Chunks described here are expected to be less widely supported than those defined in the basic specification. However, application authors are encouraged to use these chunk types whenever appropriate for their applications. Additional chunk types may be proposed for inclusion in this list by contacting the PNG specification maintainers at [email protected].
This document also describes data representations that do not occur in the core PNG format, but are used in one or more special-purpose chunks. New chunks should use these representations whenever applicable, in order to maximize portability and simplify decoders.
A floating-point value in this notation is represented by an ASCII text string in a standardized decimal floating-point format. The string is variable-length and should be terminated by a null (zero) character unless it is the last item in its chunk. The string consists of an optional sign ('+' or '-'), an integer part, a fraction part beginning with a decimal point ('.'), and an exponent part beginning with an 'E' or 'e' and optional sign. The integer, fraction, and exponent parts each contain one or more digits (ASCII '0' to '9'). Either the integer part or the fraction part, but not both, may be omitted. A decimal point is allowed, but not required, if there is no fraction part. The exponent part may be omitted. No spaces or any other character besides those specified may appear.
Note in particular that C-language F and L suffixes are not allowed, the string "." is not allowed as a shorthand for 0 as in some other programming languages, and no commas or underscores are allowed. This format should be easily readable in all programming environments.
Name Multiple Ordering constraints OK? oFFs No Before IDAT sCAL No Before IDAT gIFg Yes None gIFt Yes None gIFx Yes None fRAc Yes None
The chunk's contents are:
Image position, X axis: 4 bytes (signed integer) Image position, Y axis: 4 bytes (signed integer) Unit specifier: 1 byteBoth position values are signed. The following values are legal for the unit specifier:
0: unit is the pixel (true dimensions unspecified) 1: unit is the micrometerConversion note: one inch is equal to exactly 25,400 micrometers. A micrometer (also called a micron) is 1/1,000,000th of a meter.
The X position is measured rightwards from the left edge of the page to the left edge of the image; the Y position is measured downwards from the top edge of the page to the top edge of the image. Note that negative values are permitted, and denote displacement in the opposite directions. Although oFFs can specify an image placement which is partially or wholly outside the page boundaries, the result of such placement is application-dependent.
If present, this chunk must precede the first IDAT chunk.
Unit specifier: 1 byte Pixel width: m bytes (floating value as ASCII string) Null separator: 1 byte Pixel height: n bytes (floating value as ASCII string)Valid values for the unit specifier field are:
1: unit is the meter 2: unit is the radianFollowing the unit specifier are two ASCII strings. The first string defines the physical width represented by one image pixel; the second string defines the physical height represented by one pixel. The two strings are separated by a zero byte (null character). As in the tEXt chunk, there is no trailing zero for the final string. Each of these strings contains a floating-point constant in the format specified above (Floating-Point Values). Both values are required to be greater than zero.
If present, this chunk must precede the first IDAT chunk.
When converting single-image GIFs to PNG, these chunks should be placed in the same relative position within the PNG file as the extension block has within the GIF file. Thus converters can translate GIF extensions as they are encountered. Conversion of multiple-image GIFs is a more complex problem which will be addressed in a future document.
In a GIF file, an extension block is organized as a series of sub-blocks, where each sub-block is preceded by a length byte. PNG does not use sub-blocks, so the GIF data must be de-blocked by removal of the sub-block length bytes. In addition, the converter is expected to convert certain fields from GIF byte order (LSB first) to network byte order (MSB first), and to expand image-size-related fields from two bytes to four. Fields requiring format changes are marked in the descriptions below.
For brevity, the following chunk descriptions simply define the layout of the chunk fields and indicate the reformatting required. The semantics of the field contents remain the same as in GIF. Readers are referred to the GIF89a specification for details. It is available on CompuServe from GRAPHSUPPORT library 16, file GIF89A.DOC, and is also widely available on Internet.
Disposal Method: 1 byte User Input: 1 byte Delay Time: 2 bytes (byte order converted from GIF)Disposal Method indicates the way in which the graphic is to be treated after being displayed. User Input indicates whether user input is required before continuing. Delay Time specifies the number of hundredths (1/100) of a second to delay before continuing with the processing of the datastream. Note that this field is to be byte-order-converted.
The Transparent Color Flag and Transparency Index fields found in the GIF89a Graphic Control Extension are omitted from gIFg. These fields should be converted using the transparency features of basic PNG.
Text Grid Left Position: 4 bytes (byte order and size converted) Text Grid Top Position: 4 bytes (byte order and size converted) Text Grid Width: 4 bytes (byte order and size converted) Text Grid Height: 4 bytes (byte order and size converted) Character Cell Width: 1 byte Character Cell Height: 1 byte Text Foreground Color: 3 bytes (R,G,B samples) Text Background Color: 3 bytes (R,G,B samples) Plain Text Data: n bytesText Grid Left Position, Top Position, Width, and Height specify the text area position and size in pixels. The converter must reformat these fields from 2 bytes LSB-first to 4 bytes MSB-first. Note that GIF defines the position to be relative to the upper left corner of the logical screen. If an oFFs chunk is also present, a decoder should assume that the oFFs chunk defines the offset of the image relative to the GIF logical screen; hence subtracting the oFFs values from the Text Grid Left and Top Positions gives the text area position relative to the main PNG image.
Character Cell Width and Height give the dimensions of each character in pixels.
Text Foreground and Background Color give the colors to be used to render text foreground and background. Note that the GIF-to-PNG converter must replace the palette index values found in the GIF Plain Text Extension block with the corresponding palette entry.
The remainder of the chunk is the text to be displayed. Note that this data is not in GIF sub-block format, but is a continuous datastream.
Application Identifier: 8 bytes Authentication Code: 3 bytes Application Data: n bytesThe Application Identifier is a sequence of eight printable ASCII characters used to identify the application creating the Application Extension. The Authentication Code is three additional bytes which the application may use to further validate the Application Extension. The remainder of the chunk is application-specific data whose content is not defined by the GIF specification.
Note that GIF-to-PNG converters should not attempt to perform byte reordering on the contents of the Application Extension. The data is simply transcribed without any processing except for de-blocking GIF sub-blocks.
Applications that formerly used GIF Application Extensions may define special-purpose PNG chunks to replace their application extensions. If a GIF-to-PNG converter recognizes the Application Identifier and is aware of a corresponding PNG chunk, it may choose to convert the Application Extension into that PNG chunk type rather than using gIFx.
End of PNG Special-Purpose Chunk Listing