Letter S

spfs - Stub-Proxy File System

Website: https://git.sw.ru/projects/VZS/repos/spfs/
License: GPLv3
Vendor: Virtuozzo
Stub-Proxy File System allows to replace opened files from underneath of
running process.
Required to CRIU to be able to migrate NFS mount points.


spfs-0.09.0018-1.vz7.x86_64 [132 KiB] Changelog by VZ Auto Builder (2023-06-09):
- vz7/vz9: update targets.list for u20 (Pavel Tikhomirov
<[email protected]>) (#PSBM-147276)
 - context: fix segfault on error printing (Pavel Tikhomirov
<[email protected]>) (#PSBM-147276)
 - Replace sources file git.sw.ru with git.vzint.dev (Artem Vasiliev
<[email protected]>)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7