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2. Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) Modules

Warner ten Kate <[email protected]>,
Ted Wugofski <[email protected]>,
Patrick Schmitz <[email protected]>.

Table of contents

2.1 Introduction

Since the publication of SMIL 1.0 [SMIL10], interest in the integration of SMIL concepts with the HTML, the Hypertext Markup Language [HTML40], and other XML languages, has grown. Likewise, the W3C HTML Working Group is specifying how XHTML, the Extensible Hypertext Markup Language [XHTML10], can be integrated with other languages. The strategy considered for integrating respective functionality with other XML languages is based on the concepts of modularization and profiling [MODMOD], [SMIL-MOD], [XMOD], [XPROF].

Modularization is a solution in which a language's functionality is partitioned into sets of semantically-related elements. Profiling is the combination of these feature sets to solve a particular problem. For the purposes of this specification we define:

An element is a representation of a semantic feature. An element has one representation in any given syntax.
A module is a collection of semantically-related elements.
module family
A module family is a collection of semantically-related modules. Each element is in one and only one module family. Modules in a module family are generally ordered by increasing functionality (each module is generally inclusive of the previous module in the module family).
A profile is a collection of modules particular to an application domain or language. For example, the SMIL profile corresponds to the collection of modules that make up the SMIL language. Likewise, an enhanced television profile would correspond to the collection of modules for media-enhancement of broadcast television. In general, a profile would include only one module from a particular module family.
profile family
A profile family is a collection of profiles which all share a common set of modules. Those modules are defined as mandatory to a profile which wishes to be part of that profile family. Examples are the XHTML family and the SMIL family.

SMIL functionality is partitioned into modules based on the following design requirements:

  1. Ensure that a profile may be defined that is completely backward compatibility with SMIL 1.0.
  2. Ensure that a module's semantics maintain compatibility with SMIL semantics (this includes content and timing).
  3. Specify modules that are isomorphic with other modules based on W3C recommendations.
  4. Specify modules that can complement XHTML modules.
  5. Adopt new W3C recommendations when appropriate and not in conflict with other requirements.
  6. Specify how the modules support the document object model.

The first requirement is that modules are specified such that a collection of modules can be "recombined" in such a way as to be backward compatible with SMIL (it will properly play SMIL conforming content).

The second requirement is that the semantics of SMIL must not change when they are embodied in a module. Fundamentally, this ensures the integrity of the SMIL content and timing models. This is particularly relevant when a different syntax is required to integrate SMIL functionality with other languages.

The third requirement is that modules be isomorphic with other modules from other W3C recommendations. This will assist designers when sharing modules across profiles.

The fourth requirement is that specific attention be paid to providing multimedia functionality to the XHTML language. XHTML is the reformulation of HTML in XML.

The fifth requirement is that the modules should adopt new W3C recommendations when they are appropriate and when they do not conflict with other requirements (such as complementing the XHTML language).

The sixth requirement is to ensure that modules have integrated support for the document object model. This facilitates additional control through scripting and user agents.

These requirements, and the ongoing work by the SYMM Working Group, led to a partitioning of SMIL functionality into nine modules.

2.2 SMIL Modules

SMIL functionality is partitioned into nine (9) modules :

  1. Animation Module
  2. Content Control Module
  3. Layout Module
  4. Linking Module
  5. Media Object Module
  6. Metainformation Module
  7. Structure Module
  8. Timing and Synchronization Module
  9. Transition Effects Module

Each of these modules introduces a set of semantically-related elements, properties, and attributes.

Further, there are the DOM modules [DOM1], [DOM2], [SMIL-DOM]. A profile may include DOM support. The part of DOM being supported, corresponds to the modules being selected in the profile.

2.2.1 Animation Module

The Animation Module provides a framework for incorporating animation onto a timeline (a timing model) and a mechanism for composing the effects of multiple animations (a composition model). The Animation Module defines semantics for the animate, set, animateMotion, and animateColor elements:

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
animate TBD TBD
animateMotion TBD TBD
animateColor TBD TBD

When this module is used, it adds the animate, set, animateMotion, and animateColor elements to the content model of the par, seq, and excl elements of the Timing and Synchronization Module. It also adds these elements to the content model of the body element of the Structure Module.

2.2.2 Content Control Module

The Content Control Module provides a framework for selecting content based on a set of test attributes. The Content Control Module defines semantics for the switch element.

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
switch TBD TBD
- test attributes N/A

When this module is used, it adds the switch, element to the content model of the par, seq, and excl elements of the Timing and Synchronization Module. It also adds this element to the content model of the body element of the Structure Module. It also adds this element to the content model of the a element of the Linking Module. It also adds this element to the content model of the head element of the Structure Module.

Further, when this module is used, the test attributes are added to the attribute lists of all the elements in the Layout Module, the Media Object Module, the Timing and Synchronization Module, and the Transition Effect Module.

Effectuation applies only when the mentioned Modules are part of the profile at hand, of course.

2.2.3 Layout Module

The Layout Module provides a framework for spatial layout of visual components. The Layout Module defines semantics for the layout, root-layout, and region elements.

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
layout TBD TBD
root-layout TBD TBD
region TBD TBD

When this module is used, it adds the layout element to the content model of the head element of the Structure Module. It also adds this element to the content model of the switch element of the Content Control Module.

2.2.4 Linking Module

The Linking Module provides a framework for relating documents to content, documents and document fragments. The Linking Module defines semantics for the a and area elements.

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
area TBD TBD

When this module is used, it adds the area and a elements to the content model of the par, seq, and excl elements of the Timing and Synchronization Module. It also adds these elements to the content model of the body element of the Structure Module.

2.2.5 Media Object Module

The Media Object Module provides a framework for declaring media. The Media Object Module defines semantics for the ref, animation, audio, img, video, text, and textstream elements.

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
img, text TBD TBD
audio, video, animation, textstream TBD TBD

When this module is used, it adds the ref, animation, audio, img, video, text, and textstream elements to the content model of the par, seq, and excl elements of the Timing and Synchronization Module. It also adds these elements to the content model of the body element of the Structure Module. It also adds these elements to the content model of the a element of the Linking Module.

2.2.6 Metainformation Module

The Metainformation Module provides a framework for describing a document, either to inform the human user or to assist in automation. The Metainformation Module defines semantics for the meta element.

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
meta TBD TBD

When this module is used, it adds the meta element to the content model of the head element of the Structure Module.

2.2.7 Structure Module

The Structure Module provides a framework for structuring a SMIL document. The Structure Module defines semantics for the smil, head, and body elements.

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
smil Core, Accessibility, xmlns head?, body?
head Core, Accessibility, profile meta*, ( switch | layout )?
body Core, Accessibility ( Schedule | MediaContent | MediaControl | LinkAnchor )*
- skipContent N/A

This module is a mandatory part in any profile family labeled "SMIL".

When this module is used the id, title, and skipContent attributes are added to all other modules used, including modules from other, non-SMIL, origine.

2.2.8 Timing and Synchronization Module

The Timing and Synchronization Module provides a framework for describing timing structure, timing control properties, and temporal relationships between elements. The Timing and Synchronization Module defines semantics for par, seq, and excl elements. In addition, this module defines semantics for attributes including begin, dur, end, repeatCount, repeatDur, and others.

@@ Make "and others" explicit.

@@ These enumerations need check on completeness and correctness.

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
par, seq, excl TBD TBD
begin, end, dur, repeatCount, repeatDur, TBD TBD

This module is mandatory in any profile incorporating SMIL modules. By that, it is a mandatory module in any profile in the SMIL family. Note that upon building a profile which integrates SMIL timing with other, non-SMIL, modules, that the elements from this Timing and Synchronization module may appear as attributes to the elements from the other XML language, rather than as these elements themselves.

The timing attributes are used by all the elements in the Media Object Module, the Linking Module, the Content Control Module, and the Timing and Synchronization Module. Effectuation applies only when those Modules are part of the profile, of course. As upon integration with non-SMIL modules, the elements from this module may appear as attributes instead of elements, the referenced timing attributes are also used by those non-SMIL elements.

2.2.9 Transition Effects Module

The Transition Effects Module defines a taxonomy of transition effects as well as semantics and syntax for integrating these effects into XML documents

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model

When this module is used, it adds the TBD element to the content model of the layout element of the Layout Module.

2.3 Isomorphism

A requirement for SMIL modularization is that the modules be isomorphic with other modules from other W3C recommendations. Isomorphism will assist designers when sharing modules across profiles. The Table below lists the isomorphism between SMIL and XHTML modules.

Table -- Isomorphism between SMIL modules and their corresponding XHTML modules.
SMIL modules XHTML modules
Module Name Elements Module Name Elements
Animation animate, set, animateMotion, animationColor - -
Content Control switch - -
Layout layout, region, root-layout Stylesheet style
Linking a, area Hypertext a
Client-side Image Map map, area
Media Object ref, audio, video, text, img, animation, textstream Object object, param
Image img
Applet applet, param
Metainformation meta Metainformation meta
Link link
Base base
Structure smil, head, body Structure html, head, body, title, span, div
Timing and Synchronization par, seq, excl - -
Transition Effects transition - -

As can be seen in the table, the Metainformation module appears in both SMIL and HTML. Work is underway to define a single module that can be shared by both SMIL and HTML. In SMIL Boston the Linking Module has been adapted towards isomorphism with the corresponding modules in XHTML.

2.4 Multimedia Profiles

There are a range of possible profiles that may be built using SMIL modules. Four profiles are defined to inform the reader of how profiles may be constructed to solve particular problems:

These example profiles are non-normative.

2.4.1 Lightweight Presentations Profile

The Lightweight Presentations Profile handles simple presentations, supporting timing of text content. The simplest version of this could be used to sequence stock quotes or headlines on constrained devices such as a palmtop device or a smart phone. This example profile might include the following SMIL modules:

This profile may be based on XHTML modules [XMOD] with the addition of Timing and Synchronization Module.

2.4.2 SMIL-Boston Profile

The SMIL-Boston Profile supports the timeline-centric multimedia features found in language of the SMIL family. This profile is specified in the SMIL Boston Profile and includes the following SMIL modules:

2.4.3 SMIL-Basic Profile

The SMIL-Basic Profile supports a leightweight version of the SMIL-Boston profile and is intended for use with resource-constrained devices such as mobile phones. This profile is part of the SMIL family and might include the following SMIL modules:

@@ Keep aligned with the requirements document.

2.4.4 HTML+SMIL Profile

The HTML+SMIL Profile integrates SMIL timing into HTML. This profile is specified in the HTML+SMIL Profile and includes the following SMIL modules:

This profile uses XHTML modules for structure and layout and SMIL modules for multimedia and timing. Since the Linking modules from the XHTML modules [XMOD] and the SMIL modules are isomorphic, basically the Linking Module may come from either module set. However, the SMIL Linking Module adds some additional attributes and semantics.

@@ Aren't these attributes and semantics already added through the Timing & Synchronization Module?

2.4.5 Web Enhanced Media Profile

The Web Enhanced Media Profile supports the integration of multimedia presentations with broadcast or on-demand streaming media. The primary media will often define the main timeline. This profile might include the following SMIL modules:

This profile is a lightweight version of the HTML+SMIL Profile in that it supports a smaller subset of functionality taken from the XHTML and SMIL modules. It differs from the SMIL-Basic Profile through its integration with XHTML.

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