Changed packages:

==== Mesa ====
Version update (10.5.5 -> 10.5.6)
Subpackages: Mesa-32bit Mesa-devel Mesa-dri-devel Mesa-libEGL-devel Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libEGL1-32bit Mesa-libGL-devel Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libGL1-32bit Mesa-libGLESv1_CM-devel Mesa-libGLESv1_CM1 Mesa-libGLESv2-2 Mesa-libGLESv2-devel Mesa-libglapi-devel Mesa-libglapi0 Mesa-libglapi0-32bit libOSMesa-devel libOSMesa9 libOSMesa9-32bit libgbm-devel libgbm1 libgbm1-32bit libvdpau_nouveau libvdpau_r300 libvdpau_r600 libvdpau_radeonsi libwayland-egl-devel libwayland-egl1 libxatracker2

- update to 10.5.6
  * fdo#86792 - [NVC0] Portal 2 Crashes in Wi* ne
  * fdo#90350 - [G96] Portal's portal are incorrectly rendered
  * fdo#90363 - [nv50] HW state is not reset correctly when using a new GL context
  * radeonsi: add new bonaire pci id
  * egl/wayland: properly destroy wayland objects
  * glx/dri3: Add additional check for gpu offloading case
  * egl/main: fix EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses
  * targets/osmesa: drop the -module tag from LDFLAGS
  * clover: Refactor event::trigger and ::abort to prevent deadlock and reentrancy issues.
  * clover: Wrap event::_status in a method to prevent unlocked access.<
  * clover: Implement locking of the wait_count, _chain and _status members of event.
  * i965: Fix PBO cache coherency issue after _mesa_meta_pbo_GetTexSubImage().
  * main: Require that the texture exists in framebuffer_texture
  * mesa: Generate GL_INVALID_VALUE in framebuffer_texture when layer <0
  * nv50/ir: only propagate saturate up if some actual folding took place
  * nv50: keep track of PGRAPH state in nv50_screen
  * nvc0: keep track of PGRAPH state in nvc0_screen
  * nvc0: reset the instanced elements state when doing blit using 3d engine
  * nv50/ir: only enable mul saturate on G200+
  * st/mesa: make sure to create a "clean" bool when doing i2b
  * nvc0: switch mechanism for shader eviction to be a while loop
  * swrast: Build fix for darwin
  * main: Fix an error generated by FramebufferTexture</li>
  * main: Complete error conditions for glInvalidate*Framebuffer.
  * main: glGetIntegeri_v fails for GL_VERTEX_BINDING_STRIDE
  * freedreno: enable a306
  * freedreno: fix bug in tile/slot calculation
  * draw: (trivial) fix out-of-bounds vector initialization
  * mesa: fix shininess check for ffvertex_prog v2
  * clover: Add a mutex to guard queue::queued_events
  * clover: Fix a bug with multi-threaded events v2

==== apache2 ====
Subpackages: apache2-devel apache2-doc apache2-example-pages apache2-prefork apache2-utils

- access_compat now built as shared and disabled by default
- amend config to use also old syntax when access_compat is
- added apache2-README-access_compat.txt
- added apache-find-directive script
- see [bnc#896083] and its duplicates

==== boost-devel ====
Subpackages: boost-license1_58_0 libboost_atomic1_58_0 libboost_chrono1_58_0 libboost_container1_58_0 libboost_context1_58_0 libboost_coroutine1_58_0 libboost_date_time1_58_0 libboost_filesystem1_58_0 libboost_graph1_58_0 libboost_graph_parallel1_58_0 libboost_iostreams1_58_0 libboost_locale1_58_0 libboost_log1_58_0 libboost_math1_58_0 libboost_mpi1_58_0 libboost_program_options1_58_0 libboost_python1_58_0 libboost_random1_58_0 libboost_regex1_58_0 libboost_serialization1_58_0 libboost_signals1_58_0 libboost_system1_58_0 libboost_test1_58_0 libboost_thread1_58_0 libboost_timer1_58_0 libboost_wave1_58_0

- boost-unrecognized-option.patch: remove unrecognized option -m32

==== libexiv2-13 ====
Subpackages: libexiv2-devel

- add fix-video-timescale-handling.patch: Fix crash when scanning mp4 videos.

==== libvirt ====
Subpackages: libvirt-client libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-config-network libvirt-daemon-config-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-interface libvirt-daemon-driver-libxl libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc libvirt-daemon-driver-network libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu libvirt-daemon-driver-secret libvirt-daemon-driver-storage libvirt-daemon-driver-uml libvirt-daemon-driver-vbox libvirt-daemon-qemu libvirt-daemon-xen

- qemu: fix regression defaulting to host arch

==== postfix ====
Subpackages: postfix-doc

- Fix library symlink generation (boo#928662)

==== info ====
Subpackages: makeinfo

- Remove wrong uses of %install_info

==== xf86-video-intel ====

- U_sna-Protect-against-ABI-breakage-in-recent-versions-.patch
  * sna: Protect against ABI breakage in recent versions of libdrm

Removed packages:

Added packages: