Researching Graffiti
1. Where can I find books about graffiti?
2. Are there any published papers available on the Internet?
3. What other sources of information are there?
4. But I need more information on the London/UK scene?
5. None of the above help me ... what should I do?
Starting Graffiti
6. I'm new to graffiti and I'd like to know how to get started?
7. I've done some outlines on paper but where can I paint without getting hassled by the police?
8. Where do I get paint from?
9. What about caps?
Digital Jungle
10. Who are you?
11. Why do you do the site?
12. What's in it for you?
13. So why do it?
14. Do you get paid or make money from Digital Jungle?
15. How long have you been doing the site?
16. How many people visit the site on a daily basis?
17. How many photos do you have in your collections(s)?
18. So why's none of my graf included in your pages?
19. I'd like to contribute an article. How do I go about it?
20. Is Digital Jungle a fair representation of the London/UK scene?
21. Why do you only publish graffiti from London and the rest of the UK?
22. What plans do you have for the future?
23. Will you be bringing out a magazine?
24. Can I use your photos on my site or in my magazine?
Visiting London/UK
25. Where are some good walls to paint?
26. And trains?
27. Where can I get paint/caps?
28. I just want to get some photos?
29. Can you hook me up?
30. I need a place to stay while I'm over in London. Can you help?
31. Can I ask you some questions about graf or interview you?
32. What other sites are there on the Internet about the UK scene?
Researching Graffiti
1. Where can I find books about graffiti?
See the Bibliography on Art Crimes ( for a
concise list of known titles.
As a starting point I would suggest reading :
Castleman, Craig.
"Getting Up: Subway Graffiti in New York".
New York, New York: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982.
Schmdlapp and Phase 2, eds.
"Style Writing From The Underground, (R)evolutions of Aerosol Linguistic."
Stampa Alternativa in Association with IGTimes, 1996
ISBN : 88-7226-318-2 .
Chalfant, Henry and Cooper, Martha.
"Subway Art."
New York, New York: Henry Holt & Co, publisher.
ISBN 0-8050-0678-8 1984, 1995.
Most books can be purchased over the Internet from Amazon (
2. Are there any published papers available on the Internet?
There are many articles, interviews and other texts to be found also on Art Crimes
( The Dark site also features a number
of interviews with writers from around the world (
including one with myself (
3. What other sources of information are there?
Art Crimes have compiled a very concise document answering many questions
( There is also a USENET group for the
discussion of graffiti (alt.graffiti) and one for binary pictures
4. But I need more information on the London/UK scene?
I still have available an archive of articles that are exclusively about the London
scene and in some cases the UK scene (
Be warned that none of the images associated with the articles are available.
5. None of the above help me ... what should I do?
Choose a different subject to research!!! Simple as that. Information about graffiti
is notoriously tricky to find, as much of it is not documented. Try and find an angle
that you can positively research using facts from existing documentation. It'll make
your life easier in the long-run.
Starting Graffiti
6. I'm new to graffiti and I'd like to know how to get started?
There are no hard and fast rules to starting out. Everyone does it their own way.
A few of your questions may be answered in the Art Crimes Q & A pages
A few things you may like to take into consideration are :
- Practice, practice and practice.
- Learn the history of graf in your area, in the country and how it all started
back in the days in New York.
- Get to know your paint and it's limitations.
- Watch other writers painting to see how they pull it off.
- Practice again.
7. I've done some outlines on paper but where can I paint without getting hassled by the police?
We have compiled a list of wallspace in London. Hopefully we'll
extend this to the rest of the UK in the coming months.
8. Where do I get paint from?
Take a look at our paint guide at (
You can also try visiting local Auto Factors shops many of which sell Hycote. Try to
avoid using Duplicolor or Halfords own brand paint as this may not provide the
result you were expecting. It is worth trying all different brands just to see
what suits you best.
And yes ... paint is expensive to purchase. For better value try car boot sales,
'everythings a pound' shops or try to make an arrangement with your local retailer.
9. What about caps?
This is a grey area. I can only really suggest mail order from Graphotism or
Style Wars in Glasgow (see for more
details) at the moment.
Digital Jungle
10. Who are you?
We are a collective of writers from mostly around the London area.
11. Why do you do the site?
To promote UK graf scene on a global scale as well as providing an up to date
picture of what's currently happening within the London/UK scene for writers
involved within these scenes.
12. What's in it for you?
Nothing. Seriously!
13. So why do it?
We all share one thing in common ... we live and breath graf .. that provides enough of
an incentive.
14. Do you get paid or make money from Digital Jungle?
Not in any way whatsoever.
15. How long have you been doing the site?
It was started back in late 1995, early 1996 and has since grown and grown to become what it
is today.
16. How many people visit the site on a daily basis?
When we were updating the Digital Jungle pages on a daily basis we were getting around 500
people a day visit the site. At it's peak we once had 7500 people visit in one single day.
With the launch of N-igma, interest has once again grown and we are now averaging around 250
visitors a day. I would estimate that since starting doing the site, it's had around a
quarter of a million visitors.
17. How many photos do you have in your collections(s)?
We draw from an archive of around 35 to 40 thousand. This grows by at least 2 to 3 hundred
every month.
18. So why's none of my graf included in your pages?
Probably because we've not got photos of it. Although we spend a lot of time travelling
around all the walls, tracksides and spend many hours sitting in stations waiting for
trains, we only get to see the tip of the iceberg. You can rectify this by sending your
stuff to us at :
Digital Jungle
PO Box 12764
London SE19 1ZJ
We can only publish graf painted in the UK, or graf painted by UK writers in other countries.
19. I'd like to contribute an article. How do I go about it?
We are always on the look out for scene reports, general comment or interesting personal
perspectives on the UK scene. Just email ([email protected]) the text to me and if
you've got something to say that other people may find interesting then I'll gladly
include it in the site.
20. Is Digital Jungle a fair representation of the London/UK scene?
Not really. There is no substitute for actually being out there and checking the graf
in the flesh.. What we show is just a small selection of what we get to see. We do however,
try to provide a cross section of action that is reasonably representative of who's doing
what and where. But again it's purely based on what we see. Any bias is purely unintentional.
21. Why do you only publish graffiti from London and the rest of the UK?
Basically because that's the scene we are involved in. There are hundreds of graffiti sites on the
Internet from many different countries. If you want to see graf from these countries, visit them.
22. What plans do you have for the future?
None at the moment. We will continue with N-igma for the foreseeable future. There are no
plans to revert back to the way we used to update the site.
23. Will you be bringing out a magazine?
There are no plans to do this. We just don't have the time.
24. Can I use your photos on my site or in my magazine?
Only with permission from me ([email protected]). All photos on the site are copyrighted
to the photographer and any breach of copyright will be pursued.
Visiting London/UK
25. Where are some good walls to paint?
See our guide to walls in London (guide.html). If your visiting outside of London, then
we can't really point you in the right direction. Most big towns and cities have wallspace.
26. And trains?
Don't even bother asking.
27. Where can I get paint/caps?
Bring it with you. Paint here is expensive and tricky to get ahold of. We have very few shops
that you can just walk into a pick up a range of Belton/Sparvar/Montana. Take a look at our
paint guide ( for some further details.
28. I just want to get some photos?
See our guide to walls in London for details of the best spots to get photos.
There are no guarantees of success as most productions don't last longer than a few days in London.
There is only a .0000000000000000000000001 chance you will see a running train, so don't expect
to come back with film upon film of steel damage.
29. Can you hook me up?
9 times out of 10 it's not possible. Unless your over here for a longish stay or give us advance
warning of your visit, then there's a fair chance we can't help you. If we can't hook you up, we
can normally point you in the right direction.
30. I need a place to stay while I'm over in London. Can you help?
The cheapest places to stay are in the Youth Hostels ( There are also plenty
of B&B's that are reasonably priced.
31. Can I ask you some questions about graf or interview you?
I get roughly 50 emails a day and very little time to respond to all of them (hence this FAQ). I
always endeavour to answer all emails as quickly as possible, but I'm often running about 2-3
weeks in arrears. I generally don't do interviews although I might be able to put you in contact with
some writers that will.
32. What other sites are there on the Internet about the UK scene?
Not many ... but there are a few :
Tatty Seaside Town Brighton
Cambridge Graffiti
Sheffield Graffiti
Hulme, Manchester
KFS, Essex
Canterbury Bombs
400ml Graffiti
The Hull Warehouses
Minds On Fire
If you know of any others, please let me know and I'll add them to the list.