NA Digest Sunday, December 11, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 49

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Rolf Jeltsch <JELTSCH%[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 04 Dec 88 15:15:16 CET
Subject: Peter Lax Honored

Peter Lax receives an Honorary Degree from the University
of Technology in Aachen, RWTH, West Germany.

On November 18. 1988 Peter Lax was honoured here in Aachen. We all
know that Peter Lax has made tremendous contributions to mathematics,
especially in partial differential equations and has therfore been
hounoured already many many times. Of course here in Aachen his deep
contributions to mathematics have been honoured too but in addition
one wanted to stress especially the importance his work has had in
the field of engineering. For this reason the celebration was a joint
event of the Faculty in Engineering and the Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences. It was held on the occasion of the 75 anniversary
of the Aerodynamical Institute here in Aachen whose first director
was Theodore von Karmann. Peter Lax was also honoured for his positive
attitude to use computers in mathematics, research and teaching,
and his effort to convince non mathematicians that we do need
this modern computer power. Without him many of us would not have
access to super computers.

The banquet was held in the old City Hall of the town of Aachen
where for many hundred years the german kings have been crowned.

Rolf Jeltsch


From: Ian Gladwell <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 88 11:54:51 CST
Subject: Positions at SMU

Southern Methodist University
Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics at Southern Methodist University seeks
applications for one senior and several junior tenure track positions with
employment beginning Fall 1989. Candidates should be active researchers in
applied or numerical mathematics and should have a strong commitment to
undergraduate teaching. Preference will be given to applicants who can
contribute to the doctoral program in applied mathematics, numerical
analysis and scientific computation. For the senior position, candidates
should have an outstanding research record and experience in advising
Ph.D. students. The teaching load for each position is two courses (six
hours) per semester. There may also be visiting positions available in
academic year 1989-90.

Southern Methodist University has about 8000 students. The Mathematics
Department has a strong and ongoing commitment to the development of
classical and modern applied mathematics. Eleven of the fifteen full-time
faculty are applied or numerical mathematicians. Current areas of research
include mathematical modeling of physical and biological phenomena,
nonlinear waves, perturbation methods, parameter estimation, numerical
bifurcation, mathematical software for differential equations and parallel
computation. Candidates should be active in one of these areas or a
related one. Senior faculty and their interests include D.H. Anderson
(biomathematics), W.E. Ferguson (numerical partial differential
equations), I. Gladwell (mathematical software), R. Haberman (nonlinear
waves), G.W. Reddien (bifurcation theory) and L.F. Shampine (numerical
ordinary differential equations). Among its computers, the university has
a Sequent Symmetry for research use.

Complete applications must be received by January 1st, 1989. Send a letter
of application, a vita and three letters of recommendation to: I.
Gladwell, Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Southern Methodist
University, Dallas, Texas 75275 (Tel: (214) 692-2506) who may also be
contacted with any questions concerning the positions.

SMU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action/Title IX employer.

I. Gladwell email addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]


From: Ian Gladwell <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 88 11:55:10 CST
Subject: Conference on Computational ODEs


Imperial College, London 3rd--7th July, 1989


The IMA is organising a conference on Computational Ordinary Differential
Equations, to be held at Imperial College, London, in July, 1989.

The aim of this meeting is to bring together research workers and
practitioners in theory and algorithms for the numerical solution of
ordinary differential equations. All relevant topics are to be covered and
contributions in application areas will be encouraged.

The invited speakers are

J.C. Butcher (Auckland)
H.B. Keller (Caltech)
R.E. O'Malley Jr. (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.)
L.R. Petzold (Lawrence Livermore)
R.D. Russell (Simon Fraser, Vancouver)
J.M. Sanz-Serna (Valladolid)
L.F. Shampine (Southern Methodist, Dallas)
M.N. Spijker (Leiden)

In addition, the programme will feature ``highlighted'' talks, contributed
papers and posters. The highlighted and contributed papers will be of 40
and 20 minutes presentation time respectively. The highlighted papers
will be selected by the Organising Committee on the basis of an extended
abstract (approx. 1000 words), contributed papers and posters on the basis
of a approx. 300 word abstract. Abstracts for all categories should be
sent to the IMA and must be received by 15th January 1989. Authors will be
notified of the committee's decision during March 1989.

The members of the Organising Committee are: Dr. J.R. Cash
(Imperial College of Science and Technology, London),
Dr. R. England, AFIMA (The Open University, Milton Keynes),
Prof. I. Gladwell, FIMA (Southern Methodist University, Dallas)
and Dr. A. Iserles, AFIMA (University of Cambridge).

There will be a reduced conference fee for full-time research students.

The proceedings of the conference will be published by Oxford University
Press in the IMA Conference Proceedings Series.

Abstracts and all other enquiries should be sent to: Conference Officer,
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Maitland House, Warrior
Square, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 2JY or, by electronic mail, to
[email protected]


From: Lewis Geer <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 88 20:13:01 CST
Subject: Finite Element Program Sought

I am very much interested in finding a freeware finite element
analysis program. We are trying to model the human lung. I would
appreciate any pointers to FEM programs.
Thank you,
Lewis Geer

[email protected]
Lewis Yuchan Geer
Campus Box 8131
Radiation Oncology/MIR
Washington University Medical Center
510 S. Kingshighway
St. Louis, MO 63110
(314) 362-2951


From: Reginald Tewarson <RTEWARSO%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 88 10:26 EDT
Subject: Graduate Study at SUNY, Stony Brook

The Stony Brook Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics offers one
of the largest comprehensive programs in the applied mathematical sciences.
A stimulating interplay of theory and practical applications characterizes
the teaching and research programs. The department awards about 160 BS,
30 MS, and 8 PhD degrees annually. Our graduates hold positions in lead-
ing academic departments and industrial laboratories. There are 24
faculty members in the department and 13 affiliated faculty from Biostatis-
tics, Computer Science, Ecology, Economics, Electrical Engineering,
Management, Mathematics, Sociology, and regional research laboratories.
Top research prizes won by faculty include the Heineman Prize in mathe-
matical physics, the Lanchester Prize in operations research and the Well-
ington Medal in structural design. Financial support in the form of
Teaching and research assistantships is available for qualified students.

Faculty in Computational Applied Mathematics

Edward Beltrami, Professor; Ph.D. 1962, Adelphi University: Ecological models,
nonlinear optimization.
Yung Ming Chen, Professor; Ph.D. 1963, New York University: numerical solution
of inverse problems, remote sensing.
Daniel Dicker, Professor; D.Sc. 1961, Columbia University: porous flow pro-
blems, structural analysis.
James Glimm, Leading Professor and Chairman; Ph.D. 1959, Columbia University:
nonlinear equations, conservation laws, front tracking.
John Grove, Assistant Professor; Ph.D. 1984, Ohio State University: shock
waves, front tracking.
Thomas Hagstrom, Assistant Professor; Ph.D.1983, California Institute of Tech-
nology: computational fluid dynamics, numerical analysis.
Brent Lindquist, Associate Professor; Ph.D. 1981, Princeton University: front
tracking, reservoir simulation.
Ram Srivastav, Professor; Ph.D. 1963, Glasgow University: nonlinear crack pro-
blems, numerical solution of integral equations.
Reginald Tewarson, Professor; Ph.D. 1961, Boston University: sparse matrices,
numerical analysis, mathematical models in physiology.

Several additional appointments in computational mathematics are planned over
the next twelve months. Postdoctoral positions will also be available.

For more information about opportunities at Stony Brook, please write or call
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 11794
(516-632-8360; [email protected]).


From: Brent Lindquist <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 88 12:56:10 EST
Subject: Postdoctoral Positions at SUNY, Stony Brook


One or more postdoctoral positions may be available for work
in computational fluid dynamics and hyperbolic conservation laws.
Diverse applications including oil reservoir modeling, gas dynam-
ics and fluid instabilities are being studied using front track-
ing, grid refinement and related methods. To apply for these po-
sitions please send a vita, resume and a statement of scientific
interests to James Glimm at

The Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
SUNY at Stony Brook,
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3600.

Applicants should also list three references, who have been
requested to send letters of recommendation to the above address.


From: John Dennis <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 88 11:24:51 CST
Subject: Positions at Rice

P.O.BOX 1892, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251.

Applications are invited for a tenure-track assistant professor
position to start August, 1989 in parallel and large-scale
scientific computation. Applicants should demonstrate both
breadth of interest and promise in research and teaching.
We especially invite applications in numerical linear algebra,
mathematical programming, and numerical solutions of partial
differential equations.

Rice University is a private research university with a long
tradition of excellence in undergraduate science and engineering
education. The Mathematical Sciences Department also hosts an
active and expanding graduate program, has superb computing
facilities and ongoing research in Operations Research,
Computational Mathematical Programming, and Optimal Design
and Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations.
The department has excellent relations with other departments
at Rice and the University of Houston, with industrial and
governmental research groups, and is actively involved in the
recently-announced NSF Science and Technology Center for Research
in Parallel Computation.

The department would petition the administration to upgrade the
position for the right internationally recognized senior applicant.
Furnish vita, transcripts, reprints, and three letters of
recommendation to J.E. Dennis, Chair, Staffing Committee.
Rice University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity


From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 88 15:24:21 PST
Subject: Special PDE Year in Australia


In 1990 the Centre of Mathematical Analysis at the Australian National
University will host a special year-long program devoted to


(including Spectral Methods)
Co-ordinator: Frank de Hoog
Time: February--April, 1990

Co-ordinator: Bob Anderssen
Time: May--July, 1990

Co-ordinator: Bob Anderssen
Time: August--September, 1990

(including Singular Perturbation, Eigenvalues, Bifurcation)
Co-ordinators: Mike Osborne, Vidar Thomee
Time: October--December, 1990

The Organzization Committee consists of Bob Anderssen (CSIRO),
Frank de Hoog (CSIRO), Mike Osborne (IAS,ANU), Vidar Thomee (Goteborg)
and Neil Trudinger (Director,CMA).

A more detailed announcement will be circulated in early 1989 listing the
names of longterm visitors as well as other relevant information. The aim
of this notice is to give potential participants advance notification
so that they can commence planning at an early stage. Funds will be
available to support the attendance of Australian and overseas
mathematicians. However, in order to maximize participation, only
partial support will in general be available.

Expressions of interest in attending, requests for further information,
etc. should be forwarded to the Director, ANSPDE--1990, CMA, ANU, GPO Box 4,
Canberra, ACT 2601 (Phone:(61)(62)49 2897; e-mail:[email protected]).


From: Arthur Wouk <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 1988 13:30:52 PST
Subject: More on the Army High Performance Computering Research Center

Army High Performance Computing Research Center Pre-Solicitation

As is usual when dealing with the army, things slip. Please note
that the pre-solicitation meeting scheduled for December 16 has now
slid to the week of January 9. For further information you may have to
contact the procurement people listed in my original notice. By the
way, the notice appeared in Commerce Business Daily on Nov 21-22. If I
get further information before taking 12 days off on Dec. 1, I will
let you know by email.
--Arthur Wouk


From: Andy Wathen <Wathen%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 88 09:46:41 GMT
Subject: Position at Bristol

Applications are invited for a LECTURESHIP IN NUMERICAL ANALYSIS.

Applicants should have a good research record in any area of numerical
analysis. The salary scale for lecturers is UK pounds 9,260 - 19,310
(under review) and the initial salary will be determined according to
qualifications and experience. The post is tenable from 1 August 1989
or a mutually agreeable date.

Further particulars should be obtained from the Registrar, University
of Bristol, Senate House, Bristol BS8 1TH, England, by whom applications
should be received before 10 February 1989, quoting reference JPB. For
informal enquiries please contact Prof. P.G.Drazin, tel:UK 0272 303291
or on e-mail: [email protected]


From: Steve Hurley <steve%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 88 12:45:00 gmt
Subject: Where is Roland England

Does anyone know the current whereabouts of Roland England. The last I heard
he had just returned from South America.

[email protected] OR [email protected]


From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 88 09:40:16 cst
Subject: LAA News


The following LAA Special Issues are due to appear in 1989:

In honor of Alan Hoffman (vols 114/115, March 1989),
Proceedings of the Valencia Conference on Linear Algebra and Applications,
Proceedings of the Fourth Haifa Conference om Linear Algebra,
Linear Systems and Control,
Linear Algebra and Statistics.

Contributions are invited for the following LAA Special Issues:

Title of Issue: Linear Algebra in Image Reconstruction
from Projections
Special editors: Y.Censor, T. Elfving, G.T. Herman
Full announcment: LAA vol. 99, Feb, 1988
Submission deadline: January 1989

Title of Issue: Matrix Valued Functions
Special editors: J.A.Ball, L.Rodman, P. Van Dooren
Full announcment: LAA vol. 106, Aug. 1988
Submission deadline: July 1989

Title of Issue: Interior Point Methods for Linear Programming
Special editors: D.Gay, M. Kojima, R.Tapia
Full announcment: LAA vol. 110, Nov. 1988
Submission deadline: August 1989

Title of Issue: Matrix Canonical Forms
Special editors: R.A.Horn, T.J.Laffey, R.L.Merris
Full announcment: LAA vol. 113, Feb. 1989
Submission deadline: November 1989

Title of Issue: ILAS (IMG) meeting Provo UT, Aug.1989
Special editors: W.Barrett, D.Hershkowitz, D.Robinson
Full announcment: with conference material
Submission deadline: November 1989

Title of Issue: Iteration Methods in Linear Algebra and
in Applications
Special editors: O.Axelsson, J. de Pillis, M.Neumann,
W.Niethammer, R.J.Plemmons
Full announcment: LAA vol. 116, April 1989
Submission deadline: March 1990

A full announcement of the special issue on Iteration Methods will shortly be
circulated over this net. Full announcments of the other special issues have
previously been circulated.


From: Clifford Addison <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 88 15:04:56 +0100
Subject: European Workshop on Hypercube and Distributed Computers

1st European Workshop on Hypercube and Distributed Computers
Rennes, France
October 4-6, 1989


Recently, the evolution of parallel architectures has led to the
advent of new highly concurrent, message passing communication
based computers. Since the early laboratory prototype
realizations, such as the Cosmic Cube of Caltech (California
Institute of Technology), many computers are now available and
commercialized by companies: Intel, FPS, Ametek, Thinking Machines,
NCube, Meiko,...

Such distributed computers are now used in several European
Research Centers. The aim of this Workshop is to bring together
researchers and engineers to exchange their views and experiences
Workshop in Rennes, October 4-6, 1989.


- Parallel and distributed architectures: Technology,
communication networks, new architectures.

- Concurrent programming: Languages, algorithms, parallelization

- Programming environments: Operating systems, verification and
debugging tools.

- Performance evaluation: Measurement methods, performance

- Applications


a) Paper submission

Authors are invited to submit unpublished original contributions
reflecting their most recent work either as a full paper (for a
communication) or an abstract (for a poster session).

Four copies of the full paper (15 pages maximum) or the abstract
(1 page) should be submitted.

A front page should include the title, the name(s) of the
author(s), the complete address (telephone, telex, electronic
mail). In case of several co-authors, the name of the author in
charge of the correspondence and of the preparation of the final
version of the paper should be clearly indicated.

Submitted contributions will be reviewed by the Program
Committee. Instructions relative to the final version of the
accepted papers (full papers and abstracts) will be sent along
with the notification of acceptance.

The Workshop organizers will hold the copyright of the accepted
papers which will be published in the Workshop proceedings.

b) Presentation

Authors of accepted full papers will present their work during
the sessions. Lecture time will be indicated in the notification

Authors of the accepted abstracts will present their work during
a ``Poster session''. The standards of the panels will be
indicated in the notification letter.


15 February, 1989 4 copies of the full paper or abstract
to be received by the Workshop
Scientific Secretariat.

15 April, 1989 Notification of acceptance or refusal.

1st June, 1989 The final version of the accepted papers
should be received by the Workshop

June, 1989 Distribution of the Program

4-6 October, 1989 1st European Workshop on Hypercube and
Distributed Computers.

OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: French and English

For further information contact:

Relations Exterieures
Bureau des Colloques
Telephone: +33 1 39 63 56 00
Telex: 697033F

Scientific Secretariat:

Francoise ANDRE
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes
Telephone: +33 99 36 20 00
Telex: UNIRISA 950473F


From: H. D. Mittelmann <[email protected], na.mittelmann>
Date: 10 Dec 88, 14:29 MST
Subject: Positions at Arizona State University
Subject: Positions at Arizona State University

Positions at Arizona State University

The Department of Mathematics invites applications for tenure-track and
visiting faculty positions at all ranks. The Department is in the second
year of a major development program intended to build nationally recog-
nized research groups of 4 to 7 faculty members in various areas inclu-
ding Computational Mathematics. While the university provides CRAY-XMP
and IBM 3090-500E/VF supercomputers the department is installing a net-
work of graphics mini-supercomputers.
Applications will be reviewed starting January 1, 1989. Applicants
should send their resumes and arrange for at least three letters of re-
commendation to be sent to: William T. Trotter, Chair, Department of
Mathematics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85282-1804, U.S.A.
A full display advertisement appeared on p. 27 of the Nov. issue of the
SIAM News.


End of NA Digest
