NA Digest, V. 22, # 16
NA Digest Tuesday, May 17, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 16
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- New Book, Fractional Inequalities in Banach Algebras
- New Book, How to Be Creative: A Practical Guide ...
- Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Czech Republic, Sep 2022
- Modelling the Cardiac Function, Italy, Sep-Oct 2022
- Tenure Track Professor, Alg Structures and Geom, Univ of Graz
- Research Fellow Position, EV Market Optimisation, Univ of Sussex
- Postdoc Position, Computational Science, Berkeley Lab
- Postdoc Position, LAPLACE-ENSEEIHT, France
- Postdoc Position, TU Berlin
- PhD Position, Mathematics of Deep Learning, Univ College London
- Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2022 (2)
- Contents, Intl J Mathematics and Computer Science, 17 (3)
- Contents, J Computational Mathematics, 40 (3)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: GEORGE ANASTASSIOU [email protected]
Date: May 16, 2022
Subject: New Book, Fractional Inequalities in Banach Algebras
In this monograph we present generalized Caputo Fractional Ostrowski
and Gruss type inequalities involving several Banach algebra valued
functions. Furthermore, we give generalized Canavati fractional
Ostrowski, Opial, Gruss and Hilbert-Pachpatte type inequalities for
multiple Banach algebra valued functions. By applying the p-Schatten
norms over the von Neumann-Schatten classes we produce the analogous
refined and interesting inequalities. We provide many
applications. This monograph's results are expected to find
applications in many areas of pure and applied mathematics, especially
in fractional inequalities and fractional differential
equations. Other interesting applications can be in applied sciences
like geophysics, physics, chemistry, economics and engineering. This
monograph is appropriate for researchers, graduate students,
practitioners and seminars of the above disciplines, also to be in all
science and engineering libraries.
From: Kris ONeill [email protected]
Date: May 09, 2022
Subject: New Book, How to Be Creative: A Practical Guide ...
How to Be Creative: A Practical Guide for the Mathematical Sciences
by Nicholas J. Higham and Dennis Sherwood
Building on the authors' many years of experience running creativity
workshops, How to Be Creative: A Practical Guide for the Mathematical
- gives a six-step process for generating great ideas that can be used
by individuals or groups,
- provides examples demonstrating how these concepts have been or
might be used in practice in the mathematical sciences, and
- presents seven cases of tried and tested briefs that can be used at
creativity workshops.
With mathematically oriented models, this book is for anyone in the
mathematical sciences who wants to be more creative or who wishes to
train others in creativity.
2022 / xii + 109 + pages / Softcover / ISBN: 978-1-611977-02-8 / List
Price $29.00 / SIAM Member Price $20.30 / OT179
SIAM Bookstore:
From: Erin Carson [email protected]
Date: May 12, 2022
Subject: Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Czech Republic, Sep 2022
The 22nd Workshop of the GAMM Activity Group on Applied and Numerical
Linear Algebra (GAMM ANLA) will take place in Prague, Czech Republic
from September 22-23, 2022. We anticipate an in-person meeting.
The workshop will feature recent advances in Applied and Numerical
Linear Algebra with a special focus on Krylov subspace methods. We
welcome contributions on topics including but not limited to:
eigenvalue problems, matrix functions, linear systems, least squares
problems, tensor methods, matrix equations, high performance
computing, inverse problems, and applications.
The invited speakers are:
- Jorg Liesen (TU Berlin)
- Jan Pape~ (Czech Academy of Sciences)
- Kirk Soodhalter (Trinity College Dublin)
- Valeria Simoncini (University of Bologna)
Registration is free and is now open. The registration form and
further details can be found on the workshop website:
Important deadlines:
15 August: Deadline for Submitting Abstracts for Contributed Talks
31 August: Registration Deadline
From: Luca Paglieri [email protected]
Date: May 16, 2022
Subject: Modelling the Cardiac Function, Italy, Sep-Oct 2022
2022 iHEART Congress
Modelling the Cardiac Function
Cetraro (IT), September 30 - October 2, 2022
This congress aims at highlighting the state of the art in the
mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the cardiac
function and its clinical applications. Previous edition have taken
place in 2021, 2020 and 2019. The event will host plenary lectures
from distinguished scientists as well as contributed talks and it will
take place in presence. In case the present pandemic should be still
ongoing, the conference will be possibly held online in the same
days. Final confirmation will be given no later than 3 months before
the starting date.
Plenary speakers:
Gerhard Holzapfel (Graz University of Technology, AT, and Norwegian
University of Science and Technology), Alison Marsden (Stanford
University, CA USA), Gernot Plank (Medical University of Graz, AT),
Michael Sacks (University of Texas, TX USA), Charles Taylor (Heartflow
Inc, CA USA), Natalia Trayanova (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
MD USA), Roberto Verzicco (Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata", IT)
Contributed talks (15 min) are welcome. A poster session reserved to
young researchers (PhD students and postdoctoral researchers) will be
organized as well. Deadline for talk or poster abstract submission is
May 31, 2022.
For more information, abstract submission and registration, visit
For any additional information, please contact the organizers of the
conference at [email protected]
From: Vanessa Peinhart [email protected]
Date: May 12, 2022
Subject: Tenure Track Professor, Alg Structures and Geom, Univ of Graz
The Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing at the Faculty
of Natural Sciences, the University of Graz is seeking to appoint a
Tenure Track Professor of Algebraic Structures and Geometry (40 hours
per week; selection procedure in accordance with Section 99 (5) of the
Universities Act (UG). Initially the successful candidate starts as an
Assistant Professor with a qualification agreement for a fixed term
tenure phase of six years. After successful completion of the
qualification goals the position will be converted into a permanent
Associate Professor position in accordance with the Salaried Employees
Act (AngG). Expected starting date January 1st 2023)
We are looking for an active researcher who is internationally
renowned and will represent the area of "Algebraic Structures and
Geometry" in research and teaching. The candidate should have an
outstanding record of achievements in one of the fields of modern
algebra, including, but not limited to, commutative algebra, algebraic
geometry, homological algebra, representation theory, and
non-commutative ring theory. The successful candidate will complement
the research group "Algebra and Number Theory" and is encouraged to
work together with this group. Participation in the further
development of the Doctoral Academy consortium "Discrete Mathematics"
is required; participation in the research network NAWI Graz is
For further information and application guidelines please go to:
Application deadline: June 8th 2022
Reference number: KS/5/99 ex 2021/22
Planned dates of the applicant's presentation: 6th October 2022 to
7th October 2022
From: Max Jensen [email protected]
Date: May 13, 2022
Subject: Research Fellow Position, EV Market Optimisation, Univ of Sussex
We are seeking to fill a research fellowship within the EU
H2020-funded network eCharge4Drivers
( The fellow is responsible for
developing and optimizing electric vehicle charging market models of
user charging behaviour. Data from the project's demonstrators and
modelling techniques will be used to increase charging infrastructure
and services uptake.
The position runs until the 31st May 2024 and the closing date is 02
June 2022.
From: Esmond Ng [email protected]
Date: May 09, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Science, Berkeley Lab
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab's (LBNL, Applied
Mathematics and Computational Research Division
( has an opening for a
Computational Science Postdoctoral Fellow to join the team.
In this role, you will participate in research and development of
state-of- the-art techniques and algorithms for sparse matrix
computation. The position is funded by the exciting and successful DOE
Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) Program,
which promotes collaborations among applied mathematicians, computer
scientists, and domain scientists to tackle important science
problems. As a participant of the SciDAC Program, you will not only
have an opportunity to work with other algorithm developers but also
collaboratively with domain scientists to solve problems on
large-scale computational platforms.
You will participate in research activities related to the development
of advanced techniques for the solution of large sparse systems of
linear equations using direct methods and other approaches on advanced
computer architectures; analysis of the performance profile and
algorithmic complexity of existing algorithms and their
implementations; improvement of the efficiency and reliability of
existing algorithms; development of novel computational algorithms on
high-performance computer architectures; and interaction with domain
scientists and application of the research developed to large-scale
modeling and simulation.
Further information on the position can be found at
From: Jean-Ren=E9 Poirier [email protected]
Date: May 12, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, LAPLACE-ENSEEIHT, France
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship position at
Candidates : PhD in applied mathematics (or physics but with a strong
component in numerical methods). Expertise in at least one of the
basic areas of the project is required (Boundary integral methods,
tensors, optimization).
Title : Modeling and optimization of photonic crystal fibers by
integral boundary methods, acceleration by tensor techniques.
Application context : This post-doctorate is funded by the ANR Frame
project (2022-2025) whose final ambition is to develop an innovative
fiber-based refractometric sensor integrating two technologies based
on multimode fibers and photonic crystals. This work is in response to
the critical need to better understand the ch4 cycle, the 2nd
greenhouse gas (GHG) after CO2, in aquatic environments. Among the
laboratories participating in the projects, Laplace, LAAS and the
University of Glasgow are involved in the work carried out as part of
this post-doctorate.
Topic : The research work will take place as part of the development
of an existing calculation code at LAPLACE for the simulation of
photonic crystal fibers by integral boundary methods. This code
exists in 2 versions: matlab as well as python/Fortran. The project
will have 3 main parts but the importance given to each of them can be
adapted according to the skills of the recruited candidate. The first
part will concern numerical modelling and further development in
boundary integral methods [1]. The functionalities of the code have
to be completed allowing in particular to calculate certain
configurations currently impossible to process. The second part will
aim to speed up calculations significantly by integrating a tensor
compression method based on the Quantized tensor-train (QTT) format
for linear system resolutions [2]. Finally, the last part will be
devoted to the implementation of a topological optimization method [3]
of the geometry in order to promote a distribution of the field in the
periphery of the fiber and allow optimal usage of the sensor.
From: Gabriele Steidl [email protected]
Date: May 09, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, TU Berlin
Research Assistant with a follow-up commitment - Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L
Berliner Hochschulen.
Faculty II - Institute of Mathematics; Reference number: II-285/22
For 4 years with a follow-up promise for a permanent position
according to 110 Abs. 6 Berliner Hochschulgesetz (Berlin Higher
Education Act)
Application deadline: 30. Juni 2022
The position is located in the Modeling, Numerics and Differential
Equations group.
Job Description: Contribute to research and teaching in the field of
applied analysis with experience in machine learning. In particular,
the candidate should be experienced in one of the areas of Inverse
problems, Harmonic Analysis, Mathematical image and data processing
(including geometric/stochastic/variational aspects), Functional
Analysis. Teaching responsibilities at the Department of Mathematics
/4 SWS with full-time appointment).
Expected Qualifications: Successfully completed academic university
degree (Master's, Diploma or equivalent) in Mathematics. Completed
doctoral degree in mathematics of outstanding quality. In-depth
knowledge in the above areas supported by publications in
peer-reviewed journals. Initial teaching experience. Very good
ability to work in a team.
A follow-up commitment will be agreed with the position holder in
accordance with S110 Abs. 6 Berliner Hochschulgesetz. In the last year
of employment, an evaluation of the criteria listed in the follow-up
commitment will take place. If these criteria are fulfilled, a
permanent employment contract as a research assistant at the Institute
of Mathematics will be concluded after the fixed-term employment. In
addition to active research at the Institute and a teaching load of 8
SWS, this includes the assumption of administrative tasks at the
Institute of Mathematics, which will be agreed upon in the follow-up
Please send your application with the usual documents (in a PDF
document, max. 5 MB) by e-mail to [email protected], quoting
the reference number: II-285/22
The job advertisement is also available on the Internet at:
From: Bangti Jin [email protected]
Date: May 13, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematics of Deep Learning, Univ College London
The Department of Computer Science at University College London (UCL)
is inviting applications for a fully funded 4-year PhD studentship (UK
students only), under the supervision of Prof. Simon Arridge,
supported by earmarked funding for The Mathematics for Deep Learning
programme grant. The programme grant is a five year, EPSRC funded
project between UCL, Cambridge, and University of Bath that aims to
develop significant new mathematical, statistical and computational
methods for understanding and progressing Deep Learning, with
applications in medical imaging, inverse problems, scientific
computing and meteorology.
The position is an opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research at the
intersection of machine learning, scientific computing and inverse
problems. The student will develop innovative mathematical and
algorithmic techniques inspired by deep learning and training
paradigms for solving forward and inverse problems modelled by partial
differential equations at large scales. The PhD project will involve
extensive implementation and testing for applications addressed by the
programme consortium, and will work closely with other academic and
industrial partners to ensure that translation to real applications
will be realised.
The deadline for application is June 30, 2022. For enquiries about the
project and its application please contact Dr. Bangti Jin
([email protected]).
From: Carsten Carstensen [email protected]
Date: May 09, 2022
Subject: Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2022 (2)
Computational methods in applied mathematics (2022), No 2
1. A General Error Estimate for Parabolic Variational Inequalities,
Yahya Alnashri
2. Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for the Parabolic Obstacle
Problem, Darya Apushkinskaya, Sergey Repin
3. Multi-Scale Paraxial Models to Approximate Vlasov-Maxwell
Equations, Franck Assous, Yevgeni Furman
4. Finite Element Penalty Method for the Oldroyd Model of Order One
with Non-smooth Initial Data, Bikram Bir, Deepjyoti Goswami, Amiya
K. Pani
5. Quasi-Newton Iterative Solution of Non-Orthotropic Elliptic
Problems in 3D with Boundary Nonlinearity, Benjamin Borsos, Janos
6. Improving Regularization Techniques for Incompressible Fluid Flows
via Defect Correction, Dilek Erkmen, Alexander E. Labovsky
7. Fully Discrete Finite Element Approximation of the MHD Flow,
Yinnian He, Guo-Dong Zhang, Jun Zou (publicly available)
8. Sparse Data-Driven Quadrature Rules via lp-Quasi-Norm
Minimization, Mattia Manucci, Jose Vicente Aguado, Domenico
9. Identification of Matrix Diffusion Coefficient in a Parabolic PDE,
Subhankar Mondal, M. Thamban Nair
10. A Finite Element Method for Two-Phase Flow with Material Viscous
Interface, Maxim Olshanskii, Annalisa Quaini, Qi Sun (publicly
11. On the Finite Element Approximation of Fourth-Order Singularly
Perturbed Eigenvalue Problems, Hans-Gorg Roos, Despo Savvidou,
Christos Xenophontos
12. Application of Fourier Truncation Method to Numerical
Differentiation for Bivariate Functions, Evgeniya V. Semenova, Sergiy
G. Solodky, Serhii A. Stasyuk
13. Factorized Schemes for First and Second Order Evolution Equations
with Fractional Powers of Operators, Petr N. Vabishchevich
From: Badih Ghusayni [email protected]
Date: May 15, 2022
Subject: Contents, Intl J Mathematics and Computer Science, 17 (3)
Contents, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Volume 17, no. 3
The following papers can be downloaded freely via
Abd El Fattah El Atik, Mohammed S. Badr, Closure operators in terms of
chromosomal mutations
Safwan O. Hasoon, Muzahem M. AL-Hashimi, Hybrid Deep Neural network
and Long Short term Memory Network for Predicting of Sunspot Time
A. A. El-Rahman, The solitonic electron acoustic electrostatic waves
in two dimensions
Jiraphorn Somsuwan Phanwan, Adchara Kumla, Wiratchada Kalaoka, Local
analytic solutions of an iterative functionaldifferential equation
near resonance
Salah Al-Addasi, The complement of the complementary prism
Arwa Zabian, Ahmed Zohair Ibrahim, Hybrid Mathematical Model for Data
Classification and Prediction: Case study COVID-19
Daya K. Nagar, Edwin Zarrazola, Santiago Echeverri-Valencia, Bivariate
Topp-Leone family of distributions
Patchara Muangkarn, Cholatis Suanoom, Aiyared Iampan, New derivations
of d-algebras
Thiti Gaketem, On Generalized (m, n)-bi-ideals in LA-semigroups
Chalermwut Comemuang, Pairat Janngam, Sixteenth-Order Iterative Method
for Solving Nonlinear Equations
Ronnason Chinram, Kawinbhat Sirikantisophon, Saowapak Kaewchay,
Positive Integer Solutions of the Diophantine Equation 1/x+2/y+3/z=3D1/3
Issam A. R. Moghrabi, Basim A. Hassan, Aadil Askar, New Self-scaling
quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained optimization
Abd El Fattah El Atik, Sally Haroun, A topological representation of
matroids using graph
Arjun K. Gupta, Bruce E. Johnson, Daya K. Nagar, Non-null distribution
of Kullback's statistic for testing equality of correlation matrices
Nareupanat Lekkoksung, Chanpen Phokaew, Kittisak Tinpun, The Study on
the Relative Rank of Transformation Semigroups with Restricted Range
Rukchart Prasertpong, Green's relations on ordered groupoids in terms
of fuzzy semibipolar soft sets tension of a linear operator on a-fuzzy
normed space when it is fuzzy compact
Mohd Norfadli Suardi, Jumat Sulaiman, The Use of Two Newly Established
Redlich-Kister Finite Differences with KSOR Method in a Numerical
Solution of One Dimensional Telegraph Equations
Alvaro H. Salas, Lorenzo J. Martinez, Analytical Solution to a
Quadratically Damped Quadratic Oscillator
Alvaro H. Salas, David L. Ocampo, Lorenzo J. Martinez, Analytical
Solution to a Coupled Pendula
Pakkaporn Rungruengkultorn, Somjai Boonsiri, Warehouse Processes
Improvement Using Lean Six Sigma and RFID Technology
Thiti Gaketem, Generalized minimal Quasi-Ideals in LA-semigroups
Sh. A. Meligy, I. K. Youssef, A Refinement of the KSOR Iterative
Chokchai Viriyapong, Chawalit Boonpok, Weak quasi (\Lambda,sp)-
continuity for multifunctions
Mashhour Bani-Ata, Ra'ed Al-Nouty, Khaled Ali Ahmad Kasasbeh, On
composition algebras and their automorphism groups
Abbas Al-Shimmary, Amina Kassim Hussain, Sajeda Kareem Radhi, Ahmed
Hadi Hussain, The Improved 6th Order Runge-Kutta Method for Solving
Initial Value Problems
Safwan O. Hasoon, Fatima Mohammed Rafie Younis, Application of Fuzzy
Logic Model for Software Quality Measurements
Huda Y. Najm, Huda I. Ahmed, A New Investigation of the Conjugate
Gradient Method
Ghazwa F. Abd, Variational Formulation for Solving Reactive Flash
Patchalai Anuchaivong, Anirut Luadsong, The relationship between
Atmospheric Variables and Interflow Using the Modified Analog Method
over the Storage Dam in Thailand
Raden Sulaiman, Abdul Ghafur Ahmad, A'yunin Sofro, Dwi Nur Yunianti,
Rudianto Artiono, An Application of Weighted Similarity on
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Matrices in Medical Diagnostics
Jaafer Hmood Eidi, Fadhel S. Fadhel, Amani E. Kadhm, Fixed-Point
Theorems in Fuzzy Metric Spaces
Tippawan Puttasontiphot, On a sequence attached to powerful numbers:
an elementary proof
Anwar Al-Boustanji, Wasim Audeh, Applications of numerical radius
Saja Saeed Abed, M. N. Al-Harere, On Rings Domination in Graphs
Mayada Ali Kareem, Hawraa Abbas Almurieb, Rehab Amer Kamel, Ahmed Hadi
Hussain, On n-norms of Complex Hilbert Spaces
Jutaporn Neamvonk, Bumrungsak Phuenaree, Assessment of
Anderson-Darling and their Modified Tests for right skewed
Araya Wiwatwanich, Duangkamol Poltem, Fractional Shehu Transform for
Solving Fractional Differential Equations without Singular Kernel
Kittipong Klinjan, Sirinapa Aryuyuen, R package for the length-biased
power Garima distribution to analyze lifetime data
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok, Upper and lower
beta(Lambda,sp)-continuous multifunctions
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok, Almost (\Lambda,sp)-
continuous multifunctions
Chokchai Viriyapong, Chawalit Boonpok, On \alpha(\Lambda,sp)-
continuous multifunctions
Jairo E. Castillo, Jorge E. Pinzon, Alvaro H. Salas, The Lorentz
transformations. A new approach
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok, Characterizations of almost
quasi (Lambda,sp)-continuous multifunctions
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok, (Lambda,sp)-continuous
Shaymaa Ayad Mohammed, Asma Abdulelah Abdulrahman, Fouad Shaker Tahir,
Emotions Students' Faces Recognition using Hybrid Deep Learning and
Discrete Chebyshev Wavelet Transformations
Warud Nakkhasen, Piyaporn Khathipphathi, Sudapa Panmuang, A note on
fuzzy almost interior hyperideals of semihypergroups
Atchanut Rattanalertnusorn, Sirinapa Aryuyuen, An R implementation for
estimating the parameters of the discrete transmuted generalized
inverse Weibull distribution
Thidaporn Supapakorn, Sukanya Intarapak, Witchanee Vuthipongse,
Factors Affecting Tourism Demand of Chinese and Russian Tourists
Traveling to Thailand
Oumazouz Zhour, Novel public-key cryptosystem based on the problem of
performing sequence of local complementations on the Paley graphs
Fadi Alrimawi, Hani Kawariq, Fuad A. Abushaheen, Generalized- weighted
numerical radius inequalities for Schatten p-norms
AbdulKarem Alhuraiji, Mashhour Al-Ali Bani-Ata, On tori D_0 in E_6(K)
for fields K of characteristic two
From: Yonghui Yu [email protected]
Date: May 17, 2022
Subject: Contents, J Computational Mathematics, 40 (3)
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 40 (2022), Issue 3
Direct Implementation of Tikhonov Regularization for the First Kind
Integral Equation, Meisam Jozi and Saeed Karimi
A Second Order Unconditionally Convergent Finite Element Method for
the Thermal Equation with Joule Heating Problem, Xiaonian Long and
Qianqian Ding
Application of the Factorization Method to Recover Cuts with Oblique
Derivative Boundary Condition, Jun Guo, Jian He and Jin Li
Inversion of Trace Formulas for a Sturm-Liouville Operator, Xiang Xu
and Jian Zhai
Numerical Analysis of a Problem Involving a Viscoelastic Body with
Double Porosity, Noelia Bazarra, Jose R. Fernandez, MariCarme
Leseduarte, Antonio Magana and Ramon Quintanilla
Strong Convergence of the Euler-Maruyama Method for Nonlinear
Stochastic Volterra Integral Equations with Time-dependent Delay,
Siyuan Qi and Guangqiang Lan
An Improved Two-grid Technique for the Nonlinear Time-fractional
Parabolic Equation Based on the Block-centered Finite Difference
Method, Xiaoli Li, Yanping Chen and Chuanjun Chen
On T-spline Classification, Xin Li and Liangwei Hong
Delay-dependent Stability of Linear Multistep Methods for Neutral
Systems with Distributed Delays, Yuhao Cong and Shouyan Wu
End of Digest