Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification

W3C Working Draft 29 June 2000

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Previous version:
Jon Ferraiolo <[email protected]>
See author list


This specification defines the features and syntax for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), a language for describing two-dimensional vector and mixed vector/raster graphics in XML.

Status of this document

This document is a public review draft version of the SVG specification. This working draft attempts to address most of the review comments that were received during the second Last Call period, which started 3 March 2000, and also incorporates other modifications resulting from continuing collaboration with other working groups and continuing work within the SVG working group. Among the areas of the specification that are known to require further work are the text, font, animation chapters and any sections relating to events. Most of the further work is expected to be primarily editorial in nature with few further changes to the language itself. Depending on feedback to this draft, the goal is to publish a Candidate Recommendation soon once outstanding issues are addressed.

A complete list of all changes since the previous public draft specification is available in Appendix M: Change History.

This is a draft document and might be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. While we do not anticipate substantial changes, we still caution that further changes are possible. It is inappropriate to use this document as reference material or to cite it as other than "work in progress".

We explicitly invite comments on this specification. Please send them to [email protected].

The SVG working group has been using a staged approach. Initially, the working group developed a detailed set of SVG Requirements, which are listed in SVG Requirements. These requirements were posted for public review initially in October 1998. For the most part, the specification has been developed to provide the feature set listed in the requirements document. At some point, an updated version of SVG Requirements might be posted which contains detailed editorial comments about which requirements have been addressed in this draft (along with hyperlinks to the relevant sections of the specification) and notes about which requirements have not been addressed yet and why.

Public discussion of SVG features takes place on [email protected], which is an automatically archived email list. Information on how to subscribe to public W3C email lists can be found at http://www.w3.org/Mail/Request.

The home page for the W3C graphics activity is http://www.w3.org/Graphics/Activity. Further information about SVG may be found at the W3C SVG Overview page.

A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR/.

Available languages

The English version of this specification is the only normative version. However, for translations in other languages see http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/svg-updates/translations.html.

Quick Table of Contents

The following sections have not been written yet, but are expected to be be present in later versions of this specification:

Full Table of Contents

The following sections have not been written yet, but are expected to be be present in later versions of this specification:

John Bowler, Microsoft Corporation <[email protected]>
Milt Capsimalis, Autodesk Inc. <[email protected]>
Richard Cohn, Adobe Systems Incorporated <[email protected]>
David Dodds, Lexica <[email protected]>
Andrew Donoho, IBM <[email protected]>
David Duce, Oxford Brookes University <[email protected]>
Jerry Evans, Sun Microsystems <[email protected]>
Jon Ferraiolo, Adobe Systems Incorporated <[email protected]>
Scott Furman, Netscape Communications Corporation <[email protected]>
Peter Graffagnino, Apple <[email protected]>
Rick Graham, BitFlash Inc. <[email protected]>
Vincent Hardy, Sun Microsystems, <[email protected]>
Lofton Henderson, OASIS, <[email protected]>
Alan Hester, Xerox Corporation <[email protected]>
Bob Hopgood, RAL (CCLRC) <[email protected]>
Christophe Jolif, ILOG <[email protected]>
Kelvin Lawrence, IBM <[email protected]>
Chris Lilley, W3C <[email protected]>
Philip Mansfield, Inso Corporation <[email protected]>
Kevin McCluskey, Netscape Communications Corporation <[email protected]>
Tuan Nguyen, Microsoft Corporation <[email protected]>
Troy Sandal, Visio Corporation <[email protected]>
Peter Santangeli, Macromedia <[email protected]>
Haroon Sheikh, Corel Corporation <[email protected]>
Gavriel State, Corel Corporation <[email protected]>
Robert Stevahn, Hewlett-Packard Company <[email protected]>
Timothy Thompson, Kodak <[email protected]>
Shenxue Zhou, Quark <[email protected]>

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