Today's Topics:
From: Mario Nakamura <DENAKAMURA%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 91 11:03 C
Subject: Need Integration and Hankel Function Routines
Does anyone know/have a:
1 - Fortran subroutine to compute a double integral with UNEQUALY
spaced tabulated values.
2 - tabulated values of hankel functions(spherical bessel functions of
third kind as defined in Abromowitz 10.1.1) h2n(z) for
n>100 and z(real) >200
I will apreciate any sugestions.
Mario Nakamura
Cpqd Telebras - Brasil
e-mail address: [email protected]
From: Andrew Bertie <A_BERTIE%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 OCT 91 14:57:30 GMT
Subject: RKF45 in C
RKF45 algorithm in C
I have an ANSI C translation of Shampine & Watts' FORTRAN implementation
of their RKF45 algorithm for solving initial value problems - as published
in "Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations" by G. E. Forsythe,
M. A. Malcolm & C. B. Moler (1977).
Andrew Bertie
Academic Computing Service,
Open University,
Walton Hall,
Milton Keynes,
From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 91 18:06:31 PST
Subject: New Book by Steve Vavasis
Steve Vavasis has a new book, NONLINEAR OPTIMIZATION: Complexity Issues.
It's an interesting and elegant book. The publisher is Oxford Science.
From: Paul Calamai <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 91 13:39:47 -0500
Subject: Large Sparse Linear Least Squares
A colleague of mine is looking for real large sparse linear
least-squares problems. Pointers to data/problems would
be greatly appreciated.
Paul Calamai
University of Waterloo
From: Ken Atkinson <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 91 14:57:29 CST
Subject: References on Parallel and Vector Computing
During the spring semester, I am teaching a course on numerical analysis for
vector and parallel computers. I have taught this in the past, but have not
kept up with the literature as well as I should have. I know of several books
that cover topics of interest for such a course, but would like to have the
suggestions of others to bring me up-to-date on the literature at the level
of texts (e.g. Ortega; Dongarra, et al) and survey papers (e.g. the recent
SIAM Review papers on methods for dense and sparse systems on parallel
machines). I will compile a summary of whatever suggestions I receive, to be
made available to others.
Ken Atkinson
Mathematics Dept
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
e_mail: [email protected]
From: Daniel Boley <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 91 21:41:25 -0600
Subject: Celebration for Gene Golub
As part of the Workshop on Iterative Methods on Sparse and Structured
Problems, sponsored by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
(IMA) at the University of Minnesota, February 24-March 1, 1992, the last
full day of the workshop, Saturday, February 29, 1992, will be a special day
to honor a very special person, Prof. Gene Golub, on the occasion of his
sixtieth birthday. We would like to invite you to participate in this very
happy occasion.
A preliminary outline of the schedule for that day, Saturday, February 29,
1992, is as follows:
On Friday evening, Feb. 28 the IMA will sponsor a buffet reception/dinner
at the Campus Club, on the University of Minnesota Campus.
On Saturday, Feb. 29, during the day, a workshop of a more historical or
anecdotal nature will take place on the University Campus. Jack Dongarra
and Paul Van Dooren are handling the details of the program. If you would
like to contribute to the informal talks addressing Gene's impact on
various areas of research, his unique style of interacting with people,
his travel habits, anecdotes, a survey of areas where he has had an impact,
etc, please contact either Jack ([email protected]) or Paul
([email protected]) as soon as possible, but in any case before
November 30th.
On Saturday Evening, we will hold a Banquet in the tradition of Gene (that's
right - at a Chinese restaurant!). Bill Gear will the after dinner speaker.
We plan to provide bus transportation to the Restaurant. To help defray
part of the expenses for Friday and Saturday, we will have to charge individual
participants $15 per person (this includes the transportation and banquet).
Hotel rooms are available at the Day's Inn, about 4 blocks from Campus, at
the special rate of $34/night (plus tax). Please call them directly to
reserve your room. The special rate is being held only until Feb. 9, 1992.
You should be able to guarantee your reservation with a credit card. The
address/phone number is
Day's Inn University
2407 University Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414, USA
phone (612)-623-3999
or (612)-623-4262
(when making reservations, ask for Joyce Turner, or state that
you are visiting the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications)
If you would like to attend the celebration and banquet, we would like to
hear from you by January 15th, 1992. Please send e-mail to
[email protected]
to receive a copy of an registration form.
I apologize for the lack of a personal reply to all you folks who sent me a
message expressing interest in this workshop.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Daniel Boley [email protected]
Jack Dongarra [email protected]
Paul Van Dooren [email protected]
From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 91 17:48 EDT
Subject: Proceedings of Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
TO: Contributors of the ACM-SIAM Symposium on
Discrete Algorithms Proceedings Volume
FROM: Vickie Kearn, Publisher, SIAM
SUBJECT: Instructions for Preparing Paper
It has come to my attention that several contributors of the
above-mentioned volume have not yet received instructions on how
to prepare their papers. We mailed these instructions out on
September 23, 1991. If you have not yet received your
instructions, please contact me at (215) 382-9800; e-mail:
[email protected], or fax: (215) 386-7999, as the
deadline is quickly approaching--November 8.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
From: Zahari Zlatev <LFLZL%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 91 17:12:09 DNT
Subject: Bulgarian Mathemtician Looks for a Position
I know a Bulgarian numerical analist who is interested in getting
a temporary position in a university or a research institute for one or
two years.
He is working at the Center for Informatics and Computer Technology
at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He is interested in (i) finite
elements with emphasis on local refinement, (ii) domain decomposition,
and (iii) linear algebra. He has done also some research on parallel
algorithms for computers with shared memory (they have transputers
at the Center for Informatics and Computer Technology). He is interested
in research connected with parallel computers (not only computers
with shared memory).
The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is the highest research institute
in Bulgaria. The best students from the universities are selected for
the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In the Center for Informatics
and Computer Technology they are now very interested in
establishing contacts with universities and research institutes in
the Western countries.
If anybody knows about a suitable position, contact me, please
and I shall pass some more information. Thank you very much in
Zahari Zlatev
From: Ashok Gupta <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 91 09:24:11 UTC
Subject: London Meeting on Cellular Automata
The British Computer Society Parallel Processing Specialist Group
One day Meeting
Feb 12 1992
Imperial College
London, U.K.
o Special Purpose Hardware for Cellular Automata
o Cellular Automata Simulation on other architectures
o Software Systems for Cellular Automata
o Use of Cellular Automata models to simulate systems in the physical
and biological sciences
o Visualisation of Cellular Models
Provisional List Of Speakers :-
G.S. Pawley Univ of Edinburgh
R. Taylor Univ of York
F. George Univ of Edinburgh
B. Martin Univ of Lyon, France
A. Broggi Parma, Italy
If you wish to contribute please send a brief abstract to :-
Prof. Dennis Parkinson
65 Suttons Park Avenue
Telephone: +44 734 661111 Electronic Mail :- [email protected]
From: Stefano Foresti <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 91 16:59:14 -0700
Subject: Utah Workshop in Distributed Computing
The Utah Supercomputing Institute(USI), the IBM Corporation and Batelle
Pacific Northwest Laboratory are sponsoring a Workshop on Distributed
Computing to be held November 13 and 14 at the University of Utah in
Salt Lake City. Leading software developers from government, industry
and academia will make presentations at the workshop. The first
sessions will be held in the Mariott Library Auditorium on
on campus. The second day of the conference will be
held at the University Park Hotel, which is adjacent to the campus.
The second day will be a joint meeting with the Future Technologies
Cluster Users Group (CUG) sponsored by IBM's Advanced Workstation
Division in Austin, Texas (the designers and manufacturers of the
RS/6000 line of scientific workstations).
The field of distributed computing encompasses topics that range from
distributed database systems and remote graphical display to clustered
computing. The scope of the workshop is limited to the latter area,
which is concerned with the use of scientific workstations connected
by local area networks for parallel and batch processsing.
The primary objectives of the workshop are to educate the user
community on current activity in clustered computing and to help
researchers and programmers evaluate the potential impact of clustered
computing on their work. To achieve these objectives,
speakers at the workshop will focus on issues such as the usefulness,
cost and availability of tools for accomplishing clustered computing.
Among the topics that will be addressed are message-passing libraries,
parallel compilers, network debuggers, graphical user interfaces and
performance analysis tools. Case studies drawn from the experiences
of researchers will also be included.
Guest Speakers:
Al Geist
Adam Kolawa
Nicholas Carierro
Adam Beguilen
Robert Cooper:
Utah Supercomputing Institute
85 SSB
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA
tel: (801)581-5253 Fax: (801)581-5217
E-mail: [email protected]
From: Graeme Fairweather <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 01 Nov 91 20:44:01 EST
Subject: Domain Decomposition Mini-conference
Mini-Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
November 15 - 16, 1991
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky
The conference begins at 1:30 pm on Friday, November 15,
and concludes at 5:00 pm on Saturday.
Speakers include:
Olof B. Widlund
Barry F. Smith
Howard Elman
William D. Gropp
David E. Keyes
Bernard Bialecki
Tony F. C. Chan
X. -C. Cai
Jan Mandel
Lawrence Cowser
Torgeir Rusten
Max Dryja
To register for the conference, contact
Graeme Fairweather
Department of Mathematics
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506
Telephone: 606-257-2326
E-mail: [email protected]
From: David Lukas <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 91 13:34:49 -0500
Subject: Faculty Position at Boston University
Assistant Professor
Cognitive and Neural Systems
Boston University
Boston University seeks to hire a tenure track assistant professor
starting in Fall 1992 for its graduate Department of Cognitive and
Neural Systems. The Department offers an integrated curriculum
offering the full range of psychological, neurobiological, and
computational concepts, models, and methods in the fields
of neural networks, computational neuroscience, parallel distributed
processing, and biological information processing, in which Boston
University is a leader. Candidates should have extensive analytic
or computational research experience in modelling nonlinear neural
networks, especially in one or more of the areas: learning, speech
and language processing, adaptive pattern recognition, cognitive
information processing, and adaptive sensory-motor control. Send a
complete curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation to
Stephen Grossberg, Chairman, Search Committee, Department of Cognitive
and Neural Systems, Room 240, 111 Cummington Street, Boston University,
Boston, MA 02215, no later than January 1, 1992. Boston University
is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
If you have questions or require further information, please reply
to Carol [email protected].
From: Richard Franke <0083P%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 01 Nov 91 19:04:56 PST
Subject: Mathematics Chair Position at the Naval Postgraduate School
Chairperson and Professor
Department Of Mathematics
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943
The Mathematics Department of the Naval Postgraduate School
invites applications for the position of Chairperson. The De-
partment has 19 tenure track and eight adjunct faculty specializ-
ing in Applied Mathematics. The Department's research focuses
are scientific computing (parallel computing, computational
linear algebra, numerical differential equations), applied analy-
sis (acoustics, orbital dynamics, wave propagation, solid and
fluid mechanics, asymptotic methods), and discrete mathematics
(graph theory, combinatorics, optimization). Ample opportunity
exists for leading a significant Departmental research program in
a supportive environment which includes a Department operated
research laboratory. The ideal candidate holds a PhD in an
Applied Mathematical area and maintains a strong continuing
effort in research.
Initial evaluation period will close on March 1, 1992.
Please send nominations of applications including resume and
names of five references who can speak on the scholarship, in-
structional, and organizational abilities of the applicant to the
following individual:
Professor Don Danielson
Chairman, Search Committee
Mathematics Department, Code MA/Dd
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943
The Naval Postgraduate School/Department of Navy is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and encourages applica-
tions from women and minorities.
From: Richard A. Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 91 16:56:20 CST
Subject: Contents, Linear Algebra and Applications
Contributed Announcment: LAA Contents of Volume 160
Volume 160 January 1, 1992 PP. 1-278
Boris Reichstein (Washington, D.C.)
On Waring's Problem for Cubic Forms
George Phillip Barker (Kansas City, Missouri)
Automorphisms of Triangular Matrices Over Graphs
Bryan E. Cain and E. Marques de Sa (Coimbra, Portugal)
The Inertia of Certain Hermitian Skew-Triangular Block Matrices
R. Bruce Richter (Ottawa, Canada) and William P. Wardlaw (Annapolis, Maryland)
The Smallest Matrix of Given Period and Primitive Roots of Unity
Alain Duchamp (Le Mans, France)
Delta Matroids Whose Fundamental Graphs Are Bipartite
Boying Wang and Fuzhen Zhang
(Beijing, People's Republic of China)
Some Inequalities for the Eigenvalues of the Product
of Positive Semidefinite Hermitian Matrices
Jerzy K. Baksalary (Tampere, Finland) Bernhard Schipp,
and Gotz Trenkler (Dortmund, Germany)
Some Further Results on Hermitian-Matrix Inequalities
C. Vuik (Delft, The Netherlands) and H. A. van der Vorst
(Utrecht, The Netherlands)
A Comparison of Some GMRES-like Methods
Ruud H. Koning (Groningen, The Netherlands), Heinz Neudecker
(Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Tom Wansbeek (Los Angeles, California)
Unbiased Estimation of Fourth-Order Matrix Moments
J. A. de la Pena and M. Takane (U.N.A.M., Mexico)
The Spectral Radius of the Galois Covering of a Finite Graph
Antony Jameson (Princeton, New Jersey), Eliezer Kreindler
(Haifa, Israel), and Peter Lancaster (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Symmetric, Positive Semidefinite, and Positive Definite Real Solutions
of AX=XAT and AX=YB
LeRoy Beasley (Logan, Utah) and N. J. Pullman (Kingston, Ontario, Canada)
Linear Operators Strongly Preserving Idempotent Matrices Over Semirings
S. R. Mohan and R. Sridhar (New Dehli, India)
On Characterizing N-Matrices Using Linear Complementarity
Richard H. Warren (King of Prussia, Pennsylvania)
Revisiting the 0, 1 Assignment Problem
Rajendra Bhatia (New Dehli, India)
Review of Matrix Perturbation Theory by G. W. Stewart and Ji-guang Sun
End of NA Digest