NA Digest Monday, March 14, 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 11

Today's Editor:
Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Paul Nevai <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 13:22:10 -0500 (EST)
Subject: A Shell Program to Search the CML Directory

The enclosed "ams" is a simple shell program to search the CML directory. I
call this "ams" but any user can rename it either "cml" or "siam" or "maa" or
whatever other mathematical organization lies closer to her heart.
Unfortunately, during peak hours slows down so please try to
use it during quieter times. Enjoy...Paul

P.S. Please note that a less convenient "siamdb" is (or used to be) available

Paul Nevai [email protected]
Department of Mathematics [email protected]
The Ohio State University [email protected]
231 West Eighteenth Avenue 1-614-292-3317 (Office)
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1174 1-614-292-5310 (Answering Machine)
The United States of America 1-614-292-1479 (Math Dept Fax)

#################### cut here ####################
# by Paul Nevai ([email protected]) at 19:47 on Tuesday, February 22, 1994.
# I call this "ams" but any user can rename it either "cml" or "siam" or "maa"
# or whatever other mathematical organization lies closer to her heart.
# Please note that "ams" is not a public domain program although it can be
# freely copied, shared etc., but it cannot be changed unless the change is
# properly documented.
# Note: =
#$Id: ams,v 1.7 1994/02/24 22:51:21 nevai Exp $

USAGE="Usage: \"`basename $0` [-p(=phone) OR -e(=email)] 'name(s)'\" will search the AMS directory. For instance, one can query \"ams -e nevai\" OR \"ams euler gauss\". In addition, things like \"ams 'LastName:FirstName'\" work too. The wildcard '*' may be used as well (with proper care)."

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo $USAGE; exit; fi

echo "Please wait a few (milli)seconds..."

case $1 in
-e) GREP=netaddr; shift;;
-p) GREP=phone; shift;;
*) GREP='.';;

for NAME
(echo $NAME; sleep 60) |
telnet 2050 2>/dev/null |
sed '/^Connected/,/^Enter Name/d' |
egrep "$GREP|lname:|fname:" |



From: David Goldberg <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 13:16:16 PST

Patterson and Hennessy are revising their book "Computer Architecture:
A Quantitative Approach", which means I have a chance to make
corrections/improvements to the appendix on Computer Arithmetic.

If you have any comments or corrections on this appendix, I'd
appreciate receiving them.

David Goldberg
[email protected]


From: Michael Plexousakis <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 17:46:09 EST
Subject: Software for Streamlines

Is any one aware of a graphics package capable of doing streamlines
(streamfunctions) given the velocity field? A public domain package
would be preferable of course, but please suggest any other.

Thank you,
Michael Plexousakis


From: Jorge More <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 09:29:12 -0600
Subject: The Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software


In honor of the outstanding contributions of James Hardy Wilkinson
to the field of numerical software, Argonne National Laboratory,
the National Physical Laboratory, and the Numerical Algorithms
Group award a numerical software prize of US $1000.
The first prize was awarded to Linda Petzold for DASSL at the
International Conference in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 91).
The second prize will be awarded at ICIAM 95 in Hamburg, July 3-7, 1995.

Rules for Submission

Each author of an entry must be under 40 years of age on January 1, 1995.

Each entry must contain the following:

Software written in a widely available high-level programming language.

A paper describing the algorithm and the software implementation.
The paper should give an analysis of the algorithm and indicate any
special programming features.

Documentation of the software which describes its purpose and method of use.

Examples of use of the software, including a test program and data.

A one or two page summary of the main features of the
algorithm and software implementation.

Submissions must be in English.

Entries must be received by November 1, 1994.

Selection Criteria

The award will be made to the entry that best addresses all phases
of the preparation of high quality numerical software, including

clarity of the paper and software implementation and documentation;

portability, reliability, efficiency and usability
of the software implementation;

depth of analysis of the algorithm and the software;

importance of application addressed by the software; and

quality of the test software.

Software can be submitted on 3.5-inch high density (1.44MB) diskettes,
1/4-inch cartridge tape (60MB or 150MB), 8mm cartridge tape (2GB), or
sent by email. Submissions should be in the form of a tar archive with a
README file describing the contents of the archive.
Makefiles for executing test programs must be included.
Submissions can be sent by email to [email protected], or
to the Board of Trustees, Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software,
at one of the following two addresses:

Argonne National Laboratory Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
Mathematics and Computer Science Division Wilkinson House
9700 South Cass Avenue Jordan Hill Road
Argonne, Illinois 60439 Oxford OX2 8DR
United States United Kingdom


From: John C. Mason <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 7 MAR 94 15:55:14 BST
Subject: New Address for John C. Mason and Advances in Computational Math.


Prof John C Mason's old address (to April 15 1994):
Applied Maths and OR Group,
RMCS (Cranfield), Shrivenham,
Swindon SN6 8LA, England
Tele: 44 + (0)793 785311 Email: mason
(NANET: mason)

Prof John C Mason's new address (from April 18 1994):
School of Computing and Mathematics,
University of Huddersfield,
Huddersfield HD1 3DH, England
Tele: 44 + (0)484 422288 Email: j.c.mason
(NANET: mason)

All submissions to AICM should go to John Mason at his old address
until April 15, 1994 and to his new address thereafter.


John is taking up a new professorship at Huddersfield, where he will
head the Division of Mathematics and Statistics (18 lecturing staff) within
the School of Computing and Maths (50 lecturing staff). Huddersfield is a
"new" university, formerly a polytechnic, which is still undergoing expansion.
The School of Computing and Maths, which has about 900 students, will move in
6-12 months into a newly renovated textile mill on the Queensgate (downtown)


Huddersfield is at the South West edge of a collection of industrial
towns including Bradford, Leeds, Wakefield and Halifax, with countryside
to the South and the Pennines and then Manchester to the West. Formerly
Huddersfield's main activity was the manufacture of worsted cloth, and the
area was full of textile mills.This is still an ongoing activity, but times
change and the main employer is now the University!


John would very much welcome visitors- the location is within easy
access also of the Universities of Manchester and Bradford . John's main
research activities are now in numerical analysis, approximation and data
fitting, parallel processing, and neural networks (in control and image


From: Tom Manteuffel <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 1994 14:27:42 -0700
Subject: Program for the Colorado Conference on Iterative Methods

The Program for the Colorado Conference on Iterative Methods
is now available in a preliminary form. There are 116 scheduled
talks and three workshops. The program can be obtained by sending
any email message to:

[email protected]

You will automatically receive a response that includes a
LaTeX file of the program.

More detailed inquires should be sent to:

[email protected]


From: Ronald Cools <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 1994 12:02:42 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Leuven TW-Reports Available by FTP

Department of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics Division
Preprints and technical reports

A list describing all TW-reports (authors+email+title+abstract) since
number 183 (January 1993) is available by anonymous ftp from . This list can be found in

If you want to receive updates of this list automatically, send a
request to [email protected] .


From: Dianne O'Leary <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 10:04:20 -0500
Subject: Free trip to SIAM Annual Meeting?

Workshop for Women Graduate Students and Postdocs
Sunday July 24, 1994, San Diego, California
Immediately preceding the SIAM Annual Meeting

AWM will offer funding for travel and subsistence for up to ten
women graduate students and ten women postdocs to participate in
this workshop. The program will consist of talks by the postdocs,
a poster session for the graduate students, panel discussions on
career paths and research funding, a luncheon, and a dinner. The
dinner speaker will be Margaret Wright of Bell Labs, president-elect
of SIAM.

Attendance at the workshop is open to all mathematicians, male and
female, at all stages of their careers.

To be eligible for funding, graduate students must have begun work
on a thesis problem; postdocs must be within approximately five
years of the Ph.D. degree. Applications should include a curriculum
vitae and a concise description of research. Graduate students should
include a letter of recommendation from their thesis advisor.
Nominations by other mathematicians (accompanied by the information
described above) are also welcome.

To apply, send five copies of the application materials to

Workshop Selection Committee
Association for Women in Mathematics
4114 Computer and Space Sciences Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-2461

Applications must be received by April 15.

For more information on attending the workshop or applying for funding,
contact the AWM office at (301) 405-7892 or [email protected].


This is a great opportunity for women students and postdocs who plan to
attend the SIAM Annual Meeting or who need funding in order to do so.
If you have an eligible student, please encourage her to apply!

All mathematicians who plan to be in San Diego for the SIAM meeting are
especially invited to come and listen to these new colleagues present
their work at the Sunday workshop.

Dianne O'Leary


From: Jerzy Wasniewski <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 1994 14:51:50 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Tutorial on PVM and HeNCE in Lyngby, Denmark

Tutorial on PVM and HeNCE: Tools for Heterogeneous Network Computing
June 20, 1994 @ UNI*C, DTH, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark

This tutorial will cover methodologies and strategies for
concurrent computing on heterogeneous networks of independent
computer systems. We will begin with an overview of software
systems and tools that are available to support network-based
computing, and will describe several production applications to
demonstrate the effectiveness and viability of network computing.
We will devote the remainder of the course to PVM and HeNCE --
software systems that enable concurrent computing on heterogeneous
collections of multiprocessors, supercomputers, scalar machines, and
PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) is software infrastructure that
allows heterogeneous groups of machines to be used as a
general-purpose concurrent computing resource. We will focus on
concurrent applications for PVM, using several models of
HeNCE (Heterogeneous Network Computing Environment) is a graphical
toolkit and methodology that significantly eases the task of
application development for PVM. HeNCE is based on the notion that
concurrency can be expressed using a variant of directed acyclic
graphs, where vertices represent computation and arcs represent data
and control dependencies. We will describe HeNCE and illustrate its
use in graphicly assembling concurrent applications from simple
(sequential) building blocks.
This tutorial is intended for people interested in loosely coupled
concurrent computing. Application and systems developers in the
areas of large-scale scientific computing, heterogeneous systems,
and general purpose concurrent processing will benefit from the
material covered in this course.
The lectures assume a general knowledge of parallel processing and
The lecturers of the tutorial are Jack Dongarra, Al Geist and
Bjarne Stig Andersen. Jack Dongarra is a professor at the University
of Tennessee (Knoxville) and a computer scientist at the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory. Al Geist is a computer scientist at the Oak
Ridge National Laboratory. Bjarne Stig Andersen is a computer
scientist at UNI*C (the Danish Computing Centre for Research and
The computer corporations Convex, Digital, Silicon Graphics and
IBM are going to install cluster workstations for the PVM and HeNCE
exercises and demonstrations.
Tutorial on PVM and HeNCE is organised the day before the Workshop
on Parallel Scientific Computing in Denmark.
For more information please contact:
Jerzy Wasniewski
UNI*C, DTH, Bldg. 305
2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Tel: +45 42 88 39 99 + 2426
Fax: +45 45 93 02 20
Email: [email protected]


From: Ron Boisvert <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 12:46:25 EST
Subject: Guide to Available Mathematical Software

The NIST Guide to Available Mathematical Software (GAMS) is now
available for public use on the Internet on an experimental basis.
GAMS is an on-line cross-index of mathematical and statistical
software available for use by staff of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST). Since some 9000 problem-solving
software modules from nearly 80 packages are indexed, external users
may find this information useful.

GAMS also operates as a virtual software repository, providing
distribution of abstracts, documentation, and source code of software
modules that it catalogs; however, rather than operate a physical
repository of its own, GAMS provides transparent access to multiple
repositories operated by others. Currently four repositories are
indexed, three within NIST, and netlib. Both public-domain and
proprietary software are indexed. Although source code of
proprietary software is not redistributed by GAMS, documentation and
example programs often are. The primary indexing mechanism is a
tree-structured taxonomy of mathematical and statistical problems
developed by the GAMS project.

Access to GAMS is available in a variety of ways.

o Local clients

Two user interfaces to the GAMS system are available : gams, a
simple command-line interface, and xgams a graphical user interface
based on the X11 window system. These programs run on your local
workstation, connecting (via TCP/IP socket-based communication) to
the GAMS server on to obtain user requested
information. Source and binary distributions of the clients for
Unix workstations can be obtained by anonymous FTP from in the directory [.gams]. (Transfer the file README
first for further instructions.)

o Anonymous logins

The GAMS clients described above can be tried out using
public-access accounts at NIST. To do this, telnet to, specifying the username gams for the command-line
interface, or xgams for the X11 graphical user interface. Only a
limited number of simultaneous logins are permitted.

o World Wide Web (Mosaic)

An HTTP-GAMS gateway providing access to most GAMS facilities for
users of the World Wide Web is also available. This can be
accessed using most WWW browsers, including Mosaic. To do so, open
the URL

o Gopher

A gopher gateway to the anonymous GAMS logins is also provided. To
access this, connect to the default gopher server on

For more information, contact Ron Boisvert ([email protected]).


From: Someone at Berkeley <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 10:59:12 -0800
Subject: Bay Area NA Day at Berkeley


Saturday, March 26, 1994
University of California at Berkeley
Physical Sciences Lecture Hall (PSL)
Gayley Road at University Drive

Come and meet colleagues and students from all over the Bay Area!
There will be coffee at 9:30 and the first talk will begin at 10:00.
Lunch will be available at the many nearby restaurants. The last talk
ends at 4:00 followed by a Chinese banquet at Tsing Tao in Oakland at 6:30.
There will be no registration fee; everyone is welcome!

Scheduled talks include:

Morten Bjoerhus, Stanford
Subdomain iteration for hyperbolic equations
Anne Bourlioux, UC Berkeley
Interface tracking: a coupled level-set and
volume-of-fluid algorithm
David Day, UC Berkeley
Semi-duality in the two-sided Lanczos algorithm
Eldar Giladi, Stanford
On the interplay between the inner and outer iterations
for the Chebychev iterative method
Ming Gu, UC Berkeley
Block diagonalizing nonsymmetric matrices with least
conditioned similarity transformations is NP-hard
Mindy Lai, Livermore
To be announced
Terry Ligocki, UC Berkeley
Recognizing knots using simulated annealing
Jeremy Smith, Stanford
Analysis of adaptive mesh schemes for dissipative
partial differential equations
Sharon Smith, UC Berkeley
Parallelizing GATOR: An atmospheric chemical tracer model
Shilpa Talwar, Stanford
Digital signal estimation - a matrix factorization viewpoint
Alle-Jan van der Veen, Stanford
A Schur method for low-rank matrix approximation

Directions to Physical Sciences Lecture Hall:
Coming to Berkeley via I-80, take University Avenue east. Left on Oxford
Street, right on Hearst Street to Gayley Road. Park in Hearst and Gayley
parking garage on your left: it costs $3.00 in quarters for the day
(unlimited entries and exits). Walk south on Gayley one block to University
Drive, and turn right into campus. PSL is the low cylindrical red tile
building on your left, just before the East Gate parking control booth.

Banquet Information:
The banquet will include soup, appetizer, seven entrees, noodles, rice, tea
and fortune cookies, and will cost $20 per person including tax and tip.
RSVP by March 22 to [email protected]

Directions to Tsing Tao, 200 Broadway, Oakland (510 465-8811):
Start at UC Campus: Take Hearst Street west to Shattuck, left on Shattuck
south, right on University west to I-80. Take I-80 West to I-580 East to
I-980. Exit Jackson Street. Right on 2nd Street. Park in the lot behind
Tsing Tao, on the street nearby, or the Jack London Square two blocks south.


From: Julio G. Dix <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 15:10:33 -0600
Subject: Electronic Journal of Differential of Equations


Southwest Texas State university and the University of
North Texas are pleased to announce the publication of the
Our mission is to address the following needs:

* Dissemination of high quality research in differential and
integral equations. Articles are refereed under the standards
of the finest quality printed journals

* Rapid communication of scholarly work. We use the
communication software available today: E-mail, telnet, ftp,
and gopher. Articles are submitted electronically, and
available as TeX and PostScript files as soon as accepted.
There is no backlog of accepted but yet unpublished papers.

* Budgetary relief for libraries. Access to the EJDE is free of
charge, which makes a difference for institutions with
limited economic resources.

* Copies for posterity. The Library of Congress holds hard
copies of each article under ISSN 1072-6691. Also the
university libraries at SWT and UNT have hard copies of
articles, available for interlibrary loans.

* No page charges. Authors submit their work as TeX or LaTeX
files. Thus there are no type setting expenses and no
page charges.

* Pointers to future references. At the discretion of the
editors, dated addenda can be attached to articles.

The EJDE can be accessed via ftp (login: ftp), gopher, and
telnet (login: ejde) to "" or to
"". Examples illustrating these options are:

1. "telnet", login: "ejde" . (It may be
necessary to set your terminal to emulate a VT100.)
2. "telnet", login: "e-math", password: "e-math",
select "Mathematical Publications", then "Other Mathematical
Publications", and then "Electronic Journal of Differential
3. "ftp", login: "ftp", and "cd pub".
4. Provided that the gopher-client software is loaded on the
reader's computer."gopher".

Readers can transfer the TeX and Postscript files to
their own computers and then read them or print hard copies.

Free subscriptions to the abstracts are available by sending
an e-mail message to "[email protected]".

The Managing Editors of EJDE are Alfonso Castro, Julio
Dix, Gregory Passty, and Ricardo Torrejon. Address E-mail to
"[email protected]" or to "[email protected]".

The Editorial Board consists of:
P. Bates (Brigham Young University)
A. Bloch (Ohio State University)
J. Bona (Pennsylvania State University)
K. J. Brown (Heriot-Watt University)
L. Caffarelli (Institute for Advanced Study)
C. Castillo-Chavez (Cornell)
C. Chui (Texas A & M University)
M. Crandall (University of California at Santa Barbara)
E. Di Benedetto (Northwestern University)
G. B. Ermentrout (University of Pittsburgh)
J. Escobar (Indiana University)
L. C. Evans (University of California at Berkeley)
J. Goldstein (Louisiana State University)
C. Groetsch (University of Cincinnati)
I. Herbst (University of Virginia)
C. Kenig (University of Chicago)
R. Kohn (Courant Institute)
A. Lazer (University of Miami)
J. Neuberger (University of North Texas)
P. H. Rabinowitz (University of Wisconsin)
R. Shivaji (Mississippi State University)
R. Showalter (University of Texas)
H. Smith (Arizona State University)
P. Souganidis (University of Wisconsin)
N. Walkington (Carnegie-Mellon University)


From: Karen Hahn <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 94 12:32:46 EST
Subject: IMACS Conference on Computation Physics

Call for Papers

IMACS Third International Conference on
Nonlinear Dynamical Phenomena in
Physical, Chemical and Biological Systems

August 1-4, 1994
Lyngby, Denmark

Invited Speakers: A.R. Bishop (Los Alamos), P. Grassberger (Wuppertal),
G. Dewel (Brussles), L. Kramer (Bayreuth), J.O. Kessler (Tucson), J.C. Eilbeck
(Edinburgh), J. Krumhansl (Amherst), M. Peyard (Lyon), M. Robnik (Maribor),
N. Zabusky (Rutgers), S. Morris (Toronto), A.C. Scott (Lyngby), M.H. Jensen
(Copenhagen), J.J. Rasmussen (Roskilde).

VENUE: MIDIT, Building 306, The Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby

Participation fee: US$300, Students US$200 (before June 30)
US$330, Students US$220 (after July 1)

Organizing Committee: Peter L. Christiansen, Erik Mosekilde, Ellen
Buchhave, Lise Gudmansen, Rasmus Feldberg, Mads P. Sorensen

SCOPE: The conference will present recent developments within modeling
of physical, chemical, and biological systems using advanced
computational techniques. In particular nonlinear dynamics and
irreversible thermodynamics will be emphasized.

TOPICS: Parallel computing; Nonlinear dynamics and chaos; Lattice
dynamics, classical and quantum mechanical; Computation fluid
dynamics; Visiometrics, Turbulence in optical, acoustical, and
chemical systems; Self-organization and coherent structures;
Localization and blow-up; Chemical, biological, and ecological pattern
formation; Turing structures and morphogenesis; Biomolecular dynamics;
Charge and energy transduction and the folding problem; Transduction
and storage of genetic information; Dynamics of the cytroskeleton,
cell vitality.


Secretariat of the ICCP'94 Conference / Tel: 45 42 88 16 11, ext. 3100
c/o MIDIT 45 42 88 22 22, ext. 3092
Building 306 Fax: 45 45 93 12 35
Technical University of Denmark Telex: 37529 DTH DIA DK
DK-28 Lyngby, Denmark E-mail: [email protected]


From: Ramon Pereira da Silva <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 94 16:10:29 EST
Subject: Conference in Brazil on Num. Meth. in Engineering

Iberic Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Computacional Mechanics Seminar in Minas Gerais

Belo Horizonte, Brazil - 11/30/94 to 12/02/94


. Structural Engineering Department of the Federal University of Minas Gerais
. Association for Computacional Methods in Engineering


. Numerical Methods in:
- Solid Mechanics - Heat Transfer
- Geotechnics - Potential Flow
- Structural Analysis - Metal Forming
- Fluid Mechanics - Industrial Processes

. Computer Graphics
. Computacional Systems
. Optimization

Important dates:

. 04/30/94 - Deadline for receiving summaries
. 08/20/94 - Deadline for final papers

Summaries should contain about 300 words. The language should be English,
Portuguese or Spanish. Select papers will be published in a special issue
of the "Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno
en Inginieria".


Short course (November 28 and 29) - "The State of the Finite Element Methods
in Solids, Structures and Fluids", Prof. K.J. Bathe (MIT) and A.F. Lira (UFMG).

Fee - US$ 100,00
Students - US$ 25,00

For more information, contact:

Dept. Structural Engineering - UFMG
Av. Contorno, 842 - 2o. andar
30110-060 Belo Horizonte MG

Telephone: 55 31 238 1976
Telefax : 55 31 222 3433
e-mail : [email protected] or [email protected]


From: I. Dimov <NMA94%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 13:41:06 BG
Subject: Conference in Bulgaria on Numerical Methods and Applications

Second Announcement and Call for Papers

3rd International Conference on
Numerical Methods and Applications
NM&A - O(h^3)
August 21-26, 1994, Sofia, Bulgaria

Organizer: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Co-organizers: University of Sofia, Technical University - Sofia

The conference aims at providing a forum for presentations and
discussions of recent research in numerical methods and their applications.
Participants from all over the world are expected. The subject of the
conference will range from basic research to applications in physics,
mechanics, engeneering, environmental sciences and other areas, including but
not limited within the following topics:
- Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods
- Boundary Element Method and other Dimension Reduction Methods
- Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory
- Monte Carlo Methods
- Preconditioning Methods
- Parallel Algorithms
- Applications of Numerical Methods

Chairman: Bl. Sendov
A.A. Abramov, O. Axelsson, E. Bontchev, B. Boyanov,
T.F. Chan, I. Dimov, D.J. Evans, M. Kaschiev, R.D. Lazarov, S. Margenov,
G.A. Mikhailov, St. Radev, K.K. Sabelfeld, V. Thomee, M. Vajtersic,
P.S. Vassilevski, L. Xanthis

KEY LECTURERS (having confirmed participation):
A.A. Abramov, O. Axelsson, N.S. Bakhvalov, T.F. Chan, A. Donchev,
D.J. Evans, R. Ewing, R.D. Lazarov, S. McKee, C.A. Micchelli,
G.A. Mikhailov, G.V. Milovanovic, W. Proskurowski, K.K. Sabelfeld,
A.A. Samarskij, M. Sapagovas, O. Spaniol, V. Thomee, R. Vaccaro,
M. Vajtersic, Z. Zlatev, L. Xanthis


Submission of registration forms February 20, 1994
Submission of papers April 20, 1994
Preregistration May 31, 1994

The third announcement will provide further information about
accommodation, social events, etc.

The mailing address of the Organizing Committee:
Acad. G. Bonchev str., bl. 25A
BG - 1113 Sofia, Bulgagia
e-mail: [email protected]
fax: (+359 2) 70 72 73


From: John Butcher <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 94 17:07:06 NZS
Subject: Position at University of Auckland

School of Mathematical and Information Sciences
Department of Mathematics

Applications are called for a vacant lectureship in Applied and
Computational Mathematics.

Applicants must have a doctorate or equivalent and should have a
proven record in teaching and research in some branch of Applied
and Computational Mathematics. Applications are particularly
welcome from candidates with expertise in fields that will strengthen
the existing research interests of the Applied and Compuational
Mathematics Unit. These include differential equations, dynamical
systems and bifurcation theory, inverse problems, numerical analysis.

Commencing salary will be within the range $NZ37,440 - $NZ49,088 per annum.

Enquiries and requests for the Conditions of Appointment and Method of
Application should be made to the Academic Appointments Office,
University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
(quoting Vacancy Number UAC.401). Telephone: +64-9-3737999(extn 5097),
FAX: 64-9-3737454. Applications should reach the University by 20 May 1994.
Enquiries of an academic nature can be made to Prof J. C. Butcher,
e-mail: [email protected], Telephone: +64-9-3737999(extn 8747),
FAX: 64-9-3737457.

The University of Auckland has an Equal Employment Opportunity policy
and welcomes applications from all qualified persons.


From: Ron Boisvert <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 94 15:47:17 EST
Subject: Position at National Institute of Standards and Technology

To pursue activities supported under the High Performance Computing and
Communications/National Information Infrastructure Initiative (HPCC), the
Computing and Applied Mathematics Laboratory of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology intends to make a staff appointment in the area of

Mathematical Software for High Performance Computing

at its Gaithersburg, Maryland campus. The position will be in the Mathematical
Software Group of the Applied and Computational Mathematics Division. This
group develops mathematical algorithms, implements them in high-quality
software,and consults and collaborates with scientists on their use. The group
also studies underlying methodology such as software design, user interfaces,
documentation, testing, and distribution. Current research areas include
algorithms and software for partial differential equations, special functions,
and large-scale optimization,and the Guide to Available Mathematical Software,
a network-based cross-index and virtual repository for mathematical software.

We seek candidates who can both complement these programs and cooperate with
them at a technical level. The candidate selected will initiate a research
effort in the development of portable scalable mathematical software libraries
for high performance computers.

Minimum requirement is a Ph.D. (or equivalent experience) in Computer Science,
Applied Mathematics, or a related field. U.S. CITIZENSHIP IS REQUIRED.
Selective factors in this appointment will include:

1) Demonstrated experience in the development of algorithms and high quality
mathematical software for high performance scientific computing.
2) Demonstrated expertise in numerical methods and scientific computing,
especially for scalable parallel computers.
3) Knowledge of applied mathematics and computer science.
4) Broad research interests and the ability to consult and collaborate with
scientists in several areas of physics, chemistry, and engineering.

Applicants should send a resume, the names of three references, and a brief
description of research interests, addressing the selective factors described
above. Electronic submission is preferred, in Ascii, Latex, TeX, or PostScript
format, to [email protected]. Regular mail submissions should be sent to
Dr. Ronald F. Boisvert
A238 Administration Building
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

Applications must be received by March 31, 1994.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is a committed Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and strives to build a diverse
workforce by soliciting applications from women and members of minority


From: Jim Blue <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 08:59:20 -0500
Subject: Position at National Institute of Standards and Technology

To pursue activities supported under the High Performance Computing and
Communications/National Information Infrastructure Initiative (HPCC), the
Computing and Applied Mathematics Laboratory of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology intends to make a staff appointment in the area of

Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics or Chemistry

at its Gaithersburg, Maryland campus. This position will be in the Mathematical
Modeling Group of the Applied and Computational Mathematics Division. Current
research in this group includes modelling in the areas of crystal growth and
alloy solidification, micromagnetics and magnetic thin films, electromagnetics,
and molecular beam epitaxial growth. Much of our work involves large scale
scientific computation, including partial differential equations and Monte
Carlo simulations.

We seek candidates who can both complement these programs and cooperate with
them at a technical level. The candidate selected will initiate a research
collaboration with scientists in the Physics Laboratory (areas include atomic
and electronic structure, quantum dynamics) or the Chemical Science and
Technology Laboratory (areas include structural biology, chemical kinetics, and
chemical process modeling).

Minimum requirements are a Ph.D. (or equivalent experience) in Applied
Mathematics or a related field plus substantial knowledge of computational
physics or chemistry; alternatively, a Ph.D. (or equivalent experience) in a
physical science with substantial knowledge of applied mathematics and
numerical methods. U.S. CITIZENSHIP IS REQUIRED.

Selective factors in this appointments will include:

1) Demonstrated experience in large-scale computational solution of problems in
physics or chemistry.

2) Broad knowledge of applied mathematics, numerical algorithms, scientific
computing, and several areas of physics or chemistry.

3) Broad research interests and the ability to collaborate with scientists in
several areas of physics or chemistry.

4) Interest in cooperating with the Mathematical Software Group to produce high
quality mathematical software for broad distribution.

Applicants should send a resume, the names of three references, and a brief
description of research interests, addressing the selective factors described
above. Electronic submission is preferred, in Ascii, Latex, TeX, or PostScript
format, to [email protected]. Regular mail submissions should be sent to
Dr. James L. Blue
A238 Administration Building
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

Applications must be received by March 31, 1994.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is a committed Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and strives to build a diverse
workforce by soliciting applications from women and members of minority groups.


From: Brian Falkenhainer <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 14:31:42 PST
Subject: Positions at Xerox

Design Practice, Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computation

The Xerox Modeling Research & Technology area is seeking several
outstanding individuals with proven research and development records in
the practice and technology of mathematical modeling and scientific
computation for electro-mechanical design. The ideal candidate would
have a strong interest in both developing innovative models for current
design activities, and studying and developing technology for the
modeling process itself. Areas of interest may include computational
mathematics, new modeling paradigms, including declarative and/or
object-oriented modeling environments, geometric representation and
reasoning, abstraction and approximation methods, and multi-level,
mixed-mode simulation.

Candidates should have an M.S. or Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering,
Physics, Computer Science, or related discipline and a very strong
research and/or development record in simulation and numerical methods.
Development and delivery of innovative applications and publication of
research results at the international level are both encouraged. Our
group investigates the practice and technology of modeling, simulation
and design for research, technology, and product development programs.
We work with the participants to develop new processes and computational
tools in order to foster increased concurrency, information reuse, and
more effective and widespread analytical engineering methods. This
requires a multi-disciplinary collection of highly talented and
motivated individuals with backgrounds drawn from computer science,
engineering, physics, and applied mathematics.

The positions offer exciting challenges, wide variety, and the potential
to have a significant impact. To apply, send resume and any additional
information (e.g., publications) to:
Brian Falkenhainer
Xerox Webster Research Center, M/S 128-28E
800 Phillips Road
Webster, NY 14580
email: [email protected]
Xerox is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 94 10:17:26 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Computing

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Volume 15, Number 3, May 1994


Rotating Waves from Hopf Bifurcations in Equations with O(2)-Symmetry
W. Wu, P. J. Aston, and A. Spence

Error-Minimizing Krylov Subspace Methods
Rudiger Weiss

Positivity Conditions for Quartic Polynomials
Gary Ulrich and Layne T. Watson

Special Section on Iterative Methods in Numerical Linear Algebra
Tom Manteuffel and Steve McCormick

Multilevel Algorithms Considered as Iterative Methods on Semidefinite Systems
Michael Griebel

Analysis of V-Cycle Multigrid Algorithms for Forms Defined by Numerical
J. H. Bramble, C. I. Goldstein, and J. E. Pasciak

On the Multilevel Adaptive Iterative Method
U. Rude

Multiplicative Schwarz Methods for Parabolic Problems
Xiao-Chuan Cai

Domain Decomposition Algorithms with Small Overlap
Maksymilian Dryja and Olof B. Widlund

Multilevel Schwarz Methods for the Biharmonic Dirichlet Problem
Xuejun Zhang

Multilevel Algorithms for Constrained Compact Fixed Point Problems
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs

Preconditioned Richardson and Minimal Residual Iterative Methods for Piecewise
Hermite Bicubic Orthogonal Spline Collocation Equations
Bernard Bialecki

Towards Polyalgorithmic Linear System Solvers for Nonlinear Elliptic Problems
Alexandre Ern, Vincent Giovangigli, David E. Keyes, and Mitchell D. Smooke

Iterative Solution of the Eigenvalue Problem in Hopf Bifurcation for the
Boussinesq Equations
Hans D. Mittelmann, K.-T. Chang, D. F. Jankowski, and G. P. Neitzel

Preconditioned, Adaptive, Multipole-Accelerated Iterative Methods for Three-
Dimensional First-Kind Integral Equations of Potential Theory
K. Nabors, F. T. Korsmeyer, F. T. Leighton, and J. White

Iterative SVD-Based Methods for Ill-Posed Problems
C. R. Vogel and J. G. Wade


End of NA Digest
