From: Nick Trefethen [email protected]
Date: November 27, 2015
Subject: Chebfun V5.3 release
The Chebfun team is pleased to announce the release of Chebfun V5.3 at
http://www.chebfun.org. Chebfun is an open-source MATLAB package
hosted on GitHub for numerical computing with functions in 1D and 2D.
It is also a powerful and convenient tool for numerical solution of
ODE initial- and boundary-value problems, as well as certain
time-dependent PDEs in 1D, and a book about solution of ODEs in
Chebfun is in preparation. New features in V5.3 include:
- QUIVER for phase plane plots of chebops defining ODEs
- FOLLOWPATH for pseudo-arclength continuation
- Simplifications of ODE and PDE syntax
- Faster algorithms for ODEs and PDEs
- Redesign of chebfun constructor and removal of "epslevel"
- EXPLAIN for a movie explaining low-rank chebfun2 construction
- 'TURBO' for Chebyshev coefficients below the usual 1e-16
- PLOTREGION for estimated ellipses and strips of analyticity
- Fast disrete Legendre transforms (LEGCOEFFS2LEGVALS etc.)
Details of these and other new features are in the release notes at
http://www.chebfun.org. In 2016 we expect to release Chebfun3 for
computation in 3D, SPHEREFUN for computation on spheres, and SPIN for
fast solution of KdV and other stiff PDEs.
From: Pavel Solin [email protected]
Date: November 29, 2015
Subject: European Seminar on Computing, Czech Republic, Jun 2016
This is a friendly reminder that the deadline to submit an abstract to
the Fifth European Seminar on Computing (ESCO 2016) is December 15,
ESCO 2016 will take place on 5 - 10 June 2016 in Pilsen, Czech
Republic. The proceedings will appear as a special issue of
Appl. Math. Comput. (impact factor 1.551). Invited keynote speakers
Christian Bucher (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Volker John (WIAS, Berlin, Germany)
Anders Logg (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden)
Eugenio Roanes-Lozano (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer (George Mason Univ., Fairfax, U.S.A., NSF
program director)
Andrew Siegel (Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A.)
Thematic areas of ESCO 2016: Computational electromagnetics and
coupled problems, Fluid-structure interaction and multi-phase flows,
Computational chemistry and quantum physics, Computational civil and
structural engineering, Computational biology and bioinformatics,
Computational geometry and topology, Mathematics Education and
Outreach, Petascale and exascale computing, Hydrology and porous media
flows, Wave propagation and acoustics, Climate and weather modeling,
GPU and cloud computing, Uncertainty quantification, Open source
From: Yaroslav D. Sergeyev [email protected]
Date: November 30, 2015
Subject: Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms, Italy, Jun 2016
Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms
The 2nd International Conference and Summer School NUMTA2016
19-25 June 2016, Club Med Resort Napitia, Pizzo Calabro, Italy
THE GOAL of NUMTA2016 Conference is to create a multidisciplinary
round table for an open discussion on numerical modeling by using
traditional and emerging computational paradigms. The Conference will
discuss all aspects of numerical computations and modeling from
foundations and philosophy to advanced numerical techniques. New
technological challenges and fundamental ideas from theoretical
computer science, linguistic, logic, set theory, and philosophy will
meet requirements and new fresh applications from physics, chemistry,
biology, and economy.
Researchers from both theoretical and applied sciences are very
welcome to submit their papers. Submissions discussing new
computational paradigms, relations with foundations of mathematics,
and their impact on natural sciences are particularly solicited. A
special attention will be dedicated to numerical optimization and
different issues related to theory and practice of the usage of
infinities and infinitesimals in numerical computations.
SUMMER SCHOOL offering tutorials and discussion sections covering the
topics of the Conference there will be organized. Participants at the
Summer School can submit either regular papers or participate at the
poster session. English is the working language both at the Conference
and the Summer School.
YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD (500 Euro and the Award certificate) for the
best presentation made by a young scientist will be awarded during the
Scientific Secretariat - [email protected]
Organizing Secretariat - [email protected]
From: Miguel A. BenÃtez [email protected]
Date: November 27, 2015
Subject: Postdoc and Researcher Positions, BCAM
BCAM, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics,
http://www.bcamath.org, whose mission is to develop high quality
interdisciplinary research in the frontiers of Applied Mathematics,
has opened an International Call for BCAM Researcher and postdocs
offering the following positions:
- One Research Fellowship in Quantum Mechanics or Harmonic Analysis
- One postdoc position in CFD Computational Technologies
- One postdoc position in Mathematical Modelling in Biosciences
- One postdoc position in Statistical Physics
- One postdoc position in the ERC Advanced Grant Project, led by
Prof. Luis Vega "HADE - Harmonic Analysis and Differential
Equations: New Challenges"
Deadline for submission: December 30th 2015, 17:00 CET (GTM +01:00).
Please remember to select up to two applications in our Call
IC2015_Winter for postdoc positions, otherwise the application will be
automatically rejected.
All applications must be submitted on-line at:
We kindly ask you to distribute this call among colleagues and
potential candidates. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any
additional information [email protected]
From: Carlos Fonseca [email protected]
Date: November 30, 2015
Subject: Contents, Special Matrices, 3 (1)
The 2015 volume of Special Matrices is now completed. All the papers
journal are available here:
The maximum multiplicity and the two largest multiplicities of
eigenvalues in a Hermitian matrix whose graph is a tree, Rosário
When powers of a matrix coincide with its Hadamard powers, Roman
Partitions of networks that are robust to vertex permutation dynamics,
Gary Froyland and Eric Kwok
Explicit formulas for the constituent matrices. Application to the
matrix functions, R. Ben Taher and M. Rachidi
Equality in Wielandt's eigenvalue inequality, Shmuel Friedland
Unitary automorphisms of the space of Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices,
A.K. Abdikalykov, V.N. Chugunov, and Kh.D. Ikramov
Completely positive matrices over Boolean algebras and their CP-rank,
Preeti Mohindru
Determinants and inverses of circulant matrices with complex Fibonacci
numbers, Ercan Altinisik, N. Feyza Yalcin, and Serife Buyukkose
Complex Hadamard Matrices contained in a Bose-Mesner algebra, Takuya
Ikuta and Akihiro Munemasa
The reciprocal super Catalan matrix, Helmut Prodinger
A new bound for the spectral radius of Brualdi-Li matrices, Xiaogen
Matrices induced by arithmetic functions, primes and groupoid actions
of directed graphs, Ilwoo Cho and Palle E. T. Jorgensen
Moore-Penrose inverses of Gram matrices leaving a cone invariant in an
indefinite inner product space, K. Appi Reddy and T. Kurmayya
A variant of the reciprocal super Catalan matrix, Emrah Kilic, Ilker
Akkus, and Gonca Kizilaslan
Another formulation of the Wick's theorem. Farewell, pairing?, Igor V.
A note on certain ergodicity coefficients, Francesco Tudisco
Two-level Cretan matrices constructed using SBIBD, N. A. Balonin and
Jennifer Seberry
A Hadamard product involving inverse-positive matrices, Maria T.
Gasso, Juan R. Torregrosa, and Manuel F. Abad
On decomposition of k-tridiagonal l-Toeplitz matrices and its
applications, A. Ohashi, T. Sogabe, and T.S. Usuda
Factorizations for q-Pascal matrices of two variables, Thomas Ernst
Companion matrices and their relations to Toeplitz and Hankel
matrices, Yousong Luo and Robin Hill
Symmetric Hadamard matrices of order 116 and 172 exist, Olivia Di
Matteo, Dragomir Z. Dokovic, and Ilias S. Kotsireas
On the determinants of some kinds of circulant-type matrices with
generalized number sequences, Emrullah Kirklar and Fatih Yilmaz
Extension of Wang-Gong monotonicity result in semisimple Lie groups,
Zachary Sarver and Tin-Yau Tam
Elementary triangular matrices and inverses of k-Hessenberg and
triangular matrices, Luis Verde-Star
From: David G. Yu [email protected]
Date: November 28, 2015
Subject: Contents, Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 3
Contents, Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing (SOIC),
Vol 3, 2015
SOIC is available at http://www.iapress.org/index.php/soic/
Zhida Shen, Zhe Geng, Junfeng Yang, Image reconstruction from
incomplete convolution data via total variation regularization
Ying Chen, Jian Wu, Gaohang Yu, Adaptive Proximal Point Algorithms for
Total Variation Image Restoration
Maxim Luz, Mikhail Moklyachuk, Minimax Interpolation Problem for
Random Processes with Stationary Increments
Princy T, An extended compound gamma model and application to
composite fading channels
Qingyang Zhang, Guolin Yu, Hui Song, A hybrid bird mating optimizer
algorithm with teaching-learning-based optimization for global
numerical optimization
Shuichi Shinmura, The 95% confidence intervals of error rates and
discriminant coefficients
Luis Sanchez, Saba Infante, Jose Marcano, Victor Griffin, Polynomial
Chaos based on the parallelized ensemble Kalman filter to estimate
precipitation states
Md. Moyazzem Hossain, Ajit Kumar Majumder On Measurement of Efficiency
of Cobb-Douglas Production Function with Additive and Multiplicative
Chi Zhang, Guoliang Tian, Xifen Huang, Two new bivariate zero-
inflated generalized Poisson distributions with a flexible correlation
Vadim Demichev, Judith Sarah Olszewski, A Central Limit Theorem for
the Volumes of High Excursions of Stationary Associated Random Fields
V S Vaidyanathan, R Vani Lakshmi, Parameter Estimation in Multivariate
Gamma Distribution
Maksym Luz, Mikhail Moklyachuk, Minimax-robust prediction problem for
stochastic sequences with stationary increments and cointegrated
Seifedine Kadry, Armen Bagdasaryan, New MLFQ Scheduling Algorithm for
Operating Systems Using Dynamic quantum
Xijian Wang, Tonghua Zeng, Solve thermal explosion model by central
difference and Newton iteration method
Roman Denysiuk, Helena Sofia Rodrigues, M. Teresa T. Monteiro, Lino
Costa, Isabel Espirito Santo, Delfim F. M. Torres, Multiobjective
approach to optimal control for a dengue transmission model
Abbas Eftekharian, S. Mahmoud Taheri, On the GLR and UMP tests in the
family with support dependent on the parameter
Chao Gu, Hua Wang, A new non-monotone filter trust region algorithm
for solving nonlinear systems of equalities and inequalities
Zhenguo Mu, Yang Peng, A note on the inertial proximal point method
Vinayak K Gedam, Suresh B Pathare, Estimation Approaches of Mean
Response Time for a Two Stage Open Queueing Network Model
Mikhail Moklyachuk, Maria Sidei, Interpolation Problem for Stationary
Sequences with Missing Observations
Ram Verma, Mathematical Programming Based on Sufficient Optimality
Conditions and Higher Order Exponential Type Generalized Invexities
Eloisa Macedo, Two-Step-SDP approach to clustering and dimensionality
Therrar Kadri, Khaled Smaili, Seifedine Kadry, A novel approach in
Multi-hop networks technology with the ratio distribution of two
Hyper- Erlang random variables
Shuichi Shinmura, A Trivial Linear Discriminant Function
Jalil Manafian Heris, Reza Shahabi, Mohammad Asadpour, Isa Zamanpour,
Jalal Jalali, Construction of exact solutions to the modifed forms of
DP and CH equations by analytical methods
Mikhail Moklyachuk, Minimax-Robust Estimation Problems for Stationary
Stochastic Sequences
End of Digest