NA Digest Sunday, October 30, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 43

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Chris Fraley <FRALEY%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 88 21:19:20 SET
Subject: Nonlinear Least-squares Software

A colleague in France has asked me the following questions about nonlinear
least-squares software for which I don't happen to know the answer :

1) What algorithm is used in the program BSOLVE written by W. Ball that is
found in the appendix of a book by Henley and Rosen (1969) ?

2) Is it possible to obtain the program TJMAR1 (from SANDIA Labs) by E-mail?

I would appreciate any leads that anyone has to give on these matters...

Chris Fraley


From: Victor Klassen <rvklassen%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 88 17:15:37 EDT
Subject: Symmetric Circulant matrices

I am looking for a stable and efficient algorithm for solving symmetric
circulant systems of linear equations. I am aware of the toeplitz
package available from Argonne National labs. The algorithm found
there is intended for general complex circulant matrices, and I expect
a two_fold improvement for Hermitian circulant matrices, and four-fold
for real symmetric circulant matrices.

Reply by e-mail to [email protected]



From: Gregory Nielson <nielson%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 88 14:39:30 MST
Subject: Special Issue of IEEE Computer on Visualization

Call for Papers and Referees

Special Issue of Computer Magazine on

Visualization in Scientific Computing

The August 1989 issue of Computer magazine will be devoted to a
wide range of topics in Visualization in Scientific Computing.
Manuscripts that are either tutorial, survey, descriptive, case-study,
applications-oriented or pedagogic in nature are immediately sought
in the following areas:

*Hardware strategies for scientific visualization; parallel
architectures, supercomputing, workstations and networks

*User interfaces, paradigms and interactive techniques for
visualization of 3D (and higher dimensional) models

*Scientific data analysis, manipulation, representation and display
techniques; particularly volume visualization and methods for large
multivariate data sets

*Dissemination of the results of interactive systems and animated
images; standards; televisualization and networks

*Application of visualization techniques to science and engineering
problems and data


Manuscripts should be no more than 32 typewritten, double-spaced
pages in length including all figures and references. No more than 12
references should be cited. Papers must not have been previously
published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts should have a title page that includes the title of the
paper, full name(s) and affiliation(s) of it author(s), complete
physical and electronic adress(es), telephone number(s), a 300-word
abstract, and a list of keywords that identify the central issues
of the manuscript's contents.


*300-word abstract of the manuscript is due as soon as possible.
*Eight (8) copies of the full manuscript are due by December 1, 1988.
*Notification of acceptance is March 1, 1989.
*Final version of the manuscript is due not later than May 1, 1989.


Gregory M. Nielson
Computer Science Department
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona 85287-5406
(602) 965-2785, E-MAIL: [email protected]


If you are willing to review papers, please send a note with your
technical interests to Greg Nielson or Professor Bruce Shiver,
Editor-in-Chief of Computer, Department of Decision Sciences, University of
Hawaii, 2404 Maile Way, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822; E-MAIL:
[email protected]


From: NAMAN%[email protected]
Date: 28-OCT-1988 10:47:20 GMT
Subject: Fourth Leslie Fox Prize

Fourth Leslie Fox Prize, September 4th, 1989

Call for Papers

Entries are invited for the fourth Leslie Fox Prize competition.
Any person who is less than 31 years old on January 1st, 1989, and has not
already won a first prize is eligible. Each entry should consist of three
copies of a paper, describing some of the candidate's research, that is
suitable for a 40 minute lecture at a numerical analysis symposium.
Whether or not the work has been published or accepted for publication is
irrelevant, but no person may submit more than one paper. Unsuccessful
candidates from previous competitions are encouraged to enter.

The entries will be considered by an Adjudicating Committee, its
members being K. W. Morton (Oxford University), J. C. Mason (Shrivenham),
and N. K. Nichols (Reading University). Particular attention will be given
to the originality and quality of each paper, and to the suitability of the
material for a 40 minute talk to a general audience of numerical analysts.
About five papers will be selected by the Committee for presentation at a
symposium that will be held at the University of Cambridge on Monday,
September 4th, 1989. Only the papers that are presented at the symposium
will be eligible for awards but, subject to this restriction, the
Adjudicating Committee may award any number of first and secondary prizes.

Entries should reach Professor K. W. Morton (Oxford University
Computing Laboratory, 8-11 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, England; e-mail
address [email protected]) not later than April 3rd, 1989. Each
candidate should include a statement that his or her year of birth is not
earlier than 1958, and should indicate whether he or she would be available
to present his or her paper at the symposium. The Adjudicating Committee
may allow a deputy to present a paper in a case of exceptional merit. The
receipt of all entries will be acknowledged. It is unlikely that travel
funds will be available to assist candidates who attend the symposium. Any
questions on this notice should be addressed to a member of the
Adjudicating Committee.


From: Ken Jackson <krj%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 88 15:39:02 EDT
Subject: NA Faculty Position at the University of Toronto.

Faculty Position

Numerical Analysis / Scientific Computing

Computer Science Department, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4.

The Computer Science Department at the University of Toronto invites
applications for a tenure-track or tenured position in the area of
Numerical Analysis / Scientific Computing. The candidate should have a
strong interest in numerical software and will be expected to play a
leading role in the department's Scientific Computing Group.

The salary and rank (assistant, associate, or full professor) will
depend upon the successful applicant's experience and qualifications.

The appointment is to commence 1 July 1988. Duties will consist of
teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, graduate student
supervision, and research.

Both Professors Wayne Enright ([email protected], 416-978-5474)
and Ken Jackson ([email protected], 416-978-7075) will be pleased to
respond (in the strictest confidence) to informal enquiries concerning
this position. Formal applications should be made in writing to the
chairman of the department, Professor Derek G. Corneil. Include a
Curriculum Vitae and the names of at least three referees. The
deadline for applications is 13 January 1989.

There is also a possibility that the Scientific Computing Group will be
able to hire one or more postdocs or research associates for the
1989-90 academic year. Enquiries concerning these positions should be
addressed to either Professors Wayne Enright or Ken Jackson.

Note: In accordance with Canadian immigration regulations, priority
will be given to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
The University of Toronto encourages both women and men to apply for


From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 88 14:46:32 EDT
Subject: Positions at University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Mathematics Department
Tenure-track positions available in Numerical Analysis.

We seek individuals at any academic rank who would complement the existing
faculty. Specific areas of interest are:
Numerical differential equations, numerical linear algebra, optimization.
Outstanding record (or potential for candidates for junior positions) in
research and teaching expected.

Contact: Steve Serbin, phone : (615) 974-4268 or 974-2461.
bitnet: PA23488 @ UTKVM1
edu : [email protected]

Review of applications will begin Nov. 15 and will continue until positions
are filled. UTK is an EEO/AA/Title IX/Section 504 EMPLOYER.


From: George Adams <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 88 23:16:15 EST
Subject: Supercomputing '88

SUPERCOMPUTING '88 - Orlando, FL - Nov 14 to 18, 1988

Hyatt-Orlando Hotel
Kissimmee, Florida

Sponsored by the Computer Society of the IEEE and ACM-SIGARCH,
in cooperation with :

Argonne National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory
NASA Ames Research Center
National Center for Atmospheric Research
National Science Foundation
SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing
Supercomputing Research Center.

The ACM's 19th North American Computer Chess Championship

Round 1: 1 pm Sunday, Nov. 13
Round 2: 7 pm Sunday, Nov. 13
Round 3: 7:30 pm Monday, Nov. 14
Final Round: 7:30 pm Tuesday, Nov. 15

MONDAY, Nov 14,1988 ---------- Full-day Tutorials

(Of course, we must reserve the right to cancel any tutorial if there
is insufficient registration. In that case, pre-registration fees
will be returned.)

1. Distributed System and Mass Storage System Architectures
for a Supercomputer Environment
R. Watson/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

2. Applicative Languages
S. Skedzielewski and J. Feo/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

3. Modern Algorithms For Supercomputing
H. Simon/Boeing Computer Services, W. Briggs/University of Colorado,
R. Lucas/Stanford University and W. Martin/University of Michigan

4. A Training Program for Scientific Supercomputing Users
A. Solem/Los Alamos National Laboratory and
N. Sabelli/University of Illinois

5. Super and Parallel Computers: Architectures and Performance
R. Hockney/University of Reading

6. Present and Future of Supercomputer Networking
M. Medin/NASA Ames Research Center

TUESDAY, Nov 15, 1988 ----------- Conference Starts

0915 Conference Welcome and Introduction
1000 Plenary Session - Keynote presentation
Seymour Cray, Cray Research Inc.
"What's This About Galium Arsenide?"
1100 Vendor Exhibits Open

1300 Sessions
1A: Chemistry and Biology
1B: Program Development
1C: Horizon: A New Supercomputer Development

1500 Break

1530 Sessions
2A: Panel: Advances in Computer Chess Technology
2B: Panel: Developing Tools for Debugging Parallel Fortran
on Shared Memory Multiprocessors
2C: Dataflow Systems

1800 Vendor Exhibits Close

1930 Chess Tournament Final Round
2000 Poster Session (light buffet, cash bar)
Visualization Theater
Talk: Great Hacks of History
Birds-of-a-Feather Session - Debugging

WEDNESDAY, Nov 16, 1988

0830 Sessions
3A: Fluid Dynamics I
3B: Compiler Evaluation
3C: Visualization in Scientific Computing

1030 Break
Vendor Exhibits Open

1100 Research Demonstrations Open
4A: Fluid Dynamics II
4B: Compiler Technology
4C: Operating Systems for Supercomputing

1230 Lunch Break

1400 Session
5: Grand Challenges for Supercomputing
5A: Grand Challenges of Computational Science
5B: Future High Performance Computing Initiatives

1800 Research Demonstrations Close
Vendor Exhibits Close

1830 Cash Bar
1930 Conference Banquet -
Banquet speaker
Carl Conti/IBM
"The Future of Supercomputing at IBM"


THURSDAY, Nov 17, 1988

0830 Sessions
6A: Computational Physics
6B: Mass Storage Systems I
6C: Supercomputer Performance

1030 Coffee Break
Exhibits Open

1100 Research Demonstrations Open
7A: Computational Mathematics
7B: Mass Storage Systems II
7C: Supercomputer Benchmarking

1230 Lunch Break

1345 Plenary Session
Carl Ledbetter/ETA
"Glimpses of Infinity: Using the Perspective of Mathematics
to Lead a High Technology Company"

1430 Sessions
8A: Novel Applications
8B: Architecture I
8C: Training and Education

1600 Break

1630 Sessions
9A: Finite Element Applications on Vector and Parallel Computers
9B: Architecture II
9C: Algorithms I

1800 Exhibits End
Research Demonstrations End

2000 Poster Sessions (light buffet, cash bar)
Visualization Theater
Parallel Processing Competition - The Bell Prize Revisited
Birds-of-a-Feather Group - PERFECT (Performance Evaluation)
Birds-of-a-Feather Group - Fortran88 Status


FRIDAY, Nov 18, 1988

0830 Sessions
10A: Global Change Program I
10B: Panel: Impact of Future Technology in Supercomputing
10C: Algorithms II

1030 Coffee Break

1100 Sessions
11A: Global Change Program II
11B: Interface of High-End Workstations in a Supercomputer Environment
11C: Supercomputing Center Management

1230 Conference closes


FRIDAY AFTERNOON, Nov 18, 1988 ---------- Half-day Tutorials

7. Planning and Implementing a New Supercomputer Center
P. Zidek/Zidek Inc.

8. Matrix Computations on Shared Memory Computers
J. Dongarra/Argonne National Laboratory

9. What About Security?
R. Brand/University of California at Berkeley and
M. Jones/McDonald Douglas

10. Vectorization and Parallelization
C. Polychronopoulous/University of Illinois

November 16-17, 1988
Supercomputing Center Managers Workshop


Hyatt Orlando, Kissimmee, Florida, November 14 - 18, 1988

Mail form or facsimile to:
Glenda McBride, Supercomputing '88
The Computer Society of the IEEE
1730 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20036-1903,
Phone (202) 371-1013 or Fax (202) 728-9614

Name ___________________________________________________________________

Company ________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ________________________________________________________

City/State/Country _________________________________Zip ________________

Work Phone _____________________Member No. (IEEE, ACM, SIAM)____________

Telex/Telecopier Number ________________________________________________

TUTORIALS: Please check tutorial choice
Full Day: November 14, 1988
[] Distributed System and Mass Storage System Architecture for
a Supercomputer Environment
[] Applicative Languages
[] Modern Algorithms for Supercomputing
[] A Training Program for Scientific Supercomputing Users
[] Super and Parallel Computers - Architecture and Performance
[] Present and Future of Supercomputer Networking
Half Day: November 18, 1988
[] Planning and Implementing a New Supercomputing Center
[] Matrix Computations on Shared Memory Computers
[] What About Security?
[] Vectorization and Parallelization

Please check your appropriate registration fee
Advance Registration (Before Oct. 24, 1988)
Conference Only [] $175 [] $220 [] $ 60
Full Day Tutorial [] $200 [] $250 [] $200
Half Day Tutorial [] $120 [] $150 [] $120
Late Registration (After Oct. 24, 1988)
Conference Only [] $210 [] $265 [] $ 60
Full Day Tutorial [] $240 [] $300 [] $240
Half Day Tutorial [] $145 [] $180 [] $145

Banquet [] $ 30 [] $ 30 [] $ 30

Method of Payment:
[] Check
[] MasterCard Card Number _________________
[] American Express Expiration Date _____________

Registration fee includes Conference proceedings (excepting students) and
receptions. Written requests for refunds must be received in the Computer
Society Office by Nov. 1. Refunds are subject to a $15 processing fee.

Supercomputing '88, November 14 - 18, 1988

Hotel: Hyatt Orlando
6375 West Space Coast Pkwy.
Kissimmee, Florida 32741
Phone (407) 396-1234

Rates: $80.00/Single $90.00/Double

Name ___________________________________________________________

Company ________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ________________________________________________

City/State/Country ____________________________ Zip ____________

Home Phone _______________________Work Phone ___________________

A deposit equal to one night's deposit or a credit card guarantee is
required for each reservation request. All rates are subject to 8% tax.

Credit Card Number _________________________ Exp. Date _________

Arrival Date __________________ Departure Date _________________

Single [] Double []

All reservations must be received by the hotel prior to October 24, 1988.
After this date, your reservation will be accepted on a space-available
basis only. Check-in time is 12:00 Noon.


From: Ian Gladwell <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 88 08:27:09 CDT
Subject: Conference on Computational ODEs


Imperial College, London 3rd--7th July, 1989


The IMA is organising a conference on Computational Ordinary Differential
Equations, to be held at Imperial College, London, in July, 1989.

The aim of this meeting is to bring together research workers and
practitioners in theory and algorithms for the numerical solution of
ordinary differential equations. All relevant topics are to be covered and
contributions in application areas will be encouraged.

The invited speakers are

J.C. Butcher (Auckland)
H.B. Keller (Caltech)
R.E. O'Malley Jr. (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.)
L.R. Petzold (Lawrence Livermore)
R.D. Russell (Simon Fraser, Vancouver)
J.M. Sanz-Serna (Valladolid)
L.F. Shampine (Southern Methodist, Dallas)
M.N. Spijker (Leiden)

In addition, the programme will feature ``highlighted'' talks, contributed
papers and posters. The highlighted and contributed papers will be of 40
and 20 minutes presentation time respectively. The highlighted papers
will be selected by the Organising Committee on the basis of an extended
abstract (approx. 1000 words), contributed papers and posters on the basis
of a approx. 300 word abstract. Abstracts for all categories should be
sent to the IMA and must be received by 15th January 1989. Authors will be
notified of the committee's decision during March 1989.

The members of the Organising Committee are: Dr. J.R. Cash
(Imperial College of Science and Technology, London),
Dr. R. England, AFIMA (The Open University, Milton Keynes),
Prof. I. Gladwell, FIMA (Southern Methodist University, Dallas)
and Dr. A. Iserles, AFIMA (University of Cambridge).

There will be a reduced conference fee for full-time research students.

The proceedings of the conference will be published by Oxford University
Press in the IMA Conference Proceedings Series.

Abstracts and all other enquiries should be sent to: Conference Officer,
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Maitland House, Warrior
Square, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 2JY or, by electronic mail, to
[email protected]

To: Conference Officer, The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications,
Maitland House, Warrior Square, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 2JY, England


Final date for abstracts: 15th January 1989. Notice to authors: March 1989.





Please tick where appropriate:

I wish to submit an extended abstract for consideration as a
highlighted paper Y.. N..

I am willing for my paper to be considered as a contributed paper Y.. N..
or as a poster Y.. N..

I wish to submit an abstract for consideration as a contributed paper Y.. N..

I am willing for my paper to be considered as a poster Y.. N..

I wish to submit an abstract for consideration as a poster Y.. N..

I wish to attend the conference Y.. N..


From: MA37%[email protected]
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 88 08:41:05
Subject: Dundee NA Conference Registration Form






27 - 30 June 1989

Address for correspondence

The Organising Secretaries
Numerical Analysis Conference
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The University, Dundee, DD1 4HN
Scotland, UK

Telephone: 0382-23181 Ext 4467/4468/4471/4474
email: [email protected]
[email protected]

The 13th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis will be
held at the University of Dundee from Tuesday 27 June - Fri-
day 30 June 1989 inclusive. The invited speakers will

M J Baines R Fletcher T Lyche
J H Bramble B Fornberg M J D Powell
K Burrage I Graham A Ruhe
T Coleman C Johnson T Russell
P Deuflhard A Jepson D Sorensen

Brief Communications

A limited number of short (20 minute) papers will be
accepted for presentation. Prospective contributors
should submit a title and short abstract as soon as
possible and no later than 27 May 1989. Please indi-
cate on the registration form whether or not you wish
to present a paper.

Registration Fee

The registration fee will be #45.00 (# = Pounds Ster-
ling). This includes the cost of morning coffee and
afternoon tea.


The proceedings of the invited talks only will be pub-
lished. Copies may be ordered on payment of #12.00 at
the time of registration. Later requests for copies
should be made to the publisher.


Accommodation for the conference will be provided in
West Park Hall, a student residence which consists
mainly of single study bedrooms. Full board (bed,
breakfast, lunch and dinner) is available from Monday
night to Friday evening at a cost of #77.00. Please
note that this does not include dinner on Thursday
night, when the conference dinner will be held.

In addition, bed and breakfast will be available on the
nights of Sunday 25 June (#12.00) and Friday 30 June
(#10.00), as will dinner on Monday night (#5.00).

Information on local hotels can be provided on request.

Conference Dinner

The conference dinner will be held on Thursday evening
in West Park Hall. The cost, inclusive of wine will be
#13.00. The number of places available at the confer-
ence dinner is limited and will be allocated according
to the date of booking.

To register for the conference, please return the section
below to
[email protected]
(or the address given above) to arrive no later than 27 May



Prof/Dr/Mr/Ms ................................................




ORGANISATION ................................................

Email: ................................................

I wish/do not wish to present a paper.

Abstract enclosed/will follow.

FEES (# = Pounds sterling)


I enclose/have arranged for payment for:
Conference Fee at #45.00 : #45.00
Proceedings at #12.00 : ______
Accommodation and meals:
Monday night to Friday evening at #77.00 : ______
Dinner, Monday night at # 5.00 : ______
Conference Dinner at #13.00 : ______
Bed and Breakfast
Sunday night at #12.00 : ______
Friday night at #10.00 : ______

TOTAL _______

Cheques etc. should be made payable to
The Numerical Analysis Colloquia Account
(Royal Bank of Scotland, University Branch, Dundee
Account 230136)


End of NA Digest
