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XML Linking Language (XLink)

W3C Working Draft 19-January-2000

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version(s):
Steve DeRose (Brown University) < [email protected]>
Eve Maler (Sun Microsystems) <[email protected]>
David Orchard (IBM Corp.) <[email protected]>
Ben Trafford (Invited Expert) <[email protected]>


This specification defines the XML Linking Language (XLink), which allows elements to be inserted into XML documents in order to create and describe links between resources. It uses XML syntax to create structures that can describe the simple unidirectional hyperlinks of today's HTML as well as more sophisticated links.

Status of this Document

The XML Linking Working Group invites comment on this 2000 January 19 XLink working draft, which it believes to be near completion.

The W3C Membership and other interested parties are invited to review the specification and report first implementation experience. Please send comments to [email protected] (archive).

For background on this work, please see the XML Activity Statement. While we welcome implementation experience reports, the XML Linking Working Group will not allow early implementation to constrain its ability to make changes to this specification prior to final release.

For information about the XPointer language which is expected to be used with XLink, see [XPTR].

See [XLDP] for additional background on the design principles informing XLink.

See [XLREQ] for the normative XLink requirements that this document attempts to satisfy.

A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
    1.1 Origin and Goals
    1.2 Document Conventions
    1.3 Terminology
2. XLink Markup Design
    2.1 Attribute Value Defaulting
    2.2 Integrating XLink Usage with Other Markup
3. XLink Elements and Attributes
    3.1 Extended Links
        3.1.1 Local Resources for an Extended Link
        3.1.2 Remote Resources for an Extended Link
        3.1.3 Titles for an Extended Link and its Locators
        3.1.4 Traversal Rules for an Extended Link
        3.1.5 External Linksets for Resources Participating in Extended Links
    3.2 Simple Links
    3.3 Type Attribute
    3.4 Locator Attribute (href)
    3.5 Semantic Attributes (role and title)
    3.6 Behavior Attributes (show and actuate)
        3.6.1 show Attribute
        3.6.2 actuate Attribute
4. XLink Processing and Conformance
    4.1 Requirements on XML Processors
    4.2 Conformance Requirements for XLink Elements
    4.3 Conformance Requirements for XLink Applications


A. References
B. XLink and RDF
C. Working Group Members and Acknowledgments
D. Open Issues

1. Introduction

This specification defines the XML Linking Language (XLink), which allows elements to be inserted into XML documents in order to create and describe links between resources. For the purposes of this specification, a link is a relationship between two or more resources or portions of resources, made explicit by an XLink linking element. Other kinds of links may exist and even be encoded in XML, but the term as used here refers only to an XLink link.

XLink provides a framework for creating both basic unidirectional links and more complex linking structures. It allows XML documents to:

An important application of XLink is in hypertext systems. Hyperlinks are links that are meaningful to end users, often being presented to them directly for use and actuation. This specification defines hypertext-specific metadata that can be associated with a link. XLink is also applicable to links that are entirely machine-processed.

A simple case of a hyperlink is an HTML A element, which has these characteristics:

This set of characteristics is powerful, but the model that underlies them limits the range of possible hyperlink functionality. The model defined in this specification shares with HTML the use of URI technology, but goes beyond HTML in offering features, previously available only in dedicated hypermedia systems, that make hyperlinking more scalable and flexible. Along with providing linking data structures, XLink provides a minimal link behavior model; higher-level applications layered on XLink may need to specify alternate or more sophisticated rendering and processing treatments.

Integrated treatment of specialized links used in other technical domains, such as foreign keys in relational databases and reference values in programming languages, is out of the scope of this specification.

1.1 Origin and Goals

The XLink Requirements Document [XLREQ] contains a thorough explanation of requirements for the design of XLink. The categories and general nature of the requirements are very briefly summarized here.

General user requirements

An XML link must be able to describe and relate one or more Internet resources and/or data portions within resources, where the link itself might serve as one of the resources involved. It must be possible for an XML link to address into read-only resources, and it must be possible to specify the types of destinations to which a link's ends can point. It must be possible to control directions of traversal.

Mechanical and syntactic requirements

Links must be specified in XML form. It must be possible to apply XML link semantics to existing documents by modifying the documents' DTDs only, requiring no modification to the document instances themselves.

Compatibility requirements

XLink addressing must use URIs. An XML link must provide a straightforward way of representing an HTML A or IMG link; automated translation of HTML links to XML links must be possible.

XLink is expected to be informed by knowledge of established hypermedia systems and standards.

The following standards have been especially influential:

  • HTML: Defines several element types that represent links.
  • HyTime: Defines inline and out-of-line link structures and some semantic features, including traversal control and presentation of objects.
  • Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines (TEI P3): Provides structures for creating links, aggregate objects, and link collections out of them.

Many other linking systems, such as Dexter, FRESS, MicroCosm, and InterMedia, have also informed the design of XLink.

1.2 Document Conventions

XLink has adopted the following conventions for non-normative commentary:

Issue (dummy-issue):

A recorded issue and something on which the working group is seeking comment.

Ed. Note: Notes the editors wish to call to the attention of readers within the WG and IG. To be removed from the HTML version of the released working drafts and final recommendation but remains in the XML version.


General comments the editors wish to call to the attention of the reader.

1.3 Terminology

The key words "must," "must not," "required," "shall," "shall not," "should," "should not," "recommended," "may," and "optional" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [IETF RFC 2119].

The following special terms are used in this specification. Additional terms are defined in the flow of the text.

[Definition: ] application

For the purposes of this specification, an XLink application is any software module that interprets XML documents containing XLink links or documents that participate in a link.

[Definition: ] arc

A specification of link traversal rules, including information about the direction and also possibly the context of traversal.

[Definition: ] ending resource

A resource or sub-resource in the "to" position of a pair of participating resources, as specified or implied by a link's arcs. Depending on the characteristics of the link, it consists of one of the following:

  • A resource-type element
  • The resource addressed in a locator-type element
  • The resource addressed in a simple-type element
[Definition: ] hyperlink

An explicit relationship between two or more resources or portions of resources with an eye to presentation and traversal in user interfaces.

[Definition: ] inline link

A link where some content in the linking element serves, by virtue of its presence inside the linking element, as a participating resource. HTML A, HyTime clink, and TEI XREF are all inline links.

[Definition: ] link

A relationship between resources or portions of resources, encoded as an XLink linking element.

[Definition: ] linking element

An XML element in the XLink namespace that asserts the existence and describes the characteristics of a link.

[Definition: ] local resource

Document content that, by virtue of its presence inside a linking element, becomes a participating resource of that linking element.

[Definition: ] locator

Link data that identifies a remote resource that is participating in the link.

[Definition: ] multidirectional link

A link whose traversal can be initiated from more than one of its participating resources. Note that being able to "go back" after following a one-directional link does not make the link multidirectional.

[Definition: ] out-of-line link

A link whose content does not by design serve as one of the link's participating resources. Such links presuppose a notion of external linksets, which instruct application software where to look for links. Out-of-line links are required for supporting multidirectional traversal and for allowing traversal to be initiated from a resource to which the link creator does not have write access.

[Definition: ] participating resource

A resource that takes part in a link. All resources are potential contributors to a link; participating resources are the actual contributors to a particular link.

[Definition: ] remote resource

Any participating resource of a link that is pointed to explicitly with a locator.

[Definition: ] resource

An addressable unit of information or service. Examples include files, images, documents, programs, and query results. XLink allows for the association of resources and portions of resources by means of links. Note that this term and its definition are taken from the basic specifications governing the World Wide Web, such as IETF RFCs [IETF RFC 2396], [IETF RFC 1738] and [IETF RFC 1808].

[Definition: ] starting resource

A resource or sub-resource in the "from" position of a pair of participating resources, as specified or implied by a link's arcs. Depending on the characteristics of the link, it consists of one of the following:

  • A resource-type element
  • The resource addressed in a locator-type element
  • A simple-type element
[Definition: ] sub-resource

A portion of a resource, pointed to as the precise destination of a link. For example, if the whole resource is an XML document, the sub-resource might be a particular element inside the document. Traversal might result in highlighting that element, scrolling to that point in the document, embedding that element in the display of the starting resource, etc.

[Definition: ] traversal

The action of using a link; that is, of accessing a resource. Traversal may be initiated by a user action (for example, clicking on a local resource of an inline linking element) or occur under program control.

[Definition: ] URI-reference

An optional URI ([IETF RFC 2396], [IETF RFC 1738] and [IETF RFC 1808]) as interpreted through XML Base [XBASE], with an optional fragment identifier separated from the URI by a crosshatch ("#") character. Either the URI or the fragment identifier or both must be present for the URI-reference to be valid. URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier.

2. XLink Markup Design

The existence of a link is asserted by an XLink linking element. Linking elements must be recognized reliably by application software in order to provide appropriate display or other behavior. XLink uses the mechanism described in the Namespaces Recommendation [XNAME] to accomplish link recognition.

The XLink namespace defined by this specification has the following URI:

As dictated by the Namespaces Recommendation, the use of XLink elements and attributes requires declaration of the XLink namespace. For example, the following declaration would make the prefix xlink available within the myElement element to represent the XLink namespace:

For convenience in this specification, the xlink prefix is used in code examples to stand for the declaration of the XLink namespace on some element in whose scope the so-marked attribute appears, whether or not an XLink namespace declaration is present in the example.


This version of the specification has removed the element method of link recognition (where there are elements specified in the XLink namespace, not just attributes) because it was deemed just a convenience feature that lengthened the spec but offered no substantial benefit.

XLink's namespace provides global attributes that can be used on elements that are in any arbitrary namespace. The global attributes are type, href, role, title, show, actuate, from, and to. Document creators use global attributes to make the elements in their own namespace, or even in a namespace they don't control, recognizable as XLink elements. The XLink attribute type indicates the XLink element type (simple, extended, locator, arc, resource, or title) that dictates the constraints such an element must follow.

Following is an example of a crossReference element from a non-XLink namespace that has XLink global attributes:

  xlink:role="studentlist" xlink:title="Student List"
  xlink:show="new" xlink:actuate="onRequest">
Current List of Students

Using global attributes always requires the use of namespace prefixes on the individual attributes and the use of the type attribute on the element.

While the XLink attributes are considered global by virtue of their use of the namespace mechanism, their allowed combinations on any one XLink element type depend greatly on the value of the special type attribute (see Type Attribute for more information) for the element on which they appear. The conformance constraint notes in this specification detail their allowed usage patterns. Following is a brief summary of the element types (columns) on which the global attributes (rows) are allowed:

simple extended locator arc resource title
type X X X X X X
href X X
role X X X X X
title X X X X X
show X X X
actuate X X X
from X
to X

This specification uses the convention "xxx-type element" to refer to elements that must adhere to a named set of constraints associated with an XLink element type, no matter what name the element actually has. For example, "locator-type element" would refer to all of the following elements:

<locator xlink:type="locator" ... />
<loc xlink:type="locator" ... />
<my:pointer xlink:type="locator" ... />

2.1 Attribute Value Defaulting

Using XLink potentially involves using a large number of attributes for supplying important link information. In cases where the values of the desired XLink attributes are unchanging across individual instances in all the documents of a certain type, attribute value defaults (fixed or not) can be added to a DTD so that the attributes do not have to appear physically on element start-tags. For example, if attribute defaults were provided for the xmlns:xlink, xmlns:my, type, show, and actuate attributes in the example in XLink Markup Design, the example would look as follows:

  xlink:title="Student List">
Current List of Students

2.2 Integrating XLink Usage with Other Markup

This specification defines only attributes and attribute values in the XLink namespace. There is no restriction on using non-XLink attributes alongside XLink attributes. In addition, most XLink attributes are optional and the choice of simple or extended link is up to the markup designer or document creator, so a DTD that uses XLink features need not use or declare the entire set of XLink's attributes. Finally, while this specification identifies the minimum constraints on XLink markup, DTDs that use XLink are free to tighten these constraints. The use of XLink does not absolve a valid document from conforming to the constraints expressed in its governing DTD.

Following is an example of crossReference element with both XLink and non-XLink attributes:

Current List of Students

3. XLink Elements and Attributes

XLink offers two kinds of links.

Extended links

Extended links offer full XLink functionality, such as out-of-line links and links that have more than two participating resources. As a result, their structure can be fairly complex, including at least locator elements for pointing to remote resources and possibly also arc elements for specifying traversal rules and title elements for specifying human-readable labels for links and resources.

XLink defines a way to give an extended link special external linkset semantics. Linksets play a role in the processing of extended links.

Simple links

Simple links offer a short form for a common kind of link, the two-ended inline link (into which category HTML-style A and IMG links fall). Because simple links offer less functionality than extended links, they have no special internal structure.

While simple links are conceptually a subset of extended links, syntactically they are somewhat different. A simple link cannot be converted into an extended link through the changing of a single attribute value; several structural changes would be needed.

The following sections define the XLink elements and attributes. Where an attribute or a group of related attributes can appear on multiple element types, it is described in its own section.

3.1 Extended Links

[Definition: ] An extended link is a link that associates an arbitrary number of resources. All of its participating resources may be remote, in which case the link is out of line, or some of the link's own content can serve optionally as local resources, in which case the link is inline.

The only kind of XLink that can be out of line is an extended link. Typically, extended linking elements are stored separately from the resources they associate (for example, in an entirely different document). Thus, the out-of-line characteristic is useful for situations where the participating resources are read-only, or where it is expensive to modify and update them but inexpensive to modify and update a separate linking element, or where the resources are in formats with no native support for embedded links (such as most multimedia formats).

The following diagram shows an out-of-line extended link that associates five remote resources. This could represent, for example, information about a student's course load: one resource being a description of the student, another being a description of the student's academic advisor, two resources representing courses that the student is attending, and the last resource representing a course that the student is auditing.

Stylized Diagram of Out-of-Line Extended Link

Notice that the lines that associate the resources do not have directionality. Without traversal rules being provided, the five resources are associated in no particular order, with no implication as to whether and how individual resources are accessed.

The following diagram shows an inline extended link that associates five remote resources and one local resource (a special element inside the extended link element's content). This could represent the same sort of course-load example as described above, with the addition of the student's grade point average stored as a local resource.

Stylized Diagram of Inline Extended Link

The XLink element type for extended links is any element with an XLink-namespace attribute called type with a value of "extended".

The extended-type element contains a mixture of the following elements in any order, possibly along with other content and markup:

  • locator-type elements that address the remote resources participating in the link
  • arc-type elements that provide traversal rules among the link's participating resources
  • title-type elements that provide human-readable labels for the link
  • resource-type elements that supply local resources that participate in the link

If an extended-type element directly or indirectly contains nested simple- or extended-type elements, or indirectly contains locator-, arc-, or resource-type elements, such contained elements have no XLink-specified relationship to the parent link.

Constraint: Locators in Extended Link Elements

The content of an extended-type element must contain at least one locator-type element.

The extended-type element can have the semantic attributes (see Semantic Attributes (role and title)). If present, they supply semantic information about the link as a whole. If other XLink attributes are present on the element, they have no XLink-specified relationship to the link. If both a title attribute and one or more title-type elements are present, they have no XLink-specified relationship; a higher-level application built on XLink will likely want to specify appropriate treatment in this case.

If the extended-type element directly contains one or more resource-type elements, the link is inline.

A sample set of declarations for an extended-type element might look as follows:

<!-- courseload = extended-type
     tooltip = title-type
     go = arc-type
     student, course, audit, advisor = locator-type
     gpa = resource-type
<!-- Content model ensures at least one locator -->
<!ELEMENT courseload
  (tooltip*, go*, (student|course|audit|advisor),
  (go|student|course|audit|advisor)*, gpa)>
<!ATTLIST courseload
  xlink:type           (extended)   #FIXED "extended"
  xlink:role           NMTOKEN      #FIXED "courseload"
  xlink:title          CDATA        #IMPLIED

The following example shows how an XML document using these declarations might look:

  xlink:title="Course Load for Pat Jones">

  <go xlink:from="gpa" xlink:to="course" />
  <go xlink:from="student" xlink:to="course" />
  <go xlink:from="student" xlink:to="audit" />
  <go xlink:from="student" xlink:to="advisor" />
  <go xlink:from="student" xlink:to="advisor" />
  <student xlink:href="..." />
  <course xlink:href="..." />
  <course xlink:href="..." />
  <audit xlink:href="..." />
  <advisor xlink:href="..." />

3.1.1 Local Resources for an Extended Link

If an extended link contains one or more local resources, then by definition the link is inline.

The XLink element for local resources is any element with an XLink-namespace attribute called type with a value of "resource".

The resource-type element can have any content; whatever content is present has no XLink-specified relationship to the link.

The resource-type element has the semantic attributes (see Semantic Attributes (role and title)). The semantic attributes describe the meaning of that resource in the context of the link.

A sample set of declarations for a resource-type element might look as follows:

<!-- gpa = resource-type -->
  xlink:type           (resource)   #FIXED "resource"
  xlink:role           NMTOKEN      #FIXED "gpa"
  xlink:title          CDATA        #IMPLIED

The following example shows how an XML document using these declarations might look:


3.1.2 Remote Resources for an Extended Link

An extended link indicates the remote resources that participate in it by means of a series of one or more locator elements.

The XLink element for locators is any element with an XLink-namespace attribute called type with a value of "locator".

The locator-type element can have any content; whatever content is present has no XLink-specified relationship to the link. If a locator-type element directly or indirectly contains nested XLink elements, such contained elements have no XLink-specified relationship to the parent link. If a locator-type element has anything other than an extended-type element for a parent, the locator-type element has no XLink-specified meaning.

The locator-type element has the locator attribute (see Locator Attribute (href)) and the semantic attributes (see Semantic Attributes (role and title)). The locator attribute provides a URI-reference that identifies a remote resource (or sub-resource), and the semantic attributes describe the meaning of that resource in the context of the link.

Constraint: Attributes on Locator Element

A locator attribute value must be provided for a locator-type element.

A sample set of declarations for a locator-type element might look as follows:

<!-- student, course, audit, advisor = locator-type -->
<!ELEMENT student EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST student
  xlink:type     (locator)       #FIXED "locator"
  xlink:href     CDATA           #REQUIRED
  xlink:role     NMTOKEN         #FIXED "student"
  xlink:title    CDATA           #IMPLIED
<!ATTLIST course
  xlink:type     (locator)       #FIXED "locator"
  xlink:href     CDATA           #REQUIRED
  xlink:role     NMTOKEN         #FIXED "course"
  xlink:title    CDATA           #IMPLIED
<!ATTLIST audit
  xlink:type     (locator)       #FIXED "locator"
  xlink:href     CDATA           #REQUIRED
  xlink:role     NMTOKEN         #FIXED "audit"
  xlink:title    CDATA           #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT advisor EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST advisor
  xlink:type     (locator)       #FIXED "locator"
  xlink:href     CDATA           #REQUIRED
  xlink:role     NMTOKEN         #FIXED "advisor"
  xlink:title    CDATA           #IMPLIED

The following example shows how an XML document using these declarations might look:

  xlink:title="Pat Jones" />
  xlink:title="CompSci 101" />
  xlink:title="Dr. Jay Smith" />

3.1.3 Titles for an Extended Link and its Locators

Both extended- and locator-type elements can have the title attribute (more about which see Semantic Attributes (role and title)). However, they can also have a series of one or more title-type elements. Such elements are useful, for example, for cases where human-readable label information needs further element markup, or where multiple titles are necessary for internationalization purposes.

The XLink element for titles is any element with an XLink-namespace attribute called type with a value of "title".

The title-type element can have any content. If a title-type element directly or indirectly contains nested XLink elements, such contained elements have no XLink-specified relationship to the parent link containing the title. If a title-type element has anything other than an extended- or locator-type element for a parent, the title-type element has no XLink-specified meaning.

A sample set of declarations for a title-type element might look as follows:

<!-- advisorname = title-type -->
<!ELEMENT advisorname (name)>
<!ATTLIST advisorname
  xlink:type     (title)         #FIXED "title"
  xml:lang        CDATA          #IMPLIED

The following example shows how an XML document using these declarations might look (when used within a locator-type element):

<advisor xlink:href="profs/jaysmith.xml">
  <advisorname xml:lang="en">

3.1.4 Traversal Rules for an Extended Link

An extended link can indicate normative rules for traversing among its participating resources by means of a series of optional arc elements.

The XLink element for arcs is any element with an XLink-namespace attribute called type with a value of "arc".

The arc-type element can have any content; whatever content is present has no XLink-specified relationship to the link. If an arc-type element directly or indirectly contains nested XLink elements, such contained elements have no XLink-specified relationship to the parent link. If an arc-type element has anything other than an extended-type element for a parent, the arc-type element has no XLink-specified meaning.

The arc-type element has the traversal attributes (from and to), the behavior attributes (see Behavior Attributes (show and actuate) ), and the semantic attributes (see Semantic Attributes (role and title)).

The traversal attributes define the traversal semantics between pairs of resources, where the resources are identified by role value: The from attribute defines resources from which traversal can be initiated, that is, starting resources, while the to attribute defines resources that can be traversed to, that is, ending resources. The behavior attributes specify the desired behavior for XLink applications to use when traversing to the ending resource.

The semantic attributes describe the meaning of the resource being traversed to in the context of that arc. This may differ from the meaning of a resource when taken outside the context of the arc. For example, five resources may each represent a "person," but in the context of a particular arc direction, the target resource may be a "mother," and in the opposite direction, the target resource may be a "daughter."

When a single starting resource leads to several ending resources, traversal-request behavior is unconstrained by this specification, but one possibility for interactive applications could be a pop-up menu that displays the relevant arc or locator titles.

Constraint: from and to Values

If a value is supplied for a from or to attribute, it must correspond to the value of some role attribute on a locator-type element that appears directly inside the same extended-type element as does the arc-type element.

The following diagram shows an out-of-line extended link that associates five remote resources and provides rules for traversal among them:

Stylized Diagram of Out-of-Link Extended Link with Arcs

The diagram shows directional traversal arcs reflecting the following settings, where both As and Cs are allowed to initiatve traversal to all Bs:

<!-- go = arc-type -->
<go xlink:from="A" xlink:to="B" />
<go xlink:from="C" xlink:to="B" />

As another example, assume an extended link that contains five locators, two with role values of "parent" and three with role values of "child" (titles are provided for convenience of reference):

<!-- extendedlink = extended-type
     loc = locator-type
  <loc xlink:href="..." xlink:role="parent" xlink:title="p1" />
  <loc xlink:href="..." xlink:role="parent" xlink:title="p2" />
  <loc xlink:href="..." xlink:role="child"  xlink:title="c1" />
  <loc xlink:href="..." xlink:role="child"  xlink:title="c2" />
  <loc xlink:href="..." xlink:role="child"  xlink:title="c3" />
... <!-- arc-type elements would go here -->

The following specifies traversal from parent resources to child resources, which includes all of p1-c1, p1-c2, p1-c3, p2-c1, p2-c2, and p2-c3:

<!-- go = arc-type -->
<go xlink:from="parent" xlink:to="child" />

If no value is supplied for a from or to attribute, the missing value is interpreted as standing for all the roles supplied on locator-type elements in that extended-type element. For example, the following specifies traversal from parents to children and also from children to children, which includes all of p1-c1, p1-c2, p1-c3, p2-c1, p2-c2, p2-c3, c1-c1, c1-c2, c1-c3, c2-c1, c2-c2, c2-c3, c3-c1, c3-c2, and c3-c3:

<!-- go = arc-type -->
<go xlink:to="child" />

In this case, the traversal rules include arcs from some resources to themselves. Even if traversal rules are not explicitly provided for this situation, an arc from a resource to itself is always implicitly defined.

If no arc-type elements are provided in an extended link, then by extension the missing from and to values are interpreted as standing for all the roles in that link. This would be equivalent to the following traversal specification:

<!-- go = arc-type -->
<go />

In the parent-child example, more than one locator has the same role. In such cases, the set of locators with the same role are to be understood as individual locators, rather than as referring to an aggregate resource; the traversal behavior of such a link might be the same as for a link where all the locators have different roles and the appropriate arcs are specified to produce the identical traversal pairs.

If the arc traversal rules for an extended link leave out any possible traversal pairs, these pairs must not be traversed.

Constraint: No Arc Duplication

In any one extended link, no two arc-type elements may have identical from and to values.

A sample set of declarations for an arc-type element might look as follows:

<!-- go = arc-type -->
  xlink:type    (arc)                #FIXED "arc"
  xlink:from    NMTOKEN              #IMPLIED
  xlink:to      NMTOKEN              #IMPLIED
  xlink:show    (new
                |undefined)          #IMPLIED
  xlink:actuate (onLoad
                |undefined)          #IMPLIED

The following example shows how an XML document using these declarations might look:

  xlink:actuate="onRequest" />

3.1.5 External Linksets for Resources Participating in Extended Links

In order for an XLink application to initiate traversal from a starting resource that is remote (that is, specified by a locator-type element), the application needs to be informed of the link's existence; otherwise the resource would just appear to be ordinary content that needs no link-related treatment. If the extended link is stored in the same XML document as the one containing the starting resource, the application has an easy way to find relevant links. Howeiver, if the extended link is stored separately from the starting resource, the application must be directed to find the link information somehow.

For example, if you have an out-of-line extended link that associates words in text (one remote resource) with their definitions (another remote resource), in order for the document containing the words in text to offer traversal to the definitions (for example, by allowing users to click on them to bring up the definition), the system must somehow be able to locate and use the extended links that contain the association.

[Definition: ] Out-of-line links are commonly collected together into linkbases, XML documents whose primary purpose is to contain XLink extended link elements. Ideally, in order for a remote resource (the document containing the words in text, in our example) to avoid dependencies on the location of any linkbases that point into it, there will be an out-of-band method of informing a system how to locate relevant linkbases for any resource. Such methods are outside the scope of this specification. However, in cases where an out-of-band method is not available, XLink provides an in-band way for a resource to identify the likely locations of linkbases and other XML documents whose extended link locators point into it, so that starting resources within the current document may be found.

[Definition: ] A description of linkbases relevant to a particular resource is called an external linkset. XLink in-band external linksets are encoded as extended-type elements with a role attribute that has a special value of "prefix:external-linkset". The element must be in the scope of a namespace declaration that associates the chosen prefix with the XLink namespace. For example:

<!-- extendedlink = extended-type
     loc = locator-type
  <xlink:loc ... />

Constraint: External Linksets Must Be XML

Any resource identified as an external linkset must be an XML document.

XLink applications should process XLink-specified external linksets as follows (though, in some cases, users may need to suspend such processing). XLink applications may also use any other means to locate and process additional external linksets.

On finding an extended link with a role of prefix:external-linkset, the XLink application should access the link's participating resources and extract any extended links found inside them, for use in constructing traversal paths that involve the resource in which the external linkset was found. In the case that the extracted resource is a sub-resource of a complete XML document, only those extended links completely contained in the extracted portion should be made available.

The application interpreting the extended link may choose, in the case of [Definition: ] chained external linksets (that is, external linksets that refer to linkbases that themselves contain further linksets), to limit the number of steps processed in the chain.

An application should maintain a list of extended links retrieved as a result of external linkset processing, and should not retrieve duplicate resources or links in the case where a cyclic dependency exists between external linksets.

A sample set of declarations for an external linkset might look as follows:

<!-- xls = extended-type
     linkbase = locator-type
<!ELEMENT xls (linkbase+)>
  xlink:type   (extended)    #FIXED "extended"
  xlink:role   NMTOKEN       #FIXED "xlink:extended-linkset"
  xlink:title  CDATA         #IMPLIED

The following example shows how an XML document using these declarations might look; this would have the effect of including the external linksets defined by the extended links contained in the documents linkset1.xml, linkset2.xml, and linkset3.xml, as well as potentially including any other external linksets referenced from these documents:

  <linkbase xlink:href="linkset1.xml" />
  <linkbase xlink:href="linkset2.xml" />
  <linkbase xlink:href="linkset3.xml" />

3.2 Simple Links

[Definition: ] A simple link is a link that associates exactly two resources, one local and one remote. Because it involves a local resource, a simple link is always inline.

The purpose of a simple link is to be a convenient shorthand for the equivalent extended link. Because simple links have only one remote resource and hardwired traversal rules, a single simple link element combines the basic functions of a linking element, a locator element, and an arc element.

The following diagram shows the characteristics of a simple link; it associates one local and one remote resource, and implicitly provides a single traversal arc from the local resource to the remote one. This could represent, for example, the name of a student appearing in text which, when clicked, leads to information about the student.

Stylized Diagram of Simple Link

Conceptually, a simple link could be represented by an extended link defined in approximately the following way (note that this set of declarations is only for illustration, and is not meant as a rigorous definition):

<!-- extendedlink = extended-type
     loc = locator-type
     res = resource=type
     go = arc-type
<!ELEMENT extendedlink (loc, go, res)>
<!ATTLIST extendedlink
  xlink:type     (extended)            #FIXED "extended"


  xlink:type     (locator)             #FIXED "locator"
  xlink:href     CDATA                 #REQUIRED
  xlink:role     (remote)              #FIXED "remote"
  xlink:title    CDATA                 #IMPLIED

  xlink:from    (local)                #FIXED "local"
  xlink:to      (remote)               #FIXED "remote"
  xlink:show    (new
                |undefined)          #IMPLIED
  xlink:actuate (onLoad
                |undefined)          #IMPLIED
  xlink:role    (local)                #FIXED "local"
  <loc xlink:href="..." />
  <go />
  <res>click here</res>

Instead, the XLink simple linking element can be used, where all these elements, their attributes, and their fixed attribute value settings are conceptually combined into a single element. The XLink element for simple links is any element with an XLink-namespace attribute called type with a value of "simple". The simple equivalent of the above extended link would be as follows:

<simplelink xlink:href="...">click here</simplelink>

The simple-type element can have any content; all its content together is the local resource of the link, as if the content were inside a resource-type element. If a simple-type element directly or indirectly contains nested XLink elements, such contained elements have no XLink-specified relationship to the parent link. It is possible for a simple-type element to have no content; in cases where the link is expected to be traversed on request, interactive XLink applications will typically generate some content in order to give the user a way to initiate the traversal.

The simple-type element combines the attributes of the other XLink elements in the following way: It takes the locator attribute (see Locator Attribute (href)) and the semantic attributes (see Semantic Attributes (role and title)) from the locator-type element, and the behavior attributes (see Behavior Attributes (show and actuate) ) from the arc-type element. Thus, the semantic attributes describe the function of the single remote resource in the context of the link, and the behavior attributes specify the desired behavior for XLink applications to use when traversing from the local resource to the remote resource.

Constraint: Attributes on Simple Link Element

A locator attribute value must be provided for a simple-type element.

A sample set of declarations for a simple-type element might look as follows:

<!-- studentlink = simple-type -->
<!ELEMENT studentlink ANY>
<!ATTLIST studentlink
  xlink:type    (simple)             #FIXED "simple"
  xlink:href    CDATA                #REQUIRED
  xlink:role    NMTOKEN              #FIXED "student"
  xlink:title   CDATA                #IMPLIED
  xlink:show    (new
                |undefined)          #FIXED "replace"
  xlink:actuate (onLoad
                |undefined)          #FIXED "onRequest"

The following example shows how an XML document using these declarations might look:

  xlink:title="Info about Pat Jones">Pat</studentlink> is popular around
the student union.

3.3 Type Attribute

The attribute that identifies XLink element types is type.

The value of the type attribute can be inferred by applications, rather than be present directly in an XML document. This allows XLink-using languages to define element types that act as XLink linking elements in some circumstances (for example, only when some non-XLink attribute on the same element has a specific value filled in) and as non-XLink-related elements in others.

Constraint: type Value

The value of the type attribute, if supplied, must be one of "simple", "extended", "locator", "arc", "resource", "title", or "none".

When the value of the type attribute is none, the element is not an XLink element; any XLink-related attributes or content has no XLink-specified relationship to the element.

A sample attribute-list declaration for type on an element intended to be simple-type might look as follows:

<!ATTLIST xlink:simple
  xlink:type   (simple)              #FIXED "simple"

For an element that serves as an XLink element only on some occasions, one declaration might be as follows, where the value is inferred to be simple in some circumstances and none in others:

<!ATTLIST commandname
  xlink:type   (simple|none)        #IMPLIED
  xlink:href   CDATA                #IMPLIED

Whenever it is desired to make commandname a simple link, the application could use the presence of a value on the href attribute to infer that the value of type is simple. In all other circumstances, the value could be inferred to be none.

It would also be possible (if not advisable) to declare an element so broadly that it could serve as any kind of XLink element, depending on its contents and attribute settings. For example:

<!ATTLIST arbitraryElement
  xlink:type   (simple
               |none)               #IMPLIED

3.4 Locator Attribute (href)

The attribute that supplies a locator address or identifier for finding a remote resource is href. It must be used on simple- and locator-type elements.

Constraint: href Value

When the href attribute appears on a simple- or locator-type element, its value must be a URI-reference as defined in [IETF RFC 2396].

The URI-reference must be receive XML Base [XBASE] processing before being traversed to.

For locators into XML resources, the format of the fragment identifier (if any) used within the URI-reference is specified by the XPointer specification [XPTR].

A sample attribute-list declaration for href on an element intended to be simple-type might look as follows:

<!ATTLIST simplelink
  xlink:href    CDATA           #REQUIRED

3.5 Semantic Attributes (role and title)

The attributes that describe the function of resources within the context of a link are role and title. They can be used on simple-, locator, resource-, and arc-type elements.

Constraint: role Value

If a value is supplied for a role attribute, it must be a QName (qualified name) as defined in the Namespaces Recommendation [XNAME]. The namespace associated with a role prefix must be declared on some element in whose scope the role attribute appears.

The role attribute is used to describe the function of a link's remote resource in a machine-readable fashion, and, in the case of extended-type elements, to serve as a resource category label for traversal rules in arc-type elements. The role attribute is not required to have a value; however, if a value is absent, traversal intentions cannot be supplied for its resource using arc-type elements. When no role value is supplied, no particular role value is to be inferred.

The following example shows role values and their corresponding namespace declarations in an extended-type element:

    xlink:href="http://www.w3.org/works.xml" />
    xlink:href="http://www.w3.org/or.xml" />
    xlink:href="http://www.w3.org/else.xml" />
    xlink:href="http://www.w3.org/crash.xml" />

The title attribute is used to describe the function of a link's remote resource in a human-readable fashion. (However, see also Titles for an Extended Link and its Locators.) It is not required, but if it is used, it should contain a string that describes the resource. The use of this information is highly dependent on the type of processing being done. It can be used, for example, to make titles available to applications used by visually impaired users, or to create a table of links.

A sample attribute-list declaration for role and title on an element intended to be simple-type might look as follows:

<!ATTLIST simplelink
  xlink:role    NMTOKEN                #IMPLIED
  xlink:title   CDATA                  #IMPLIED

3.6 Behavior Attributes (show and actuate)

The behavior attributes are show and actuate. They can be used on the simple- and arc-type elements. When they are used on a simple-type element, they signal behavior intentions for traversal to that link's single remote ending resource. When they are used on an arc-type element, they signal behavior intentions for traversal to whatever ending resources (local or remote) are specified or implied by the link's arcs.

The show and actuate attributes are not required. When they are used, conforming XLink applications should give them the treatment specified in this section. There is no hard requirement ("must") for this treatment because what makes sense for an interactive application, such as a browser, is unlikely to make sense for a noninteractive application, such as a robot. However, all applications should take into account the full implications of ignoring the specified behavior before choosing a different course.

A sample attribute-list declaration for show and actuate on a simple-type element might look as follows:

<!-- simplelink = simple-type -->
<!ATTLIST simplelink
  xlink:show    (new
                |undefined)          #IMPLIED
  xlink:actuate (onLoad
                |undefined)          #IMPLIED

3.6.1 show Attribute

The show attribute is used to communicate the desired display of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource. XLink applications must recognize the following values for the show attribute: "new", "replace", "embed", and "undefined" (and their prefixed equivalents; see the constraint note below). Other values are permissible; their behavior may be dictated by higher-level application specifications. If an application encounters a value of the show attribute that it does not recognize, it must treat it the same as the value "undefined".

Constraint: show Value

If a value is supplied for a show attribute, it must be a QName (qualified name) as defined in the Namespaces Recommendation [XNAME]. The namespace associated with a show prefix must be declared on some element in whose scope the show attribute appears. Any prefix used that corresponds to the XLink namespace must not be used with any "local part" of the value that is not XLink-related; for example, assuming that xlink is associated with the XLink namespace, xlink:new is acceptable but xlink:mybehavior is not.

Conforming XLink applications should apply the following treatment for show values:


An application traversing to the ending resource should load it for display in a new window, frame, pane, or other relevant display context. This is similar to the effect achieved by the following HTML fragment:

<A HREF="http://www.an.org" target="_blank">...</A>

An application traversing to the ending resource should load the resource for display in the same window, frame, pane, or other relevant display context in which the starting resource was loaded for display. This is similar to the effect achieved by the following HTML fragment:

<A HREF="http://www.an.org" target="_self">...</A>

An application traversing to the ending resource should load it for display in place of the starting resource. This is similar to the effect achieved by the following HTML fragment:

<IMG SRC="http://www.an.org/smiley.gif" ALT=":-)">

The starting resource is typically not an entire document; this would be the case only when the entire document consists of a simple link. Thus, embedding typically has an effect distinct from replacing.


The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is unconstrained by this specification. The application may use other cues, such as other markup present in the link or environment settings, to determine the appropriate behavior.

3.6.2 actuate Attribute

The actuate attribute is used to communicate the desired timing of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource. XLink applications must recognize the following values for the actuate attribute: "onLoad", "onRequest", and "undefined" (and their prefixed equivalents; see the constraint note below). Other values are permissible; their behavior may be dictated by higher-level application specifications. If an application encounters a value of the actuate attribute that it does not recognize, it must treat it the same as the value "undefined".

Constraint: actuate Value

If a value is supplied for an actuate attribute, it must be a QName (qualified name) as defined in the Namespaces Recommendation [XNAME]. The namespace associated with an actuate prefix must be declared on some element in whose scope the actuate attribute appears. Any prefix used that corresponds to the XLink namespace must not be used with any "local part" of the value that is not XLink-related; for example, assuming that xlink is associated with the XLink namespace, xlink:onLoad is acceptable but xlink:mybehavior is not.

Conforming XLink applications should apply the following treatment for show values:


An application should traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading the starting resource in the display. This is similar to the effect typically achieved by the following HTML fragment, when the user agent is configured to display images:

<IMG SRC="http://www.an.org/smiley.gif" ALT=":-)">

An application should traverse from the starting resource to the ending resource only on a post-loading event triggered for the purpose of traversal. An example of such an event might be when a user clicks on the display of the starting resource, or a software module finishes a countdown that precedes a redirect.


The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is unconstrained by this specification. The application may use other cues, such as other markup present in the link or environment settings, to determine the appropriate behavior.

4. XLink Processing and Conformance

The following sections detail requirements for processing and conformance.

4.1 Requirements on XML Processors

For XLinks to be processed by an XML processor, the processor must support XML 1.0 plus Namespaces.

4.2 Conformance Requirements for XLink Elements

An element conforms to XLink if:

  1. the element has an type attribute whose value is one of "simple", "extended", "locator", "arc", "resource", "title", or "none", and
  2. the element and all of its attributes and content adhere to the conformance constraints imposed by the chosen XLink element type, as prescribed in this specification.

4.3 Conformance Requirements for XLink Applications

A conforming XLink application is one that:

  1. observes the mandatory conditions ("must") set forth in this specification, and
  2. for any optional conditions it chooses to observe, observes them in the way prescribed, and
  3. performs markup conformance testing according to all the conformance constraints appearing in this specification.

Lack of conformance in any area shall generate an error.


A. References

Steven J. DeRose and David G. Durand. 1995. "The TEI Hypertext Guidelines." In Computing and the Humanities29(3). Reprinted in Text Encoding Initiative: Background and Context, ed. Nancy Ide and Jean Ronis, ISBN 0-7923-3704-2.
Vidur Apparao et al. DOM (Document Object Model) Level 1.Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification. 1998. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). RFC 1738: Uniform Resource Locators. 1991. (See http://www.w3.org/Addressing/rfc1738.txt
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). RFC 1808: Relative Uniform Resource Locators. 1995. (See http://www.w3.org/Addressing/rfc1808.txt
S. Bradner, editor. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. March 1997. (See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers. 1995. (See http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/uri/rfc2396.txt
ISO/IEC 10744
ISO (International Organization for Standardization). ISO/IEC 10744-1992 (E). Information technology-Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language (HyTime). [Geneva]: International Organization for Standardization, 1992. Extended FacilitiesAnnex. [Geneva]: International Organization for Standardization, 1996. (See http://www.ornl.gov/sgml/wg8/docs/n1920/
Ora Lassila and Ralph Swick, editors. Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification. World Wide Web Consortium, 1999. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard, editors.Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH), Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), and Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC). Chicago, Oxford: Text Encoding Initiative, 1994.
Jonathan Marsh, editor. XML Base (XBase). World Wide Web Consortium, 1999. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase
John Cowan and David Megginson, editors. XML Information Set. World Wide Web Consortium, 1999. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-infoset
Eve Maler and Steve DeRose, editors. XML Linking Language (XLink) Design Principles. Seekonk: World Wide Web Consortium, 1998. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-xlink-principles
Steven DeRose, editor. XML XLink Requirements Version 1.0. Brown University. Seekonk: World Wide Web Consortium, 1999. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-xlink-req
Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, and Andrew Layman, editors. Namespaces in XML. Textuality, Hewlett-Packard, and Microsoft. World Wide Web Consortium, 1999. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/
Ron Daniel, Steve DeRose, and Eve Maler, editors. XML Pointer Language (XPointer) V1.0. Datafusion, Brown University, and Sun Microsystems. Burlington, Seekonk, et al.: World Wide Web Consortium, 1998. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/xptr

B. XLink and RDF

Following are examples of how to map XLink to Resource Description Framework [RDF], with graphical demonstrations of the semantics involved.

Issue (rdf-examples):

We need to check that these examples are correct!

The first example shows how the following simple link can be transformed into its RDF equivalent.

<!-- sample = simple-type -->
  xlink:role="role" xlink:title="The link title"
  xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad"

This simple link appears as follows in RDF syntax:

  <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
    <rdf:Description about="#xpointer(../..)">
      <xlink:href rdf:resource="target"/>
      <xlink:type rdf:resource="xlink:simple"/>
      <xlink:show rdf:resource="xlink:embed"/>
      <xlink:actuate rdf:resource="xlink:onLoad"/>
      <xlink:role>The link role</xlink:role>
      <xlink:title>The link title</xlink:title>

This graphical model for the above described links appears like this:

Simple XLink to RDF Transformation

Following is how an extended link might be transformed into its RDF equivalent:

<!-- sample2 = simple-type
     loc = locator-type
     go = arc-type
     title = title-type
  <loc xlink:href="Source" xlink:role="role1" />
  <loc xlink:href="Target" xlink:role="role2" />
    xlink:from="role1" xlink:to="role2"
    xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad" />
  <xlink:title="The link title" />

This simple link appears as follows in RDF syntax:

    <rdf:Description about="#xpointer(../..)">
      <xlink:type rdf:resource="xlink:extended"/>
      <xlink:locator rdf:about="Source" rdf:ID="role1"/>
      <xlink:locator rdf:about="Target" rdf:ID="role2"/>
      <xlink:from rdf:resource="#role1">
      <xlink:to rdf:resource="#role2">
      <xlink:show rdf:resource="xlink:embed"/>
      <xlink:actuate rdf:resource="xlink:onLoad"/>
    <xlink:title>The link title</xlink:title>

This graphical model for the above described links appears like this:

Extended XLink to RDF Transformation

C. Working Group Members and Acknowledgments

This specification was produced in the XML Linking Working Group, with the following members active at the completion of this specification:

The editors wish to acknowledge substantial contributions by Tim Bray (of Textuality), who served as co-editor on earlier Working Drafts. We would also like to acknowledge important contributions from Gabe Beged-Dov, who wrote the XArc proposal. Finally, we would like to thank the XML Linking Interest Group and Working Group for their support and input.

D. Open Issues
