

P3P Protocol and Data Transport Working Group
Draft White Paper

This Version
Latest Version
Previous Version:
Please see drafts at the  Protocols WG Page. [Member only]
Philip DesAutels, W3C
Steve Lucas, MatchLogic
Joseph Reagle, W3C

Lorrie Cranor, AT&T
Philip DesAutels, MatchLogic
Melissa Dunn, Microsoft
Tatsuo Itabashi, Sony
Dan Jaye, Engage
Yves Leroux, Digital
Steve Lucas, Matchlogic
Jim Miller, W3C
Michael Myers, VeriSign
Paul Perry, FireFly
Martin Presler-Marshall, IBM
Joseph Reagle, W3C
Drummond Reed, Intermind
Craig Vodnik, Pencom Web Works

Status of This Document

This W3C NOTE is provided for historical purposes only. It is not part of the P3P specification and need not be read to understand P3P. It is an intermediary product, from the Format and Protocol WG, of the P3P Activity. This document was completed in March, but is being released concurrently with the public Working Draft of the Specification. It is published because much of the work and contributors on this document was instrumental to the development of the specification.

Parts of this document may be incomplete, it will not be updated and it will not be advanced toward W3C recommendation status.

This document is a NOTE made available by the W3 Consortium for archival purposes. This indicates no endorsement of its content.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Problem Space
    2. Scope
    3. Protocol Terminology
    4. Assumptions
  2. Scenarios, Overview
    1. No Negotiation
      1. Practices and preferences are compatible
      2. Practices and preferences are incompatible
    2. Negotiation
      1. User does not provide a counter proposal
      2. User provides a counter proposal
    3. Exceptional Scenarios
      1. Request for data without a proposal
      2. Error scenarios
  3. Negotiation_Primitives
    1. OK-PROP - I Agree
    2. OK-TXD - Data Transfer Successful
    3. PROP - Here is a Proposal
    4. RFD - Request for Data
    5. RFT - Request for Text of Proposal
    6. RFP - Request for Proposal
    7. SRY-PROP - Sorry I Refuse Because ...
    8. SRY-RFD - Sorry No Agreement
    9. SRY-RFP - Sorry I won't give a proposal
    10. SRY-RFT - Sorry No Text
    11. SRY-TXD - Sorry Data Transfer Not Successful
    12. STOP - Stop Negotiation
    13. TXD - Transmit Data
  4. Scenarios, Detailed (HTTP headers)
    No Negotiation and Negotiated Line-Flows
    1. No Negotiation
      1. Practices and preferences are compatible
      2. Practices and preferences are incompatible
    2. Negotiation
      1. User does not provide a counter proposal
      2. User provides a counter proposal
    3. Exceptional Line-Flows
      1. No Pre-Existing Agreement Without Digital Signatures
      2. No Pre-Existing Agreement With Digital Signatures
      3. Service Requests Data Without Proposal
  5. Syntax of P3P Negotiation Primitives
  6. Syntax of P3P Schemas
    1. Syntax of P3P Proposal
    2. Syntax of Disclosures
    3. Syntax of Categories
    4. Syntax of Data Set
  1. Notation (EBNF description)
  2. P3P Data Elements, Categories and Sets
  3. References
  4. P3P Glossary [refers to Definitions in Architecture Draft]


This paper extends the work started in the earlier P3P Working Groups by working through details of the user/service interactions that take place as a user traverses the Web. It is our intention to provide sufficient grounding that the next step, a detailed technical specification of the "bits and bytes," will be a straightforward technical task. Toward that end, we provide an English language description of the scenarios that form the core of the design as well as the messages (and their content) required to make the scenarios real.

Problem Space

P3P is attempting to provide mechanisms:

The negotiation is based on comparing a set of privacy preferences, owned by the user agent, with the privacy practices specified by the service. When the privacy preferences do not match the service's practices, the two sides must come to an agreement by exchanging proposals on alternative practices that both entities can agree to. Every proposal has a defined set of consequences that can be shown to a human user to explain why the suggested practice may be acceptable in this instance even if the user would not normally allow the practice (for example, the service may offer a discount, offer a bonus, etc.).


This Working Group is tasked with describing the set of negotiation primitives (and their proper ordering) necessary for arriving at an agreement and answering related questions related to those primitives such as how they can be digitally signed when that technology is deployed. There are a number of tasks related to this problem space which are not part of this Working Group's scope:

  1. The language used to specify these practices is being created by another Harmonized Vocabulary Working Group. It is our working premise that the precise terms and conditions will not materially affect either the format of the messages needed to convey them or the kinds of negotiation steps required to arrive at agreement.
  2. This Working Group (and, indeed, W3C itself) is not tasked with defining "value add" work that applies only to the user or service sides of the negotiation. In particular, this Working Group will not advise developers on intelligent strategies or tactics for performing negotiation.
  3. This Working Group is not tasked with creating a transportable format for moving privacy-related configuration information, either on the user (privacy preferences) or service (privacy practices) side. This will be determined by the syntax group.
  4. This Working Group is not tasked with expressing how data will be shared or aggregated. This is the responsibility of the Harmonized Vocabulary Working Group.


In addition to the terms defined in earlier P3P documents, the following terms are used consistently throughout this document:


Data Element An individual data entity, such as last name or phone number.
Data Category A significant attribute of a data element or set that may be used by a trust engine to determine what type of element is under discussion, such as physical contact information.
Data Set A known grouping of data elements, such as mailing address.

An agreement is a small unit of information that is sufficient to indicate that both parties have agreed on a common proposal. This  includes any one of:

  1. the fingerprint of an accepted proposal (if both parties agree that it need not be non-repudiable)
  2. the fingerprint plus the digital signature and identity information of the assuring party and/or the user.

Technically, this corresponds to a small piece of metadata in RDF (Resource Description Framework) format that may optionally include a DSig 2.0-compliant signature.

Fingerprint (aka Hash or Digest)
Given any digital information, it is possible to construct a fixed size (about 20 byte) number that is easily computed from the original information but even small modifications to the original result in a different number which is virtually unpredictable. We call these fixed size numbers the fingerprint of the original object. Given a fingerprint and an object it is easy to tell whether the fingerprint refers to that particular object, but it is not easy to predict what object created a given fingerprint. Both generating a fingerprint and verifying its correctness are quickly performed and do not rely on public or private keys, identity information, etc.

In P3P, we use fingerprints both as part of signatures and to identify Proposals so that the entire text of the proposal need not be sent repeatedly. This should significantly reduce the overhead of the protocol. The hash protocol is an MD5 digest in US-ASCII characters using MIME base-64 encoding.

Assuring Party
Within P3P, an assuring party attests that the service will abide by its proposal, follows guidelines in the processing of data or other relevant assetions; this assurance may come from the service or an independent assuring party.The assuring party musts identify what they are attesting to as part of the assurance statement. (This may happen within the statement, or as part of the semantic definition of a meta-data schema.)

Identity information
Identity information is any information sufficient to satisfy one party of the identity of another. This may consist of a public key and/or set of certificates that can be used to verify signatures, or it may consist of a shared secret, or some real word identification information (name, social security number, birthdate, etc.)

A proposal is an offer by a service to collect a specified set of information (or an offer to provide a service without collecting any information) from a user for a particular purpose and under a specific set conditions. Note that the proposal is always a statement made from the point of view of the service and contains identifying information for the service, but it may be created by the user and sent to the server for approval. The proposal includes identity information specifying the entity with whom the user is entering into agreement (this need not be the same as the entity that signs the proposal).  A proposal will be encoded using RDF for transfer between the user and the service.

(Digital) Signature
We assume that users and services may have a pair of keys, one public (i.e. known to everyone) and one private. A (digital) signature for an object is generated by calculating the fingerprint of the object and then encrypting it with the private key. Given the public key, the signature, and the digital object it is easy to ensure that the the signature was generated by someone in possession of the corresponding private key and the digital object, and was almost certainly not generated in any other way (this is called signature verification).  While signature verification is an efficient process, generating the signature requires a significant amount of computation.

In P3P, we will use digital signatures as specified in the DSig-2.0 specification (for creating signed RDF).  These signatures are always attached to a specific statement; the signature asserts that the entity creating the signature believes the statement to be true. This functionality is not available for P3P1.0.

Signed Proposal
A signed proposal is a proposal that has an attached digital signature. A signed proposal from the service is signed by an entity, the assuring party,  willing to assure that the service will abide by the proposal.  A signed sroposal from the user is signed by the user. In the short term, we assume the likely hood of assuring parties (which may be the service itself) to sign proposals is greater than that of user agent signatures because of the lack of a well established client side certificate infrastructure.

Signed Agreement
A signed aggrement is an agreement between the service and user that has one or more attached digital signatures. A signed agreement is signed by the assuring party and the user. The same caveat regarding the existence of client side certificates as expressed above applies.


P3P makes several assumptions about the environment in which it works and the problem it is trying to solve.

  1. P3P enables the creation of an agreement between the user and the service. This agreement can contain information that creates non-repudiable evidence of the identities of the parties and the terms of the agreement. The non-repudiability of these statements will fall to future versions of the protocol. At this time, no clear/dominant PKI model exists for use in P3P. In future versions of the protocol, we assume that both users and services will be able to require signatures/certificates. Even so, such evidence can be expensive in terms of computational or complexity costs (logs, multiple certificates and signatures) and it is recommended that it be optional, not required.
  2. P3P agreements are end-to-end, between the user and the service. Intermediaries such as telecommunication providers, internet service providers, proxies and others may be privy to the exchange of data between a service and a user but those practices are not included in the agreement between the end parties.
  3. We assume that communication security is achieved through means other than P3P itself (such as SSL). Hence P3P does not provide mechanisms for cryptographically protecting information.
  4. P3P1.0 does not provide for signatures or require identification certificates. It is our expectation that these will be required in future versions of the protocol. Services, assurers and users can use certificates as forms of identification and operate over secure protocols (e.g. SSL) to obtain a higher level of trust, but these are not required.
  5. P3P allows a service to include identifying information about itself in its proposals. If no identifying information is provided, the service identity is assumed to be the registered owner of the service's domain.
  6. P3P is intended to be carried over HTTP/1.1 and we assume user-agents implement HTTP/1.1 persistent connections. This is a performance-related assumption, not a correctness-related assumption; our protocol design must be fully backward compatible with HTTP/1.0, and will draw heavily on the existing design work on PEP.
  7. Most sites will have one or a small number of clearly stated privacy policies that are acceptable for their typical users and will make "take it or leave it" offers. Some sites may be willing to negotiate with users and user agents.

Overview of Scenarios

We provide a set of scenarios covering typical uses for the P3P protocol. We do not expect these scenarios to be all-inclusive, but we believe that they cover the most common uses.

These scenarios discuss the interaction between the user agent and the service. In all cases, the user agent may prompt the human user (if any) for guidance before proceeding, or it may operate without user intervention ("seamlessly") based on preferences stored in the user agent.

#1: No Negotiation

This case is simplest from the protocol point of view. This case is where the privacy practices of the service are compatible with the privacy preferences of the user-agent. This case can occur without the need for human intervention. The service and user-agent must still exchange a proposal, as the interaction must be covered by some agreement.

#1A: Practices and preferences are compatible

User view
User enters a URL into their Web browser, and the page is displayed.

Service operation

The service requests some information with a given practice. For example, the service is configured to request only the user's clickstream data, for the purposes of system administration.

Agent operation

Considering the service's practice and the user agent's preferences, the user agent decides that they are compatible. Consequently, it agrees to allow the service the access it has requested. For example, the user-agent is configured that the data element "clickstream" is in the "anonymous information" grouping, and is configured to allow services to collect information of that category if it is used only for system administration.

Note that these discussions are between the user agent and the service. The user agent may need to prompt the user to determine if its preferences are compatible with the request that the service makes, or it may happen automatically ("seamlessly"). For our purposes, these two scenarios are equivalent.

#1B: Practices and preferences are incompatible

User view

User enters a URL into their Web browser, and gets back an error in response.

Service operation

The service requests some information with a given practice. For example, the service is configured to request the user's governmental ID (for example, National Social Security Number), and disclose that they will share it with anyone they wish.

Agent operation

Considering the service's practice and the user agent's preferences, the user agent decides that they are not compatible. Further, the user agent is configured such that it does not negotiate over such sensitive information. Consequently, it refuses to allow the service the access it has requested, and shows the user an error message. For example, the user-agent is configured such that the data element "National Social Security Number" is sensitive and it is configured to never allow services to collect information of that type.

As mentioned above, this scenario does not specify the interaction between the user agent and the user.

#2: Negotiation

In the next scenario, a service initiates a request to exchange data. The user responds by refusing to provide the data. The user may provide a  code or comment as to why the request was denied. The user might also opt to provide a counter proposal -- for example, the user may agree to partially satisfy the initial request. (Such as "I will provide my age and zip code but not my name and address.") If a counter proposal is provided by the user, the service responds by accepting or rejecting it. If no counter proposal is provided, or if it is rejected, the service may send another proposal to the user. This "negotiation" may continue until an offer is accepted or one of the parties decides to end the negotiation.

#2A: User does not provide a counter proposal

User view
User enters a URL into their Web browser. Depending on the preferences the user has set in their browser, they may see a pop-up message requesting that they agree to the service's practices. The page is then displayed.

Service operation

The service requests some information with a given practice. For example, the service requests a service ID so that the user can be anonymously be recognized during this session and in future sessions. The user agent refuses the request and does not make a counter proposal, though it may explain what it objects to. The service then makes an alternative proposal.

Agent operation

Considering the service's practice and the user agent's preferences, the user agent decides that they are not compatible. The user agent refuses the service's request. The service can then make a counter proposal. Assuming that the user agent finds that its preferences are compatible with this new proposal, the user agent agrees to allow the service the access it has requested. For example, the alternative proposal could request a service ID that would only be good for the current session. If the user agent finds that alternative proposal acceptable, it agrees to that request.

#2B: User provides a counter proposal

User view

User enters a URL into their Web browser. The page is then displayed.

Service operation

The service requests some information with a given practice. This request is rejected by the user agent, which makes a counter offer indicating what it finds acceptable. If the service finds this counter offer acceptable, it agrees to this counter offer, and allows access to the requested URL. For example, the service requests a service ID so that the user can be anonymously be recognized during this session and in future sessions. The user agent refuses this request and makes a counter offer, to give the service an ID which is usable for the current session only.

Agent operation

Considering the service's practice and the user agent's preferences, the user agent decides that they are not compatible. The user agent looks at what parts of the request are acceptable, and makes a counter proposal that it finds acceptable. Assuming that the counter offer is acceptable to the service, the user agent gives access to the requested data. The example is given above.

In both of the scenarios above, the P3P protocol does not make any distinction about whether the user is prompted for approval or not. We believe that the interactions, or lack thereof, between the user and the user agent are up to the implementers of the user agents.

#3: Exceptional Scenarios

#3A: Request for data without a proposal

A request could be issed in the absense of an agreement. This may because the service believed that it had an agreement whereas the user did not. (Perhaps it never did, or it only has a short memory). A user agent that does not have such a policy will request a proposal. In very rare cases, in some people's implementations other circumstances beyond privacy practices could allow such a request to be issued. (For instance, perhaps the users trusted email application running on the users machine is querying the users' repository for an email address, in this case, the user doesn't require privacy practices from the email application. This is not within the scope of this document however.)

#3B: Error scenarios

Services have several responsibilities in order to have reasonable error situations:

  1. Services must recognize clients that do not support P3P. For those clients, they must never use the P3P mechanisms to ask for data. They must also never use any error-reporting mechanisms defined by P3P.
  2. If a service and a user agent are unable to form an agreement after some number of rounds of negotiation, the service can provide a fallback page. This encompasses two tasks. First, we must provide a way to prevent infinite loops of negotiation. Second, certain countries (for example, Germany) will legally require that the services provide some non-personalized version of the requested resource.

User agents are responsible for several error scenarios are well:

  1. User agents must be able to call an end to negotiation. Assuming that this protocol is implemented over HTTP, proposals from the service will be carried in HTTP responses. The user agent must be able to send a request that includes a statement saying that the proposal included in the request - if any - is non-negotiable by using the FINAL qualifier. In addition, a user agent can terminate the negotiation at any time through use of the STOP message.


3 Negotiation Primitives

In order to support the scenarios described above, P3P provides a set of primitive operations to use in conversations:



U to S?

S to U?

After Receiving

Expected Response

Data in Message

Optional in Message

OK-PROP Proposal acceptable Yes Yes PROP none Agreement  Signature of recipient of proposal
OK-TXD Data transfer successful Yes Yes TXD none [hash of] data transferred  
PROP Here's a Proposal Yes Yes any time OK or SRY-PROP or PROP Text of a proposal Signature of initiator, fingerprint of previous Proposal
RFD Request for Data No Yes any time SRY-RFD, PROP, RFP, RFT or TXD Names of data elements, sets of data elements, or categories Previous agreement if not sent with a new proposal
RFP Request for Proposal Yes Yes any time PROPor SRY-RFP Must agreement be signed? Set of URLs to be covered
RFT Request for Text of Proposal Yes No Agreement PROP or SRY-RFT Agreement  
SRY-PROP Refuse Proposal Yes Yes PROP PROP Fingerprint of proposal refused, Reason Which practices are unacceptable (To Be Designed)
SRY-RFD Refuse RFD Yes Yes RFD none Agreement refused, Reason  
SRY-RFP I won't give you a Proposal Yes Yes RFP none  Reason  
SRY-RFT Proposal Text not available No Yes RFT none Agreement, Reason  
SRY-TXD Data transfer not successfull Yes No TXD or none none  Agreement, Reason  
STOP Stop negotiation Yes No any time before reaching an agreement Good question! none  
TXD Transfer Data Yes Yes any time none, OK-TXD or SRY-TXD Data element names and values to be written, as requested Agreement

This section describes each of the operations and specifies who (user or service) can initiate the action and under what circumstances. Under Scenarios, Detailed we revisit the earlier scenarios, but this time showing how they are implemented using these primitive operations. This section also provides some insight into requirements on detailed data formats, which are then gathered together (along with information from the earlier P3P documents) in the section on Formats: Requirements and Specifications.

3.1 I Agree (OK-PROP)

After receiving a proposal from the other party, either party can respond by accepting the proposal. The response includes an agreement.  Recall that the fingerprint of the agreed upon proposal can be extracted from the agreement, and that the agreement may or may not include digital signatures of both parties.

3.2 Data transfer successful (OK-TXD)

This message is sent after an entity has successfully received the contents of a Transmit Data (TXD) message.

3.3 Here's A Proposal (PROP)

At any time, either participant can send one or more proposals to the other, these are sent in the prop-msg. The proposal's terms aren't binding until the other side has agreed to them (see the OK-PROP primitive). The proposal may be signed by the party that creates it if so desired (recall, though, that the user can refuse to accept an agreement unless the proposal is signed). In addition the PROP may also include the fingerprint of a proposal previously received from the other party (this may help the other party keep track of the negotiation). If a site wished to express that a data element is optional, it may do so within the proposal; the user agent will return the optional elements it feels appropriate. An agreement over a proposal with optional purposes or qualifiers is ambigous; there is not a strong mechanism for the agent to express that one purpose was agreed to, but another was not. Consequently, optional purposes or qualifiers must be expressed through multiple unambigous proposals.

There is a privacy implication if the user initiates a proposal.  The service may well use the proposals it receives (from individual users or via statistical sampling techniques) to tailor future proposals that it makes.  In a sense, this is precisely the reason that the user might wish to make a proposal -- in the hope that the service will alter its longterm behavior towards that requested by the user.  On the other hand, revealing preferences by making a proposal does divulge a good deal of valuable information about the current user (in a non-personally-identifying form).

If a proposal isn't automatically acceptable to the user, there are three options. The user agent must be programmed in some manner to decide which response is appropriate:

  1. Refuse (SRY-PROP) the proposal. This implies a desire to receive a new proposal from the service. Notice that there is a potential for an infinite loop if the user agent continues to send a SRY message should the same proposal be sent repeatedly. It is the responsibility of the user agent to maintain sufficient state to detect this case and respond using one of the other techniques after it determines that a sufficient number of negotiation rounds have occurred (the service might, after all, choose to change its proposal if the agent appears sufficiently obstinate...)

  2. Return a PROPosal of its own. This is a common negotiation strategy (the counterproposal), and perfectly appropriate. It implies a refusal, but provides an alternate that the user considers acceptable if accepted by the service. Notice that the service has the right to assume that by making the offer the user is willing to accept it if the service does (no further confirmation is required). Also notice that there is a privacy consideration, discussed earlier, when a user issues a proposal.

  3. Walk away from the negotiation. There is no requirement that the user agent respond at all. The user agent may also choose to respond but use a new connection and a new unique ID so that the service is unaware that it is the same agent.

In time, the capability to send a subset of the user's preferences to better help the service make an informed proposal may exist.

3.4 Request for Data (RFD)

The service can, at any time, request that data be transmitted from the user (this includes the special case of requesting a unique identifier for collecting clickstream data). The request can be transmitted alone (with no commitment by the service as to the use of the data should it be transmitted) or accompanied by either:

There are four proper responses to a RFD: the user may walk away (this cannot be eliminated, since a network failure will cause this to occur even if the protocol were to "require" a response); the user may refuse with a reason (SRY-RFD); the user may send its own PROPosal back; or the user may transmit the requested data (TXD).

3.5 Request for Text of Proposal (RFT)

After the user and service have reached an agreement, the user may request the text of the proposal that is part of that agreement from the service, so that it does not have to store state during the negotiation process. The service should respond either with a PROPosal message, including the correct proposal text (which can be verified by the user, since the user has the fingerprint of the proposal text as part of the agreement itself), or with a SRY_RFT, if the server no longer has a record of the agreement and is unable to regenerate it algorithmically.

3.6 Request for Proposal (RFP)

At any time, the user can send a request for proposal to the service. The RFP specifies whether or not the user expects to reach a non-repudiable agreement and the set of URLs the user would like the agreement to cover.

This should not be used if the user has a particular proposal that she would like to see adopted by the service; that is best handled (although with some privacy consequences) by using the Here's A Proposal (PROP) primitive.

3.7 Sorry, I Refuse Because (SRY-PROP)

The user, after receiving a proposal from the service, can refuse it and request another proposal. The SRY message includes the fingerprint of the proposal being rejected, as well as the reason why it is being refused. The technical cause for refusing a proposal are given by the reason codes. Reasons, such as the user's preferences not matching the site's practices, are not returned at this point. Sites may provide capabilities on their privacy practice page whereby users can inform a site of practices that they did not  find appealing. Future versions  of P3P may be able to enable the expression of reasons that are sufficiently specified that the service, upon receipt, can make a reasonable decision about a potentially acceptable replacement proposal.

3.8 Sorry, No Agreement (SRY-RFD)

The recipient, after receiving a Request for Data (RFD) can respond with a SRY_RFD message. The reason code describes whether the RFD was denied because the recipient does not recognize an agreement contained in the RFD request or if the recipient wants to terminate the agreement.

3.9 Sorry, I won't give you a proposal (SRY-RFP)

The service after receiving a Request for Proposal (RFP) can respond with a SRY-RFP message to indicate that it will not make a proposal.

3.10 Sorry, No Text (SRY-RFT)

The service after receiving a Request for Text (RFT) can respond with a SRY-RFT message to indicate that it no longer has access the text of the proposal requested by the user.

3. 11 Sorry, Data Transfer Not Successful (SRY-TXD)

The recipient after receiving a Transmit Data (TXD) can respond with a SRY-TXD message to indicate that it did not successfully receive the data. The sender may re-try the TXD message but should prevent an infinite loop of re-tries.

3. 12 Stop Negotiation (STOP)

At any time before an agreement is reached, the recipient can respond with a STOP message to indicate that it does not want to continue negotiations. If there is still an http request outstanding, the server should still respond to the request, even if the response is merely an HTML document indicating that the requested object cannot be returned without an agreement.

3.13 Transmit Data (TXD)

After the receipt of a Request For Data (RFD), the user may send out the requested data. The message can optionally include the agreement that the user understands is to be applied. The service is bound to honor the agreement if it is valid (signed by both sides if so required, within the proper time limits, and covering the data being transferred). If no agreement is transmitted the service is obliged to follow all of the agreements it has entered into that cover this transfer. (Notice that it is only in the case of signed agreements that the user will have convincing evidence that an agreement was made. In other cases, the user will have to rely on the honesty of the service. Since there is a cost associated with the signatures, this requires users to balance their trust of the service against the cost of the signature.)

The user is not obliged to respond to an RFD with a transfer of all the data requested, since the agreement may include optional elements. It is up to the user agent to decide how many of these to transfer (the agreement will have informed the user the consequences (presumably rewards) of sending the optional items).

4 Scenarios, Detailed

This section amplifies on the scenarios presented earlier, by providing a detailed description of how a combination of an appropriately configured browser and server can create these scenarios using the negotiation primitives proposed here.The interaction will be shown as a set of HTTP requests and responses, with the important part being the general flow of proposal and response. The precise details of the requests are not filled in at this time.

No Negotiation and Negotiated Line-Flows

4.1.A Lineflows (no negotiation, compatible practices & preferences):

The transaction begins:

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html"} {strength must}}

The user agent has requested a Web page, and indicates that it supports the P3P protocol.

HTTP/1.1 400 Agreement required
Server: Marvin/2.0.1
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 42-} {strength must}}
42-P3P: {{PROP [proposal with hash XYZ]} {RFD [data request}}
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 70

<h1>HTTP/1.1 400 Agreement Required</h1>

The service indicates that it supports the P3P protocol, and that it will not serve the requested resource without first reaching an agreement with the user agent. The user agent receives this response, accepts the proposal, and signifies its agreement with it.

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 20996-} {strength must}}
20996-P3P: {{OK-PROP XYZ} {TXD [data transfer with hash LMN]}

The user agent has now made a new request that indicates that it agrees to the previous proposal. The service finds this acceptable, and sends the object.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Marvin/2.0.1
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 62090-} {strength must}}
62090-P3P: {{OK-TXD LMN}}
Content-type: text/html
Content-length: ...


4.1.B Lineflows (no negotiation, incompatible practices & preferences):

We start with:

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html"} {strength must}}

The user agent has requested a Web page, and indicates that it supports the P3P protocol.

HTTP/1.1 400 Agreement required
Server: Marvin/2.0.1
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 42-} {strength must}}
42-P3P: {{PROP [proposal with hash XYZ]} {RFD [data request}}
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 70

<h1>HTTP/1.1 400 Agreement Required</h1>

The service indicates that it supports the P3P protocol, and that it will not serve the requested resource without first reaching an agreement with the user agent. The user agent receives this response, decides that it is unwilling to negotiate with the service, and the transfer halts.

4.2.A Lineflows (negotiation, user agent does not provide a counter proposal):

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html"} {strength must}}

The user agent has requested a Web page, and indicates that it supports the P3P protocol.

HTTP/1.1 400 Agreement required
Server: Marvin/2.0.1
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 42-} {strength must}}
42-P3P: {{PROP [proposal with hash XYZ]} {RFD [data request}}
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 70

<h1>HTTP/1.1 400 Agreement Required</h1>

The user agent looks at the proposal, decides it is not acceptable, and refuses it.

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 4402-} {strength may}}
4402-P3P: {{SRY-PROP XYZ 303 Proposal Rejected}}

The service looks at the refusal, and offers an alternative proposal.

HTTP/1.1 400 Agreement required
Server: Marvin/2.0.1
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 42-} {strength must}}
42-P3P: {{PROP [proposal with hash PDQ]} {RFD [data request}}
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 70

<h1>HTTP/1.1 400 Agreement Required</h1>

If the user agent finds this alternative proposal acceptable, it accepts it:

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 52294-} {strength may}}
52294-P3P: {{OK-PROP PDQ} {TXD [data transfer with hash ABC]}

The user agent has now made a new request that indicates that it agrees to the previous proposal. The service finds this acceptable, and sends the object.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Marvin/2.0.1
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 62090-} {strength must}}
62090-P3P: {{OK-TXD ABC}}
Content-type: text/html
Content-length: ...


On the other hand, if the user agent finds this alternative proposal unacceptable, it can refuse the proposal and demand an end to negotiation:

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 31567-} {strength must}}
31567-P3P: {{SRY-PROP PDQ 303 Proposal Rejected} {STOP}}

The user agent has now made a new request, refusing the alternative proposal, and indicating that it is unwilling to continue negotiating. The service can now send a non-personalized version of the requested object - or whatever it chooses to send if it cannot get information from the user agent.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Marvin/2.0.1
Content-type: text/html
Content-length: ...

...non-personalized body (or an error message!)...

4.2.B Lineflows (negotiation, user agent provides a counter proposal):

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: FerengiNegotiatingAgent/11.6.1 (Starfleet-OS/2.07; vulcan)
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html"} {strength must}}

The user agent has requested a Web page, and indicates that it supports the P3P protocol.

HTTP/1.1 400 Agreement required
Server: Romulan-Systemwide/1.2.1Beta6
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 43-} {strength must}}
43-P3P: {{PROP [proposal with hash XYZ]} {RFD [data request}}
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 107

<h1>HTTP/1.1 400 Agreement Required</h1>
<p>Agree to this! We demand it!</p>

The user agent looks at the proposal, decides it is not acceptable, and refuses it. It also includes a counter proposal.

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: FerengiNegotiatingAgent/11.6.1 (Starfleet-OS/2.07; vulcan)
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 1701-} {strength must}}
1701-P3P: {{SRY-PROP XYZ 303 Proposal Rejected} {PROP [proposal with hash DEF]}}

The service looks at the refusal and the counter proposal, and, if it is acceptable, it accepts that counter proposal.

HTTP/1.1 400 Data Required
Server: Romulan-Systemwide/1.2.1Beta6
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 1412-} {strength must}}
1412-P3P: {{OK-PROP DEF} {RFD [data request]}}

The user now requests the document again, and sends the requested information:

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: FerengiNegotiatingAgent/11.6.1 (Starfleet-OS/2.07; vulcan)
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 4601-} {strength must}}
4601-P3P: {{TXD [data transfer with hash ABC]}

The user agent has now made a new request that sends the information the service needs. The service can now send the requested object:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Romulan-Systemwide/1.2.1Beta6
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 1414-} {strength must}}
1414-P3P: {{OK-TXD ABC}}
Content-type: text/html
Content-length: ...


On the other hand, if the service does not find this counter proposal acceptable, and does not wish to continue negotiating, it can refuse the counter proposal and not offer any alternatives. It may send an error message, or it may send a non-personalized version of the requested object. Here we show sending an error message:

HTTP/1.1 400 Agreement Required
Server: Romulan-Systemwide/1.2.1Beta6
PEP: {{map "http://www.w3.org/P3P/PEP/V1_0.html" 47819-} {strength DEF}}
47819-P3P: {{SRY-PROP DEF 303 Proposal Rejected} {STOP})

At this point the conversation is ended.

4.3 Exceptional Lines-Flows

All of our scenarios begin with the same action from the user, the request to follow a link that leads to the URL http://www.sales.com/Index.html. This causes the user agent to issue the HTTP request:

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)

4.3. ANo Pre-Existing Agreement Without Digital Signatures

This case is the one we assume to be the most common: that the site has practices that are acceptable to the user, and includes a proposal to apply those practices whenever it requests the transmission of data from the user.  This is why an RFD message can include a proposal (or an agreement).  In our case, we assume the service does not have access to an agreement previously made with this user.  This happens when a service wants data from the user:

We first show the sequence of messages that occur when no digital signatures are used (hence the agreement might be repudiated by either side) .

HTTP/1.1 417 Request For Data
Server: Marvin/2.0.1
Protocol-Request: {W3C-P3P {P3P-Proposal P3P-RFD}}
P3P-Proposal: ...content of proposal... [note: fingerprint is XYZ]
P3P-RFD: ...list of data elements requested...

GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)
Protocol-Request: {W3C-P3P {PDP-OK P3P-TXD}}
P3P-OK: XYZ [note: in this case, the fingerprint is the agreement]
P3P-TXD: ...data elements as requested...

At this point, the server responds as a current server would have responded to the original request, by supplying the contents of the request page:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Marvin/2.0.1
Protocol-Request: {W3C-P3P {P3P-OK}}

Text of the page requested

4.3.B No Pre-Existing Agreement With Digital Signatures

We now consider the same sequence of messages generated when both the client and the service choose to sign the agreement, providing non-repudiable evidence for both sides that an agreement has been concluded.  Either side can retain  the agreement ("CDQ plus RDF signature (by client) of CDQ") plus the Signed Proposal ("content of proposal plus RDF signature on it (by assuring party) [note: fingerprint is CDQ]") as non-repudiable evidence of the agreement.  The service can, additionally, store the Signed Proposal for some period of time so that it can be retrieved by a client that wishes to review the text of the proposal before actually transmitting the data.

HTTP/1.1 417 Request For Data
Server: Marvin/2.0.1
Protocol-Request: {W3C-P3P {P3P-Proposal P3P-RFD}}
P3P-Proposal: content of proposal plus RDF signature on it (by assuring party)
              [note: fingerprint is CDQ]
P3P-RFD: ...list of data elements requested...
GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)
Protocol-Request: {W3C-P3P {PDP-OK P3P-TXD}}
P3P-OK: CDQ plus RDF signature (by client) of CDQ
P3P-TXD: ...data elements as requested...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Marvin/2.0.1
Protocol-Request: {W3C-P3P {P3P-OK}}
P3P-OK: CDQ plus RDF signature (by client) of CDQ
Text of the page requested

The above sequence of messages can be altered slightly to handle another common case: when the service knows the identity of the user and has access to a previously concluded agreement, the same messages will suffice if the agreement replaces the proposal in the RFD message above.

4.3.C Service Requests Data Without Proposal

If a service requests data without a proposal the user-agent has several options: 1) walk away from the transaction, 2) accept the proposal as-is (perhaps after prompting for user intervention), or 3) make a counter-proposal. These options are described as follows:

  1. If the user-agent wishes to walk away, we are done. No further communication is required.
  2. If the user-agent wishes to accept the proposal, it could send a request like the following:
    GET /Index.html HTTP/1.1
    Accept: */*
    User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)
    Protocol-Request: {W3C-P3P {P3P-Agreement}}
    P3P-Agreement: ...I agree to proposal #XYZ...

    Assuming that the service is still interested in accepting that proposal, it would respond with:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: Marvin/2.0.1
    Protocol-Request: {W3C-P3P {P3P-Agreement}}
    P3P-Agreement: ...the agreement that the user-agent sent...

    In this scheme, the user-agent has sent the proposal that it finds acceptable, and the service has returned it verbatim, indicating that it also agrees.
  3. If the user-agent wishes to make a counteroffer, the counteroffer follows the same form as accepting the proposal, but with a twist: the agreement is not to proposal XYZ that the service originally proposed, but rather to some variant of XYZ - call it XYZ1. In other words, the user-agent's request looks like:
    GET /Index.html HTTP/1.0
    Accept: */*
    User-Agent: BugblatterBeast/3.02 (RT-11; english)
    Protocol-Request: {W3C-P3P {P3P-Agreement P3P-Proposal}}
    P3P-Proposal: ...content of proposal #XYZ1...
    P3P-Agreement: ...I agree to proposal #XYZ1...

    The service then has three options: A) refuse the user-agent's counter-proposal, B) accept the counter-proposal as-is, or C) offer yet another counter-proposal.
    1. For a service to "walk away", it can simply repeat its original proposal.
    2. For a service to accept the counter-proposal, behaves as in scenario 2) above: send the response, including the agreement that the user-agent sent. The service and user-agent have now exchanged an agreement, and they can now operate under the terms of that agreement.
    3. For a service to offer yet another counter-proposal, we jump back to the second step of this negotiation: the service returns a 416 Agreement Required response, and offers a new proposal.

5 Syntax of P3P Negotiation Primitives

The syntax of P3P negotiation primitives is provided below. See notation for a brief description of RFC2234 ABNF.




"OPT" ":" p3p-opt-header
[p3p-header-prefix "P3P" ":" p3p-header CRLF]
[ message-body ]

/* start-line, message-header, CRLF, and
message-body are as defined in the
HTTP 1.1 specification [HTTP1.1]. */

The user agent communicates to the server using standard methods such as "GET" or "POST". When placing an initial request to the server, the P3P PEP header is included to notify the server that the user agent is P3P-compliant.

The server sets status code 400 for responses other than OK-*, which provides status 200.
p3p-extension ";" "ns-" p3p-header-prefix
<"> http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-P3P10-1998xxxx/ <"> 
1*digit "-"
"{" p3p-message+ "}" qualifier*
"FINAL" | token
"{" p3p-content "}"
OK-PROP-msg | 
OK-TXD-msg | 
PROP-msg | 
RFD-msg | 
RFP-msg | 
RFT-msg | 
SRY-PROP-msg | 
SRY-RFD-msg |
SRY-RFP-msg | 
SRY-RFT-msg | 
SRY-TXD-msg |
STOP-msg | 
"OK-PROP" fingerprint [sigblock]
"OK-TXD" fingerprint
"PROP" 1*(proposal [sigblock] [fingerprint)
"RFD" fingerprint data-request 
"RFP" realm 
"RFT" fingerprint
"SRY-PROP" fingerprint reason-code
"SRY-RFD" agreement reason-code
"SRY-RFP" reason-code
"SRY-RFT" fingerprint reason-code 
"SRY-TXD" fingerprint reason-code
"TXD" fingerprint data-xfer
/* see proposal BNF */
/* RDF format data element name-value pairs */
/* (fingerprint)* and RDF format 
   list of data-elements or sets */
/* hash of proposal or data-xfer */
   The hash protocol is an MD5 digest 
   in US-ASCII characters using MIME 
   base-64 encoding.
/* as per [DSIG] */
/* The "FINAL" qualifier indicates that the 
   set  of proposals represent final offers 
   and no alternative offers will be made if 
   they are all rejected. */

The reason codes are as follows


reason code
/* 3xx Rejection Codes*/

"301 Unrecognized Agreement" |	/*(SRY-RFD, SRY-RFT, SRY-TXD)*/
"302 Agreement Expired" |	/*(SRY-RFD, SRY-RFT, SRY-TXD)*/
"303 Proposal Rejected" |	/*(SRY-PROP)*/
"305 Data unavailable" |	/*(SRY-RFD)*/
"306 Text unavailable" |	/*(SRY-RFT)*/
"307 Agreement Recinded" |	/*(SRY-RFD, SRY-RFT)*/
"308 RFP Rejected" |		/*(SRY-RFP)*/
"309 Data not accepted" |	/*(SRY-RFD, SRY-RFT, SRY-TXD)*/

/* 4xx Error Codes */

"401 Invalid Format" |		/*(ALL)*/
"402 Data transfer unsuccessful" | /*(SRY-TXD)*/
"403 Invalid Signature" |	/*(SRY-PROP)*/


6 Syntax of P3P Schemas

The following schema syntaxes should be used to create well formed (signed) RDF declarations. An example encoding has been created as part of the Harmonization Encoding work. The RDF Schema Working Group will further define the method for specifying RDF schema. The following is in simple BNF, it will have to be modified appropriately so that:

  1. The proper representation are made in accordance with the RDF Schema Model. The BNF will have to be extended such that the proper RDF elements ("<RDF>...</RDF>") can be constructed.
  2. Currently, the HTTP BNF generates valid PEP headers as of ~ October-98. The Syntax editors will have to coordinate with a HTTP activity lead to ensure that the HTTP extension mechanisms are appropriate.
Consensus Note: Much of the work done on the schema beyond the the proposal (which was defined first in the P3P  Grammar Working Draft) was conducted under signficant time pressure. Accordingly, a number of these schema may need to be revisited in the future by the W3C or other entities as appropriate. Issues encountered in the creation of the following schema are documented accordingly:

6.1 Syntax of P3P Proposal

Schema <?namespace href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-P3P10-1998xxxx/P3Pproposal1.0#" as="proposal"?>
Status: Required


"in" proposal_schema
"for" experience-space
entity "will"
"assured_by" assurance
/* Where "'in' proposal_schema" defines the semantics
   over all the schema used in P3P1.0 including the 
   ones in the core schemea "proposal":
   purpose, purpose_qualifier, identifiable, 
   domain_of_use data_set, data_qualifier, 
   data_required, and access


/* RDF/XML-experience-space or a
   URL */


quoted-string :: '"' UTF-7 '"' /*URI:HTML:XML:BASE64 */


quoted-string :: '"' UTF-7 '"'


"for" experience-space
( (1*purpose)(1*purpose-qualifier) 
"will apply to" (*data-set *data-category data-required)
"with" consequence
"see general disclosures at" [disclosure] URL


("0" | "Completion and Support of Current Activity") |
("1" | "Web Site and System Administration") |
("2" | "Customization of the Site to Individuals") |
("3" | "Research and Development") |
("4" | "Contacting Visitors for Marketing of 
        Services or Products") | 
("5" | ("Other Uses" quoted-string))




identifiable domain-of-use [access]


"("0" | "no") | ("1" | "yes")


("0" | "only ourselves and our agents") |
("1" | "organizations following our practices") |
("2" | "organizations following different practices") |
("3" | "unrelated third parties or public fora")


/* Paul and Philip have a list, also, it may make
   sense to just make this the data-request */




("0" | "no") | ("1" | "yes") /* default yes */


'"' UTF-7 '"'


/* as defined in RFC-1738 */
/* the following may be optional */


("0" | "no") | ("1" | "yes")

6.2 Syntax of Disclosures

Schema <?namespace href="hhttp://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-P3P10-1998xxxx/P3Pdisclosure1.0#" as="disclosure"?>
Status: Optional
access-disclosure assurance-disclosure [other-disclosure]
("0" | "Identifiable Data is Not Used") |
("1" | "Identifiable Contact Information") |
("2" | "Other Identifiable Information") |
("3" | "None") 
"("0" | "no") | ("1" | "yes")


[("0" | "change_agreement")] | [("1" | "retention")] 

6.3 Syntax of Categories

Schema <?namespace href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-P3P10-1998xxxx/P3Pcategories1.0#" as="categories"?>
Status: Optional


  • ("0" | "Physical Contact Information") |
    ("1" | "Online Contact Information") |
    ("2" | "Unique Identifiers") |
    ("3" | "Financial Account Identifiers") |
    ("4" | "Computer Information") |
    ("5" | "Navigation and Click-stream Data") |
    ("6" | "Transaction Data") |
    ("7" | "Preference Data") |
    ("8" | "Demographic and SocioEconomic Data") |
    ("8" | "Content")

6.4 Syntax of Data Set

Schema <?namespace href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-P3P10-1998xxxx/P3Pelements1.0#" as="dataset"?>
Status: Required


1*(/*one of the following*/)

Required (standard) Data Elements and Categories

The following are the standard data elements and sets. These data elements and sets may not be modified or deleted by either the service or the user agent
Consensus Note: When the group was confronted with the issue of which base data elements to include in the specification, two issues made the development of the data element set difficult:
  1. Would the inclusion of a data element be seen as a representation from the WG that requests for that element are "endorsed"? For instance, including a SSN as a named data elements raises significant privacy concerns (sites will be able to ask for it) but does provide two two goods things with respect to privacy:
    1. By not making a statement about an element, it is explicit that a site is in fact not doing anything over that element. For things like click_stream, this is a useful representation for a site to make
    2. By creating an element, the user will be able to express their preferences over that element right away. So for instance, a user can say, "never give user.SSN out, ever."
  2. The group agreed that data elements could have a number of useful functions. For instance, the user.P3Ppreferences element could be the mechanism by which a site informs a search site of preferences regarding the type of sites it will want returned. System data elements could also be used to communicate system capabilities such as resolution, CPU, the number of display colors, or the security characteristics of the protocol P3P runs atop of. However, there is a question as to whether P3P data elements are the right place for the transport of such data.
    1. Such parameters might be opaque to P3P implementations -- such as the security of underlying protocols.
    2. Presentation issues should be part of content negotiation in HTTP headers and visible to proxies, or all of this should be left to style sheets.

    The general issue is how much knowledge should P3P have about the parameters of other protocols or applications? Should users be able to express preferences over those parameters, and how is this accomplished? An extensive set of such system elements is provided in a previous draft and are based on http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-agent-attributes .

The group was not able to definitevely resolve either of these questions. With respect to the first question, we can state that the inclusion of an element does not mean sites should not exercise caution when asking for data. Some things, like session_ID and site_ID, are common and important enough that we did name them and place them under user control. However, we shyed away from including race, religious or health elements in the core set. With respect to the second question, we define a system schema, but include few elements.

The issue of which elements are in the P3P base set may require future W3C work, the P3P set is indepedently extensible regardless.

#User Category Type Short display name
User.Name.Prefix Demographic Text Name Prefix
User.Name.First Physical Contact Text  First Name
User.Name.Last Physical Contact Text  Last Name
User.Name.Middle Physical Contact Text  Middle Name
User.Name.Suffix Demographic Text Name Suffix
User.Photo Physical Contact graphic User Photograph
User.Bdate Demographic date Birthdate
User.IDCert Physical Contact Text Identity Certificate
#User.Demo Category Type User Demographics
User.Demo.Country Demographic Country Country x.520
User.Demo.Postal Demographic Text Postal Code x.520
User.Demo.Age Demographic Number Age
User.Demo.Gender  Demographic Gender Gender
#User.Home Category Type Home
User.Home.Formatted_Name Physical Contact Text Formatted Name
User.Home.Address.Street1 Physical Contact Text Street Address Line 1
User.Home.Address.Street2 Physical Contact Text Street Address Line 2
User.Home.Address.City Physical Contact Text City
User.Home.Address.PostCode Physical Contact Text PostCode
User.Home.Address.State_Prov Physical Contact Text State or Province
User.Home.Address.Country Physical Contact Country Country
User.Home.Phone Physical Contact Number Phone
User.Home.Fax Physical Contact Number Fax
User.Home.Cellular Physical Contact Number Cellular
User.Home.Email Online Contact Text Email
User.Home.URL Online Contact URL HomePage
User.Home.TZ   Text Time Zone
#User.Shipping Category Type Shippin Information
User.Shipping.Formatted_Name Physical Contact Text Formatted Name
User.Shipping.Address.Street1 Physical Contact Text Street Address Line 1
User.Shipping.Address.Street2 Physical Contact Text Street Address Line 2
User.Shipping.Address.City Physical Contact Text City
User.Shipping.Address.PostCode Physical Contact Text PostCode x.520
User.Shipping.Address.State_Prov Physical Contact Text State or Province
User.Shipping.Address.Country Physical Contact Country Country x.520
User.Shipping.Method1 Physical Contact Text 1st Preffered shipping method
User.Shipping.Method2 Physical Contact Text 2nd preffered shipping method
#User.Business  Category Type Business
User.Business.Company Physical Contact Text Company
User.Business.FormattedName Physical Contact Text Formatted Name
User.Business.SIC_Code   Text Industry SIC Code
User.Business.DUNS_Number   Text D&B Number
User.Ticker.Symbol   Text Stock Symbol
User.Business.Logo   Graphic Business Logo
User.Business.JobTitle Demographic Text Job Title
User.Business.Department Physical Contact Text Department
User.Business.Office Physical Contact Text Office
User.Business.Address.Street1 Physical Contact Text Street Address Line 1
User.Business.Address.Street2 Physical Contact Text Street Address Line 2
User.Business.Address.Street3 Physical Contact Text Street Address Line 3
User.Business.Address.City Physical Contact Text City
User.Business.Address.Postal Physical Contact Text Postal Code
User.Business.Address.State_Prov Physical Contact Text State or Province
User.Business.Address.Country Physical Contact Country Country
User.Business.Phone Physical Contact Phone Phone
User.Business.Fax Physical Contact Phone Fax
User.Business.Pager Physical Contact Phone Pager
User.Business.Email Online Contact Email Email
User.Business.URL Online Contact URL Home Page

#System.Computer Category Type Short display name
System.Computer.Info Computer Information Text Information about your computer, OS, CPU, etc.
<otherwise, see http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-agent-attributes >
#System.Web Category Type Short display name
System.Web.Client_Click_Stream Navigation and Click-stream Data  Binary Click Stream collected on the server.
Navigation and Click-stream Data 
Binary Click Stream collected on the client.
System.Web.Search_Text Transaction Data Text Search keywords
System.Web.HTML_Form Transaction Data Text Form data not including search terms
System.Web.PUID Unique Identifiers Number Pairwise or Site ID
System.Web.TUID Unique Identifiers Number Temporary or Session ID

A. Notation

The formal grammar of P3P is given in this specification using the ABNF defined in http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc2234.txt . The following is a simple description of the ABNF.

name = (element)
where <name> is the name of the rule, <elements> is one or more rule names or terminals combined through the operands provided below. Rule names are case-insensitive
(element1 element2)
elements enclosed in parentheses are treated as a single element, whose contents are strictly ordered,

at least <a> and at most <b> occurrences of the element.
(1*4<element> means one to four elements.)

exactly <a> occurences of the element.
(4<element> means exactly 4 elements.)

<a> or more elements
(4*<element> means 4 or more elements.)

0 to <b> elements.
(*5<element> means 0 to 5 elements.)

0 or more elements.
(*<element> means 0 to infinite elements.)

optional element, equivalent to *1(foo bar).
([element] means 0 or 1 elements.)

matches a literal string matching that given inside the double quotes.

Other notations used in the productions are:

; or /* ... */

B. P3P Data Elements, Categories and Sets

[This section is very relevant to the Implementation Guide.]



The purpose of this section is to describe the nature of the client side data store. This includes the basic building blocks, the general expectations for the client and the standard data categories and elements. This document is not a design specification. It is meant to outline requirements without defining implementation. Therefore, examples should be taken as merely that and should not be used to limit the possible implementations.




Data Element An individual data entity, such as last name or phone number.
Data Category A significant attribute of a data element or set that may be used by a trust engine to determine what type of element is under discussion, such as physical contact information.
Data Set A known grouping of data elements, such as mailing address.
Persona One or more data elements used to create a set representing an image or personality presented to a service.
Profile Data entered by the user or the service that describes service specific information, such as user preference categories.
Identity The single persistent attribute by which the individual may always be known.

Data Components

The following assumptions are made in this document:

  1. The user will store "reusable" information in the user agent data store.
  2. The service will request information that is to be stored on the server .
  3. The service will request data that is to be stored in the user agent data store.

Data Element

A data element represents a single piece of information. This information may be a singleton, such as last name, or a stream of information, such as the user’s click stream. There is a base set of standard data elements (see the Standard Data Requirements).

Services, or user applications, may create additional data elements as allowed by the user.

In order to prevent accidental duplication of element names, as well as to allow for a certain degree of standardization, the following naming conventions should be applied:

Data Types

Associated with the data element is an expected data type. The data types of each attribute are expressed in terms of the X.520 specification and [IETF-VCARD]. For example, the birth date (BDAY) is formatted in the same manner as the corresponding BDAY attribute in [IETF-VCARD].

Note: VCARD is used throughout this document by way of example and not as an endorsement of that standard.

The defined formats are:

The P3P data repository and service providers can extend the data types through the use of RDF.

Data Category

Data categories are used to classify data elements based upon the conceptual schema underlying the privacy policy. They provide context to proposals but can not be the sole referent of a request for data using P3P methods. A site may not say, "I would like all of your demographic data under this agreement." No data category is implicitly more identifiable than another. Often, identity can be derived from seemingly non-identifiable characteristics like zip-code, gender, and birthdate. Consequently, it is the service's use of data that is identifiable or not. Obviously many of the elements in the category Contact Information will be used in an identifiable way.

Data categories do provide several advantages.

First, data categories can be used to identify the type of information the service will be requesting. The user agent can match the preference to the category without further parsing. If preferences are expressed over categories, and there is not a match, the user agent can reject the service, investigate the specific data set or elements, or move to the start of the next policy statement.  However, such an implementations could be abused by services that request sensitive data elements under a relatively non-sensitive data category, this is a major privacy concern. We recommend that implementations parse and make decisions on the basis of requests and preferences over data sets and elements. See note on GUIs.

Second, data categories can identify the type of data element when the element is unknown to the user agent. This may happen when a new data set or element is proposed to the user agent, or when data is collected from a form (HTML_put). This provides a further to the user of the data the service is asking him to provide.

Finally, the user agent can use the category to determine whether the service can write the element into the P3P data repository.

The following are the ten specified P3P data categories (see http://www.w3.org/P3P/Group/Harmonization/Drafts/P3P-harmonization-980120.html for further information)

Data Set

In the simplest terms, a data set is a named set of data elements. The organization of data elements into logical sets provides a short hand means of requesting a groups of data elements, such as mailing address, without the need to request each data element. This should reduce the amount of time required to request and negotiate for data. Further, the use of a set notation can be used by the implementation to quickly locate the actual set of data elements regardless of the data repository implementation.

The assumption here is that the base set of P3P sets should address 90% of the requests for user data.

It should be remembered that the P3P data repository is not meant to retain all of the information requested by a service. There will be some data elements that will not be requested by many or any other service. It is anticipated that this information will be stored with the service.

Further, the number of services requesting the storage of service specific data elements will be less than the number relying upon common elements. Allowing the service to create it’s own grouping, or set, of data containing those data elements should reduce latency by providing the short hand notation of the data set.

The base set of P3P sets, as defined in the section on Standard Data Elements and Sets, can not be changed by the either the user agent or a service. Data sets share in the naming convention of data elements, adding the following:

Treating data sets as objects gives the advantage of the concept of inheritance. "Inheritance", as meant here, allows a service or user agent to create a new data element grouping without necessarily replicating all of the data elements. For example, if a service wants all of the information in the base shipping_address set, plus a single identification code representing the invoice, all that needs to be stored by the user agent is the service’s set name, a reference to the shipping_address set and the new data element:


Data set notation has the advantage of allowing the user agent to track the information requested by any service. However, this is really an implementation detail as to whether the data repository should/would track all information requests and store transactional information, such as the invoice. Due to the fact that this shorthand notation is violated when the user opts to change the shipping address information for the specific occurrence or service, it would be more common to find the service storing the shipping information on their server, rather than be dependent upon the user data repository.

Another advantage of data sets, in the simple case, is the reduction of data replication. If the user wants to reuse the #shipping_address information without change, then associating the set notation with a service’s name space becomes an accurate representation of the data shared without actually needing to maintain and store duplicates (e.g., Nike::#shipping_address)

Since data sets may contain data elements from more than one category, a set may be placed into multiple categories. The way in which this information is stored is implementation specific. However, the transport mechanism may be used to indicate the data categories, as well as the data elements as designed.

Note: it is difficult to expand upon the notion of categories and semantic transport without an understanding of the transport mechanism itself. If RDF is used, then the transport is more graphical in nature, than if XML’s hierarchical notion is chosen. It is assumed that the transport is through HTTP.

C. References

[DSIG] Recommendation: DSig 1.0 Signature Labels Specification: Using PICS 1.1 Labels for Making Signed Assertions. Yang-Hua Chu, Philip DesAutels, Brian LaMacchia, Peter Lipp. World Wide Web Consortium. 03-April-1998.

[HTTP1.1] RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1. Fielding, Gettys, Mogul, Frystyk, Berners-Lee. IETF. January 1997.

[ISO 3166] Codes for The Representation of Names of Countries. International Organization for Standardization, December, 1993.

[RDF] Working Draft: Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification. Ora Lassila, Ralph R. Swick. World Wide Web Consortium. 16-February-1998.

[MD5] RFC 1321: The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm, Rivest. IETF. April 1992.

[PEP] Working Draft: PEP Specification: an Extension Mechanism for HTTP. Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, Dan Connolly, Rohit Khare, Eric Prud'hommeaux. World Wide Web Consortium. 21-November-1997.

[XML] Recommendation: Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Specification. Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen. World Wide Web Consortium. 10-February-1998.

[VCARD]  vCard - The Electronic Business Card Version 2.1. Internet Mail Consortium, September 18, 1996.

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