Q: Will you please add works by (enter artist here)? A: As much as I would love to have every single painting by every single artist in the history of the world (truly), I am only one person with a limited number of resources and a limited amount of money. In general, I will probably not have a scannable source for the particular works you want. You can, however, donate a high quality scannable source and I will certainly add it to my site.
Q: Just how big is this site anyway? A: As of 01-18-2002 it is over 800MB.
Q: I've noticed you are now putting images up on HTML pages, and I cannot save them to JPEG format. HELP!! A: If you are browsing through a fairly new version of Netscape or Internet Explorer, you can "grab" the image by right-clicking it after it has completely loaded. This will bring up a little popup menu. Choose "Save image as" and you can bring the JPEG onto your hard disk.
Q: May I link to your site? A: Yes, you may link to any of my pages (and thank you), but DO NOT link directly to an image.
Q: Can I use scans from your site at mine or post them at newsgroups? A: I have put a TON of time and money in to this site, so I tend to get a little protective. People have "stole" whole sections of this site for use on their own pages without giving me so much as a link. I do not mind if you use some of my scans at your site as long as you follow these rules: 1) Only use UP TO 10 scans. Many people send me flames because they think it is unfair that I do not allow them to link directly to unlimited images from my site. I'm not just being rude- there are reasons why! When you link directly to images it uses bandwidth from the server- and I have already lost a couple of mirrors due to the fact that they could not handle the bandwidth. If you enjoy this site enough to want to link- do you really want to see it disappear?
Q: Can I send you my scans to post at your site? A: Believe it or not, every single scan at this site was done by me. I'm not sure why I like to "torture" myself like this, but while I appreciate the thought, I plan on keeping only MY scans here. You may, however (and it is deeply appreciated!) donate a source for me to use to scan. I would of course give you a credit for the sources you sent.
Q: Can I save your scans to my hard drive and use them for my wallpaper, school report, newsletter, or the like? A: Absolutely! You may print and use these scans free for any reasons as long as it's not commercial. I cannot give permission to use these scans for commercial purposes.
Q: Can I use your backgrounds, dividers, or bullets? A: Sure! I got these backgrounds, dividers, and bullets free off the web, and you may do the same. The exceptions are my logo (unless used to link to my site), and the headers for my sections.
Q: What model of scanner do you use, and which graphics programs? A: My current scanner is a HP Scanjet 7400C. Previously I used a Microtek Scanmaker 5 flatbed. Also, Many of the scans at my site were scanned on a Hewlett-Packard ScanJet 4C flatbed. Many of the older graphics, however, were scanned on my first scanner- a Mustek Paragon something or another. I am slowly trying to weed out the old, dark scans with new ones, but it takes time. This is a very large site and I am only one person.
I use Paint Shop Pro to manipulate the graphics found here. I personally like this program nearly as well as Adobe Photoshop (for what I use it for), and it is merely a fraction of the price! You can download this shareware program from http://www.jasc.com.
Q: What is a "mirror"? A: A mirror is an exact copy of a site placed on a separate server from the original so that a) all of the bandwidth doesen't hit one server, and b) people in different areas of the world can have a copy on a server nearer to them. For this site, the main server is in Denmark (http://sunsite.dk/cgfa/), and the other servers copy from it. This means that the Denmark server will always be the first to show my updates, and the rest should follow within one or two days. To find the mirror closest to you, please check out the mirrors page.
Q: How can I help? A: This is a non-profit site. There are three ways to help keep this site on the web available free for everyone. You can send a donation if you care to (type "sponsorship" in the subject line of your Email) by check or credit card using Paypal, visit my advertisers (click on the advertising banners located at the tops of pages), or if you have a server available with plenty of space and bandwidth you can mirror my site (email to [email protected]). Also, if you purchase your oil reproductions from BestPriceArt.com from a link at this site, I will earn a commission which I will, in turn, put back into site upkeep.
Q: Can I get on a mailing list to find out when this site is updated? A: If you wish to join the mailing list for site updates then make sure your return address is properly set up in your e-mail program and send an empty message to [email protected]. You will receive an automatic reply from the server asking you to confirm. Hit reply-to to send it to the code it has set up and you will be subscribed. This is a 100% spam free mailing list which only handles messages referring to updates to my site (it is not a chatting-type mailing list). I am the moderator of this mailing list, therefore if someone tries to send spam it will never get anywhere without me stopping it first. If you have any problems setting up your mailing list subscription, let me know.
Q: Can I advertise on your site? A: I am filled up with advertisers and will not add any new banner slots on my pages.
![]() First off, the browser I currently use and recommend for viewing this site is the latest version of Internet Explorer. Netscape would be a good choice also. I would definitely not recommend viewing this site through Mosaic or any other browsers. This site is tables intensive, so at least get a browser that will support colors & backgrounds within tables. If it is possible on your system, make sure your screen resolution is set at at least 800x600 high color. 1024x768 is even better- this reduces the amount of JPEG compression you view, sharpens the picture, and makes the scans fit better on your screen. I also recommend going to true color if you're able. If you can change one or the other but not both, at least get your settings off of 256 color- yech! In Windows 95 right click on your desktop, select "properties", then click on the "settings" tab. You will be able to tell from there whether or not your system is capable of these higher settings. Hint: If you are going from 640x480 to a higher resolution, you probably want to also select "large fonts". I honestly can't remember how to do this in Windows 3.1, and never have known how to do it on a Mac. :)