech has agreed to make the mathematical software libraries
developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory open source. This resource
can be found at http://netlib.org/math/. The README file there gives
further information.
From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: July 10, 2015
Subject: New Book, Spline Functions: Computational Methods
Spline Functions: Computational Methods, by Larry L. Schumaker
xii + 413 pages / Hardcover / ISBN 978-1-611973-89-1 / List Price
$83.00 / SIAM Member Price $58.10 / Order Code OT142
This book describes in detail the key algorithms needed for computing
with spline functions and illustrates their use in solving several
basic problems in numerical analysis, including function
approximation, numerical quadrature, data fitting, and the numerical
solution of PDEs. The focus is on computational methods for bivariate
splines on triangulations in the plane and on the sphere, although
both univariate and tensor-product splines are also discussed.
The book contains numerous examples and figures to illustrate the
methods and their performance. All of the algorithms in the book have
been coded in a separate MATLAB package available for license. The
package can be used to run all of the examples in the book and also
provides readers with the essential tools needed to create software
for their own applications. In addition to the included bibliography,
a list of over 100 pages of additional references can be found on the
book’s website.
To order or for more about this book, including links to its Preface,
Contents, and Index, please visit http://bookstore.siam.org/OT142.
From: Oliver Ernst [email protected]
Date: July 16, 2015
Subject: GAMM Uncertainty Quantification, Germany, Sep 2015
I am pleased to announce that the 2nd Workshop of the GAMM Activity
Group on Uncertainty Quantification will take place at the TU Chemnitz on
September 10-11th, 2015. Confirmed invited speakers are
- Aretha Teckentrup (U Warwick)
- Claudia Schillings (U Warwick)
- Elisabeth Ullmann (U Hamburg)
- Martin Eigel (WIAS Berlin)
- Hanno Gottschalk (U Wuppertal)
Details and online registration can be found at
https://www.tu- chemnitz.de/mathematik/numa/gamm-aguq2015
From: Tilmann Glimm [email protected]
Date: July 13, 2015
Subject: Pacific Northwest NA Seminar, USA, Oct 2015
The 28th Annual Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar (PNWNAS)
will be held at Western Washington University in Bellingham,
Washington on Saturday, October 17, 2015. There will be 8 invited
speakers (names TBA). A broad range of interdisciplinary research
topics will be covered, including mathematical modeling and numerical
simulation of large-scale complex systems in applied fields, such as
biology, chemical engineering, fluid mechanics, medical science and
materials science, numerical linear algebra, multi-scale modeling and
simulation, stochastic processes, inverse problems and image
processing. Poster sessions will provide early-stage researchers with
an opportunity to showcase their work.
For early registration and more information see
https://sites.google.com/site/pnwnas2015/ or contact
[email protected] or [email protected] .
From: Yi-Hui Zhou [email protected]
Date: July 14, 2015
Subject: Programmer/Research Associate Position, NC State
The Bioinformatics Research Center (BRC) at North Carolina State
University is an interdisciplinary research center that includes over
a dozen faculty from Statistics, Biological Sciences, Computer
Science, and other departments. The Center also houses approximately
25 students in the Bioinformatics Graduate Program.
Position Title: Programmer/Research Associate
Duties and Responsibilities: This Programmer/Research Associate will
serve in a programmer role for Dr. Yi-Hui Zhou in a dynamic group
conducting genomic data analysis in the Bioinformatics Research
This position will be responsible for, but not limited to:
Creating statistical packages in the R environment
Creating websites and interfaces using JAVA
Achieving a high level of scientific skill in the areas of
bioinformatics and genomics annotation. This individual will develop
and implement software development and annotation for collaborative
genetics research projects. Serving as an expert in practical aspects
of genomic annotation and software development for genetic data
analysis. This individual will be responsible for researching the
analysis and annotation needs of the research group and suggesting and
implementing an analysis pipeline to meet those needs.
Position Qualifications:
Proficiency in R and JAVA
Advanced degree in Computer Science or related discipline
Background in Mathematics (or related quantitative science)
Application Information: Please send CV and names of three references
to [email protected]
From: Mechthild Thalhammer [email protected]
Date: July 15, 2015
Subject: Professorship Position, Stochastics, Univ of Innsbruck, Austria
The University of Innsbruck, Austria, invites applications for the
position of a
Professor of Stochastics
(40 hours per week; permanent civil-law employment contract;
application till August 26, 2015).
For detailed information, please follow the link
From: Hui Wan [email protected]
Date: July 10, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Global Climate Modeling, PNNL
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA, USA
Job Announcement (ID: 304443)
Job Description
PNNL is recruiting *up to three postdoctoral research associates* to
work on projects related to high-resolution global Climate and Earth
System models. We are particularly interested in features pertaining
to the Earth's water cycle, aerosol-cloud-climate interactions, and
interactions between Earth's atmosphere and surface components, that
are often influenced by natural and anthropogenic gaseous and aerosol
emissions. We are interested in answering hypothesis-driven physical
questions, but also in the computational challenges of modeling these
processes accurately on current and upcoming computer systems.
For further details and online application, please visit
From: Jack Dongarra [email protected]
Date: July 15, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Large Scale Linear Algebra, Manchester England
We are inviting applications for three postdoctoral positions that are
open in the Numerical Linear Algebra Group at the University of
Manchester in England. The successful candidates will join Numerical
Linear Algebra for Future and Emerging Technologies (NLAFET)
collaboration, a project funded by the European Commission and
involving University of Manchester, INRIA, Umea University, and
STFC/RAL. They will conduct research on dense and sparse linear
algebra solvers aiming at a significant reduction of communication and
thus suitable for future and emerging large-scale computers. The
algorithms developed will be validated on several applications
targeted by NLAFET, such as computational fluid dynamics,
astrophysics, etc. A close collaboration and visits with the other
partners of the project will be involved.
The positions will focus on design, implementation, and evaluation of
parallel algorithms for numerical linear algebra with regards to the
extreme-scale challenges. The research will be done in close
collaboration with recognized researchers and PhD students in the
research group as well as with other partners in NLAFET.
This post offers a full-time 36-month research appointment.
Informal enquiries may be made to: Professor Jack Dongarra. Email:
[email protected].
From: Patrick Henning [email protected]
Date: July 14, 2015
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Univ Münster, Germany
At the Institute for Computational und Applied Mathematics of the
University of Münster (Germany) we are currently offering a 3-year PhD
position. The position is associated with a project of the German
Research Foundation (DFG) and focuses on finite element based
approaches for nonlinear Schrödinger equations for simulating
Bose-Einstein condensates. The salary is based on the German public
service salary scale (TV-L). For additional information we refer to
the following link
and for further questions, please contact Dr. Patrick Henning
([email protected]).
If you are interested in this position, please send your application
and CV until the 31h of July electronically to Carolin Gietz
([email protected]).
From: Christian Gerhards [email protected]
Date: July 13, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematical Geosciences, Univ of Vienna
Currently, there is an open 3-year position for a PhD student at the
Computational Science Center (headed by Otmar Scherzer) at the
University of Vienna. The position is associated with the DFG-funded
Time-Space Multiscale Separation of Ocean Tide Generated Magnetic
which is part of the DFG Research Priority Program "Study of Earth
system dynamics with a constellation of potential field missions
(DynamicEarth)". The project aims at developing mathematical tools
(e.g., the construction of localized basis functions for the induction
equation) to separate the contribution of the Earth's magnetic field
that is due to induction effects by (tidal) ocean currents. It takes
place in collaboration with the GFZ German Research Center for
Geosciences in Potsdam.
Candidates must have a MSc degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics,
Computer Science, or a closely related field and have a strong
interest in interdisciplinary mathematics and geosciences. They are
open minded, active, and have a good command of the English and/or
German language.
Interested candidates should send their application to
[email protected] by August 31, 2015.
More details on the position, the project, and the Computational
Science Center can be found on
http://www.csc.univie.ac.at/index.php?page=ocean tides .
From: Oleg Davydov [email protected]
Date: July 13, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Univ of Giessen, Germany
Applications are invited for a PhD position in the Numerical Analysis
group of the University of Giessen. Current research interests of the
group are in the areas of approximation theory, radial basis
functions, meshless methods and the finite element method, including
both mathematical theory and numerical experimentation. The position
is for 3 years with possible extension for 2 more years. The duties
include teaching 2 hours of tutorials per week in German language. The
salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-H). The
starting date is October 1, 2015. The deadline for applications is
July 31, 2015. The official announcement with full details of the
position and application instructions can be found at
If you want to discuss your application informally, please contact
Prof. Dr. Martin Buhmann
Tel: +49-(0)641-99-32190
Email: [email protected]
or Prof. Oleg Davydov
Tel: +49-(0)641-99-32192
Email: [email protected]
End of Digest