NA Digest, V. 16, # 27
NA Digest Monday, July 18, 2016 Volume 16 : Issue 27
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Roger Fletcher (1939-2016)
- Quantitative Investigation of Random Processes
- FEATool Multiphysics v1.5 Matlab FEM Toolbox Released
- MILES: MATLAB package for mixed integer least squares
- New Book, Infinite Matrices and their Recent Applications
- IMA Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, UK, Sep 2016
- Numerical Analysis of Evolution Equations, Austria, Nov 2016
- SIAM CSE17, USA, Feb-Mar 2017
- Preconditioning 2017, Canada, Jul-Aug 2017
- Scientific Programmer Position (PDRA), Univ of Reading
- Tenure-Track Positions, The Univ of Hong Kong
- PhD Position, Numerics for Control, KU Leuven
- Postdoc Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, EPFL
- Postdoc/PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Stuttgart
- PhD Position, Uncertainty Quantification/Stochastic PDEs
- PhD Positions, Funded Bioengineering, Univ of Auckland
- Computational Software Section in CiCP.
- Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36 (3)
- Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 68 (1-2)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: David Griffiths [email protected]
Date: July 17, 2016
Subject: Roger Fletcher (1939-2016)
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Roger Fletcher,
an Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Fellow at the University of
Dundee. Roger was in the first rank of numerical analysts, working
mainly in linear algebra and optimization. He is particularly known
for his wide ranging work in optimization, where he made many highly
original and fundamentally important contributions, and numerous
methods bear his name. In addition to the development of methods,
Roger also produced several computer programs based on his work which
are widely used today. He collaborated widely, and supervised many
students and research fellows who went on to make their own major
The quality of his work was recognised by various honours. He was
awarded the Dantzig Prize in 1997 and the Lagrange Prize in 2006, both
by the Mathematical Optimization Society; he was elected a Fellow of
the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1988, a Fellow of the Royal Society
of London in 2003, a SIAM Fellow in 2009 and was awarded a Royal Medal
by the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2011.
Away from Mathematics, he was an enthusiastic swimmer, an accomplished
bridge player, and enjoyed walking in the Scottish hills. It was
during a walk from his holiday accommodation near Dornie on the west
coast of Scotland that Roger went missing, but the details of what
caused his death are still unclear.
Roger was a good friend to many, and splendid company at all times.
He leaves a wife Mary, and two daughters Jane and Sarah. He will be
greatly missed.
David Griffiths and Alistair Watson
From: Bernard Beauzamy [email protected]
Date: July 11, 2016
Subject: Quantitative Investigation of Random Processes
We recently started an investigation of random walks in the plane,
mostly from the point of view of their irregularities (for instance,
Khinchin's Law of the Iterated Logarithm). This has interesting
consequences for Industrial companies: if a sample is tested, how to
define it and how to exploit it. We are seeking collaboration, either
with individuals or with institutions, on these topics. This
collaboration may have three aspects:
- A better understanding of the underlying theories, with new
quantitative tools;
- The development of simulation software, in order to allow a better
practical understanding, but also a presentation to people who are
new in the field;
- A specific study of samples with industrial contents.
For further information, please see:
From: JS Hysing [email protected]
Date: July 07, 2016
Subject: FEATool Multiphysics v1.5 Matlab FEM Toolbox Released
FEATool Multiphysics version 1.5 is now available. FEATool is designed
to be a very easy to use PDE and FEM Multiphysics Simulation Toolbox
for Matlab and GNU Octave. The new release brings the following major
features and improvements
- Redesigned and improved 3D geometry, CAD engine, and post processing
- Support for external function calls for equation and boundary
coefficients, write your own Matlab m-script coefficent functions
and call them directly from the Gui
- Generalized Navier-Stokes slip boundary conditions, for fluid flow
problems with curved and non-axis aligned boundaries
- Gui menu support for grid conversion and smoothing allowing
convenient conversion between triangular, quadrilateral,
tetrahedral, and hexahedral grids
- Gui usability and stability improvements such as interruptible
waitbars for grid generation and solvers and more
Please visit for more information.
From: Xiao-Wen Chang [email protected]
Date: July 12, 2016
Subject: MILES: MATLAB package for mixed integer least squares
MILES: MATLAB package for solving Mixed Integer LEast Squares problems
A new version of MILES is now available at
This package now includes routines for solving standard integer least
squares problems, standard mixed integer least squares problems, and
overdetermined box-constrained integer least squares problems
(including nonnegative integer least squares problems).
From: K.C. Sivakumar [email protected]
Date: July 12, 2016
Subject: New Book, Infinite Matrices and their Recent Applications
Infinite Matrices and their Recent Applications
P.N. Shivakumar, K.C. Sivakumar and Y. Zhang
Springer International Publishing
This monograph covers the theory of finite and infinite matrices over
the fields of real numbers, complex numbers and over
quaternions. Emphasizing topics such as sections or truncations and
their relationship to the linear operator theory on certain specific
separable and sequence spaces, the authors explore techniques like
conformal mapping, iterations and truncations that are used to derive
precise estimates in some cases and explicit lower and upper bounds
for solutions in the other cases.
Most of the matrices considered in this monograph have typically
special structures like being diagonally dominated or tridiagonal,
possess certain sign distributions and are frequently nonsingular.
Such matrices arise, for instance, from solution methods for elliptic
partial differential equations. The authors focus on both theoretical
and computational aspects concerning infinite linear algebraic
equations, differential systems and infinite linear programming, among
others. Additionally, the authors cover topics such as Bessel’s and
Mathieu's equations, viscous fluid flow in doubly connected regions,
digital circuit dynamics and eigenvalues of the Laplacian.
e-Book ISBN: 978-3-319-30180-8
Hard cover ISBN: 978-3-319-30179-2
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: July 13, 2016
Subject: IMA Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, UK, Sep 2016
Fifth IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
University of Birmingham, UK
7 - 9 September 2016
Conference topics include any subject that could be of interest to
both communities, such as: Direct and iterative methods for large
sparse linear systems; Eigenvalue computation and optimization;
Large-scale nonlinear and semidefinite programming; Effect of
round-off errors, stopping criteria, embedded iterative procedures;
Optimization issues for matrix polynomials; Fast matrix computations;
Compressed/sparse sensing; PDE-constrained optimization; Distributed
computing and optimization; Applications and real time optimization.
Invited speakers: Tim Davis, Anders Forsgren, Andreas Frommer, Jacek
Gondzio, Laura Grigori, Jennifer Scott, Lieven Vandenberghe.
Conference venue: The conference will be hosted by the University of
Birmingham. Talks will take place in the School of Mathematics.
Please note that the deadline for submissions has now passed.
Further information
Conference webpage:
From: Alexander Ostermann [email protected]
Date: July 08, 2016
Subject: Numerical Analysis of Evolution Equations, Austria, Nov 2016
Workshop: Numerical Analysis of Evolution Equations
Innsbruck (Austria), November 8-11, 2016
In November 2016, the 9th Workshop on the numerical analysis of
evolution equations will take place at the University of Innsbruck.
The plenary speakers are:
- Prof. Martin Gander (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Prof. Mari Paz Calvo (Valladolid, Spain)
The intention of the workshop is to provide a platform for exchanging
new ideas and results in the development of numerical methods for
evolution equations. The workshop covers both, theoretical and
practical aspects, and aims at bringing together numerical analysts
working in the field as well as PhD students.
For more information, see
From: Jan S Hesthaven [email protected]
Date: July 11, 2016
Subject: SIAM CSE17, USA, Feb-Mar 2017
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (SIAM CSE'17)
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dates: February 27-March 3, 2017
The Call for Participation for this conference is now available. Please
visit for more information.
August 1, 2016: Minisymposium proposals
August 29, 2016: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers
August 29, 2016: Abstracts for contributed posters and
minisymposterium posters (thematic groups)
August 19, 2016: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career
Travel Award Applications
Detailed guidelines for the preparation of abstract, minisymposia and
poster submissions are available at
We especially encourage submissions of posters to CSE17, where we will
have expanded poster sessions, including demos and thematic groups of
posters (or poster minisymposia), as well as poster prizes. CSE17
poster sessions will be great opportunities for networking and
interacting in depth about research topics. More details are below
and on the CFP.
Contact SIAM Conference Department at [email protected] with any
questions about the conference.
From: Chen Greif [email protected]
Date: July 17, 2016
Subject: Preconditioning 2017, Canada, Jul-Aug 2017
DATE: July 31-August 2, 2017
VENUE: Vancouver, Canada
This conference is a sequel to nine successful meetings on
preconditioning (one every two years), which address complex issues
related to the solution of general sparse matrix problems in
large-scale applications and in industrial settings. The goal of the
conference is to exchange ideas on recent developments in
preconditioning techniques for sparse linear systems of equations, and
to a lesser extent for eigenvalue problems. A forthcoming announcement
will provide details on focus areas, paper submission, important
dates, program committee members, and invited speakers.
Chen Greif, University of British Columbia
Esmond Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Yousef Saad, University of Minnesota
Andy Wathen, Oxford University
From: Phil Browne [email protected]
Date: July 12, 2016
Subject: Scientific Programmer Position (PDRA), Univ of Reading
The University of Reading is seeking a scientific programmer to help
develop and support users of the EMPIRE data assimilation
The post will be funded by the National Centre for Earth Observation
(NCEO) and will maintain the EMPIRE data-assimilation software
system. Data assimilation is the science of combining large numerical
models of a system with observations of that system in a statistically
sound way, exploring Bayes Theorem. The software system consists of an
efficient implementation of several state-of-the-art ensemble
data-assimilation methods, like Ensemble Kalman Filters and Particle
Filters. It allows for extremely efficient coupling with any numerical
geoscience model via MPI. The system needs to be developed further,
including more data-assimilation methods like efficient particle
filters and variational methods based on ensemble covariances,
automatic covariance generation tools, etc. The post is also expected
to be actively involved in the generation of new nonlinear more
efficient data-assimilation methods. Furthermore, the usefulness and
possibilities of a merger with the German PDAF system is to be
investigated. An important aspect of the post will be support for
present and future users of the system.
Full details can be found at
Informal enquires can be directed to Peter Jan van Leeuwen
[email protected] or Phil Browne [email protected]
From: Tuen Wai Ng [email protected]
Date: July 12, 2016
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions, The Univ of Hong Kong
Tenure-Track Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (2 posts)
in Applied Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong (Ref.: 201600853)
Applications are invited for two tenure-track appointments as
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in the Department of
Mathematics, to commence from September 1, 2017 or as soon as possible
thereafter. The appointments will initially be made on a three- year
term basis, with the possibility of renewal. The Department of
Mathematics provides a solid general undergraduate education in
mathematics, offers supervision in graduate study for students with a
strong interest in and a capacity for mathematics, and engages in
teaching and research aiming at a high international
standing. Information about the Department can be obtained at Candidates in all areas of Applied
Mathematics will be considered, with preference given to those working
in the areas of Optimization (with applications in Big Data Science)
and Scientific Computing (with applications in Financial Mathematics).
The appointees will be expected to teach undergraduate and
postgraduate courses, supervise research students and also actively
engage in outreach and service. A globally competitive remuneration
package commensurate with the appointee's qualifications and
experience will be offered. At current rates, salaries tax does not
exceed 15% of gross income. The appointments will attract a
contract-end gratuity and University contribution to a retirement
benefits scheme, totalling up to 15% of basic salary, as well as
annual leave, and medical benefits. Housing benefits will be provided
as applicable. Applicants should send a completed application form,
together with an up-to-date C.V. containing information on educational
and professional experience, a complete list of publications, a survey
of past research and teaching experience, a research plan for the next
few years, and a statement on teaching philosophy to [email protected].
They should also arrange for submission, to the same e-mail address as
stated above, three reference letters from senior academics. One of
these senior academics should be asked to comment on the applicant's
ability in teaching, or the applicant should arrange to have an
additional reference letter on his/her teaching sent to the same
e-mail address as stated above. Please indicate clearly which level
they wish to be considered for and the reference number in the subject
of the e-mail. Application forms (341/1111) can be downloaded at and further particulars can be
obtained at Review of applications will start
from December 1, 2016 and continue until June 30, 2017. The
University thanks applicants for their interest, but advises that only
candidates shortlisted for interviews will be notified of the
application result.
The University is an equal opportunities employer and
is committed to a Non-Smoking Policy
From: Wim Michiels [email protected]
Date: July 18, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Numerics for Control, KU Leuven
At the Computer Science department of KU Leuven there is vacant PhD
position in the area of computational control and optimization of
large-scale interconnected systems.
The aim of the PhD project is to develop novel, decentralized control
schemes. For large networks it is expensive, if not impossible, to
control all systems individually, and centralized solutions are
infeasible. A the same time, the exiting theoretical framework of
decentralized control is not adapted toward complex systems where the
overall dynamics are largely determined by the interactions. Hence, a
shift of the control paradigm is needed. Besides computing optimal
controller parameters, we focus on optimizing the topology of the
network, that is, we determine which systems need to interact in order
to optimize a global objective in an efficient way. While the focus is
on development of computational methods, applications are foreseen in
robotics and sensor networks.
The PhD researcher will spend the two years at KU Leuven (Belgium) and
the final year at Ecole Centrale de Lille (France), and he/she will be
awarded a joint doctoral diploma upon a successful completion.
What do we offer? An interdisciplinary research project, a stimulating
environment at two European top universities, a balanced and
personalized PhD trajectory, with attention paid to transferable
skills development and exposure to both academic and non-academic
environments, and a highly competitive salary (Marie Sklodowska-Curie
program of EU). The position is in the framework of the project
UCoCoS. Eligibility criteria, mobility requirements, and application
instructions can be found at the website,
position ESR5. Deadline: September 1.
From: Daniel Kressner [email protected]
Date: July 13, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, EPFL
The Chair of Numerical Algorithms and HPC ( at
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) has an opening for a
postdoctoral fellow in the field of Numerical Linear Algebra.
EPFL provides a stimulating, collaborative and fun research
environment with state-of-the-art facilities. One of the leading
technical universities worldwide, EPFL is located in Lausanne next to
Lake Geneva in a scenic setting.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Tensors, low-rank
approximation, eigenvalue problems, matrix functions, randomized
algorithms, optimization, and parallel computing.
Applicants are expected to have finished, or to be about to finish
their Ph.D. degrees. They should have an exceptional background in
numerical linear algebra, optimization, or a closely related field. A
track record of relevant publications at top applied mathematics or
engineering journals is essential.
The working language at EPFL is English.
Starting date: preferably January 2017
For informal enquiries, please contact Daniel Kressner,
[email protected]
The application letter including a curriculum vitae with a list of
publications and contact details for 3 references should be sent via
email to Annick Gaudin, [email protected]
From: Bernard Haasdonk [email protected]
Date: July 15, 2016
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Stuttgart
We welcome applications for a research associate position in the
research group ``Numerical Mathematics'' at the IANS, University of
Stuttgart, Germany. The position with the designated salary bracket
TV-L E13 100% is to be filled as soon as possible and has a limited
tenure of 2 years with possible extension.
The position is affiliated to a DFG-funded project "Certified model
reduction for coupled mechanical systems". This is a joint endeavour
between Engineering (ITM, Prof. J. Fehr) and Mathematics (IANS,
Prof. B. Haasdonk) with a research affiliate in each of the two
groups. Here we announce the position for the research associate in
Mathematics. The goal of the project is to develop certified model
reduction techniques for coupled multibody systems, where the bodies
are modelled by linear elasticity, while being nonlinearly coupled.
Aspects of the model reduction comprise component-based reduction,
port-reduction, a-posteriori error control, and certified coupled
reduced simulation of real-world models. The goal is in particular to
enable error quantification with commercial multibody packages.
Therefore, the highly motivated candidate should idealy have a MSc or
PhD degree in Mathematics or a related discipline with strong
mathematical focus. In particular we expect a background in numerical
analysis for ODEs. Additionally, solid knowledge in model reduction
and mechanics are desired. Good programming skills (MATLAB) are
essential for developing a joint software tool. Applications with the
usual documents (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, degrees and
certificates, course list, contact information of 2 referees) should
be sent electronically as single PDF file to Prof. Dr. Bernard
Haasdonk, [email protected]. Review of
applications will start July 19th 2016.
From: Clemens Heitzinger [email protected]
Date: July 18, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Uncertainty Quantification/Stochastic PDEs
A position for a PhD student is available within a cooperation between
the University of Udine and TU Wien. The topics are stochastic
partial differential equations, numerical methods, and an application
in nanotechnology.
Application deadline: August 1, 2016
From: jichao zhao [email protected]
Date: July 17, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Funded Bioengineering, Univ of Auckland
Image-based computer models to investigate mechanisms behind atrial
Principal supervisor:
Jichao Zhao, Senior Research Fellow, [email protected]
Health Research Council of New Zealand. We have funding that will
cover tuition fees and provide support (an annual tax-free allowance
in the form of a fortnightly stipend) for multiple PhD students.
Multiple PhD positions are available for this project. The successful
candidates will work with Dr Jichao Zhao and the ABI cardiac group to
investigate mechanisms of atrial fibrillation by novel structural
analysis and image-based computer models. Funding is for three years
in the first instance, with possible extension for a further year.
Atrial fibrillation is the most common form of heart rhythm
disturbance and the ABI has developed a novel image-based computer
model of the atrial chambers that is providing new insight into the
factors that contribute to short-lived episodes of atrial
fibrillation. This project will extend the model to deal with atrial
fibrosis of persistent atrial fibrillation and is part of an
international collaboration.
The research topics of the multiple PhD students include: atrial
cellular model development and computer simulations; computer model
development and simulation studies of effective ablation strategy for
AF termination; development of signal processing tools for atrial
electrograms acquired in clinical and experimental settings;
development of efficient numerical solvers (finite difference) for
cardiac equations and investigate the impact of fibrosis on electrical
We require someone with a Masters' or a Bachelors' degree with Honours
(Second Class Honours, Division One or better) in Engineering, Physics
or Mathematics. Undergraduate experience in scientific computing,
imaging and physiology would be an advantage.
From: Jingfang Huang [email protected]
Date: July 09, 2016
Subject: Computational Software Section in CiCP.
It is truly our honor to reach our scientific computing community and
announce the creation of a "computational software" section in the
journal of "Communications in Computational Physics" (CiCP), which is
devoted to the publication of scientific software related research
results in a very broad sense, preferably with the open-source
software packages. We hope this section will become a useful platform
to our community to share research results and related computer
codes. We are proud to present the first two papers published in this
section: and,
We want to encourage our colleagues to consider this section when
publicizing their research results. This section has a special format
requirement and the sample latex files can be found at The authors may either provide a
link to their software in the paper, or submit the software as
"Supplementary Material" using the online submission system. The
software will be tested by the journal before publication. You are
encouraged to contact the new Section's associate editors Profs.
Jingfang Huang ([email protected]) or Benzhuo Lu ([email protected])
if you have any questions.
From: Kathryn Roberts [email protected]
Date: July 15, 2016
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36 (3)
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:
Tim Mitchell and Michael L. Overton, Hybrid expansion-contraction: a
robust scaleable method for approximating the H-infinity norm
Charles Brett, Andreas Dedner, and Charles Elliott, Optimal control of
elliptic PDEs at points
Sören Bartels, A simple scheme for the approximation of elastic
vibrations of inextensible curves
Olaf Steinbach, Barbara Wohlmuth, and Linus Wunderlich, Trace and flux
a priori error estimates in finite-element approximations of
Signorni-type problems
C. Carstensen, D. Gallistl, and M. Schedensack, L2 best approximation
of the elastic stress in the Arnold-Winther FEM
Carsten Carstensen, Neela Nataraj, and Amiya K. Pani, Comparison
results and unified analysis for first-order finite volume element
methods for a Poisson model problem
Marcelo Actis, Pedro Morin, and Marilina Carena, Nonlocal diffusions
on fractals: qualitative properties and numerical approximations
P. Grohs and S. Hosseini, Nonsmooth trust region algorithms for
locally Lipschitz functions on Riemannian manifolds
Christine Bernardi, Sarra Maarouf, and Driss Yakoubi, Spectral
discretization of Darcy's equations coupled with the heat equation
Fernando D. Gaspoz, Claus-Justus Heine, and Kunibert G. Siebert,
Optimal grading of the newest vertex bisection and H1-stability of the
Jörg Liesen, Pták's nondiscrete induction and its application to
matrix iterations
Lars Ludwig and Hans-Goerg Roos, Convergence and supercloseness of a
finite element method for a singularly perturbed convection-diffusion
problem on an L-shaped domain
James Adler, Scott MacLachlan, and Niall Madden, A first-order system
Petrov-Galerkin discretization for a reaction-diffusion problem on a
fitted mesh
Lyonell Boulton and Aatef Hobiny, On the convergence of the quadratic
Fotini Karakatsani, A posteriori error estimates for fully discrete
fractional-step Ï‘-approximations for parabolic equations
Ken'ichiro Tanaka, A fast and accurate numerical method for symmetric
Lévy processes based on the Fourier transform and sinc-Gauss sampling
Rida T. Farouki, Francesca Pelosi, Maria Lucia Sampoli, and Alessandra
Sestini, Tensor-product surface patches with Pythagorean-hodograph
isoparametric curves
JaEun Ku, Localized pointwise error estimates for direct flux
Bin Wu and Qinghui Zhang, Fast multiscale regularization methods for
high-order numerical differentiation
Zixian Jiang and Armin Lechleiter, Computing interior eigenvalues of
domains from far fields
From: Chi-Wang Shu [email protected]
Date: July 07, 2016
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 68 (1-2)
Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 68, Number 1, July 2016
A Fast Gradient Projection Method for a Constrained Fractional Optimal
Control, Ning Du, Hong Wang and Wenbin Liu, pp.1-20.
Goal-Oriented Error Estimation for the Reduced Basis Method, with
Application to Sensitivity Analysis, Alexandre Janon, Maelle Nodet and
Clementine Prieur, pp.21-41.
A Sign Preserving WENO Reconstruction Method, Ulrik S. Fjordholm and
Deep Ray, pp.42-63.
Constrained TV p-l2 Model for Image Restoration, Alessandro Lanza,
Serena Morigi and Fiorella Sgallari, pp.64-91.
A 5-Wave Relaxation Solver for the Shallow Water MHD System, Francois
Bouchut and Xavier Lhebrard, pp.92-115.
Asymptotic Analysis and Error Estimates of Mixed Finite Element Method
for Brinkman Model, Pengtao Sun and Yuzhou Sun, pp.116-142.
Stability Analysis of Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations to the
Elastodynamics Problem, Paola F. Antonietti, Blanca Ayuso de Dios,
Ilario Mazzieri and Alfio Quarteroni, pp.143-170.
An Explicit High-Order Single-Stage Single-Step Positivity-Preserving
Finite Difference WENO Method for the Compressible Euler Equations,
David C. Seal, Qi Tang, Zhengfu Xu and Andrew J. Christlieb,
A Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Nonlinear
Korteweg-de Vries Equation, Ali Samii, Nishant Panda, Craig Michoski
and Clint Dawson, pp.191-212.
Legendre Spectral Projection Methods for Fredholm-Hammerstein Integral
Equations, Payel Das, Mitali Madhumita Sahani, Gnaneshwar Nelakanti
and Guangqing Long, pp.213-230.
Adaptive Finite Difference Methods for Nonlinear Elliptic and
Parabolic Partial Differential, Equations with Free Boundaries Adam
M. Oberman and Ian Zwiers, pp.231-251.
Numerical Identification of the Fractional Derivatives in the
Two-Dimensional Fractional Cable Equation, Bo Yu and Xiaoyun Jiang,
Block Decomposition Methods for Total Variation by Primal-Dual
Stitching, Chang-Ock Lee, Jong Ho Lee, Hyenkyun Woo and Sangwoon Yun,
Symmetric Coupling of LDG-FEM and DG-BEM, Norbert Heuer, Salim Meddahi
and Francisco-Javier Sayas, pp.303-325.
C0 IP Methods for the Transmission Eigenvalue Problem, Hongrui Geng,
Xia Ji, Jiguang Sun and Liwei Xu, pp.326-338.
Penalty Method for the Stationary Navier-Stokes Problems Under the
Slip Boundary Condition, Guanyu Zhou, Takahito Kashiwabara and Issei
Oikawa, pp.339-374.
A Recovery Based Linear Finite Element Method For 1D Bi-Harmonic
Problems, Hongtao Chen, Zhimin Zhang and Qingsong Zou, pp.375-394.
Robust Approximation Algorithms for the Detection of Attraction Basins
in Dynamical Systems, Roberto Cavoretto, Alessandra De Rossi, Emma
Perracchione and Ezio Venturino, pp.395-415.
Volume 68, Number 2, August 2016
Efficient Spectral-Galerkin Method and Analysis for Elliptic PDEs with
Non-local Boundary Conditions, Lina Hu, Lina Ma and Jie Shen,
Developing a Time-Domain Finite Element Method for the Lorentz
Metamaterial Model and Applications, Wei Yang, Yunqing Huang and
Jichun Li, pp.438-463.
Positivity-Preserving High Order Finite Volume HWENO Schemes for
Compressible Euler Equations, Xiaofeng Cai, Xiangxiong Zhang and
Jianxian Qiu, pp.464-483.
A Numerical Framework for Integrating Deferred Correction Methods to
Solve High Order Collocation Formulations of ODEs, Wenzhen Qu, Namdi
Brandon, Dangxing Chen, Jingfang Huang and Tyler Kress, pp.484-520.
A Cell-Centered Nonlinear Finite Volume Scheme Preserving Fully
Positivity for Diffusion Equation, Zhiqiang Sheng and Guangwei Yuan,
Alternating Proximal Gradient Method for Convex Minimization, Shiqian
Ma, pp.546-572.
Computation Algorithm for Convex Semi-infinite Program with
Second-Order Cones: Special Analyses for Affine and Quadratic Case,
Shunsuke Hayashi, Soon-Yi Wu and Liping Zhang, pp.573-595.
Sparse Pseudo Spectral Projection Methods with Directional Adaptation
for Uncertainty Quantification, J. Winokur, D. Kim, F. Bisetti,
O.P. Le Maitre and O.M. Knio, pp.596-623.
Relations Between WENO3 and Third-Order Limiting in Finite Volume
Methods, B. Schmidtmann, B. Seibold and M. Torrilhon, pp.624-652.
An Efficient Implicit Compact Streamfunction Velocity Formulation of
Two Dimensional Flows, Swapan K. Pandit and Hemanta Karmakar,
Solving Multi-linear Systems with M-Tensors, Weiyang Ding and Yimin
Wei, pp.689-715.
Computing Extreme Eigenvalues of Large Scale Hankel Tensors, Yannan
Chen, Liqun Qi and Qun Wang, pp.716-738.
A Novel Scheme for Liouville's Equation with a Discontinuous
Hamiltonian and Applications to Geometrical Optics, Bart S. van Lith,
Jan H.M. ten Thije Boonkkamp, Wilbert L. IJzerman and Teus W. Tukker,
A Spectral Element Method with Transparent Boundary Condition for
Periodic Layered Media Scattering, Ying He, Misun Min and David
P. Nicholls, pp.772-802.
Analysis and Practical Use of Flexible BiCGStab, Jie Chen, Lois
C. McInnes and Hong Zhang, pp.803-825.
A Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin Method for 2D Fractional
Convection-Diffusion Equations, Shuqin Wang, Jinyun Yuan, Weihua Deng
and Yujiang Wu, pp.826-847.
An Adaptive P1P1 Finite Element Method for Two-Dimensional Transverse
Magnetic Time Harmonic Maxwell's Equations with General Material
Properties and General Boundary Conditions, S.C. Brenner, J. Gedicke
and L.-Y. Sung, pp.848-863.
Variational Image Colorization Models Using Higher-Order Mumford-Shah
Regularizers, Miyoun Jung and Myungjoo Kang, pp.864-888.
End of Digest