RIPE NCC QUARTERLY REPORT Issue 7 December 1993 Document-ID: ripe-106 1. Introduction RIPE (Reseaux IP Europeens) is a collaborative organisation open to all European Internet service providers. The objec- tive of RIPE is to ensure the necessary administrative and technical coordination to allow the operation of a pan Eur- opean IP network. Much of this work is achieved through voluntary effort. RIPE does not operate a network of its own. The RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) is a Euro- pean organisation with a charter to support RIPE. It is specifically focused on undertaking those activities which cannot be effectively performed by volunteers from the par- ticipating organisations. The work of the RIPE NCC is divided into two areas: Core Activities and Development Projects. The former are defined in the RIPE NCC activity plan (document ripe-035) and are funded by European Internet Service Providers. The develop- ment projects are defined within RIPE and funded separately by interested organisations. Currently all development pro- jects are run under the auspices of the RARE Technical Pro- gramme. This is the seventh quarterly report produced by the RIPE NCC and covers the core activities during the period October to December 1993. Brief reports on the development projects is also included, though they are fully reported in a separate document. Again there has been a conscious effort to avoid duplication of information by including references to previous reports. As always, comments and suggestions are very welcome. January 14, 1994 - 2 - 2. Management Summary The European part of the Internet as counted by the RIPE hostcount has grown by 18% during the reporting period. Internet Registry The European Internet Registry system is running smoothly. A number of local registries has been added to the system. The amount of resources necessary at the RIPE NCC to provide the registry function is still increasing significantly. During the reporting period the amount of requests has been increasing again and their average complexity remains high. Currently the registry binds about one FTE. This is signi- ficantly more than expected. Database The new automated database software is running well. The almost immediate response is appreciated by the RIPE commun- ity, especially by the local registries. The reduction of manual processing at the NCC has freed some resources which are now needed by the registry. Due to staff and time con- straints the database software has not been officially released yet. Other Core Activities All other NCC core activities are being carried out as usual. Joint Projects The PRIDE project is making excellent progress considering it has not reacheds its final staffing level yet. This will occur in January 1994. PRIDE has produced the first PRIDE Tools release. Staffing Because of the increasing resources needed by the Internet Registry, more personnel resources are needed. Arrangements are being made to obtain temporary help within the 1994 budget as a short-term solution. A structural increase of NCC staff is needed in 1994 in order to retain the high level of service the NCC currently provides. January 14, 1994 - 3 - 3. RIPE NCC Core Services 3.1. DNS Coordination DNS Hostcount The December 1993 hostcount shows a total of over 553,000 hosts in Europe. During the reporting period more than 84,000 were added, which represents an approximate 18% increase. Nothing has changed to the hostcount procedure. In the hostcount, any machine that appears in the Domain Name Sys- tem with an A record is counted as a host. Hosts with more than one A record are counted once, and hosts with the same A record, but different domain names inside the same top level domain are also counted just once. Hostcount History Below is a table showing the totals of the RIPE DNS hostcount from October 1990 up till December 1993.All DNS output, not just the A records, are saved and are available in the RIPE document store, two files for each country: the standard output, and the error messages. Please check the README file for more details. Hostcount History 1990 Oct 26141 Nov 33665 Dec 29226 1991 Jan 43799 Feb 44000 Mar 44506 Apr 46948 May 52000 Jun 63267 Jul 67000 Aug 73069 Sep 92834 Oct 104828 Nov 129652 Dec 133000 1992 Jan 141308 Feb 161431 Mar 167931 Apr 170000 May 182528 January 14, 1994 - 4 - Jun 196758 Jul 213017 Aug 221951 Sep 232522 Oct 254585 Nov 271795 Dec 284374 1993 Jan 303828 Feb 322902 Mar 355140 Apr 366164 May 385522 Jun 404930 Jul 426827 Aug 451116 Sep 469358 Oct 500018 Nov 533701 Dec 553357 3.2. Internet Registry NCC Workload and Performance The number of registry requests received by the NCC has increased again. Incoming mail messages to the registry are up from an average 11 per working day to just above 15. The majority of requests are complex ones asking for delegation or assignment of significant amounts of address space which need an indepth technical analysis by engineering staff. Still we manage to respond to the vast majority of all requests within one working day. The registry consumes about one FTE at this point and other activities are beginning to suffer. Because we expect further growth, arrangements are being made to obtain tem- porary personnel for the NCC core activities within the 1994 budget. Currently we plan to combine this with 3-6 months work experience stays for people from central and eastern European countries. However this cannot be a structural solution to the staffing problem. New List of European Local Registries There is now a publicly accessible list of European local registries. It was decided by the Local-IR working group at the 16th RIPE meeting to publish such a list. Thus, the draft list was circulated to all the local registries for verification and subsequently published. It is available from RIPE document store via January 14, 1994 - 5 - If any of the details are incorrect, please let us know as soon as possible. Circulation of the draft list of local registries raised a discussion concerning the appropriateness of the terminology used to describe the function of the "nonprovider Local IR`s". A consensus was reached on replacing "non-service provider" local IR with "registry of last resort" IR. Local IR's As before the number of local registries continues to increase. There are now 83 local registries allocating class C network numbers in Europe. Organisations wishing to become local registries must first confirm that they have read and understood "European Internet Registry: IP Address Space Assignment Procedures" (Current doc ID: ripe-104). There are now a total of 24 "registries of last resort" pro- viding registry service to organisations not served by an Internet service provider yet. A new registry of last resort since the last quarterly report is operating in The Czech Republic. Again the RIPE NCC is grateful to all those who perform this valuable service to the community. Address Space Assignment Policy The new address space assignment procedures have been pub- lished as document ripe-105. This recommends to cut down on address space reservations made to improve aggregation possibilities (CIDR). This change was made in the light of experience which shows that the decrease in address space utilisation caused by these reservations is high while the aggregation gain is low. Reverse Name Lookup for 193.x.y and 194.x.y The procedure document for the DNS delegation in the in- domain has been published to update ripe-085. The document ID is ripe-105. This document deals with the dele- gation of direct subdomains of and and gives some guidelines for delegation of domains below that. Address Space Usage 193.x.y.0 and 194.x.y.0 During the reporting period from October - December, the NCC assigned a total of 10 class B network numbers, 6 of which were referred via local registries, delegated 19 blocks of class C network numbers and have reserved 1 block of class C network numbers. During the reporting period the European registries have assigned a total of 5478 class C networks. The NCC has also started to delegate blocks of network January 14, 1994 - 6 - numbers from the 194.0.0 - 194.255.255 address space. The NCC thanks the following organisations for returning class B network numbers to the RIPE NCC, some because they were no longer used, others because they were replaced by class C network numbers: Norwegian Telecommunications Administration, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, ACOnet and the Austrian Academy of Sciences. As usual class B network numbers returned to the RIPE NCC remain at the NCC for reassignment in Europe. The NCC wel- comes any organisation that wishes to return class B network numbers. The detailed status of the address space delegated to the RIPE NCC can be found in Appendix B and C for class B and class C network numbers respectively. 3.3. RIPE Network Management Database Database updates The database software has processed 3575 e-mail messages containing 42,767 database objects in the past quarter. The total number of database objects processed at the NCC over the last quarters is tabled below. Database Objects Processed Q1 1993 Q2 1993 Q3 1993 Q4 1993 TOTAL 27938 28110 58189 42767 Due to the change of database software at the RIPE NCC, the detailed statistics of the number of updates, additions and noops will be available again in 1994. Database Statistics Again the number of networks in the database has increased significantly due to the large number of newly assigned class C network numbers. Month Nets Persons Domains Autonomous Systems Nov 90 643 670 0 Jun 91 1270 1053 845 Jan 92 2728 1792 1254 Apr 92 3365 2242 1360 Jun 92 3797 2736 1422 Sep 92 4172 4594 1549 Dec 92 11080 6116 1680 Mar 93 15281 7846 1894 Jun 93 19523 9423 2134 85 Sep 93 24077 11267 2382 153 January 14, 1994 - 7 - Dec 93 29646 13238 2339 224 For the first time in the history of the RIPE Database, the number of domain entries has actually decreased since last quarter. Several reasons can explain this decrease. The number of domain entries that were in the database with syn- tax errors was high, and with the new software, the syntax checking has become more strict. Another -more importan- treason is that many top level domain administrators do not see the need to register their domains in the RIPE database. This is encouraged by the fact that for most purposes the DNS itself is quite sufficient. Thus the RIPE database has much less of an operational role with regard to domains as it has for the other objects. Nonetheless TLD administra- tors are requested to register at least their immediate sub- domains. The benefits of registration are easy access to those responsible for a domain in case of problems, the pos- sibility of consistency checks and last but not least a uni- form standard of domain registry data. The RIPE NCC will provide assistance to TLD administrators if they request it. Database Coverage The following table shows the database coverage as compared against previous quarters. The table is sorted by coverage percentage in this quarter (Q4 1993). It will not be a surprise that most of the smaller countries in network terms appear on the top of the list. Generally coverage seems to be stable or increasing slightly, which is a good sign. Coverage is particularly low in Finland and in Denmark. Czecho-Slovakia (CS) is low due to the name change to CZ and SK. There are still nets mentioned in the DNS for CS, whereas they appear in the database as CZ and SK. Also, special processing is used for UK and SU, since the country codes that appear in the database for these countries is usually GB for UK and RU for SU. This has been corrected in the table and graph for those two countries. Any effort to attack the low coverage problem requires a high level of resources which need to be applied constantly. These resources are currently not available due to other activi- ties. In our view this is an important area where addi- tional resources are needed and could have significant impact and this is one area where effort applied by the local registries (where resources permit) could have an impact. The importance of this becomes even more pronounced as the database slowly assumes its additional function as European Routing Registry. January 14, 1994 - 8 - Country Nets in Nets in Perc Perc Perc Perc DNS Q4 DB Q4 Q4 1993 Q3 1993 Q2 1993 Q1 1993 1993 1993 BG 2 2 100 100 100 100 CY 3 3 100 100 100 100 EG 3 3 100 0 0 0 LI 1 1 100 100 50 0 LV 1 1 100 100 100 100 YU 1 1 100 50 50 50 CZ 79 78 99 96 97 0 PL 59 57 97 100 97 92 FR 885 828 94 93 94 91 HU 64 60 94 97 96 100 EE 43 40 93 90 58 0 AT 148 136 92 92 94 89 IL 80 73 91 87 87 75 CH 182 161 89 90 92 87 DE 740 656 89 89 89 87 SK 18 16 89 100 100 0 BE 48 42 88 80 95 82 ES 59 52 88 92 92 87 PT 100 88 88 83 84 86 IT 236 205 87 80 83 81 NL 186 161 87 87 88 86 IS 36 31 86 81 75 84 UA 16 13 86 80 71 0 UK 596 514 86 84 84 70 TR 14 12 86 80 71 0 NO 146 124 85 78 76 76 IE 56 46 82 80 81 82 GR 30 24 80 80 80 73 RO 9 7 78 100 100 100 SU 82 64 78 2 3 16 HR 4 3 75 80 80 83 LU 11 8 73 80 70 50 SE 285 204 72 74 74 70 SI 23 15 65 67 63 75 FI 435 265 61 47 45 44 DK 53 25 47 35 33 35 CS 43 0 0 0 0 27 Due to time and staffing constraints the full release of the new database software has not been completed yet. A beta test version is available to interested parties. Similarly various enhancements including the new (ripe-081) guarded attributes and notifications as per ripe-096 could not be completed. Most of this is expected to be completed in the next quarter. January 14, 1994 - 9 - 3.4. Document Store Document Store Statistics In total the document store contains approximately 6300 documents. By volume, it accounts for over 256 Megabytes. Some new sections have appeared in the RIPE document store, and some have been removed. New are the IAB, PRIDE and current-ietf-docs sections. From the tools section, the sections with the Internet Resource Recovery Tools WWW, Wais and Gopher have been removed. It seemed that the software we had available was out of date, and that there are better places specialized in archiving and mirroring for obtaining these tools. Also, the remote conferencing section in the tools section has been removed because it was outdated. Below is a table overview of the RIPE Document Store. Area Files Kbytes earn 15 1012 ebone 43 546 iesg 78 1041 ietf 1000 7776 internet-drafts 513 19494 internet-society 1019 22590 nsf 157 18321 rare 1170 63587 rfc 945 53346 ripe 1037 57765 tools 38 6057 current-ietf-docs 192 3365 fyi 26 72 iab 14 406 pride 15 287 Total 6276 256565 January 14, 1994 - 10 - RIPE documents The following new documents, or updates to older documents were added to the document store during the reporting period: o ripe-095 European Internet Network Number Application Form & Supporting Notes o ripe-096 Authorisation and Notification of Changes in the RIPE Database o ripe-097 European Autonomous System Number Application Form & Supporting Notes o ripe-098 European Internet Network Number Application Form & Supporting Notes o ripe-099 RIPE NCC Review - Final Report o ripe-100 RIPE NCC Quarterly report Issue 6 o ripe-101 List of Internet Registries in Europe o ripe-102 General information About RIPE and The RIPE NCC o ripe-103 Description of Inter-AS Networks in the RIPE Routing Registry o ripe-104 European Internet Registry: IP Address Space Assignment Procedures o ripe-105 European Internet Registry: Procedures for DNS Delegation in the INADDR.ARPA Domain FTP Usage Statistics The most popular archive sections of the RIPE document store are tabulated below. This displays the top 15 most popular sections which were accessed using ftp.The most popular sec- tion is the RIPE database, with approximately 9300 Megabytes transferred. The total of 9.3 Gbytes of transferred data from the RIPE Database section of the document store actually represents an average of 10 Kbits/sec continuous traffic, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week over this last quarter. Below is the table overview of the 15 most popular archive sections. Much of this traffic can be explained by mirror sites, who copy this part of the archive daily, and the RIPE database section changes every day. January 14, 1994 - 11 - Archive Section Files Kbytes % of % of Sent Sent File Files Sent Sent ripe/dbase 9017 9315337 5.97 72.19 rare/working-groups 2803 462782 1.86 3.59 ripe/as 100409 460554 66.47 3.57 tools/www 1473 354709 0.98 2.75 ripe/docs 7724 338018 5.11 2.62 ripe/hostcount 2516 337097 1.67 2.61 earn 972 310059 0.64 2.40 rfc 3786 262510 2.51 2.03 ripe/archives 4181 141811 2.77 1.10 internet-drafts 2905 139027 1.92 1.08 rare/coa 1005 99161 0.67 0.77 ripe/Next-Meeting 494 79119 0.33 0.61 ripe/maps 1236 77972 0.82 0.60 rare 281 58161 0.19 0.45 tools/gopher 2896 57031 1.92 0.44 The number of Megabytes transferred using ftp per top level domain is shown below: Domain Name Files Bytes % of % of Sent Sent Files Byets Sent Sent at 1042 596175298 0.69 4.62 au 50 10776383 0.03 0.08 be 185 18214949 0.12 0.14 bg 1 1403 0.00 0.00 br 9 745991 0.01 0.01 ca 150 28981293 0.10 0.22 ch 2001 677726525 1.32 5.25 com 729 79405921 0.48 0.62 cs 2 169465 0.00 0.00 cz 1036 52431056 0.69 0.41 de 5425 523409812 3.59 4.06 dk 98 20400167 0.06 0.16 edu 1501 291039987 0.99 2.26 ee 2 246226 0.00 0.00 es 592 162729729 0.39 1.26 fi 7936 397830442 5.25 3.08 fr 935 93974220 0.62 0.73 gov 117 30602379 0.08 0.24 gr 2076 78059366 1.37 0.60 hk 1 241184 0.00 0.00 hr 7 30941 0.00 0.00 hu 435 57325309 0.29 0.44 ie 969 202137918 0.64 1.57 il 1139 830660643 0.75 6.44 January 14, 1994 - 12 - in 1 927 0.00 0.00 int 1 235942 0.00 0.00 is 8 845235 0.01 0.01 it 2154 1025872399 1.43 7.95 jp 22588 1396096906 14.95 10.82 kr 1655 100358534 1.10 0.78 lu 10 3573190 0.01 0.03 lv 1 19152 0.00 0.00 mil 66 13677455 0.04 0.11 mx 20 2894243 0.01 0.02 my 32 1420614 0.02 0.01 net 62676 4125009786 41.49 31.97 nl 1087 115618307 0.72 0.90 no 956 59571809 0.63 0.46 nz 1 241184 0.00 0.00 org 75 15891510 0.05 0.12 pl 695 39095032 0.46 0.30 pt 4373 238764631 2.89 1.85 ro 1 7761 0.00 0.00 se 24855 1280339677 16.45 9.92 sg 10 2329137 0.01 0.02 si 379 19623984 0.25 0.15 sk 40 2134658 0.03 0.02 su 375 25803054 0.25 0.20 tr 25 1778614 0.02 0.01 tw 442 25874975 0.29 0.20 ua 61 2351844 0.04 0.02 uk 1102 101331308 0.73 0.79 us 17 2472340 0.01 0.02 za 28 6189179 0.02 0.05 Again these statistics are confirmation that the RIPE docu- ment store is a very focused resource being used by the right community. Interactive Information Server The NCC Interactive Information Server is still a popular method of access to the RIPE document store catering for users with minimal hardware and/or software support to access information stored by the NCC. Full details on access methods are given in the RIPE NCC information leaflet "Interactive Information Server" and in the first edition of the NCC Quarterly Report. IXI/Europanet X.29 access pro- vided through NIKHEF has, as announced, been removed in this quarter. A graph showing the TOP 25 accesses can be found in Appendix G. General Service Usage Statistics Statistics for the use of the various NCC information ser- vices were collected for the last quarter of 1993. The January 14, 1994 - 13 - table below shows the total number of connections made for each service from July 1992 (Whois, IIS, Wais, Ftp and Gopher) contacted either directly from a user client or from the NCC Interactive Information Service. The breakdown is given as total number of connections per month: As expected, due to the holiday season, the statistics for December show a lower number of connections than previous months. In November, the number of whois queries has reached a maximum of almost 70,000 queries, an average of 3500 queries per working day, or one query every 25 seconds. Counting weekends as well, this amounts to 2333 queries a day, or one query every 38 seconds. A breakdown per service since the start of these services in July 1992 is shown below in two tables: Service 1992 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1993 Jan Feb Whois 7909 7845 8044 12373 9769 19255 24299 26027 IIS 669 591 628 1027 1018 1148 1662 1924 Wais 1040 682 816 2552 2460 2240 2316 3359 FTP 849 645 625 1173 1344 1757 1443 1816 Gopher 371 337 340 1115 1318 1156 1310 1882 Service 1993 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Whois 28961 32660 35215 30721 31655 31150 45410 48687 69383 59353 IIS 2040 1785 2326 2313 1978 1311 1236 2370 2475 2412 Wais 4375 3764 3564 3994 4162 3996 2776 2402 2351 1788 FTP 2067 1735 2038 1891 2693 2610 2521 3845 3578 3562 Gopher 2394 2345 2439 2559 2563 2120 2178 3522 3911 3397 The number of connections to the various servers at the NCC broken down by the source of the request is shown in the table below. Domain Whois IIS Wais FTP Total Domain IIS 0 0 3296 0 7005 IIS IXI 0 569 0 0 578 IXI LOCAL 31532 78 53 177 1035 LOCAL NCC-X25 0 41 0 0 52 NCC-X25 PSPDN 0 1 0 0 2 PSPDN UNKNOWN 2070 337 94 228 1180 UNKNOWN at 1715 65 62 38 428 at au 18 6 24 6 51 au be 879 18 0 43 268 be January 14, 1994 - 14 - br 2 2 0 7 10 br bg 30 0 0 0 0 bg ca 424 36 9 45 140 ca ch 6382 45 15 216 950 ch cl 2 0 1 0 7 cl com 519 32 444 380 912 com cs 9 54 0 20 155 cs cz 1133 0 0 0 0 cz de 12523 65 7 257 1090 de dk 645 4 10 21 124 dk edu 10975 162 501 432 6624 edu ee 84 3 0 0 3 ee eg 17 0 0 0 0 eg es 413 4 1 12 49 es fi 4971 11 14 111 278 fi fr 13723 104 15 86 1058 fr gov 326 6 16 14 67 gov gr 382 3 0 55 124 gr hk 15 0 0 1 1 hk hr 2 0 0 0 0 hr hu 235 33 0 13 173 hu ie 981 33 0 26 252 ie il 11 13 0 10 31 il in 0 2 0 1 3 in int 2 0 0 0 0 int is 154 0 6 3 49 is it 20470 38 1 107 493 it jp 75 1 10 1 20 jp kr 4 4 0 0 5 kr lu 264 27 0 5 46 lu mil 30 41 6 23 90 mil mx 7 0 0 1 1 mx my 1 0 0 0 0 my net 8466 25 32 172 1528 net nl 9264 138 28 254 1883 nl no 5476 4 0 8 1955 no nz 9 0 0 0 1 nz org 1829 8 5 16 2211 org pl 188 17 0 36 108 pl pt 399 10 11 25 253 pt se 718 29 3 22 814 se sg 2 0 2 0 11 sg si 143 0 0 0 0 si sk 445 0 0 0 0 sk su 305 3 0 0 3 su tr 63 0 0 0 0 tr tw 2 4 0 5 13 tw ua 34 0 0 0 0 ua uk 2384 83 124 43 694 uk us 36540 1 2 1 8663 us yu 0 15 0 8 33 yu ve 1 0 0 0 0 ve za 118 0 0 1 1 za Total 177423 2175 4792 2930 187320 January 14, 1994 - 15 - 3.5. Staff RARE has signed a contract with Geert Jan de Groot who will join the NCC team to work on NCC core activities on January 3rd 1994. Mr. de Groot replaces Marten Terpstra who will join Tony Bates working on the PRIDE project at that time. Although this means no direct increase in NCC core staff the whole team will benefit from the added expertise brought in this way. The NCC is working to make arrangements to allow 3-6 month stays of people from local registries and the European Internet community in general. The intention is that the people involved work on a well defined project as well as general NCC tasks and get a good idea of what it takes to run a local Internet registry and how the Internet works in general.While aimed at central and eastern European coun- tries in particular it is an opportunity for anyone interested We will usually not be able to provide more than a desk, workstation and a very small expense allowance. 3.6. Publications Journals/Newsletters Articles about and relating to the RIPE NCC were published in the following: o UNIXWORLD, vol X, no.12, December 1993 o Internet Society News, vol. 2, no.3, Autumn 1993 o ConneXions, vol.7, no. 11, November 1993 RIPE NCC Information Leaflets As previously reported, the RIPE NCC has produced a series of information leaflets which comprise the following. These have recently been thoroughly revised and will be available from early February 1994. o Interactive Information Server o Network Management Database o Delegated Internet Registry You can obtain copies of these leaflets by sending email to stating how many copies you would like to receive. January 14, 1994 - 16 - 3.7. Presentations Over the reporting period the following external presenta- tions were delivered by the RIPE NCC: o Third Latin-American and Caribbean Networking Conference "Organizational Overview of European Networking and the RIPE NCC" - Marten Terpstra o Third Latin-American and Caribbean Networking Conference "Internet Routing Protocols" - Tony Bates o ACOnet Eastern and Central European Network Seminar "RIPE NCC" and "Resource Discovery Tools at the RIPE NCC" - Daniel Karrenberg o INTEROP Europe October 1993 "RIPE NCC and the European Routing Registry" - Daniel Karrenberg and Tony Bates (session chair) o IETF Houston Various small presentations - Tony Bates and Marten Terpstra Again the RIPE NCC encourages organisations who feel they would benefit from a presentation by the RIPE NCC to contact them. 4. Joint Projects 4.1. PRIDE The PRIDE project was presented at the September RIPE meet- ing. For the first three months only one of the two engineer positions has been filled. However, the second engineer is expected to join the project in January 1994. We expect to finish the project within 12 months as planned by assigning additional resources to it later on. The first deliverable of the PRIDE project, a release of the first two PRIDE tools, was released in week 50 following a beta pre-release. This consists of the following routing registry (RR) tools. "prtraceroute" A version of the existing traceroute tool which will be able to display whether a route in use is allowed by policy and January 14, 1994 - 17 - where deviations from policy occur. "prcheck" A tool to check the syntax of AS objects and the consistency of routing policies stored in the routing registry. This tool will flag if two neighbouring network operators specify conflicting or inconsistent routing information exchanges with each other and also detect global inconsistencies where possible. This way operators can check their AS objects before actually registering them in the RR. The feedback and use of the tools has been extremely good from the RIPE community and a discussion list "pride-" has been set up to discuss PRIDE related issues. For the coming quarter you can expect to see additional enhancements and support to the PRIDE tools release. The next major milestone from the PRIDE project will be the first PRIDE Guide and PRIDE Course. In conjunction with this there will be a revision of the current routing policy representation document, RIPE-81. The PRIDE team continues to work closely with the RIPE NCC team. 4.2. Routing Registry By examining routing tables within Europe we observe some 121 European AS'es in use. The breakdown of their registra- tion status in the RIPE Database (the current Routing Regis- try) is shown below (graphics not included). Breakdown of known European AS (Total: 121) ------------------------------------------ Not in RR but known (15.3%) In RR without RIPE-081 policy (11.9%) In RR with RIPE-081 policy (72.9%) We have seen a good increase (up 18%) in the amount of rout- ing policy information registered in this quarter. However, it is vital that all European routing policies are docu- mented in the routing registry and kept up to date. A "pilot" is also in progress to register non-european January 14, 1994 - 18 - routing policy information in the routing registry. This can be seen by using the "-a" flag with the RIPE whois server. The RIPE NCC and the PRIDE project wishes to thank ALTERnet for its collaboration in this pilot to date. Other non-european service providers are also encouraged to regis- ter their routing policy information. 4.3. Acknowledgements The RIPE NCC wishes to thank the RARE Secretariat for their excellent support throughout this quarter. We wish also to thank the local registries for their excel- lent work, especially with regard to the allocation of IP numbers. January 14, 1994 - 19 - Appendix A Meetings Attended The following meetings were attended by NCC staff during this quarter. Date Name & Location Attendee(s) 18-21 Oct 3rd Latin-American & Caribbean Marten Terpstra Networking Conference Tony Bates Caracas, Venezuela 25-29 Oct INTEROP, Paris Marten Terpstra France Tony Bates Daniel Karrenberg 1-5 Nov IETF, Houston Marten Terpstra Texas, US Tony Bates 23 Nov ACOnet seminar Daniel Karrenberg Vienna, Austria January 14, 1994 - 20 - 5. Appendix B 5.1. Class B Network Number Allocations to Date The table below summarises all assignments of class B net- work numbers made through the RIPE NCC to date. The "Via" column indicates through which registry the NCC received the request and solicited the necessary justification. Network Number Via 129.178 free 130.193 free 138.117 free 155.73 free 141.92 RIPE NCC 141.93 RIPE NCC 141.94 JANET 141.95 JANET 141.96 RIPE NCC 141.97 JANET 141.98 SWITCH 145.224 JANET 145.225 DE-NIC 145.226 RIPE NCC 145.227 JANET 145.228 DE-NIC 145.229 JANET 145.230 DE-NIC 145.231 INRIA 145.232 SWITCH 145.233 JANET 145.234 CH-NIC 145.235 SE-NIC 145.236 HU-NIC 145.237 PL-NIC 145.238 InterNIC 145.239 PIPEX 145.240 ICNET 145.241 EUnet-AT 145.242 RIPE NCC 145.243 DE-NIC 145.244 RIPE NCC 145.245 EUnet-CH 145.246 RIPE NCC 145.247 DATANET 145.248 RIPE NCC 145.249 RU-NIC 145.250 SWITCH 145.251 SE-NIC 145.252 CH-NIC 145.253-145.254 DE-NIC 160.44-160.52 DE-NIC 160.53 SWITCH 160.54-160.58 DE-NIC January 14, 1994 - 21 - 160.59 SWITCH 160.60 DE-NIC 160.61-160.62 CH NIC 160.63 SWITCH 160.219 EUnet/CH 160.220 RIPE NCC 163.156-163.157 RIPE NCC 163.158 CH-NIC 163.159-163.160 RIPE NCC 163.161 SWITCH 163.162 GARR 163.163-163.165 RIPE NCC 163.166 ICNET 163.167 JANET 163.168-163.175 RIPE NCC 164.1 RIPE NCC 164.2 RIPE NCC 164.3 EUnet/AT 164.4 SE-NIC 164.5 RIPE NCC 164.6 PIPEX 164.7 RIPE NCC 164.8 ARNES 164.9 SE-NIC 164.10 SE-NIC 164.11 JANET 164.12 RIPE NCC 164.13 Telecom Finland 164.14 RIPE NCC 164.15 RIPE NCC 164.16-164.34 DE-NIC 164.35 RIPE NCC 164.36 RIPE NCC 164.37 SE-NIC 164.38 PIPEX 164.39 HP 164.40 RIPE NCC 164.61 free 164.128 DATRAC 164.129 RIPE NCC 164.130 RIPE NCC 164.131 RIPE NCC 164.132 GARR 164.133 DE-NIC 164.134 UK-NIC 164.135 SE-NIC 164.136 PIPEX 164.137 PIPEX 164.138 RIPE NCC 164.139 RIPE NCC 164.140 Unisource 164.141 Telecom Finland 164.142-164.143 free 171.16-171.31 free January 14, 1994 - 22 - 6. Appendix C 6.1. Class C Block Allocations to Date The table below summarises the delegation status of the class C network number blocks allocated through the NCC and the number of networks allocated from these blocks. The "p/n" column indicates whether the block in question is delegated to the local registry of a service provider or is used to allocate numbers to organisations without a service provider. It should be noted that blocks are reserved based on usage estimates given by the local registries for a period of about 24 months. Should the assignment rate differ from the estimated one, reserved blocks can and will be used for other purposes if necessary. In cases where it appears that a block has been assigned to a registry and the registry does not know, please contact the NCC before allocating from these blocks. Also in other cases of confusion, please con- tact the RIPE NCC. Block P/N Networks Country Registry Assigned 192.162 N 26 EU Various assignments 192.164 P 238 AT EUnet/AT 192.165 P 208 EU NORDUnet 192.166 N 211 DE DE-NIC 192.167 P 235 IT GARR NIS 192.168 resvd EU RIPE NCC 193.0 N 151 EU Various purposes 193.1 P 26 IE HEAnet 193.2 P 43 SI ARNES 193.3 N 164 DK DK non-provider 193.4 N 104 IS Iceland 193.5 P 211 CH SWITCH 193.6 N 168 HU Hungary general 193.7 N 63 DE German Chambers of Commerce 193.8 N 149 CH CH non-provider 193.9 N 216 EU Pan European Organisations 193.10 P 33 SE SUNET 193.11 P resvd SE SUNET 193.12 P 155 SE SWIPNET 193.13-15 P resvd SE SWIPNET 193.16 N 181 DE DE non-provider 193.17 N 95 DE DE non-provider 193.18 N 254 DE DE non-provider 193.19 N 31 DE DE non-provider 193.20 N 256 DE DE non-provider 193.21 N 256 DE DE non-provider 193.22 N 186 DE DE non-provider January 14, 1994 - 23 - 193.23 N 198 DE DE non-provider 193.24 N 164 DE DE non-provider 193.25 N 164 DE DE non-provider 193.26 N 200 DE DE non-provider 193.27 N 136 DE DE non-provider 193.28 N 159 DE DE non-provider 193.29 N 219 DE DE non-provider 193.30 N 194 DE DE non-provider 193.31 N 252 DE DE non-provider 193.32 N 252 UK UK non-provider 193.33 N 0 UK UK 193.34 N 0 UK UK 193.35 N 254 UK UK non-provider 193.36 N 252 UK UK non-provider 193.37 N 256 UK UK non-provider 193.38 N 256 UK UK non-provider 193.39 N 238 UK UK non-provider 193.40 N 56 EE Estonia general 193.41 N resvd EE Estonia general 193.42 N 129 IT IT non-provider 193.43 N resvd IT IT non-provider 193.44 P 50 SE TIPnet 193.45 P resvd SE TIPnet 193.46 N 187 AT AT non-provider 193.47 N 143 CH CH non-provider 193.48 P 197 FR RENATER 193.49 P 124 FR RENATER 193.50 P 179 FR RENATER 193.51 P 116 FR RENATER 193.52 P 183 FR RENATER 193.53 N 151 BE BE non-provider 193.54 P 130 FR RENATER 193.55 P 154 FR RENATER 193.56 N 170 FR FR non-provider 193.57 N 147 FR FR non-provider 193.58 N 94 BE BE non-provider 193.59 N 97 PL PL general 193.60 P 210 UK JANET 193.61 P 240 UK JANET 193.62 P 116 UK JANET 193.63 P 219 UK JANET 193.64 P 112 FI EUnet/FI 193.65 P 63 FI EUnet/FI 193.66-67 P resvd FI EUnet/FI 193.68 P 20 BG EUnet/BG 193.69 P resvd IS EUnet/IS 193.70 P resvd IT EUnet/IT 193.71 P 111 NO EUnet/IT 193.72 P 124 CH EUnet/CH 193.73 P 5 CH EUnet/CH 193.74 P 68 BE EUnet/BE 193.75 P resvd BE EUnet/BE 193.76 P 0 HR EUnet/HR 193.77 P 27 SI EUnet/SI 193.78 P 107 NL EUnet/NL 193.79 P 106 NL EUnet/NL 193.80 P 171 AT EUnet/AT January 14, 1994 - 24 - 193.81-83 P resvd AT EUnet/AT 193.84 P 216 CS EUnet/CS 193.85 P 179 CZ EUnet/CZ 193.86 P resvd EUnet/CZ or EUnet/SK 193.87 P 62 SK EUnet/SK and SANET 193.88 P 130 DK EUnet/DK 193.89 P 58 DK EUnet/DK 193.90 P resvd NO EUnet/NO 193.91 P 1 PL EUnet/PL 193.92 P 50 GR EUnet/GR 193.93 P 17 LU EUnet/LU 193.94 P 7 TN EUnet/TN 193.95 P resvd TN EUnet/TN 193.96 P 157 DE EUnet/DE 193.97 P 127 DE EUnet/DE 193.98 P 170 DE EUnet/DE 193.99 P 121 DE EUnet/DE 193.100 P 177 DE EUnet/DE 193.101-104 P resvd DE EUnet/DE 193.104 P 90 FR EUnet/FR 193.105 P 108 FR EUnet/FR 193.106 P 99 FR EUnet/FR 193.107-111 P resvd FR EUnet/FR 193.112 P 155 GB EUnet/GB 193.113 P 68 GB EUnet/GB 193.114 P 206 GB EUnet/GB 193.115 P 132 GB EUnet/GB 193.116 P 157 GB EUnet/GB 193.117 P 71 GB EUnet/GB 193.118-119 P resvd GB EUnet/GB 193.120 P 52 IE EUnet/IE 193.121-123 P resvd IE EUnet/IE 193.124 P 231 RU EUnet/RU+xSU 193.125 P 67 RU EUnet/RU+xSU 193.126 P 98 PT EUnet/PT 193.127 P 15 ES EUnet/ES 193.128 P 219 GB PIPEX 193.129 P 238 GB PIPEX 193.130 P 43 GB PIPEX 193.131-133 P resvd GB PIPEX 193.134 P 100 CH SWITCH 193.135 P resvd CH SWITCH 193.136 P 104 PT RCCN 193.137 P resvd PT RCCN 193.138 N 5 SI SI general 193.139 P 254 FR La Francaise des Jeux 193.140 N 123 TR TR general 193.141 P 119 DE XLINK 193.142 N 83 FI FI non-provider 193.143 N 37 FI FI non-provider 193.144 P 208 ES RedIRIS 193.145 P 48 ES RedIRIS 193.146-147 P resvd ES RedIRIS 193.148 N 211 ES ES non-provider January 14, 1994 - 25 - 193.149-153 N resvd ES ES non-provider 193.154 P 0 EU GEC Marconi Group 193.155 P resvd EU GEC Marconi Group 193.156 P 91 NO UNINETT 193.157 P 87 NO UNINETT 193.158-159 P resvd NO UNINETT 193.160 N 152 NO NO non-provider 193.161 N 80 NO NO non-provider 193.162 N 66 DK DK non-provider 193.163 N resvd DK DK non-provider 193.164 N 3 PL PL non-provider 193.165 N resvd PL PL non-provider 193.166 P 40 FI FUNET 193.167 P resvd FI FUNET 193.168 N 49 LU LU non-provider 193.169 P 0 GB AT&T Istel 193.170 P 109 AT ACOnet 193.171 P resvd AT ACOnet 193.172 P 52 EU EMPB/EuropaNET 193.173 P resvd EU EMPB/EuropaNET 193.174 P 227 DE DFN 193.175 P 0 DE DFN 193.176 N 252 NL NL non-provider 193.177 N 155 NL NL non-provider 193.178 N 75 IE IE non-provider 193.179 N resvd IE IE non-provider 193.180 N 237 SE SE non-provider 193.181 N 244 SE SE non-provider 193.182 N 239 SE SE non-provider 193.183 N 255 SE SE non-provider 193.184 P 207 FI Helsinki Telephone Company 193.185 P 0 FI Helsinki Telephone Company 193.186 N 253 AT AT non-provider 193.187 N 254 AT AT non-provider 193.188 N 48 Middle East 193.189 N 64 NG Nigeria general 193.190 P 102 BE BELNET 193.191 P resvd BE BELNET 193.192 N 11 PT PT non-provider 193.193 N resvd PT PT non-provider 193.194 N 3 MA MA general 193.195 P 119 GB DEMON 193.196 P 208 DE BelWue 193.197 P 4 DE BelWue 193.198 N 28 HR HR non-provider 193.199 N 64 FI National Board of Education 193.200 N 0 BG BG non-provider 193.201 N resvd BG BG non-provider 193.202 N 206 EU Pan European 193.203 N 1 YU YU-SPL 193.204 P 126 IT GARR 193.205-207 P resvd IT GARR 193.208 P 241 FI DATANET 193.209 P 146 FI DATANET January 14, 1994 - 26 - 193.210 P 0 FI DATANET 193.211 P resvd FI DATANET 193.212 P 88 NO TELEPOST 193.213-215 P resvd NO TELEPOST 193.216 P 30 NO DAXnet 193.217 P resvd NO DAXnet 193.218 N 7 GR GR non-provider 193.219 N 26 LT LT non-provider 193.220 N 0 LT LT non-provider 193.221 N 224 EU Pan European 193.222 N 172 CH CH non-provider 193.223 N 186 CH CH non-provider 193.224 N 38 HU HU general 193.225 N resvd HU HU general 193.226 N 23 RO RO general 193.227 N 31 EG EG general 193.228 P 0 GB CNS 193.229-231 P resvd GB CNS 193.232 N 91 RU RU+xSU non-provider 193.233 N 13 RU RU+xSU non-provider 193.234 N 253 SE SE non-provider 193.235 N 221 SE SE non-provider 193.236 N 39 PT PT non-provider 193.237-239 N resvd PT PT non-provider 193.240 P 0 GB RACAL 193.241 N resvd SE SE Defense 193.242 N 191 EU Pan European 193.243 P 161 GB ENERGIS 193.244 P 256 EU Kredietbank 193.245 P 256 EU Kredietbank 193.246-247 P resvd EU Kredietbank 193.248 P 255 FR France Telecom Internal 193.249 P 255 FR France Telecom Internal 193.250 P 255 FR France Telecom Internal 193.251 P 255 FR France Telecom Internal 193.252 P 255 FR France Telecom Internal 193.253 P 255 FR France Telecom Internal 193.254 N 3 AL AL general 194.0 N reNsCvCdPrivate Use 194.1 N 0 LV LV General 194.2 P 43 FR Oleane 194.3 P resvd FR Oleane 194.4 N 54 FR FR non-provider 194.5 N resvd FR FR non-provider 194.6 P resvd UK Mercury Communications 194.7 P 8 BE INnet 194.8 N 8 LV managed by NCC temp 194.9 P 0 UK Fastnet Communications 194.10 P 0 EU IBM IP network 194.11 N 36 CH CH Non-provider block 193.12 N 155 EU Pan European 193.13 N 0 NL NL non-provider 193.14 N 0 SE SE non provider January 14, 1994 - 27 - 194.15 N 68 DE DE non provider 194.16 P 0 EU UniSource Business Networks 194.17 P 0 EU UniSource Business Networks 194.18 P 0 EU UniSource Business Networks 194.19 P 0 EU UniSource Business Networks 194.20 P 0 EU UniSource Business Networks 194.21 P 0 EU UniSource Business Networks 194.22 P 0 EU UniSource Business Networks 194.23 P 0 EU UniSource Business Networks 194.24-31 P resvd EU UniSource Business Networks 194.32 N 188 UK UK non-provider 194.33 N 110 UK UK non-provider 194.34 N 0 UK UK non-provider 194.35 N 0 UK UK non-provider 194.36 P 7 UK UK HEP community 194.37 N 0 AT AT non provider 194.38 N 64 SE SE non provider January 14, 1994 - 28 - 7. Appendix D 7.1. Note on Statistics The arrangement of categories including country codes in some statistical tables and figures have been standardised to make the data more easily comparable between different tables and editions of these reports. As a consequence some categories appear with no data and/or seemingly nonsensical combinations. 7.2. Domain Table The domain table usually found in Appendix D has been removed to avoid unneccessary duplication of information. A complete list of the country codes can be found in the ISO- 3166 list which is available as: The other domains are explained as shown in the table below: Domain Specifying IXI EuropaNet (formerly IXI) IIS the Interactive Information Server LOCAL the NCC itself using IP NCC-X25 the NCC itself using X.25 PSPDN the Public Data Network UNKNOWN no mapping between IP address and domain name could be found com commercial organisations (mainly in the US) edu educational organisations (mainly in the US) gov US government organisations mil US military organisations net network providers and related organisations org organisations (mainly in the US) January 14, 1994