NA Digest, V. 18, # 5

NA Digest Sunday, February 04, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 5

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Ahmad Abdelfattah [email protected]
Date: January 29, 2018
Subject: C++ API for Batch BLAS

As part of the ECP SLATE project, we are designing a standard C++ API
for Batch BLAS. We have published the initial draft of the proposed
API as SLATE Working Note #4:

Given the importance of such a standard, we would like to engage the
broader community in its development. To facilitate this
collaboration, we have a SLATE user mailing list. You can join this
mailing list by going to the following URL:!forum/slate-user

Once there, click the "Apply to join group" button. Please send any
comments to [email protected]

We look forward to a fruitful discussion and collaboration.

From: Pedro Valero-Lara [email protected]
Date: January 29, 2018
Subject: New Book, Analysis and Applications of Lattice Boltzmann Simulations

Analysis and Applications of Lattice Boltzmann Simulations
Part of the Advances in Computer and Electrical Engineering Book
Pedro Valero-Lara (Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain)

Programming has become a significant part of connecting theoretical
development and scientific application computation. Fluid dynamics
provide an important asset in experimentation and theoretical
analysis. Analysis and Applications of Lattice Boltzmann Simulations
provides emerging research on the efficient and standard
implementations of simulation methods on current and upcoming parallel
architectures. While highlighting topics such as hardware
accelerators, numerical analysis, and sparse geometries, this
publication explores the techniques of specific simulators as well as
the multiple extensions and various uses. This book is a vital
resource for engineers, professionals, researchers, academics, and
students seeking current research on computational fluid dynamics,
high-performance computing, and numerical and flow simulations.

The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are
not limited to: Distributed Memory Computers; Hardware Accelerators;
Mesh Refinement; Numerical Analysis; Parallel Programming; Programming
Optimization; Sparse Geometries; Turbulence Model; Wake Interaction.

From: Dmitri Kvasov [email protected]
Date: February 04, 2018
Subject: New Book, Deterministic Global Optimization

"Deterministic Global Optimization: An Introduction to the Diagonal
Approach" by Yaroslav D. Sergeyev and Dmitri E. Kvasov (series
"Springer Briefs in Optimization", ISBN: 978-1-4939-7197-8, x + 136
pages, 2017:

This book begins with a concentrated introduction into deterministic
global optimization and moves forward to present new original results
from the authors who are well known experts in the
field. Multiextremal continuous problems that have an unknown
structure with Lipschitz objective functions and functions having the
first Lipschitz derivatives defined over hyperintervals are studied. A
class of algorithms using several Lipschitz constants is introduced
which has its origins in the DIRECT (DIviding RECTangles) method. This
new class is based on an efficient strategy that is applied for the
search domain partitioning. In addition a survey on derivative free
methods and methods using the first derivatives is given for both
one-dimensional and multi-dimensional cases. Non-smooth and smooth
minorants and acceleration techniques that can speed up several
classes of global optimization methods with examples of applications
and problems arising in numerical testing of global optimization
algorithms are discussed. Theoretical considerations are illustrated
through engineering applications. Extensive numerical testing of
algorithms described in this book stretches the likelihood of
establishing a link between mathematicians and practitioners. The
authors conclude by describing applications and a generator of random
classes of test functions with known local and global minima that is
used in more than 40 countries of the world.

From: Jakub Kurzak [email protected]
Date: January 29, 2018
Subject: Deadline Extension, Automatic Performance Tuning, Canada, May 2018

The 13th International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning
May 25, 2018 at JW Marriott Parq Vancouver, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada

NEW DEADLINE: Paper Submission: Feb. 9, 2018

Submission closes: Friday, Feb 9, 2018 (AOE)
Author notification: Monday, Mar 5, 2018
Camera-ready: Friday, Mar 16, 2018
Workshop: Friday, May 25, 2018

Submission site:
(If you do not have an EasyChair account, please create it first.)

iWAPT (International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning) is a
series of workshops that focus on research and techniques that address
performance sustainability issues. It provides an opportunity for
researchers and users of automatic performance tuning (AT)
technologies to exchange ideas and experiences while applying such
technologies to improve the performance of algorithms, libraries, and
applications; in particular, on cutting edge computing platforms. The
full- day workshops consist of invited keynote speaker presentations
and 30- minute presentations of well-founded papers. Occasionally,
exploratory papers are also accepted. Topics of interest include
performance modeling, adaptive algorithms, autotuned numerical
algorithms, libraries and scientific applications, empirical
compilation, automated code generation, frameworks and theories of AT
and software optimization, autonomic computing, and context-aware

Contact: [email protected]

From: Stan Tomov [email protected]
Date: January 31, 2018
Subject: Summer Research Opportunity for Undergraduates, USA, May-Aug 2018

The Research Experiences in Computational Science, Engineering, and
Mathematics (RECSEM) REU site program at the University of Tennessee
(UTK) is looking for undergraduate students to explore emergent
interdisciplinary computational science models and techniques via a
number of cohesive compute and data intensive applications. The RECSEM
program complements the growing importance of computational sciences
in many advanced degree programs and provides scientific understanding
and discovery to undergraduates with an intellectual focus on research
projects using high performance computing (HPC).

RECSEM is a ten week long summer program that runs tentatively from
May 28 till August 4. Students receive a stipend, housing/subsistence
allowance, and if necessary, a travel stipend. The program is limited
to U.S. Citizens or permanent residents. Application deadline is Feb
23, 2018.

For further information and to submit an online application, please

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via
email: [email protected] .

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: January 31, 2018
Subject: IMA Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, UK, Jun 2018

6th IMA Conference on
Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
University of Birmingham, UK
27 - 29 June 2018

The IMA and the University of Birmingham are pleased to announce the
Sixth IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization.
The meeting is organised in cooperation with SIAM, whose members will
receive the IMA members' registration rate.

The success of modern codes for large-scale optimization is heavily
dependent on the use of effective tools of numerical linear
algebra. On the other hand, many problems in numerical linear algebra
lead to linear, nonlinear or semidefinite optimization problems. The
purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers from both
communities and to find and communicate points and topics of common
interest. Conference topics include any subject that could be of
interest to both communities, such as: Direct and iterative methods
for large sparse linear systems; Eigenvalue computation and
optimization; Large-scale nonlinear and semidefinite programming;
Effect of round-off errors, stopping criteria, embedded iterative
procedures; Optimization issues for matrix polynomials; Fast matrix
computations; Compressed/sparse sensing; PDE-constrained optimization;
Distributed computing and optimization; Applications and real time

Contributed talks are invited on all aspects of numerical linear
algebra and optimization. Contributed talks will be accepted on the
basis of a one page extended abstract which should be submitted by 28
February 2018 online at Authors will be advised
of acceptance by 31 March 2018. A book of abstracts will be made
available to delegates at the conference.

Registration is open via

From: Daniel Potts [email protected]
Date: January 31, 2018
Subject: Approximation Methods and Fast Algorithms, Germany, Sep 2018

Workshop on Approximation Methods and Fast Algorithms
September 10-14, 2018

The workshop is focused on approximation methods and fast
algorithms. It continues a longstanding tradition of workshops on
approximation theory and related fields held in Northern Germany since
the 1990's. The upcoming workshop is dedicated to the 75th birthday of
our colleague Manfred Tasche. The workshop will take place in the
hotel "Schloss Hasenwinkel" which is located northeast of the lake
Schweriner See in Germany.

Invited Plenary Speakers:

Ole Christensen (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby)
Stephan Dahlke (Philipps-University Marburg, Germany)
Frank Filbir (Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen, Germany)
Armin Iske (University Hamburg, Germany)
Yurii Kolomoitsev (University zu Lubeck, Germany)
Lothar Reichel (Kent State University, US)
Karla Rost (Technical University Chemnitz, Germany)

Registration deadline: May 10, 2018

Further information and the registration form is available on the

From: Sebastian Reich [email protected]
Date: February 01, 2018
Subject: W2 Professorship Position, Data Assimilation, Univ of Potsdam

The University of Potsdam, Faculty of Science, Institute of
Mathematics, invites applications for a tenured W2 Professorship in
Data Assimilation with an anticipated starting date of Fall
2018. Candidates are expected to have strong research profile in the
field of high-dimensional and time-dependent inverse problems and to
actively contribute to the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1294
"Data Assimilation - The seamless integration of data and models"
( Possible research foci include optimization
algorithms for high-dimensional parameter and state estimation
problems, Bayesian model evaluation and comparison, uncertainty
quantification in the context of data assimilation, sequential and
high-dimensional learning, as well as semi- and nonparametric
inference for stochastic processes. Successful candidates will have
demonstrated the ability to combine theoretical and algorithmic
advances with applications to problems of practical relevance.

The deadline for applications is February 27th, 2018.

for more details on the post and the application procedure.

From: Tim Phillips [email protected]
Date: February 04, 2018
Subject: Lectureship Position, Mathematics of Data Analysis, Cardiff Univ, UK

The School of Mathematics at Cardiff University is advertising for a
full- time open-ended Lectureship in the Mathematics of Data Analysis
(Ref: 6865BR).

The successful candidate will be expected to extend our research
interests in a direction which promotes further interdisciplinary
collaboration with the Data Innovation Institute and the School of
Computer Science and Informatics. Areas of particular interest include
data assimilation in computational modelling; low rank approximations;
topological data analysis.

Applicants for the post should have a record of or potential to
produce research that reaches the highest standards of excellence in
terms of originality, significance and rigour in any field of
Mathematics related to Data Analysis. S/he should have the ability to
deliver high-quality teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate

We strongly welcome female applicants and those from an ethnic
minority group, as they are under-represented in our School. The
School of Mathematics has an Athena SWAN Bronze Award that recognises
good employment practice and a commitment to develop the careers of
women working in science. The University is committed to ensuring
that we sustain a positive working environment for all staff to
flourish and achieve.

The application deadline is 22nd February 2018.

For details see the University vacancies webpage

From: Isabel Narra Figueiredo [email protected]
Date: February 02, 2018
Subject: Multiple Positions, Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus

FCT (the Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and
technology) has launched an Individual Call to Scientific Employment
Stimulus. The applicant can apply in one of the four following
categories: Junior Researcher, or Assistant researcher, or Principal
Researcher or Coordinator Researcher.

Guide for writing and submitting the application to FCT -

Announcement -

Deadline: February 16, 2018, 5pm Lisbon time.

The applicant must select a Portuguese host Institution, and must have
its agreement. This host Institution should confirm its association
with the application and its support to the applicant's research
plan. For an applicant interested in Applied Mathematics (namely the
areas of Image Processing of Medical Images, or Bio-mathematics) and
wishing to develop the research at CMUC (Centre of Mathematics of the
University of Coimbra), please send before February 16, CV and
research plan to Isabel M. Narra de Figueiredo (email:
[email protected],

From: Radu Ioan Bot [email protected]
Date: February 02, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematical Optimization, Univ of Vienna

The Research Group on Applied Mathematics with emphasis on
Optimization at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of
Vienna, headed by Radu Ioan Bot, has its core research areas in
Nonsmooth and Convex Optimization. Currently it offers 1 PostDoc
Position (18 months) at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of
Vienna within the FWF-funded research project Employing Recent
Outcomes in Proximal Theory Outside the Comfort Zone.

The main scientific target of the project is to employ recent advances
concerning some classical techniques used so far mainly for
iteratively minimizing convex functions in Hilbert spaces to research
fields lying outside their comfort zone. These methods evolve around
the notion of proximality, which relies on evaluating a certain
regularization of the addressed mathematical object. Due to its
reliability, simplicity and accuracy, the proximal theory was
successfully employed for solving nonsmooth convex optimization
problems and monotone inclusions with complex structures as well,
proving a strong positive impact on the treatment of real-life
applications with high-dimensional data. The research themes to be
addressed in this project range from the employment of the paradigm of
proximality in broader frameworks like considering generalized
distances and addressing the solving of nonsmooth and nonconvex
optimization problems to the approach of monotone inclusions problems
and optimization problems via first- and second-order dynamical
systems. The expected results should have impact beyond the
corresponding research areas both in mathematical fields like ordinary
differential equations, partial differential equations, optimal
control, functional analysis, game theory, equilibrium problems and
optimal transport theory, and in the solving of real-life problems
arising in optimal location selection, image processing, machine
learning, quantification of risk, network communication and video
processing. The position is available from April 1st, 2018. The salary
is as suggested by the FWF according to a PostDoc position. The
working load for the project is 40 hours per week. The deadline for
application is March 15th, 2018.

The candidates should have a PhD degree in Mathematics, a solid
theoretical background in analysis and mathematical optimization, and
programming skills. Fluency in the English language has to be
proven. Applications (including a letter of motivation, curriculum
vitae, the PhD thesis, peer reviewed publications, copies of academic
certificates and two letters of recommendation) should be sent to:
[email protected]. More information can be found on .

From: Ninoslav Truhr [email protected]
Date: January 30, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimization, Univ of Osijek, Croatia

The Univeristy of Osijek, Department of Mathematics
( has an opening position
for a postdoctoral researcher in Numerical Linear Algebra for 12

The postdoc holder will join the Department of Mathematics, starting
from 1. March, 2018 within the project "Optimization of parameter
dependent mechanical systems" which has been fully financed by
Croatian Science Foundation

The candidates need to have PhD in mathematics, computer science, or
some related area. Essential qualifications are a strong background in
numerical linear algebra, control theory and especially Quadratic
eigenvalue problems and basics in optimization methods. Part of the
project involves programming in Matlab, (or some similar programs
Maple or Mathematica) so experience in this direction is highly

Informal enquiries are encouraged; please contact Professor Ninoslav
Truhar initially by e-mail: [email protected]

From: Stefan Wild [email protected]
Date: January 29, 2018
Subject: Givens Associate Positions, Argonne National Laboratory

The Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division at Argonne
National Laboratory is developing innovative techniques in numerical
computing and computational mathematics. The Givens Associate program
is intended to encourage graduate students who are beginning careers
in numerical analysis or computational mathematics. Candidates must be
in an accredited Ph.D. program in applied mathematics, computer
science, computational science, statistics, or a related field at a
U.S. university (U.S. citizenship is not required).

Givens Associates will work actively with MCS scientists designing,
analyzing, and implementing numerical and statistical algorithms. For
further information about particular applied mathematics, numerical
software, and statistics research areas in MCS, see

The deadline for all application materials is March 1, 2018. Please
see complete details at .

From: Daniel Lesnic [email protected]
Date: January 30, 2018
Subject: Industrial CASE Award PhD Position, Univ of Leeds

The Department of Applied Mathematics in collaboration with the Leeds
Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine (LICAMM) at Leeds
University has a fully-funded PhD position for an Industrial CASE
project on "Motion compensation for multi-modal and multi-parametric
preclinical imaging".

The project proposes to study motion correction and cross-platform
registration for such multi-modal (positron emission tomography (PET),
X- ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
The combined application of inverse problems and imaging to be
developed by this studentship will provide experience for the graduate
student in a growing and strategically important Mathematics for
Medicine discipline for high-value healthcare manufacturing. The
project requires a dedicated, motivated, talented first-class student
with a solid background in applied mathematics or physics (or
equivalent), and ideally in medical imaging. Computational programming
skills are highly desired.

The scholarship is available for UK applicants and also for EU
applicants who have been ordinarily resident in the UK for three years
prior to the start of the studentship. Funding for 4 years covers
academic fees at the standard University of Leeds rate, training costs
and a stipend of 14,777 GBP in Session 2018/19 (amount increases per
annum in line with the Research Council UK rate) and a stipend top-up
from the company of 3,000 GBP per annum (stipends are non-taxable).

How to apply: Please send a CV and a short 'statement of motivation'
to Professor Daniel Lesnic ([email protected]). Further information
will then be provided. Deadline for applications is 15 March 2018. The
scholarship is due to start on 1 October 2018.

End of Digest