NA Digest Sunday, October 21, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 36

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Michael Overton <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 90 13:22:01 -0400
Subject: NA-DAY at Stanford: Fri Nov 9

NA-DAY at Stanford: Fri Nov 9

A part of the 25th anniversary celebration of the Stanford CS Department.

Room LGI 112, Center of Educational Research (CERAS),
Stanford University.
(near the Stanford Bookstore)

Talks: (9 am to Noon)
Cleve Moler: Sparse MATLAB
Rob Schreiber: Issues in compiling for distributed memory computers.
Bo Kagstrom: Parallel block matrix factorizations on shared memory machines
Tony Chan: Education issues concerning numerical analysis
Robert Higdon: Absorbing boundary conditions for wave propagation problems
Talks: (2 to 5 pm)
Michael Saunders: Serra House days and a little linear algebra
Richard Bartels: Parameterization estimates in spline curve fitting
Lothar Reichel: A Newton basis GMRES implementation
Ilse Ipsen: Perturbation analysis for linear systems, and applications
Michael Overton: On sums of eigenvalues of symmetric matrices.

Talks will be 20-25 minutes long leaving plenty of time for discussion.
All are welcome. If you wish to attend, please send e-mail to
[email protected]. There will be a reception and a Chinese banquet
in the evening. If you plan to attend the banquet please send a check for
$25 to Jeanne Dean, Computer Science Department, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305. The check should be payable to Stanford University.
Tickets may also be purchased for accompanying persons.
Rooms are being offered at special rates at nearby hotels.

If any further announcements are necessary they will be sent to an e-mail
list of attendees, not to the NA-Digest.


From: Biswa N. Datta <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 90 13:33 EDT
Subject: Change to Schedule for SIAM November Meeting

Dear Colleagues:

Due to some unavoidable circumstances, there have been last minute changes
in the scheduling of the presentations by Chris Byrnes and Dragoslav Siljak.
at the SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra in SSC.

Christopher Byrnes: From 8:30 AM Monday, 11/5 to 8:30 AM Thursday, 11/8.
Dragoslav Siljak: From 8:30 AM Thursday, 11/8 to 8:30 AM Monday, 11/5.


From: Biswa N. Datta <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 90 15:12 EDT
Subject: Short Course at SIAM Control Meeting

Short Course on Large Scale and Parallel Matrix
Computations in Control, Systems and Signal Processing,

November 4, 1990, San Francisco, CA

Dear friends and colleagues:

I want to remind you about the short course on large-scale and
parallel matrix computations in control, systems and signal
processing, which I am organizing for a day prior to the
conference on linear algebra in signals, systems and control,
which Dave Carlson and I are coorganizing.

The short course will be held on Sunday, November 4, 1990 at the
Cathedral Hill Hotel, San Francisco, California. The lecturers
and lecture topics are:

"Parallel Algorithms for Dense Matrix Computations"
Ahmed Sameh, CSRD, University of Illinois, Urbana

"Parallel Algorithms for Sparse Matrices"
Iain Duff. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and CERFACS

"The Status of Lanczos Algorithms"
Beresford N. Parlett, University of California, Berkeley

"Large Scale and Parallel Computations in Control"
Biswa N. Datta, Northern Illinois University

"Mapping Extended Kalman Filters Onto Linear Arrays"
R.S. Baheti, GE and NSF

Please register now if you have not done so. The registration fees are:
Advance--$115 (SIAM member); $135 (non-member); $75 (student).
On-site--$135 (SIAM Member); $155 (non-member) and $95
(student). Registration fee for the short course includes
preprints, coffee and lunch. To register, please contact SIAM,
3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-
2688; telephone number 215-382-9800; FAX 215-386-7999, or E-Mail:
[email protected]
Credit cards are accepted--VISA, MC or AE.

I look forward to your participation.

Thanks and see you all in SF!


From: Werner Purgathofer <WP%EIGCL1.UNA.AC.@@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 90 16:30 N
Subject: Eurographics '91

September 2 - 6, 1991 Vienna, Austria

12th annual conference of the European Assoc.for Computer Graphics

CONFERENCE THEMES: all aspects of Computer Graphics (including applications),
such as image synthesis and animation, scientific visualization,
human computer interaction, modelling, graphics hardware, graphics
standards, image processing, etc.

The conference will consist of the following parts:
* SUBMITTED TECHNICAL PAPERS (Deadline Dec 10, 1990)
* POSTER PRESENTATIONS (Deadline June 1, 1991)
* STATE OF THE ART REPORTS (Deadline Dec 10, 1990)
* GRAPHICS R&D IN EC PROGRAMMES (Deadline Dec 10, 1990)

Eurographics'91 will be held in the former palace of the Austro-Hungarian
Emperor, in the HOFBURG in Vienna. If you are interested, please contact
the Confer ence Secretariat for more information:
Austria-Center Vienna
A-1450 Vienna / Austria
Tel. +43 (1) 2369-2643
Fax. +43 (1) 2369-648
email: [email protected]
Hope to see you in Vienna!


From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 90 13:14 EDT
Subject: SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing

Call for Papers and Registration Information

Fifth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
March 25-27, 1991
Westin Galleria Hotel
Houston, Texas

Tutorial on Programming Environments, Compiler Technology and Visual Aids
to Debugging and Performance Analysis
March 24, 1991

Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing

This will be the fifth SIAM conference devoted to parallel processing as it
applies to scientific computing. This year the conference will emphasize:
development and analysis of parallel numerical algorithms for partial
differential equations, applications, scientific visualization, computer
architecture, and analysis of computer performance.

The Invited Scientific Presentations are:

Computational Challenges in Modern Biology
Leroy Hood

Algorithmic Aspects of Domain Decomposition and Fictitious Domain Methods
Roland Glowinski

Cellular Automata and Classical Numerical Methods: Two Sides of the Same Coin
C. David Levermore

Physical Analogies in Computation
Geoffrey Fox

Design of High Performance Computer Architectures (title tentative)
John Hennessey

Visualization in Parallel Computational Mechanics Research
Charbel Farhat

Contributed and Poster Presentation

It is expected that the four themes listed for invited presentations will
attract pertinent contributed papers. However, the traditional areas of
interest will also be emphasized. These will include:

--Parallel Numerical Algorithms
--Mathematical Software for High Performance Computing
--Computer Performance Evaluation
--Scientific Programming Languages
--Programming Environments
--Distributed Computing
--Massively Parallel Processing

Contributed presentations in lecture and poster form are invited in all areas
consistent with the conference themes. A description of your presentation
must be submitted on a SIAM abstract form, which can be obtained by contacting
SIAM. A contributed presentation will be considered for one of the following
categories: a 30-minute lecture, a 20-minute lecture, or a poster format.
When submitting your abstract, please indicate the type of presentation for
which you would like to be considered. A limited number of papers will be
selected for 30-minute talks, but all others will be considered for 20-minute
lectures or poster formats. The poster sessions will be organized by themes
to enhance interaction between presenters and attendees.

If you wish to be considered for a 30-minute presentation, we ask that, in
addition to the 100 word abstract submitted on a SIAM abstract form, you
should also submit a 750 word abstract typed on plain white bond paper. This
750 word extended abstract will be used in selecting the 30-minute
presentations. The selection of presentations will be made in the first week
of December 1990.

Deadline for abstracts: October 31, 1990


From: Iain Duff <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 90 09:45:24 BST
Subject: Contents of IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis

The contents of the current issue of the IMA Journal of Numerical
Analysis are given below.

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis - Volume 10, Number 4

A Iserles and S P Norsett On the theory of parallel Runge-Kutta methods

P W Sharp, J M Fine, and Two-stage and three stage diagonally implicit
K Burrage Runge-Kutta Nystrom methods of orders three
and four

I Moret and P Omari A projective Newton method for semilinear
operator equations in Banach spaces

Y Yan Cosine change of variable for Symm's integral
equation on open arcs

J J Skrobanski Bounded norm matrix-inverse mappings

I Koltracht and P Lancaster Constraining strategies for linear iterative

G A Watson Chebyshev approximation to data by positive
sums of exponentials

M P Cullinan Data smoothing using non-negative divided
differences and l approximation


From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 90 15:28 EDT
Subject: Contents of SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Vol. 51, No. 1, February 1991

Table of Contents

On Viscous Wave Motion over a Plane Beach
Ulf Torsten Ehrenmark

Generalised Lagrangian Solutions for Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows
M. J. P. Cullen, J. Norbury, and R. J. Purser

On the Existence and Uniqueness of the Flow in a Torous
Adel N. Boules

The Zeros of J12()-J0()J2()=0 with an Application to Swirling Flow in a Tube
D. A. MacDonald

Time Reversibility and Particle Sedimentation
Martin Golubitsky, Martin Krupa, and Chjan Lim

Polyhedral Flames
David O. Olagunju and Bernard J. Matkowsky

Multiple Steady-State Solutions in a Multijunction Semiconductor Device
M. J. Ward, L. G. Reyna, and F. M. Odeh

A Diffusion-Reaction Model for the Cellular Uptake of Protein-Bound Ligands
A. McNabb and L. Bass

Law of Large Numbers for DNA Distribution in an Interacting Cell Population
A. Calzolari, C. Constantini, and A. Gerardi

On the Diffusion Approximation to a Fork and Join Queueing Model
Charles Knessl

On the Factorial Functional Series and Their Application to Random Media
Konstantin Z. Markov

Heavy-Traffic Analysis of a Data-Handling System with Many Sources
Charles Knessl and J. A. Morrison

Asymptotic Properties of Eigenvalues of Integral Equations
Charles Knessl and Joesph B. Keller

Moments of Extinction for a Singular Perturbation Problem in the
Diffusion Process
A.-M. Wazwaz and F. B. Hanson

Exponential Decay of Energy of Evolution Equations with Locally
Distributed Dampings
G. Chen, S. A. Fulling, F. J. Narcowich, and S. Sun

For information regarding the SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics,
please contact Vickie Kearn, Publisher, SIAM, 3600
University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688;
telephone (215) 382-9800; FAX: (215) 386-7999; e-mail:
[email protected].


From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 90 15:28 EDT
Subject: Contents of SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Vol. 27, No. 6, December 1990

Tentative Table of Contents

Convergence of a Variable Blob Vortex for the Euler and Navier-Stokes
Thomas Y. Hou

Boltzmann Type Schemes for Gas Dynamics and the Entropy Property
B. Perthame

A Local Refinement Finite-Element Method for
One-Dimensional Parabolic Systems
Peter K. Moore and Joseph Flaherty

Projection Methods for a Class of Hammerstein Equations
Jukka Saranen

Iterative Solution Methods for Plate Bending Problems:
Multigrid and Preconditioned eg Algorithm
P. Peisker, W. Rust, and E. Stein

Piecewise Solenoidal Vector Fields and the Stokes Problem
Garth A. Baker, Wadi N. Jureidini, and Ohannes A. Karakashian

Equivalence of Finite Element Methods for Problems in Elasticity
Richard S. Falk and Mary E. Morley

Rate of Convergence of Multistep Codes Started by
Variation of Order and Stepsize
L. F. Shampine and W. Zhang

Conditioning and Dichotomy in Differential Algebraic Equations
M. Lentini and R. Marz

Differential Algebraic Equations, Indices, and Integral
Algebraic Equations
C. W. Gear

Extrapolation of the Iterated-Collocation Method for Integral Equations of
the Second Kind
Q. Lin, I. H. Sloan, and R. Xie

A Taxonomy for Conjugate Gradient Methods
Steven F. Ashby, Thomas A. Manteuffel

Algebraic Multilevel Preconditioning Methods, II
O. Axelsson and P. S. Vassilevski

Monotonicity and Discretization Error Estimates
O. Axelsson and L. Kolotilina

On the Conjugate Gradient Solution of the Schur
Complement System Obtained from Domain Decomposition
Lois Mansfield

A Regularization Method for Solving the Finite Convex Min-Max Problem
Cristina Gigola and Susana Gomez

Convergence Characteristics of Methods of Regularization Estimators
for Nonlinear Operator Equations
Finbarr O'Sullivan

For information regarding the SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,
please contact Vickie Kearn, Publisher, SIAM, 3600 University
City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688; telephone
(215) 382-9800; FAX: (215) 386-7999; e-mail:
[email protected].


From: Tim Kelley <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 90 10:10:11 EDT
Subject: Positions at North Carolina State

Department of Mathematics

Applications are invited for senior level appointments in applied
mathematics, beginning in the Fall of 1991. We are seeking senior
research Mathematicians who will have a major impact on the applied
mathematics program at North Carolina State University. Priority will
be given to the areas of optimization, optimal control, and partial
differential equations. Candidates should have an outstanding ongoing
research program, and a demonstrated competence in teaching. Applicants
should send a vita to Robert H. Martin, Chairman, Department of Mathematics,
Box 8205, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205.
Letters of recommendation will be requested later.
Address electronic mail inquiries to [email protected] .
Applications received by February 1st, 1991 will be given full
consideration. North Carolina State University is an equal
opportunity / affirmative action employer.


From: Michael Singer <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 90 10:48:50 EDT
Subject: Symbolic Computation Position at NCSU

The Department of Mathematics of North Carolina State University invites
applications for a tenure track appointment in Symbolic Computation,
beginning in the Fall of 1991. Applicants at all levels will be
considered but priority will be given to applicants who have received
their Ph.D in the last 6 years. Candidates should have a strong ongoing
research program and a demonstrated competence in teaching.
Applications should send a vita and letters of reference to
Michael F. Singer, Mathematics Department, Box 8205, North Carolina
State University, Raleigh, N. C., 27695-8205. Address electronic mail
inquiries to [email protected]. Applications received by February 1,
1991 will be given full consideration. North Carolina State University is
an equal opportunity / affirmative action employer.

-- Michael Singer


From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 90 07:43:40 cdt
Subject: IMA Postdoctoral Fellowships

IMA Postdoctoral Fellowships

The competition for postdoctoral fellowships for the year 1991-1992
(special academic year program is APPLIED LINEAR ALGEBRA) at the
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) is now open.
The IMA will award up to 15 12-month postdoctoral memberships
with starting date approximately September 1, 1991. All requirements
for a doctorate should be completed by September 1, 1991. Applicants
must show evidence of mathematical excellence, but need not be specialists
in linear algebra. The following materials must be submitted:

(1) Personal statement of scientific interest, research plans, and reasons
for wishing to participate in the program. (This is an essential part of
the application.)

(2) Curriculum vitae and a list of publications.

(3) Three letters of recommendation, to be sent directly to the IMA.


ADDRESS: Visiting Membership Committee
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
University of Minnesota
514 Vincent Hall
206 Church St., S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0436

(The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and
employer and specifically invites and encourages applications from
women and minorties.)


From: Richard C. Allen <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 90 15:05:14 MDT
Subject: Research Fellowship at Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque


Mathematics and Computational Science Department
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque

The Mathematics and Computational Sciences Department at Sandia
National Laboratories invites outstanding candidates to apply for the
1991 AMS Research Fellowship. The Fellowship is supported by the
Applied Mathematical Sciences Research Program of the U.S. Department
of Energy.

AMS Fellowships at Sandia provide an exceptional opportunity for
innovative research in scientific computing on advanced architectures,
and are intended to promote the transfer of technology from the
laboratory research environment to industry and academia through the
advanced training of new computational scientists. Candidates must be
U.S. citizens, must have earned a recent Ph.D. degree or the
equivalent in computer science or mathematics, and should have a
strong interest in advanced computing research.

Sandia's Mathematics and Computational Science Department maintains
strong programs in theoretical computer science, analytical and
computational mathematics, computational physics and engineering,
advanced computational approaches for parallel computers, graphics,
and architectures and languages. Sandia provides a unique parallel
computing environment, including a 1024-processor NCUBE/ten hypercube,
a 1024-processor NCUBE 2 hypercube, a Connection Machine-2, and
several large Cray supercomputers.

The fellowship appointment is for a period of one year, and may be
renewed for a second year. It includes a highly competitive salary,
moving expenses, and a generous professional travel allowance.
Applicants should send a resume, a statement of research goals, and
three letters of recommendation to Robert H. Banks, Division 3531-AMS,
Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185.
The closing date for applications is January 31, 1991, and the
position will commence during 1991.

For further information contact Richard C. Allen, Jr. at (505) 844-
2248 or by E-mail, [email protected].

Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V/H
U.S. Citizenship is Required


End of NA Digest
