- Table of Contents
- gimpui — Common user interface functions. This header includes all other GIMP User
Interface Library headers.
- GimpChainButton — Widget to visually connect two entry widgets.
- GimpColorButton — Widget for selecting a color.
- GimpFileSelection — Widget for entering a filename.
- GimpPathEditor — Widget for editing a file search path.
- GimpPixmap — Widget which creates a GtkPixmap from XPM data.
- GimpSizeEntry — Widget for entering pixel values and resolutions.
- GimpUnitMenu — Widget for selecting a GimpUnit.
- gimpdialog — Constructors for GtkDialog's and action_areas as well as other
dialog-related stuff.
- gimpexport — Export an image before it is saved.
- gimphelpui — Functions for setting GtkTooltips and HTML links into the GIMP help
- gimpmenu — Widgets and functions for selecting images, layers, brushes, patterns etc.
- gimpquerybox — Some simple dialogs to enter a single int, double, string or boolean value.
- gimpwidgets — A collection of convenient widget constructors, standard callbacks and
helper functions.