Up: Table of Contents REC-MathML-19980407

Parsing MathML

MathML documents should be validated using the XML DTD below. Note in particular that the xml attribute xml:space is not used, so whitespace characters in element content (ie. outside the presentation token elements mi, mo, mn, mtext, mspace, mtext, ms , the content token elements ci, cn and annotation) are not significant.

If the MathML is parsed without a DTD (ie. as a well-formed XML fragment), it is the responsibility of the processing application to treat these whitespace characters as not significant.

An SGML parser (such as nsgmls) can be used to validate MathML. In this case an SGML declaration defining the constraints of XML applicable to an SGML parser must be used. See http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-sgml-xml .

The MathML DTD

<?xml  version = "1.0"  ?>
<!DOCTYPE math

<!-- Content model for content and presentation        -->
<!--  and browser interface tags in MathML              -->
<!-- initial draft 9.May.1997          syntax = XML     -->
<!-- author = s.buswell [email protected]            -->
<!--                                                    -->
<!-- revised 14.May.1997 by Robert Miner                -->
<!-- revised 29.June.1997 and 2.July.1997 by s.buswell  -->
<!--                                                    -->
<!-- revised 15.December.1997  by s.buswell             -->
<!-- revised 8.February.1998   by s.buswell             -->
<!-- revised 4.april.1998      by s.buswell             -->
<!--                                                    -->
<!-- W3C Recommendation      7 April 1998				-->
<!-- *************************************************  -->

<!-- general attribute definitions for class & style & id & other -->
<!-- : attributes shared by all mathml elements        -->

<!ENTITY % att-globalatts      'class CDATA #IMPLIED
                                 style CDATA #IMPLIED
                                 id    ID    #IMPLIED
                                 other CDATA #IMPLIED'  >

<!-- *************************************************  -->
<!-- Presentation element set                           -->

<!-- presentation attribute definitions -->

<!ENTITY % att-fontsize        'fontsize CDATA #IMPLIED'             >
<!ENTITY % att-fontweight      'fontweight (normal | bold) #IMPLIED'  >
<!ENTITY % att-fontstyle       'fontstyle (normal | italic) #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-fontfamily      'fontfamily CDATA   #IMPLIED'         >
<!ENTITY % att-color           'color CDATA   #IMPLIED'              >

<!ENTITY % att-fontinfo      '%att-fontsize;
                             %att-color;'  >

<!ENTITY % att-form        'form (prefix | infix | postfix) #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-fence       'fence (true | false ) #IMPLIED'    >
<!ENTITY % att-separator   'separator (true | false ) #IMPLIED'    >
<!ENTITY % att-lspace      'lspace CDATA  #IMPLIED'       >
<!ENTITY % att-rspace      'rspace CDATA  #IMPLIED'       >
<!ENTITY % att-stretchy    'stretchy (true | false ) #IMPLIED'     >
<!ENTITY % att-symmetric   'symmetric (true | false ) #IMPLIED'    >
<!ENTITY % att-maxsize     'maxsize CDATA #IMPLIED'       >
<!ENTITY % att-minsize     'minsize CDATA #IMPLIED'       >
<!ENTITY % att-largeop           'largeop (true | false ) #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-movablelimits     'movablelimits (true | false )
<!ENTITY % att-accent               'accent (true | false)  #IMPLIED'>

<!ENTITY % att-opinfo '%att-form;
                        %att-accent;'         >

<!ENTITY % att-width             'width CDATA #IMPLIED'   >
<!ENTITY % att-height            'height CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-depth             'depth CDATA #IMPLIED'   >

<!ENTITY % att-sizeinfo          '%att-width;
                                  %att-depth;'          >

<!ENTITY % att-lquote              'lquote CDATA #IMPLIED'   >
<!ENTITY % att-rquote              'rquote CDATA #IMPLIED'   >

<!ENTITY % att-linethickness        'linethickness CDATA #IMPLIED' >

<!ENTITY % att-scriptlevel          'scriptlevel CDATA #IMPLIED'>
<!ENTITY % att-displaystyle         'displaystyle (true | false)
<!ENTITY % att-scriptsizemultiplier 'scriptsizemultiplier CDATA
<!ENTITY % att-scriptminsize        'scriptminsize CDATA #IMPLIED'>
<!ENTITY % att-background           'background CDATA #IMPLIED' >

<!ENTITY % att-open                 'open CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-close                'close CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-separators           'separators CDATA #IMPLIED' >

<!ENTITY % att-subscriptshift       'subscriptshift CDATA #IMPLIED'>
<!ENTITY % att-superscriptshift     'superscriptshift CDATA #IMPLIED'    >

<!ENTITY % att-accentunder          'accentunder (true | false)

<!ENTITY % att-align                'align CDATA #IMPLIED'           >
<!ENTITY % att-rowalign             'rowalign CDATA #IMPLIED'    >
<!ENTITY % att-columnalign          'columnalign CDATA #IMPLIED'   >
<!ENTITY % att-groupalign           'groupalign CDATA #IMPLIED'    >
<!ENTITY % att-alignmentscope       'alignmentscope CDATA #IMPLIED'  >

<!ENTITY % att-rowspacing           'rowspacing CDATA #IMPLIED'      >
<!ENTITY % att-columnspacing        'columnspacing CDATA #IMPLIED'   >
<!ENTITY % att-rowlines             'rowlines CDATA #IMPLIED'           >
<!ENTITY % att-columnlines          'columnlines CDATA #IMPLIED'         >
<!ENTITY % att-frame                'frame (none | solid | dashed)
<!ENTITY % att-framespacing         'framespacing CDATA #IMPLIED'       >
<!ENTITY % att-equalrows            'equalrows CDATA #IMPLIED'         >
<!ENTITY % att-equalcolumns         'equalcolumns CDATA #IMPLIED'     >

<!ENTITY % att-tableinfo           '%att-align;
                                   %att-displaystyle;'        >

<!ENTITY % att-rowspan              'rowspan CDATA #IMPLIED'         >
<!ENTITY % att-columnspan           'columnspan CDATA #IMPLIED'      >

<!ENTITY % att-edge                  'edge (left | right)  #IMPLIED ' >

<!ENTITY % att-actiontype            'actiontype CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-selection             'selection CDATA #IMPLIED ' >

<!-- presentation token schemata with content-->

<!ENTITY % ptoken "mi | mn | mo | mtext | ms" >

<!ATTLIST mi        %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;    >

<!ATTLIST mn        %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;    >

<!ATTLIST mo        %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST mtext     %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST ms        %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!-- empty presentation token schemata -->

<!ENTITY % petoken  "mspace" >
<!ELEMENT mspace     EMPTY  >

<!ATTLIST mspace    %att-sizeinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;       >

<!-- presentation general layout schemata -->

<!ENTITY % pgenschema "mrow|mfrac|msqrt|mroot|
                    mstyle|merror|mpadded| mphantom|mfenced" >

<!ATTLIST mrow      %att-globalatts;   >

<!ATTLIST mfrac     %att-linethickness;
                    %att-globalatts; >

<!ATTLIST msqrt     %att-globalatts;   >

<!ATTLIST mroot     %att-globalatts;   >

<!ATTLIST mstyle    %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!ATTLIST merror    %att-globalatts;   >

<!ATTLIST mpadded   %att-sizeinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST mphantom  %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST mfenced   %att-open;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- presentation  layout schemata : scripts and limits -->

<!ENTITY % pscrschema  "msub|msup|msubsup|
                    munder|mover|munderover|mmultiscripts" >

<!ATTLIST msub      %att-subscriptshift;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST msup      %att-superscriptshift;
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!ATTLIST msubsup   %att-subscriptshift;
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!ATTLIST munder    %att-accentunder;
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!ATTLIST mover     %att-accent;
                    %att-globalatts;           >

<!ATTLIST munderover %att-accent;
                     %att-globalatts;      >

<!ATTLIST mmultiscripts
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!-- presentation layout schemata: script empty elements -->

<!ENTITY % pscreschema "mprescripts|none" >

<!ELEMENT mprescripts    EMPTY          >
<!ATTLIST mprescripts   %att-globalatts;      >

<!ELEMENT none          EMPTY          >
<!ATTLIST none          %att-globalatts;      >

<!-- presentation layout schemata: tables -->

<!ENTITY % ptabschema "mtable|mtr|mtd" >

<!ATTLIST mtable    %att-tableinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;      >

<!ATTLIST mtr       %att-rowalign;
                    %att-globalatts; >

<!ATTLIST mtd       %att-rowalign;
                    %att-globalatts;   >

<!ENTITY % plschema  "%pgenschema;|%pscrschema;|%ptabschema;" >

<!-- empty presentation layout schemata -->

<!ENTITY % peschema "maligngroup | malignmark" >

<!ELEMENT  malignmark  EMPTY          >

<!ATTLIST malignmark    %att-edge;
                        %att-globalatts;      >

<!ELEMENT maligngroup    EMPTY          >
<!ATTLIST maligngroup   %att-groupalign;
                        %att-globalatts;      >

<!-- presentation action schemata -->

<!ENTITY % pactions "maction" >
<!ATTLIST maction   %att-actiontype;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- Presentation entity for substitution into content tag constructs -->
<!-- excludes elements which are not valid as expressions             -->

<!ENTITY % PresInCont    "%ptoken; | %petoken; |
                          %plschema; | %peschema; | %pactions;">

<!-- Presentation entity - all presentation constructs -->

<!ENTITY % Presentation  "%ptoken; | %petoken; | %pscreschema; |
                          %plschema; | %peschema; | %pactions;">

<!-- *************************************************  -->
<!-- Content element set                                -->
<!-- attribute definitions                              -->

<!ENTITY % att-base              'base CDATA "10"'           >
<!ENTITY % att-closure           'closure CDATA "closed"'    >
<!ENTITY % att-definition        'definitionURL CDATA ""'    >
<!ENTITY % att-encoding          'encoding CDATA ""'         >
<!ENTITY % att-nargs             'nargs CDATA "1"'           >
<!ENTITY % att-occurence         'occurence CDATA "function-model"'  >
<!ENTITY % att-order             'order CDATA "numeric"'         >
<!ENTITY % att-scope             'scope CDATA "local"'         >
<!ENTITY % att-type              'type CDATA #IMPLIED'         >

<!-- content leaf token elements -->

<!ENTITY % ctoken "ci | cn" >

<!ATTLIST ci   %att-type;
               %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST cn   %att-type;
               %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements - specials -->

<!ENTITY % cspecial "apply | reln | lambda" >

<!ATTLIST apply   %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST reln    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST lambda  %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements - others -->

<!ENTITY % cother "condition | declare | sep" >

<!ATTLIST condition       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST declare         %att-type;
                          %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT sep       EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST sep       %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements - semantic mapping -->

<!ENTITY % csemantics "semantics | annotation | annotation-xml" >

<!ATTLIST semantics         %att-definition;
                            %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST annotation        %att-encoding;
                            %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST annotation-xml    %att-encoding;
                            %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements - constructors -->

<!ENTITY % cconstructor "interval | list | matrix | matrixrow | set |
vector" >

<!ATTLIST interval     %att-closure;
                       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST set          %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST list         %att-order;
                       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST vector       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST matrix       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST matrixrow    %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements - operators -->

<!ENTITY % cfuncop1ary "inverse | ident " >

<!ELEMENT inverse          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST inverse     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cfuncopnary "fn |  compose" >

<!ATTLIST fn     %att-definition;
                 %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT ident       EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST ident       %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT compose     EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST compose     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % carithop1ary "abs | conjugate | exp | factorial" >

<!ELEMENT exp         EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST exp         %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT abs         EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST abs         %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT conjugate   EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST conjugate   %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT factorial   EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST factorial   %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % carithop1or2ary "minus" >

<!ELEMENT minus       EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST minus       %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % carithop2ary "quotient | divide | power | rem" >

<!ELEMENT quotient       EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST quotient       %att-definition;
                         %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT divide       EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST divide       %att-definition;
                       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT power          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST power       %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT rem          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST rem        %att-definition;
                     %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % carithopnary "plus | times | max | min | gcd" >

<!ELEMENT plus          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST plus        %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT max          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST max         %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT min          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST min         %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT times          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST times     %att-definition;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT gcd          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST gcd     %att-definition;
                  %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % carithoproot "root" >

<!ELEMENT root          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST root     %att-definition;
                   %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clogicopquant "exists | forall" >

<!ELEMENT exists          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST exists     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT forall          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST forall     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clogicopnary "and | or | xor" >

<!ELEMENT and          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST and     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT or          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST or     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT xor          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST xor     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clogicop1ary "not" >

<!ELEMENT not          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST not     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clogicop2ary "implies" >

<!ELEMENT implies          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST implies     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % ccalcop "log | int | diff | partialdiff" >

<!ELEMENT log          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST log     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT int          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST int     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT diff          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST diff     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT partialdiff          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST partialdiff     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % ccalcop1ary "ln" >

<!ELEMENT ln          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST ln     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % csetop2ary "setdiff" >

<!ELEMENT setdiff          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST setdiff     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % csetopnary "union | intersect" >

<!ELEMENT union          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST union     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT intersect          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST intersect     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cseqop "sum | product | limit" >

<!ELEMENT sum          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST sum     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT product          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST product     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT limit          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST limit     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % ctrigop "sin | cos | tan | sec | csc | cot | sinh
                | cosh | tanh | sech | csch | coth
                | arcsin | arccos | arctan" >

<!ELEMENT sin          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST sin     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT cos          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST cos     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT tan          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST tan     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT sec          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST sec     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT csc          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST csc     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT cot          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST cot     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT sinh          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST sinh     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT cosh          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST cosh     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT tanh          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST tanh     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT sech          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST sech     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT csch          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST csch     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT coth          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST coth     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT arcsin          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST arcsin     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT arccos          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST arccos     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT arctan          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST arctan     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cstatopnary "mean | sdev | var | median | mode" >

<!ELEMENT mean          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST mean     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT sdev          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST sdev     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT var          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST var     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT median          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST median     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT mode          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST mode     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cstatopmoment "moment" >

<!ELEMENT moment          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST moment     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clalgop1ary "determinant | transpose" >

<!ELEMENT determinant          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST determinant     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT transpose          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST transpose     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clalgopnary "select" >

<!ELEMENT select          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST select     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements -  relations  -->

<!ENTITY % cgenrel2ary "neq" >

<!ELEMENT neq          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST neq     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cgenrelnary "eq | leq | lt | geq | gt" >

<!ELEMENT eq          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST eq     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT gt          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST gt     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT lt          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST lt     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT geq          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST geq     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT leq          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST leq     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % csetrel2ary "in | notin | notsubset | notprsubset" >

<!ELEMENT in          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST in     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT notin          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST notin     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT notsubset          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST notsubset     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT notprsubset          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST notprsubset     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % csetrelnary "subset | prsubset" >

<!ELEMENT subset          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST subset     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT prsubset          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST prsubset     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cseqrel2ary "tendsto" >

<!ELEMENT tendsto          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST tendsto     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements -  quantifiers  -->

<!ENTITY % cquantifier "lowlimit | uplimit | bvar | degree | logbase" >

<!ATTLIST lowlimit  %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST uplimit  %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST bvar     %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST degree   %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST logbase  %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- operator groups -->

<!ENTITY % cop1ary "%cfuncop1ary; | %carithop1ary; | %clogicop1ary;
                    | %ccalcop1ary; | %ctrigop; | %clalgop1ary; " >

<!ENTITY % cop2ary "%carithop2ary; | %clogicop2ary;| %csetop2ary; " >

<!ENTITY % copnary "%cfuncopnary; | %carithopnary; | %clogicopnary;
                    | %csetopnary; | %cstatopnary;  | %clalgopnary; " >

<!ENTITY % copmisc "%carithoproot; | %carithop1or2ary; | %ccalcop;
                    | %cseqop; | %cstatopmoment; | %clogicopquant;" >

<!-- relation groups -->

<!ENTITY % crel2ary "%cgenrel2ary;  | %csetrel2ary; | %cseqrel2ary;   " >

<!ENTITY % crelnary "%cgenrelnary; | %csetrelnary;" >

<!-- content constructs - all -->

<!ENTITY % Content "%ctoken; | %cspecial;  | %cother;  | %csemantics;
                    |%cconstructor; | %cquantifier;
                    |%cop1ary; |%cop2ary; |%copnary; |%copmisc;
                    |%crel2ary; |%crelnary;" >

<!-- content constructs for substitution in presentation structures -->

<!ENTITY % ContInPres "ci | cn  | apply  | fn | lambda | reln
                    | interval | list | matrix |matrixrow
                    | set | vector" >

<!-- *************************************************  -->

<!-- recursive definition for content of expressions             -->
<!-- include presentation tag constructs at lowest level         -->
<!-- so presentation layout schemata hold presentation or Content -->
<!-- include Content tag constructs at lowest level              -->
<!-- so Content tokens hold PCDATA or Presentation at leaf level -->
<!-- (for permitted substitutable elements in context)           -->

<!ENTITY % ContentExpression   "(%Content; | %PresInCont;)* "     >
<!ENTITY % PresExpression      "(%Presentation; | %ContInPres;)* "     >
<!ENTITY % MathExpression      "(%PresInCont; | %ContInPres;)* "     >

<!--  content token elements (may hold embedded presentation constructs)

<!ELEMENT ci       (#PCDATA | %PresInCont;)*   >
<!ELEMENT cn       (#PCDATA | sep | %PresInCont;)*   >

<!--  content special elements    -->

<!ELEMENT apply      (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT reln       (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT lambda     (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!--  content other elements    -->

<!ELEMENT condition      (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT declare        (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!--  content semantics elements    -->

<!ELEMENT semantics              (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT annotation             (#PCDATA)                >
<!ELEMENT annotation-xml         (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!--  content constructor elements    -->

<!ELEMENT interval       (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT set            (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT list           (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT vector         (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT matrix         (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT matrixrow      (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!--  content operator element (user-defined)    -->

<!ELEMENT fn       (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!--  content quantifier elements    -->

<!ELEMENT lowlimit       (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT uplimit        (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT bvar           (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT degree         (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT logbase        (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!-- *************************************************  -->
<!-- presentation layout schema contain tokens, layout and content
schema  -->

<!ELEMENT mstyle          (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT merror          (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT mphantom        (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT mrow            (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT mfrac           (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT msqrt           (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT mroot           (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT msub            (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT msup            (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT msubsup         (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT mmultiscripts   (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT munder          (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT mover           (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT munderover      (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT mtable          (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT mtr             (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT mtd             (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT maction         (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT mfenced         (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT mpadded         (%PresExpression;)                      >

<!-- presentation tokens contain PCDATA or malignmark constructs -->

<!ELEMENT mi     (#PCDATA | malignmark )*        >
<!ELEMENT mn     (#PCDATA | malignmark )*        >
<!ELEMENT mo     (#PCDATA | malignmark )*        >
<!ELEMENT mtext  (#PCDATA | malignmark )*        >
<!ELEMENT ms     (#PCDATA | malignmark )*        >

<!-- *************************************************  -->
<!-- browser interface definition -->

<!-- attributes for top level math element -->

<!ENTITY  %     att-macros      'macros CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-mode        'mode   CDATA #IMPLIED' >

<!ENTITY  %     att-topinfo    '%att-globalatts;
                                %att-mode;'     >

<!-- attributes for browser interface element element -->

<!ENTITY  %     att-name        'name CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-height      'height CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-width       'width CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-baseline    'baseline CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-overflow    'overflow
(scroll|elide|truncate|scale) "scroll"' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-altimg      'altimg CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-alttext     'alttext CDATA #IMPLIED' >

<!ENTITY  %     att-browif      '%att-type;
                                %att-alttext; '     >

<!-- the top level math  element      -->
<!-- math  contains MathML encoded mathematics -->
<!-- math has the browser info attributes iff it is the
    browser interface element also -->

<!ELEMENT math       (%MathExpression;)    >

<!ATTLIST  math         %att-topinfo;
                        %att-browif;   >

<!-- end of DTD fragment -->
<!-- *************************************************  -->


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