Tester: Jon A. Christopher (JAC) <[email protected]>
	SGI-Motif 1.2.4
	SGI-LessTif 0.85.2

test1: FAIL
test2: PASS (except as noted for test1)
test3: GEOMETRY (except as noted for test1, but see test 6)
test4: PASS (except as noted for test1)
test5: PASS (except as noted for test1)
test6: PASS (except as noted for test1)
test7: PASS
test8: ERROR
test9: FAIL (visual defect only)
test10: FAIL 

JAC Jun 23 1998

PushB-activated message box test, with a secondary message box.

As noted in mainw/SUMMARY, arming one of the buttons in a message box
should highlight that button, even if you disarm without activating
(i.e. release outside of button).  This doesn't happen in LessTif.

In in PushBG.c there's a comment:

    /* rws 17 Mar 1998
       When the ArmAndActivate action is called focus does not go to the
       button that was armed.  This means that either ArmAndActivate does
       not call Arm or this should not be here.  Same goes with the
       ActiveChild bit at the end of Arm.
    XmProcessTraversal(w, XmTRAVERSE_CURRENT);

Re-activating the commented out code (uncommenting?) fixes this problem,
but probably breaks ArmAndActivate.  I guess we need to think harder about

Motif:  press Button1, press "ok".  Even tho' the provious dialog says
that the next dialog will be opened to the lower right of the first, it's
actually positioned at 0,0.

Lesstif: press button1, press "ok".  The secondary dialog is opened over
the center (roughly) of button1.
JAC Jun 23 1998

Simple push button-activated question MB.

No differences, other than noted above

JAC Jun 23 1998

Many MB's in a single window.

Layout is really FUBAR in LessTif.  In motif it's only partly FUBAR.

JAC Jun 23 1998

Menu-activated Question dialog.
No differences

JAC Jun 23 1998

Mult-charset, PushB activated question dialog.
No differences

JAC Jun 23 1998

Version of test3 with sane geometry.
No differences.

JAC Jun 23 1998

Test of templatedialog with MenuBar.
No differences (test 1 caveat doesn't apply, b/c there's only one button

JAC Jun 23 1998

I wrote this test, but again, I don't remember what it was supposed to be
testing!  At one time or another, there've been problems with the form in
this test and the menubar.

Currently, the LessTif version of this test aborts with an X protocol
error, but not the motif version.

JAC Jun 23 1998

This test was written to demonstrate some problems with the redraw code
for message boxes.  In particular, if you change the size of a label,
forcing the message box to increase in size, you sometimes get spurious
shadows in the larger dialog.

JAC Jul 1 1998

This test was written to demonstrate an apparent internal difference in
LessTif and motif's handling of callbacks in messageboxes.  Here's a case
where even thought I'm not intentionally messing around with internals the
differences in implementation are important.

Activate the button and then activate one of the responses in the dialog.
This is best demonstrated by pressing the space bar to activate the
buttons (it's supposed to be return, but that's another issue entirely.)
Under OSF/Motif, the dialog goes away after the one of its buttons has
been pushed.  Under LessTif, you need another event (mouse movement or
keypress) to cause the dialog to go away, because we're still traped in
the private event loop in GXDialog.

Note that the LessTif and motif behaviors are identical if we don't set
autoUnmanage to true.

This test also has some spurious shadows in the pixmap that come from the
way it's resized when it's being created, similar to those in test9 above.


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